Hi everyone,

My interview with Kevin Barrett is now at Unz:



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Hi Linh

Reading your experience with Felice mirrors my own with intelligent friends who I’ve known for 40 years. I guess that everyone has their own reality - but those realities of a particularly delusional variety can only exist when completely supported by outside influences like western MSM. Once outside support of the delusional reality starts to drop away, ‘real’ reality will start to bite. It’s epitomised by Hemingway’s response to someone asking how he went broke. ‘Slowly. Then suddenly’.

Just as you returned home recently, I came back to South Africa a year and a half ago to be with elderly parents as flu hysteria was making international travel virtually impossible. Driving through our closest city, 50 km away, it came home to me how much the urban areas have regressed now that Africans have free reign there. A fine colonial post office – whose gutters have weed trees now growing in them. A 30 storey office building in town, now missing several windows in the upper levels due to fires caused by squatters that now occupy it. The city centre looked dystopian.

Those who’ve lived close by have watched all this happen slowly over the past 28 years and have accepted it as the way it is. Having not seen the gradual decline, I felt almost assaulted. Nevertheless the African-isation of the town is understandable - after all, it’s in Africa.

On the other hand Europe isn’t. However as inflation continues to increase, supply chains fail, jobs become ever more scarce and hunger grows, people like Felicia and my European friends will find that the African-isation of their countries will, as Hemingway found and your photos show, happen slowly. Then suddenly.

Then delusional reality will give way to real reality - which will bite with all the savagery of a hungry pitbull.

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Yeah, I know women like the one you interviewed. They are little fascists and in denial about the fact. Covid has really brought out the worst in some people. Especially--and this is a very unpopular sentiment--in the females of the species. At least in the west.

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I can't say I've seen it more in women, but to me they're all sexless. The sexuality, male or female is in-detectable to me. They've got bigger fish to fry. They're too busy being obedient. Trying to please their masters, so they can be given some titbit's of the freedom they willingly surrendered.

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Not to mess with the song in your head but have you ever listened to this version?


At first I noticed how it differs, then really differs, but after listening a few times it brings tears to my eyes and becomes a more profound version. I have probably listened to it 50 times by now.

I have binged a bit on Tom MacDonald for his bravely honest way with words. For some reason commenters post their age when commenting on his songs. Probably because he looks like someone Linh would take a picture of sleeping on the sidewalk. In fact. with 20,000 pics, he might just have been photographed by Linh as he was that way for awhile. Pretty inspiring dude, minus the ink, but hey, it's his face.

I like this one, although it is quite different from the rest of their stuff that is worth checking out.


I am 60 years old.

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Thanks. It's too self conscious for me. Trying too hard. I'd have liked to have liked it, because frankly the number of Jewish artists among my favourites annoys me sometimes. I think the music is too overwhelming too.

The simplicity of the guitar and the unaffected voices of these boys is still my favourite. There's a haunting quality of their versions which none of the many covers I've heard by others can match to my ears. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJUn6mCa_C0

I'm 59. myself and that's hard to get my head around to be honest. I don't usually feel that old. Sometimes, and today is one, I feel older still. Married to a millennial, and while she keeps me young, she also sometimes makes me feel very, very old.

For an instrumental version, I do like this. I can't sing it anymore without crying. Sobbing actually. I just tried and am sobbing like an old fool still. Unlike some songs which bring tears to my eyes, this song breaks me down completely, it breaks my heart, it feels like a funeral dirge for the whole human race. It doesn't help that I feel that yes, it is time we went. We've run our race and it didn't turn out how it should. If Allah chooses to close the book on us, I do understand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndUCNnhH03Q

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Well, if I had to listen to the song over and over, I too would pick the Simon and Garfunkel version to stay mellow. But, if I had to deal with some serious darkness where chit chat wasn't going to cut it, I would slap in Disturbed's version just before getting into the ring with whatever Hell Boy I had to deal with.

It's time for the Old Testament version! boy!

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Umm, wow. That's disturbing. I'm kind of glad that isn't my thing. It's humanity I'm concerned by, not myself. I like Eminem, as far as rap goes. This guy's talented but too heavy for me too. If I have to deal with hell boys, and darkness, I prefer a hand grenade. Then go back to chilling with a cold drink and a bong. I'm forged in a volcano, so hotter and louder makes me calm. Aries, pyrotechnics and explosives chemist, if that makes sense. I get crazy though if I'm surrounded by fakery and two faced phoniness. That's when I can't help but set the place on fire.

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Yes, "COVID COMMIE C____s" I call them. As a general rule, women's place in society is more on basis of their social interactions than men, who are more likely to achieve status by their physical output. (A HUGE generalization, I admit... there are plenty of women who plant the rice and harvest the crops, but bear with me a moment). It's very ironic, because THE JEWS who are running the show (as Linh Dinh say, well along the way to DESTROYING WESTERN CIVILIZATION) - the real jews, the hard-core Talmudic overtly racist, genocidal fanatic pigs - pretend, think they are so tough and macho and MEN UBER women they even have a prayer saying "thank god I wasn't born a woman"... but go read your bible! Isaac was "chosen" OVER ISHMAEL because of SARAH's WHINING, WAILING, & BITCHING!

Likewise (!) JACOB was "chosen" OVER RIGHTFUL HEIR ESAU by REBAKAH's SCHEMING and suborning Jacob to lie! And solomon was "chosen" as David's heir OVER HIS ELDER BROTHER by... his scheming, ADULTEROUS MOTHER bathsheeba! As the insane jews drive humanity over a cliff... they really are nothing but a bunch of degenerate mama's boys!

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A hermit's life appeals to me more by the week.. One meets true spirits all the time, but fleetingly. They sail in, or drift into my small harbor. All sail or drift away over the horizon again in their lonely ships.

People, people everywhere, but not a mind, nor mouth, nor ears among them.

Simon and Garfunkel's Sounds of Silence plays more profoundly than ever. It's become my life's soundtrack. I don't listen to music much anymore. It plays so much better in my head.

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So interesting to me that the same people who are totally on board with the scamdemic/jab project also "stand with Ukraine " like the little flags in my neighborhood say. Speaking of music, John Lennon's Imagine, a song I used to love, sounds like the theme song for the Great Reset!

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They're the TV believers. TV experts, can be made to believe anything. I'm often lectured on how I don't know anything, by TV experts. I'm told I don't know history, I don't know anything about the world. They do know everything, being TV experts. I wonder if some channels are more true than others, or if they all tell the same things. I've not watched TV for 22 years which is probably why I don't know anything.

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I love your writings...agree 99% of the time...the vaccines are killer time bombs...Ron Unz actually believes we sent men to the moon...sorry to hear Unz banned you over the vaxxines...I have read Mike Whitney's articles exposing the vax scam on Unz so I'm confused why he picked on you...anyway keep up the great work my friend

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That was really enjoyable. I first thought the last photo was fat Felice in the French concession in front of VBF bar that looks like the walls in East Germany--until I read IT WAS EAST GERMANY! 😱😄

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Hi Thorsten, to catch up to Europe, the entire world needs to look like Connewitz! It's free speech in action. "KILL COPS," "PROPERTY IS THEFT," "GOOD NIGHT, WHITE PRIDE," etc. Though already well graffitied, the nicest parts of Prague also must catch up with Connewitz! George Soros will distribute cans of spray paint by the billions.--Linh

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Thank you. I can tell you that Germany looks like East Germany in this picture. I come from the industrial part of Westphalia - Dortmund, Essen, Hagen, Duisburg etc. All is dirty and graffiti sprayed, every wall, shop and billboard. Drugs are everywhere. Clans. Gang violence. Police only arrest native Germans over hate crimes, haha. It is worse than fascism, and worse than communism. Words for this degeneracy will have to be invented one day. Berlin looks great though. It is foreign to us. This nation is kaputt. 😔

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“ This nation is kaputt. ”

Using a Jewish word to describe the downfall of Germany - how aptly.

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The word "Kaput" is German. If it's used in Yiddish, it was stolen from the Germans.

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Not satisfied with importing large segments of Africa and the Mideast, they want to push OUT the native population. But they haven't quite made the West miserable enough yet to incentivize this relocation.

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... and replace them with Ukrainians!

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Hi Linh,

Wonderful article. Speaking of Soros, Evil Incarnate, if our Dear Leaders didn't want him to have so much power to direct society - he wouldn't. They have ways of taking care of troublemakers; apparently George isn't one. They'd rather take out Putin (THEIR evil incarnate) and leave old Soros alone to do his dirty work. If Russia was a Black Nation, the Biden regime would be cheering them on against the White Ukrainians instead of giving the criminal Zelensky regime another 40-billion-dollar boondoggle.

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"Nearly all the brighter, better educated Vietnamese I’ve met here believe Ukraine is winning the war, Putin is a delusional lunatic and the US is shining brighter than ever as a beacon of freedom and democracy, for, after all, it’s leading the fight against Hitler reincarnated!"

This seems like a strange attitude considering the substantial support the USSR gave to Vietnam in its war with the USA. Or don't Vietnamese people like being sovereign anymore?

I know, communism... but is it really worse than what came before, or have people simply forgotten?

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They have forgotten because their own history is not taught or it is no longer relevant to them. Vietnamese are one of the most gullible and brainwashed people, not by their own government, but by America's very powerful propaganda and influence.

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The Vietnamese US war is long forgotten by the majority of Vietnamese, after all, it's been 48 years since the Americans left. The only people who dwell on past wars are white people.

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What's up with all the graffiti in Germany? Yeah, I know it's Antifa and for them it's like a religion. All Antifa haunts are covered in graffiti, they love it like a pig loves mud. But it's not just "anti-nazi" stuff by Antifa. There's also football stuff, and maybe some gangs' stuff. But I don't think it's mostly migrants. Anyway, they could clean it up at least.

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“it’s leading the fight against Hitler reincarnated!"

Godwin’s law strikes again. I got the same thing from a tv watching friend just the other day. Fuck hope!

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Heavy offerings for heavy times here...

Enjoyed the music shared in the comments. Got introduced to some new and fascinating stuff...and new versions of classic familiar stuff. All fitting for the current zeitgeist...

Never one to openly cry much--even when broadsided with profoundly moving music and lyrics. However, since we're on the subject of decline and a few of us are sharing related music, here's a song that has haunted me since being introduced to it in 2020, when it came out:


The imagery evokes nostalgia and a tragic sense of loss. We can't go home--and THAT gets the involuntary hot, fat tears going in my case, every time...

Love, Cindy

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Well Linh.....the world just ended.

My beloved Phoenix Suns collapsed in epic fashion, getting crushed by Superstar Luka Doncic and the Dallas Mavs in game 7 on the Suns home court.

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Looks like Vietnam has dropped all Covid related entry restrictions!


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The opening suggests a trolling, a violent revelation of themes to raise up intellectual disgust in someone easily triggered, and the ending gives a model for someone who precisely becomes triggered by disgust enough to require an entire worldview, a fantasy life in faraway home, just to cope with the ick all around her.

The squishy middle is the inside story, the inside story of humiliations, pains, frustrations, sweat and drunk piss, human togetherness in the midst of their own damned filth. The interesting twist: do we read these postcards because we too need our wooden fish? I mean, we idiots.

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I know people like her in the Czech Republic and I don't see them ever integrated. Her superiority complex works against her in dealing with local Vietnamese partner.

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From what I hear, Prague has become just as hollow, soulless, and empty as the US, UK, etc. - I'd have to agree with her about the ugly buildings though . .


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In other news, 2 years later the WHO tells us that "Sweden was right about (not having) lockdowns". https://contrarium.substack.com/p/sweden-was-right-about-lockdowns

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There are plenty of fish . . .

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You giving it 3 months ? Any idea what the tipping point will be ?

Maybe I'll get my tax return before then, it's stuck in bureaucratic hell. Sounds like I'll need it.


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Hi Bill,

Western governments are purposely endangering the food security of their citizens. As with lockdowns and Jewjabs, they're harming or killing their own, so we can expect starvation and rioting in the coming months. Here's Gonzalo Lira's take on what's ahead:


And Ice Age Farmer's:



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Thanks Linh

I've been expecting a worldwide catastrophe for awhile now. Africa, South America & the Global South will face enormous problems. Europe and the USA will not be immune.

Also, North America gets in a war roughly every 80 years.

1700....Queen Anne's War for control of the continent.

1780....Revolutionary War

1860....Civil War



Food prices here are starting to get out of control....not crazy yet, but enough to get my full attention. God knows what our corrupt government is capable of. I can't listen to the news anymore for fear of a rage attack. Stay cool.


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2020 was the year the war came to everyone's home, to lock you inside yours. The air cleared up, things on ships stalled, liquid money switched through many hands into hardened vaults for the genuinely influential; people found themselves twisted away from friends, families, fandoms, from anything formerly fantastic. The virus wears a Crown, because now everyone either bends the knee to It (the entire world health apparatus pharmakarchy, a kingdom ruled by the Lord of Death) or bends the knee in pain from hard work done in your garden. The war in North America is a war across the Globe and local to every neighbor (knocking on your door, like corrupt police in wargear or the angel who took the firstborn).

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