Hi everyone,

I just put out a notice below, but here it is again. Argue all you want, but please maintain your composure and NEVER insult anyone. Any such outburst will be promptly deleted.


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Hanson is good at diagnosis but until he names who 'they' are he does little more than perpetuate the same Boomer-bait Talmudvision echo-chamber that is Youtube/Twitter/most 'alternative' media.

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Great writeup!

You are correct in saying that the people who created this place now want to flee it. The worst part (but not surprising, I suppose) is that natives of the saner places they are moving to have to watch them bring their baggage with them. Immediately upon arrival, they start trying to impose the same obscene agenda and expectations on the new place.

A Taiwanese couple in San Jose, good friends, see pretty much eye-to-eye with us on the issues of the day. The wives were talking on the phone the other day, and our friends say they are leaving San Jose for all the reasons you list. But I think they’re having trouble figuring out where to go.

A stepbrother of mine and his wife, staunchly conservative, were talking about leaving SW Connecticut and moving to Tennessee for similar reasons (getting away from NYC), now that he can telecommute. But after they went down there and looked around, I guess they changed their mind. We don’t talk often, so I don’t know what factored into their decision. She grew up in a privileged New England home, he in West LA, so I suspect the reality of the very real culture shock hit them once they arrived there. Most of us, faced with that, would have to ask ourselves just which set of norms we are after all most attached to.

Speaking of eliminating 8th grade algebra, I just read yesterday about difficulties some students are facing with college admission because this makes it impossible for them to progress to calculus before graduating from HS. The better colleges want to see them with calculus already under their belt.

Nowadays, the sincere ones who want to get America off the endless war track are accused of being isolationists, as if the only way to constructively engage internationally is at the point of a gun.

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The ruling class has benefited by the destruction of the culture. The more neighborhoods that are destroyed, the more their safe neighborhood increases in value. The more that people fight over cultural issues and the more they struggle to make ends meet, the less of a threat they are to the rulers.

The Jews are now working on "decolonizing" the suburbs by shipping to them vibrant blacks and immigrants with no shared culture with the locals.

Now even ruling class places like Beverly Hills are littered with empty stores due to black mob shoplifting being legalized but caring about that is now immoral.

Concern for safe streets and a strong economy that benefits all is an example of patriarchal values. The US now has a culture that is matriarchal with compassion (as defined by the Jewish media) being the dominant value. So bars on windows, empty storefronts and factories leaving are not the problem. Noting the role played by blacks and Jews is the problem.

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“If Uncle Sam collapses . . . .” It’s more “when” the US collapses. It’s inevitable, but hard to reconcile with my current comfortable situation. I don’t think too much about what I’ll do since I can’t even imagine how it will go down. Thanks for the essay. They never get old.

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“‘There’s only one way we stop this. There’s only one way we prove them wrong, and that’s by making everyone we know stand up with us. It’s time to stage, side by side, not to say by ourselves, ‘Oh, hell no,’ but a cacophonous, resounding, gigantic, screaming roar, ‘Hell, no!’ We will not do this again! We’re the citizens of the United States of America. We’re the beacons of light and hope and freedom and liberty for the entire world. If we go down, the world goes down.”

It's always future tense with these things, isn't it? I suppose he never considered that "we" already went down, and that the world has gone down too. Americans are entirely disinterested about the rest of the world, except a twinge of acknowledgement at the idea that the rest of the world wants to "be like us." Each nation is its own entity with its own perspectives and values. The US or lack of the US doesn't make other cultures care any more or less about light and hope and freedom, except perhaps to hope that the US branded version of those things won't be brought down like lightning strikes.

The good things about America are gone forever, and you can't even have any real discussion with Americans about getting them back. Can't solve problems that you can't acknowledge. If "we" haven't "gone down" already, then what exactly the hell does "going down" as a country even mean? Some parts of it, such as San Francisco as per the article, are far worse than others, but virtually no part of it is doing well.

The behemoth US system has forced itself on its own citizens as well, most of which still seem to be deluded that the country and system belongs to them and is good at heart, just temporarily out of whack. These people are generally well meaning but ignorant, and therefore helpless before the behemoth.

But at least you can admire their pluckiness.

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It's a cloudy Sunday morning here in Sacramento so I had time to hit all the links and read everything! Great writing, wonderful photos. So grateful for you!

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I think more Americans now are thinking "Mmmm, bacon" than about being a "beacon of light" these days. But one never knows...

It is interesting that this "everything outside of the U.S. is a shithole" mentality lingers on in most Americans even as America becomes, quite literally, a shithole itself, with streets paved with faeces instead of gold. The other day some commenter at the Unz Review (I know, I know) described even Italy and Spain as "shitholes". (I wonder what he would say of Vietnam or Laos). Having been recently to Barcelona and Palermo, I can attest that they look much better than most American cities these days. Sure, they also have beggars and drug addicts, but not as many as in the U.S.

In the U.S., even traditionally quiet cities like Seattle and NY look pretty bad now.

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Maybe they said that because Italy and Spain are also being flooded with illegals? Looking at places like France and England, it's astonishing.

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I don't think $ithole equates immigrants. These are political and economic refugees fleeing the chaos created by the US and European allies.

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Economic, being the operative word. They are NONE fleeing from warzones (save the actual terrorists we employed in Syria and Afghanistan), they are nearly all military aged males. It's very fashionable to blame the West for the immigration problem, and it is not without merit, but in country after country, it's the self-same Jews manning all aspects of *illegal* immigration in Western countries, who would not, in their own words, "subvert" Israel by allowing such uncontrolled demographic shifts.

There's no need for pretense, they've openly stated the rules of the game.




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America is the land of denial. We can just move to a different spot on the deck as the boat sinks. I guess everyone is banking on dying before the inevitable collapse arrives.

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Here we have a prime example of the Hong Kong Semi-Human, trained to worship everything White and Anglos in particular. Also the reason why I sometimes try to hide the fact that I too am from Hong Kong. Then again this could that be that White guy Brian-something larping as a Chinese activist on Twitter. My suspicion is based on the obvious fact that the average Hong Kong subhuman doesn't have a good command of the English language. In any case I would advise him to GTFO from my city before he is purged.

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With police violence glamorized (999 pro-cop friendly tee-vee shows), the Sackler’s victims demonized, laws eviscerated (qualified immunity), and a meritocracy which never existed, valorized.

Beacon for endless war. Check.

Financial swindles. Check.

Jewjabs. Check.

Satanic music? Oliver Anthony/Taylor Swift???

Sick movies-that the whole biosphere clamors for. (Talk about excrement)

Child mutilation. (Is it american moozelums?)

Cross dressing freaks. (ancient Rome? Egypt?)

Missing from that rundown.

The pharaohs, and senators, and money changers.

The real deplorables. Not just those unfortunates that find themselves entrenched in the gutters.

Not to worry. Officer friendly will be by with his SWAT filled MRAP, and caterpillar dozer, to disperse the riff raff, so as not to offend the sensibilities of decent folk.

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I posted this comment to the previous article (Eating Your Children) moments ago. I am taking the liberty of reposting it here, so as to let as many people as possible be aware of this excellent video on state-induced cannibalism.

"Why Chairman Mao Is Responsible For More Than 45 Million Deaths"


On the topic of planned mass starvation, recycling of body parts into fertilizer, cannibalism and such , the following video on Mao's Great Leap Forward is an eye-opener. Particularly relevant are the segments 20:58 to 45:03

China has never changed. Chinese history is a perpetually self repeating cycle of mass horror. China has never ceased being an Oriental Despotism. The label may sound modern, but the same bloodsucking "undead" lies underneath. I wish more people could open their eyes and not delude themselves into thinking that China could play any constructive role in humanity's progress to a more humane future.

It's a shame that Putin has been forced by the Evil Empire to associate himself with such a monstrosity.

Those who do not know history are destined to repeat it.

A nation that cannot face up to its past has no future.

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China can play a far more constructive role in humanity's progress than the USA. The USA brings, war, greed, corruption and perversion. Everywhere the USA gets a foot in, they stay, refusing to leave, while they direct each nations government from their self appointed lofty authority. Nowhere touched by the USA stays pure, independent or well governed. They prefer to destroy a nation, squat and steal everything they desire, forking out enough for the nation being looted, to line the pockets of a corrupt puppet government. China on the other hand does mutually fair business. They don't seek to dominate and dictate to nations with whom they deal, they invest substantial sums in infrastructure of nations with something to trade, but needing infrastructure to enable them to do business. Their loans come without strings, in contrast to US enabled loans. I've not seen China showing any tendency to expansion, regime change and at least some rich and powerful crooks do face legal sanctions. Unlike the USA where the rich and powerful never face any legal consequences for their crimes. Chinese history is not more brutal than anyone elses. Few nations are honest about their history. Instead the usual procedure is a brave and honorable historical paradigm trimmed of the uglier and more unpalatable truths. Worse though is a nation which steadfastly refuses to look honestly at their contemporary standing in the world. A nation like the USA which is none of the things it professes, and is instead all the things which Americans accuse others of. A backwards, poorly educated nation of presumptive arseholes. A devolving shithole which is setting new benchmarks for shithole states with each farcical election cycle. As an Aussie with nothing but good will towards the human civilisation, I will gladly see the end of the USA, and besides Israel, a deformed and perverted state of itself there's no other nation on earth which I feel needs to go, for humanity's future to be bright.

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It's odd that China would have lifted a record number of people out of poverty, and built beautiful cities and magnificent infrastructure, with an end goal of slaughtering their population. Maybe you have a better view from Hong Kong...

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For a brief period after Mao's death, it was thought that China would finally rid itself of its perennial Oriental Despotism. But unfortunately, that's not to be. Now, with Xi replacing Mao the Great Helmsman, it's the same nightmare all over.

Do we not see in Xi's draconian and cruel so-called zero-Covid policy of rolling lockdowns of entire cities, a replica of Mao's madness?

When one person has absolute power over the lives and fate of 1.4 billion people, what can one expect other than megalomanic madness?

We should be thankful that we don't live in Xi's paradise "with Chinese characteristics". We, in Hong Kong, we had a somewhat watered down version of Xi's madness, and for that, we are grateful.

By the way, I really urge people to take the trouble of watching that video on Mao. It's really very educational.

Here's a few samples of Xi's zero-Covid madness, all in the name of protecting the health of his beloved Chinese people. But it looks like people don't feel like reciprocating his Imperial Majesty's love:

"中國大陸疫情封控惹眾怒 廣州民眾推倒圍籬.警車|TVBS


上海民眾街頭高喊「習近平下台」,中國多地現反封控抗議- BBC News 中文"


成都閃電封城 民眾怕餓狂搶"活雞生肉搬上車"20220902@CtiNew


上海抗议者:我们要勇敢一点" on


中共清零政策 逼瘋疫情下的中國人【 #大陸民生 】


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Oh ffs, you freak. Your China hate is garbage. A very twisted and one eyed view. China is a vastly more desirable nation among men, than the fascist, arrogant pathetically hypocritical USA. You don't care less about Chinese people, who I have noticed are considerably more satisfied with their government than most living in Western countries today. The difference between China and our hypocritical judgemental nations is that China doesn't brutalise and massacre millions of people in other nations. However many Chinese have died in modern history, is still less than the numbers of other peoples massacred by the USA during it's brief and atrocious history. 20 million is a conservative estimate. Nobody else ever nuked anybody, nobody else is so obsessed with their nuclear weapons either. They, same as Russia have them precisely because of the US threat and would probably be glad to get rid of them in a global treaty. Only the USA and Israel would be sure to refuse this. The human race doesn't need either of these recalcitrant, belligerent nations.

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There is no way one can carry on a civilized exchange with people who refuse to keep an open mind, who refuse to look at what does not fit their ingrained beliefs.

It's very ironic that Linh's blog seems to attract some of the very same kind of useful idiots that he is ridiculing.

Apparently, it's a circular spectrum in which Extremists at both ends meet, but do not recognize each other. They see the world in mono-colour, Black and white, with nothing in between.

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Hi everyone,

A Reader From Hong Kong has every right to be annoyed. Though I've tried to not intrude into arguments, there is no room here for personal insults. From now on, such comments will be deleted, and if the commenter is particularly out of hand, he will be banned.


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I didn't mean to insult. I was being rude however and I apologise. I have explained why now. I'm so tired of vastly inferior nations' people spouting off about China as if their own states weren't more of everything they're accused of, or as in Hong Kong's case, who hang off the shirt tails of the USA parroting their one eyed propaganda as if it comes from Mount Olympus and is objective truth. At least it needs to be qualified by acknowledging we're not speaking from any sort of moral high ground. Sorry though. I had a lot of instances yesterday with people ignoring their own worse nation's sins while focusing on China's. China isn't getting up in everyone elses business. It's embarrassing to be part of this blissfully ignorant, judgemental presumptive Empire of lies. The sheer hypocrisy which accompanies such criticism of their internal concerns, because the implication is we're better. We are not.

Those who wish to hop on the US bandwagon of hate and misunderstanding of others should first make a serious effort to understand the nation whose ideas you're going to treat as your own. Be sure they're what they say they are, before believing them about anyone else. It reminds me of the typical criticism of Islam, by people who know only what it's detractors say about it. The discussion in such case is equally pointless since it revolves around beliefs and false perceptions which aren't what they seem and which brook no correction of the basic assumptions. Because the same slanderers include the warning that Muslims will lie about their religion. It's a deceitful trick and does nobody any good.

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I don't see possibility for an intelligent exchange when I see the same cliched anti-China rhetoric espoused by so many Westerners. Add to this Indians, whose own anti-Chinese attitudes are served by the same grab bag of invented criticisms. I thought my rank dismissal was clear about how I feel. I am not going to tolerate anyone criticising another nation for how they deal with their own people. I believe in self determination. Nobody else is capable of seeing with the eyes of the people whose nation it is. Few are capable of recognising or acknowledging their own nation's problems, and that is where people's right to be critical counts. Unless one is affected by the nation, as in they are interfering in your own state you're in no position to be critical in my view. The USA forces itself onto my Australia, among others which makes criticism and active interest in American affairs and politics fair. China is minding their own business and any nation which can do this, while dealing fairly and honestly with others, is above reproach. None of our states are better in terms of morals and humanity. Particularly how we treat others. I reject your characterisation of me, and of many other readers and posters on Linhs blog. Mental masturbation. Your opinion of China doesn't fly for my experience and it's nothing unique or considered, just adopted opinions which are delivered along with the false depictions and interpretations by a serial aggressor and liar state itself. Real opinions, that have been arrived at after proper consideration of matters are fine and I enjoy differing opinions, when they can be properly articulated and defended. The standard anti-China propaganda of the US Empire is no such thing.

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Perhaps what we have here is not a case of pigheadedness, but one of the "My Country Right Or Wrong" syndrome, all the time while one enjoys the good fortune of living in far away America.

It reminds me of the "famous" HK kungfu actor, Jackie Chan, who opines that "Chinese people can only be ruled with an iron fist", while he himself is safely tucked away in Australia ! Talk about "racist" discrimination !

Jackie Chan Says Chinese Need Control (2009 April 19)


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Perhaps your best assay ever. It was agonising to read and recognise. This is where my brother lives.

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