Excellent post, as always! I read every one of yours. Also, sad that freedom of speech is slowly dying in America. You may be one of the last ones, the last critical writers on earth. The European DSA global censorship law will affect Substack in 2024. We have little more than 4 or 5 months before everything the resistance has ever built collapses.

FYR: https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/03/23/the-eus-censorship-regime-is-about-to-go-global/amp/

Even America is no match for the regulatory law super power of the Fourth German Reich if the European Nations. Please come over here, Linh Dinh, and leave a comment too. That would be awesome! Cheers! T

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It's not the Germans behind the globalitarian agenda.

Germany is a puppet state of the CIA.

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America is in Europe because Europe is the center of world history, science, philosophy, and all standards. Most Americans have European ancestors. Europeans need no American ancestors. The BRD regime is a US-puppet regime, correct. But this is about things the US cannot rule or control forever: the European lands, the European people, the European spirit. In that link, it is explained how Europe became the regulatory superpower. America must comply. That is because Europe has the moral authority. The USA is how old? 300 years? 400? Europe has seen 27+ world empires by that time come and go for 6000 years. That is the secret reason why America desperately needs to be in Europe. That's why America clings to the BRD dictatorship in Berlin. Globalism means having offices in Europe. Everything else is colonialism. America was a European colony. Being in Germany is a foundational myth of the Americans. It means, they have returned to World History, which is European. Let us hope, they can hold this thought. 😌🪬👉🏻https://thorstenjpattberg.substack.com/p/oppression-in-germany

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The USA has ruined the European economies. Destroyed German industry, blowing up the gas pipeline, pressuring (ordering) countries to harm themselves in a pointless attempt to weaken Russia. On top of this, they're profiting handsomely in the process. Both selling expensive gas, and weapons. Pushing for DU ammunition in the heart of Europe and risking nuclear power plant catastrophes, as well as nuclear war. Europe just does as they're told.

I'm not sure your assumptions about the relationship hold any merit at all sorry. It was furthermore the USA which set all standards in the COVID hoax. The society and economy wrecking, not to mention fascistic and criminal lockdowns, masking, mandates and censorship of all dissent, flowed out from the USA, directly to Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and all corners of the US/Western Empire, were directed from the USA. Whether by US money or mainly Gates money for a while now, the WHO like other supposedly global entities is nothing but a US tool, and front. That even includes the United Nations. Not Europe. Their contribution to US history is acknowledged but the USA does not consider anyone else but themselves to be the shining example of the best of humankind. Europe is a hasbeen to them, a market for their weapons and other shit. Which must not be allowed to become so successful they could escape the chains.

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Brother Nathaniel did a video on Elie Wiesel years ago. Really took the piss out this weasel.


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I enjoyed that at the time.

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Mark Ashwill, surprised he doesn't spell it Marc. At any rate, he's just another self righteous Jewish bigot who equates criticism as antisemitism... but you already knew all that 🤗 ...

I'm well familiar reading into the Holohoax, going back years, only to know for a fact that narrative is coated with deep lies. TRUTH fears no investigation, for if facts surrounding the 'Holocaust' are actually true facts, why are they locking up people (in many European countries) for questioning it? All bullocks.

Keep up the fine work, sir 🙏

p.s. https://barnesreview.org

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What's with that "Marc" spelling, anyhow? I've always wondered.

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It is serendipitous that you should choose today to write on this subject. It is fresh in my own mind, as just this morning I finished reading David Irving’s biography of Joseph Goebbels, a fascinating and amazingly detailed piece of work. Among other things, one can get a great deal of insight about what is going on today, especially with propaganda, by reading this book.

David Irving is a first-rate WWII historian, and probably knows more, especially from the German perspective, than almost anyone else out there. Yet, he is another of those that has been labeled a “Holocaust denier” and was cancelled, in his case back in the 1990s, because his far more nuanced view of the historical events and figures of the period does not flange up perfectly with the official, approved version of The Holocaust.

You don’t actually have to say that the Holocaust didn’t happen or that it wasn’t deliberate to be a proud recipient of this pejorative label. All that is necessary is that you differ in any small detail, analyze or add context, imply that the “official line” might not be central to historical events, etc.

This is the fourth David Irving historical work on the period that I have read, the others being “Hitler’s War,” and volumes 1 and 2 of “Churchill’s War.” All exhibit the same complex and thorough research, analysis, and writing. Nowhere in any of these books does Irving “deny” anything about the Holocaust.

I have the final volume (III) of his “Churchill’s War” on back order, and I get email from Irving once or twice a year that keeps his readers up to date on what he is working on. A month or two ago, he sent out something saying that he was readying it for press, but that, to quote him: “A deeper problem is more sinister - I have now finally realized that the British publishing industry has fallen gradually into "enemy" hands like our music industry.” He goes on to say that he has a private English printer lined up, but needs to pass the hat around because they need cash in advance.

Curious, I wrote back asking what kind of money he was talking about, not really expecting a reply, However, a day later he personally answered and told me he needed half the payment in advance, which was “several thousand US dollars.” To me this did not seem like an impossibly large sum, and it tells me that he must be essentially broke. There is a preface about 5 pages long in the “Goebbels” biography describing the vicious litigation that brought him to his current pass back in the 1990s, and it outraged me to read about it. Yet he continues to write, virtually broke, at age 85.

If any are interested in Irving's books or are inclined to help him out, his Focal Point Publications website is https://irvingbooks.com.

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Feb 21Edited
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I had to come back and edit my message below, as I found after doing a web search that Irving's death is apparently just a rumor. Reportedly a message dated today says that he is ill but has not passed away.

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(LATE EDIT) I emailed Focal Point Press (his book distributor) not long ago asking for the status of my order for Part III of "Churchill's War", and got a message back from his grandson saying he had developed some medical issue that had kept him hospitalized for the preceding 4 months. Then just two weeks ago (on Feb 6) I received the following message sent to his email distribution list:

"Last October, after arriving in Florida, David Irving fell ill and has been in declining health ever since. He is now back at his home in the UK and requires round-the-clock care, a demand we’ve had to arrange privately due to constraints with the National Health Service. He was hospitalised for nearly two months, enduring the kind of challenges we never anticipated he would face.

"It is with sadness that we must accept that David is now unable to engage in his life's work. His unwavering dedication to unveiling Real History has not only defined his career but also enriched the minds of readers worldwide. David's situation, however, has placed us at a crossroads where the path forward demands collective support.

"This is an appeal to safeguard the essence of a man whose life's work has been to bring us closer to the nuanced truths of our past. Your donations will be pivotal in two primary areas:

"Medical Care and Support: Your contributions will ensure that David receives exemplary care to manage his condition and uphold the highest quality of life.

"Preservation and Continuation of His Work: Financial support is also imperative to safeguard David's extensive body of work.

"To participate in this crucial effort, please donate. Here, you'll find all the necessary information to make your contribution.

"Regardless of size, every contribution is a step towards sustaining David's impact on historical literature. Your support and solidarity in this challenging time are invaluable. We will keep you informed of his health and well-being as he faces this stage of his life with dignity. He is in good hands.

Warm regards,

David Irving's family"

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Maybe Siebert is demonstrating the eventual male to female ratio in Ukraine.

I had the privilege to attend a private school from 6th grade on... I say "privilege" because I was surrounded by kids with above average intelligence who were much more well-adjusted than the public school kids I spent time around near my home. I had enough intelligence then to know to align my behavior with the former. The class size averaged about 13 and no one slipped through the cracks.

That said, we read "Night" in 7th grade. We even had a real holocaust "survivor" come and speak to us with the tattoos and everything. I remember little of what the man said, but I do remember how my Jewish English teacher gushed over this elderly man in her classroom. In fact, all the teachers I saw engaging this man treated him with an almost sanctified reverence.

I also remember my father complaining that we were reading "Night". I have never heard him speak of the holocaust or his opinion of it, but he frequently bitched about the "multiculturalism" that we were exposed to on a regular basis. He is the eldest son of Slavic immigrants and knows - if only by ancestral association - what it is like to be considered "less" and someone else's bitch. I am hugely grateful my ancestors made the trip to the US in the 1920s and 1930s. I wonder how they would feel to see things the ways they are now.

As a member of the generation twice removed from communist Czechoslovakia I have an inborn ability it seems to feel deep connection with people who truly struggle and for those who just pretend to struggle. I rarely feel a flicker for "Jews" who channel holocaust energy with a heavy side of Jewish guilt.

I will offer one anecdote of a legitimate one though...

I dated a woman four years ago of Ashkenazi heritage. She, like many women these days, experienced serious ovarian and uterine cramping on a monthly basis. In addition, she had already had a major surgery at the age of 32 to remove growths from her ovaries. This woman had a huge heart and a naivete about it that I found extremely charming and endearing. One day, while sitting at a stop light, she doubled over in pain from the passenger seat of the car. I asked her what was wrong and she told me her insides were wrenching like she has known them to do. I asked her what she thought might be the cause.

She said "it doesn't even feel like my pain."

"Oh?" I responded... "Go on."

At this point her posture changed and eyes glazed over somewhat and expressed a "thousand yard stare" while she recited the following,

"Ashkenazi women are expected to carry forth the pain of all their ancestors before them."

Not being one to support self-sacrifice, I put my hand gently on her lower abdomen and looked her in the eyes and said with conviction, "I don't believe that. I don't believe you should be saddled with the pain of others and to feel that you can't ever release it."

She instantly began bawling and started convulsing in the front seat of the vehicle. The light turned green and I made the left turn onto the main road. I kept my hand in place and we just drove around for a while. I could feel a tremendous amount of heat leaving her abdomen and she was sweating profusely.

About 15 minutes later we sat in a parking lot of a restaurant, both fatigued but exhilarated. She had calmed down and looked at me with much clearer eyes. Their color had changed in some way I could not specifically distinguish, but she definitely looked "different". I asked her how she was feeling and she said, "The pain is gone, what did you do?"

I told her, if I did anything it was telling her that she didn't need to carry someone else's "sins" anymore and that she believed me. I told her that she did all the "work" and she is far more capable than she believed herself to be.

A few days after that, the 7 inch scar she had from her surgery 3 years prior was no longer red and puffy and she said it no longer chronically hurt her. Her bad skin condition also began to clear up.

Unlike Elie Wiesel, if a Rabbi were to ask me about the veracity of that story, I would not have to admit I invented any of it.

Thank you for the commentary, Linh.

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"That said, we read "Night" in 7th grade. We even had a real holocaust "survivor" come and speak to us with the tattoos and everything. I remember little of what the man said, but I do remember how my Jewish English teacher gushed over this elderly man in her classroom. In fact, all the teachers I saw engaging this man treated him with an almost sanctified reverence."

I had the exact same experience at a public school. Of course, it must have been a coordinated effort to get kids while they were young.

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I think a big part of this group's problems are all the internalized beliefs of guilt and responsibility. From childhood they're taught all these fantasies ranging from being responsible for the fate of the world, to the belief the entire gentile world hates them and wants them dead, and the inevitable sense that all the negative stereotypes actually have merit. Their racial/cultural supremacy and their actual humanity are waging war on each other.

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Thank you Linh. At least some people do not realize that you could choose or have chosen to ignore reality and thereby be a generally-admired and well-spoken of, if not wealthy, man of Vietnamese letters.

In the head-scratching category, from past American media, we have the 1976 movie "Network". It is a harsh satire of US television and media generally. It is exceptionally well done and is very entertaining. There is just one hitch - the protagonist meets his doom because he will not shut up about ARAB control of US politics, real estate, and money. The ARABS, we are told, have excessive and very un-American influence over the US. It is helpful to know that the screenwriter, the late "Paddy" Chayefsky, and the director, the late Sydney Lumet, were of course both Jewish.

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My reply to accusations of anti-semitism is to observe that there is much to be anti-semitic about.

There's no reason to be defensive. On the contrary, there's every reason not to be.

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Well said, Colin!

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Mark is so principled that he canceled himself due to his intolerance for honest Jew Henry.

I read Night in 7th grade. We had a holocaust survivor come and talk to our class. As an American, did I have a WWII vet come and talk about WWII? Nah. But a German holocaust survivor? Absolutely! The brainwashing and use of the Holocaust as some almost sacred historical event that made the Jews the ultimate martyrs is powerful.

By the way, was I taught to avoid debt and have a balanced personal budget which would be in keeping with the Old Testament and Jewish tradition? Oh no! The state schools simply didn't have time to include that in my indoctrination. Who runs the banks and credit system which benefits from usury that awful sin of the Old Testament? Chosen people indeed.

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Always such interesting comments. I'm not so erudite, but I have to also tell you, Linh, how much I appreciate your essays. Always thought provoking!

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Linh I liked this article a lot. It's just that I signed my name to defend our US Constitution, common sense, free >rational< speech, and of course liberty and security in all ways. Just because they haven't went by it in our lifetimes but instead have been putting on an act like they're doing it doesn't mean we should have ever done anything different but take the advice of our Founders and improve upon what they gave us. Not sell it out over 100 years ago.

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Lucas Gage is a USMC veteran who has come to understand how he was betrayed by his government. His account is devoted to this issue, and he puts out much thoughtful content, often including discussions with Jewish people. Few of us began our journey with animosity toward any particular group. We didn't start with metal helmets and swastika flags adorning our homes. We knew, as everyone knows, that something is wrong, and that the answer cannot be found through normal, officially approved channels. We follow the evidence. We don't hate anyone, and we agree that it's wrong to treat people differently based on one another's immutable characteristics.

Gage recently posted a video on the very topic which Linh writes on. It is a talk by Jewish professor Paul Gottfried- https://twitter.com/Lucas_Gage_/status/1686449903596093440

Gage's position is stated in this video, which is that there's enough guilt to go around, and that we *all* need to clean house- https://twitter.com/i/status/1685808980377939968

His Twitter is worth a good look.

'Antisemitism' is just a word, and a deceitful one at that. Semitic merely refers to a group of languages, including Arabic and Aramaic. They use this word, because if they actually called people "Jew-haters" the word would have no power, as it is so obviously false. As Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni put it: "It's a trick, we always use it (when faced with criticism)." https://youtu.be/OXO4gyBSqq8

The Jewish elite don't even want "antisemitism" to end, because it is an extremely useful tool in preventing Jews from assimilating into the culture of their host nation and intermarrying with Gentiles, something which is totally unacceptable to their religious authorities, and would spell disaster for the elite who manipulate both Gentiles and Jews. This is why so many supposed antisemitic hate-crimes are of such dubious nature, and more often than not, turn out to have been committed by Jews. It scares rank and file Jews into retreating further into segregation from the humans they share communities with. (When Israel was created, few of the Mizrahi Jews living among Arabs in the surrounding countries actually wanted to move there. They had coexisted with their neighbors in relative peace for centuries. So, the Mossad dressed up as Arabs and committed acts of terror against the local Jewish communities, to scare them into moving. The Mossad's motto is literally "By way of deception, thou shall wage war") More than one book a has been written on the subject- "The Paradox of Anti-Semitism" https://twitter.com/Know_More_News/status/1686813826946416640

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Thanks for the essay, Linh. Let’s face it, supernatural forces are at work. And what we call Jews are a primary tool of those forces. I believe this fact is explained in the Bible and is supported by other historical and religious writings. God picked a man (the patriarch Abraham) from a sea of men to accomplish a plan of redemption. God did not create a new race of men to accomplish His plan, and Jews are not a race. God’s “chosen” people (who killed the prophets among them and stoned those God sent to them) were not chosen based on their merits. God accomplished His goal through Abraham’s offspring and Satan continues to attempt to accomplish his goals through Abraham’s offspring (and those claiming to be). God finished His work with Christ’s resurrection, and put a period on that chapter of His history with the utter destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. If someone has a non-supernatural explanation for how “jews” have ascended to pervasive power in this world, I’m willing to listen. Bottom line: Natural forces didn’t get us into this mess, and natural forces will not get us out of it.

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Yes. Despite those who seek to enslave us all in their 5g mediated, internet-of-things social-credit-score prison cells, and the demonic forces they have tapped in to in the hopes of succeeding at it, we have Good News, The Good News. Christ has defeated even death. I know it sounds crazy, like a cope or an unhinged fantasy, but the person who created the entire universe has the power to do it and I would dare say, the desire to do it out of love for us, despite our fallen nature. The demons are currently operating out in the open, center stage. But I believe we can chase these demons into the darkest shadows and corners if we tap in to the power of Christ. Linh, have you ever read C S Lewis' "Mere Christianity" or G K Chesterton's "The Everlasting Man"? I know the dominant western culture is highly degraded and Satanic at the moment, but that which is truly great and yes, a beacon to the rest of humanity, is what has been produced by Western men who were humble and submissive to God. True, that hasn't been the case for many of the movers and shakers in the West since the reformation, but if we understand the problem and seek to rebuild the Catholic Church, we will win this war which is first and foremost a spiritual one. I will pray for you to feel the truth of what I am saying Linh, just in case I am right! Like E Michael Jones says, the lack of logos of these people causes them to overplay their hand and bring about its destruction. But that also requires people who are working to live with logos to be the model for something else so people don't despair and think our only choice is just to get accustomed to a "new normal" of exploitation and human enslavement. Christ is King. Christ is victor. Linh Dinh stands tall with Henry Herskovitz with the brave warriors for truth, a transcendental. May God protect you, Linh!

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Judaism as a cult is so diabolical, if it didn't exist, the evil people would have to invent it.

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Too much truth telling makes a lot of people very uncomfortable, Mr. Dinh. Becoming a presidential speech writer is much more lucrative.

Me, I'm indifferent. I've recently qualified for my full Social Security (thank you FDR and Francis Perkins Secretary of Labor!) And I'm getting my passport to escape to the Philippines. America, "love it or leave it." You know which one I picked.

Six million Jewish people killed by Germany, a nation fighting a brutal war on two fronts while being starved out and ravaged by Typhus. All eligible German men were conscripted into the War. Germany desperatly needed slave labor to make war material but instead they decided to kill six million Jews as well as Slavs, Roma and other "undesirables".

Something doesn't add up. Could it be war propaganda? I'm just axin'...

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so lets get this straight, if we referred to a Christian Western leader as being Christian, does that mean that we are being Anti Christian by pointing out a FACT that they are Christian. So why this special treatment for Jews, why when factually stating that Nuland Zelensky and majority of Neocons as well as 99% of Biden's present government officials are all Jewish, we are being Anti Semitic which of itself is a mockery because the vast majority of Jews today, 99.9% are not genetically Semitic and do not come from the Semitic Lands of Palestine whose people are the real authentic Semites. It in fact is the Jews, Ashkenazi Khazarian Jews who dominate the West and occupy Palestine, who are the real Anti Semites. They have hijacked the Greek word Holocaust, used and abused it to gain emotional blackmail and financial compensation for an event that was a hoax and one the biggest lying Crimes in human history, as was 911. Even Auschwitz reduced the alleged number of to few hundred thousand rather than the Torah based mythical number of 6 million that Jewry have regurgitated so many times pre WW2 as appeared in a 1918 New York Times headline stating a holocaust of 6 million Jews. How many times are we going to be duped and lied to by Jewry who use this to get their world power and hegemony over Mother Earth that they have violated, raped pillaged exploited and genocided in so many countries and one of their worst Crimes against Humanity aside from the 2 World Wars that they initiated and executed costing the lives of over 120 Million innocent souls throughout Europe and beyond as they got other countries roped in to their lies and to fight for them, was the latest Covid Scamdemic with their Jewjabs created by Jewish Drug Companies and Jewish CEOs like Bourla and funded by the likes of Bill Gates who is also Jewish [his great grandfather, a Eugenicist, was one Israel Gates]. Their Jew Jabs cost the lives of millions of people around the world , men women and children and even now toxic side effects are traumatising many who were coerced into taking these Jewish Nazi Needles.

I dont give a damn about Anti Semitism and dont give a damn about their Holohoax that for too long they have criminally and shamefully used to extract blood money from Europe when their Ilk funded BOTH sides of their infamous world wars. The real Holocaust is the one Jews have perpetrated against the Arab Islamic Nations that one Australian Researcher has estimated that since 9/11, around 30 MILLION Muslims and Arabs have been Holocausted in the Wars for Israel carried out by their obedient Minions America UK etc whose governments are Jewish owned and run..

Finally since the creation of that 'shitty little State of Israel' Non Semitic Jewry have been slowly holocausting Palestinians with impunity and shameful silence and cowardice from Western Communities and their Allies. So they can take their Anti Semitism Ruse and their Holohoax and get lost where the sun dont shine which is something else they are trying to harm our world with with their Climate Change Global warming Jewish hoax, with psychopaths talking about blotting the sun, and these Jewish run Globalists trying to turn our beautiful God created world into a SCORCHED EARTH as they become self appointed Arsonists setting fires [DEW and HAARPS Technology] to Lands and causing earthquakes to get the ultimate destruction they are seeking- ironically it is the HOLOCAUST of Nations.- the Burnt offering to the Jews.

True definition of the Greek word Holocaust- holos caustos- burnt offering- massive Death and Destruction and great loss of life especially by Fire [power]'. Jews however have had its meaning altered in dictionaries to only define it pathetically and deceitfully as death of 6 million [lying Jews. There never were 6 million Jews at that time in Germany. and the so called Auschwitz Chimney built next to the alleged Gas chambers, was built AFTER WW2 ended, by the Russians who at that time were run by Jews!!

Palestinians are being murdered daily by Israeli Jewry funded by the blackmailed and controlled West, and the world in obscene shame, remains silent, deaf dumb and blind, muzzled and chained.

I dont give a damn if my comments offend. No one ever talks about Jewry offending Gentiles, harming us and insulting us by calling us Goy- Cattle Animals as they do to Palestinians whom they call Crocodiles cockroaches, animals on 2 feet- their modern day Amaleks upon whom they seek their Purim style Revenge, year in year out, day in day out! How come we do not have special laws and bills passed called Anti Gentile, Anti Goyim which includes all Arabs, Muslims Christians, Europeans Westerners who they call EDOM, Asians etc etc.. Jews are Supremacist racist Anti Gentiles, Anti Islam, Anti Christian, Anti People of Colour and Anti White though many of them 'appear White', and who belong to a Cult and have imposed upon 80 nations, their Talmudic Noahide Laws in order to rule our world from their Sacrificial Animal Temple- the animal being the Goyim

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I'm an Amalek I'm proud to say. I'm an Aussie who has been anointed Amalek by these lousy fraudsters. I'm also Muslim convert, Shia oriented and have said some nasty things about those Wahhabi kharajites, as well as the phoney Saudi "royals" which have seen my life threatened by them too. Pharisees is what these Zionist Jews actually are. Children of Satan. So are Wahhabis. So there's definitely a consistent pattern to their response to criticism. Two countries I'm avoiding. I plan to go on Hajj when those freaks no longer control Mecca. Their control there is an abomination and they have broken the covenant which protects them, by orchestrating massacres of Shia pilgrims regularly.

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No doubt he's happily jumping. The ratio of men, to women in Ukraine is going to be severely unbalanced for generations. I guess those are his share.

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Nick Kollerstrom's " Breaking the Spell " (2014) is now the go-to Hollow Hoax revisionist text.

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Linh, I'm so glad that you and Henry Herkovitz are around to say eloquent things about the Jewish Problem. gtvflyers.com

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