Hi everybody,

I checked just now and realized the court jester in Hamlet is called Yorick and not Horatio. Sorry about the goof! As I said to Matthew this morning, I'm getting befuddled more often, and it's only going to get worse, much worse.


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Hey Linh, happy to confirm for your readers that under 5% of students still wear the face diaper. Several of my students who wore it religiously last year have stopped this year. It was a bit weird to have to get used to seeing their faces even though I'd known them for months.

I concur that Vung Tau is one of the best places to live in the world. Sure Saigon tourists are annoying but, to quote the sex pistols, "tourists are money".

Great catching up in person. You look well.

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We all make substantive mistakes in writing. How many bother to correct them? To be conscientious used to be considered a virtue, now following that path would seem a fool's game.

I was struck and moved to fantasy by the photo of the two smartly dressed ladies of a certain age dancing together. One has a particularly youthful patterned skirt. The other a tailored but basic black dress. Both wear sexy low heels. Are they sisters or friends? Part of the Saigon crowd? Are they hoping a man will notice them? Well, I did. Cheers, ladies.

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Hi Billy,

The dancers in Vung Tau parks are all locals. No domestic tourist would come here just to dance. Though Vietnamese are rather poor dancers, I must say, they love to dance in parks to exercise. By 5AM, there are all these people exercising in the dark. The dancing starts later.

Sitting in a Swakopmund shebeen in 2022, I marveled at some kid dancing just outside, so said to the Namibian sitting next to me, "No Vietnamese can dance like that!"


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The woman in the centre of the top photo caught my attention.

Naturally beautiful.

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Certainly, she's a looker and wearing the same kind of low slung heels as my matrons. Her posture caught my eye too. Thought she was doing a robot dance, looking closer I see she has a male partner beside her whose arm is extending, perhaps guiding her.

What I get from these pix is a reminder that Asians have a tradition of group dancing in parks. I think America has lost its folk dance tradition.

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In the early morning video you mention that you got an apartment in a "good neighborhood". How does one locate such places while planning to get out of the US? Vung Tau is a very tempting place to relocate.

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Hi marantz820dc,

There's no way to know if a place is suitable for you until you've seen it yourself. I didn't know I'd like Pakse so much before I spent some time there, for example, and I had spent a month in Laos previously.


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P.S. By good neighborhood in Vung Tau, I meant great location. All Vung Tau neighborhoods are safe.

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Hi everyone,

Here I have the transcript of David Martin talking at the EU covid conference on 5/28/23:



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Hi, Linh. Great prose. Thoughtful. The image of Santa with a Christmas tree, toys, AK's and AR's...Ol' Uncle Santa bringing Christmas cheer to good nations, and death and destruction to bad nations - what a legacy. Always fascinating to view photos you've taken - an amazing eye for composition, and a sometimes jarring juxtaposition of different cultures. It seems as though most people do not realize the extent to which they are manipulated by mass media, who in turn serve as Judas goats for TPTB.


Well, another plug of tobacco sounds pretty good right now. Think I'll head on up the ramp....

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I was looking close at that Santa picture to see if that was Congressman Thomas Massie inside that Santa suit. Half of me laughed at the way he trolled the gun control crowd with his Christmas card last year, but the other half of me was a bit saddened at yet another example of a tradition thoughtlessly trashed--secularized or not, I can't think of anything further away from what we used to consider the Christmas spirit:


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Dear Linh, The truth and your way with words are quite beautiful and needed in this day and age. Thank you! Oh, and with regard to the mask and particles being able to penetrate it. A smoke particle, per the CDCs own pictograph, is 10 microns. Have someone blow smoke into a mask and see how much of the smoke gets through. A virus is 0.1 microns, a hundred times smaller than a smoke particle. Do masks work?

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There is an insect-eye's view of of a mask somewhere out there, where they zoom in on the weave of the mask, and next to it, show the relative sizes of a pollen grain, a smoke particle, and a virus. I wish I could find it again to show a few people I know.

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the n95 masks work by electrostatic forces - you can read about it if you want to - i have donated to linh but not because i agree with him about covid and precautions against getting it - i think he is quite mistaken to be frank about it - but why argue about it if no one is listening

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Hi. It's me again. Here's an interesting video that I shared with another. You may find it enlightening, though it does not deal with masks.

California COVID Nurse exposes deadly COVID-19 Hospital Protocols


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Hello. There is a video circulating around the internet, which I'd provide but a big part of learning or, I imagine, getting one's Ph.d is doing the research. A painter wears a mask and beneath that mask he wears a second mask, an n95 mask. He finishes painting and then he removes the two masks. He takes a cloth or paper napkin and blows his nose into it. There, in the cloth, able to penetrate two masks, inclusive of the n95 mask, is white paint, lots of white paint. Do you know how viscous white paint is and how large relative to a 10 micron smoke particle paint is? The practical, on-the-ground research will set you free (of all delusions and programming and even your Ph.d).

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There we are: 4 different takes on the CoronaPrank.

This is the 4th:


Well, Mr. Phd, (I see where Elmer Fudd came from: PhD, just add YOU)

There isn't enough sand to sandbag your misconceptions.

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The spiky ball baring fangs can kill. I got pneumonia from the infamous Delta strain and had to go to hospital, where a doctor raged at me upon learning that I was unvaxed. “Why not?” he shouted. Through my bleary eyes I saw the doctor, clearly distraught, wrap his arms around himself in a hug while dancing in a tight circle. The ambulance driver and nurses looked on wordlessly. I explained that I had forgotten to take my appointment number with me (which was true), but this did not satisfy him. Eventually, his shoulders visibly sagging, he said, “Well, I SUPPOSE I will have to go get you some medicine.”

I did make an appointment to get my shot, believing that it would be immoral to exempt myself from a public health measure. And I did forget an important number on my way to the vaccination centre. But then I learned that the UK government was being advised by something called the Nudge Unit. That is when I decided I was not getting the vax. Making my decision on such grounds was completely irrational, but I will never regret it despite my brush with death.

My bad decision only confirms nudge theory, which holds that people are no good at making the right decisions and so must be guided into doing the right thing. But what happens should you find out that you are being nudged? Then you must decide whether you are happy being a sheep or would rather salvage your dignity. So it became a contest of wills between me and, it turns out, two Jewish sociopaths, the co-authors of the book “Nudge,” Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler. I watched a vid of Thaler talk about nudge theory, smiling and shrugging as he lays out why the findings of cognitive science now set government policy. Governments no longer view us as rational actors, or even as citizens. Of course, if their techniques of social control fail to get some poor sap across the line, the poor sap is instantly transmuted back into being a sovereign individual, who can be interrogated on why he “decided” not to do something.

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Hi N.K. Naryan,

Here's my account of catching what I'm pretty sure was Covid, while staying in Tirana, Albania during March of 2021:



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P.S. Despite having the worst month of my life, I never thought about going to the hospital, a decision that likely saved my life.

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I tried to get out of it, but my wife pointed out that I had turned blue. The ambulance driver, a millennial with a sleeve tattoo, asked me, a foreigner, what I was doing in the country. I made a weak joke about getting lost at the airport.

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A pleasure to read. Thank you.

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you guys just can't stop and keep piling it on - seems kind of silly when none of us really know what's going on - if we're being honest - something i learned caring for hundreds of men (at the beginning: then everyone else started getting it) during the Aids epidemic, caused by an aggressive, highly mutable virus which took years to unravel

let's wait and see how this all spins out - then you can say Told you so! - or maybe not? time will tell

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There was no virus that caused AIDS.

The same, if not worse hijinx was employed to weaponize AIDS.

As well, U$ govmnt agencies made sure to influence and interfere with the research.

"The Real Anthony Fauci", Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Regarding the Vung Tau “invaders”, all who find themselves living in tourist towns can sympathize. Some places are just tourist magnets by their nature, although not all of them embrace it. Here in our coastal town, tourism is promoted, and denizens of the big city regularly descend on us, leaving their trash on the beach and in other public places. Every town seems to think that tourism can relieve them of the need to host "less desirable" kinds of economic engines like manufacturing, prisons, or casinos, while still bringing in revenue and creating jobs. The downsides are seldom looked at.

Very early one morning around dawn, I was taking a walk on the road that runs along the beach near the state campground, and along the road were three cars, parked together in a group on an otherwise empty roadside. They were just stirring out from their cars, and it was clear they had spent the night there. All over the ground around them it looked like someone had taken a trash bag and just emptied it all over the street and the grass nearby. For reasons I will not get into, it was clear they were city people and not locals. As I watched, they just got in their cars and drove away without cleaning up after themselves.

I haven’t decided whether masked people who don’t cover their noses are just ignorant, or if they are signaling something (e.g., “I’m kind of playing along, but I dare you to tell me I’m doing it wrong”). I’m regularly amazed when I see people STILL wearing masks. I say “still” and not “again” because I’m referring to locals I recognize around town that I know have had them on ever since the beginning of all this back in 2020. There is a cashier at the local supermarket that still masks up, and she is already behind plexiglass (that particular store has never taken the stupid plexiglass down--I guess it's a good thing that viruses only move sideways and not up and down). A handful of locals are still masking up at our weekly farmer’s market, which is both OUTDOORS and usually not very crowded. Hey, whatever floats your boat, I guess, as long as no one tells me I have to do it too.

Nice Lego set provided for the kiddies in that photograph, right out in the park!

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Hi JustPlainBill,

I'm pretty sure you have to pay to play with that Lego set. It's a business!

As for viruses only moving sideways, here's Wraptor Tex-Mex joint in Bangkok, with plastic screens to block Covid. I'm sure they work perfectly:



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I bought your book Postcards from the End on Amazon, great, great book. I almost feel bad reading it in a comfortable chair.

I once read The forgotten Soldier from Guy Sajer about the Eastern Front during WWII. He said in the introduction of his book that one should read the book outside in the middle of a cold and wet winter just to get a tiny taste of what it was like otherwise you feel too much like a voyeur.

I feel the same way about your stories.

Alex Butel

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Hi Alex,

The only way to read that book is while sitting on a Greyhound or lying on the floor at a Greyhound station, in the middle of a week long, cross country trip. Dirty, you go outside to rub snow on your armpits and crotch behind a bush!


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the just-concluded conference on climate change COP28 has issued a statement in which the countries have agreed to "transition away" from fossil fuels - i think this will not be very quick if it happens at all and i believe that global warming is happening and will continue to happen - i am old but i have young relatives - i don't know what situations they may have to face but stuff will happen and people will do what they can to manage the results - may the creative forces of the universe have mercy on our souls if any

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The problem with the media lying so much is that in the end the only way you get to find any "trustable" information is by first hand experience. (And it's only going to be worse) Take Covid. For many people, it seems to have been a big deal. I had it once (unvaxxed) and for me it was just a very mild flu. I think it was for most people. (I don't actually know anyone who died from it, although I know someone went to the hospital for a few days. I think bad cases were mostly rare and perhaps based on special circumstances.) Now, it wasn't exactly a flu, it had a couple of symptoms which made it a bit different from other flus I had before. But also, nothing very much out of the ordinary.

I think the genius was calling it "COVID". If it was just "Asian Flu", or Whatever Flu, perhaps people would realize that it was at most a stronger strain of the normal flu, but not the end of the world. And the mandatory "masking" was of course the perfect psychological trick to induce mass madness. You can't see a "virus", but you sure can see lots of masked people, like in a horror movie.

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"If it takes lollipops, beer or even cocaine to unqueer some of them, I’m all for it."

Me too, but if the coke doesn't unqueer the kids, try meth for the really tough cases.

Here's some crank poetry from The Moistboyz. They're from New Hope, PA in Bucks County. This is from the nineties, but I think that they had an early finger to the cultural winds blowing our way.

"Shit never burns the bag only in the eye

Cut me out another rail I'm never gonna die

Move your fuckin' car it's the final fuckin' warnin'

Rippin' up the asphalt and crashin' in the mornin'

Dude in the trailer park is cookin' up some trash

Paint scraper p2p the recipe's a smash

I think about my life and it all seems kinda cruel

Aw fuck it man the shit ain't real without some rocket fuel..."

-Crank, The Moistboyz

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Hi Linh,

Can you explain the last photo? They have realistic looking M4 carbines and AKs in the Christmas toy area? Is wanton militarism a thing there?

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Hi Frank,

Vietnamese history is one of nearly constant war. The biggest statue in Vung Tau is of Tran Hung Dao, a 13th century general who defeated the Mongols twice. He's considered a saint. There's a temple to him in Phnom Penh and a statue of him in Westminster, CA, among many other places. A local hero in Vung Tau is Vo Thi Sau. At age 15 in 1948, she threw a hand grenade at a group of French soldiers in a market. She's executed and buried on Con Son Island, reachable by boat from Vung Tau. Vietnamese fight.

In Cape Town, the prostitutes consider Japanese sailors great customers, and Vietnamese the worst, because they are so cheap. Bouncers and sailors of all nationalities dread Vietnamese because they are crazy in fights.


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Two weeks ago my 94-year-old father-in-law had to go to the VA hospital after a fall - we went to visit him, wearing our face diapers as we always do when inside buildings filled with people - and even in crowded outdoor spaces! - no one else in the hospital was masked except a couple of Asians mopping the floors - now dad's in isolation, and the whole building is on lockdown after the staff and patients came down with Covid, confirmed by blood tests. We'd spent several hours visiting the week before, and guess what? We're fine. We didn't get the vaccine because - reasons haha! - but masks are a sensible protection against airborne viruses. Now we can't visit dear old dad until the quarantine is lifted. He's recovered somewhat after being miserably ill with Covid and we hope he will be able return home again soon.

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I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the US CDC had real world and lab data that showed masks don't work in early 2020. CDC had some lab data that even suggested that masks better aerosolize water droplets making them more infectious. The push for masks was some weird political initiative and involved really embarrassing interpretation of the data. Masks are completely useless versus respiratory viruses. They are effective versus heavy particulates like saw dust or pollen which are several orders of magnitude larger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particulates

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that's fine, whatever works for you - i'm a nurse (for what it's worth) and have been reading up on international Covid research papers since March 2020 - the findings have convinced me to continue masking - did you know that a consensus is growing that Covid is a virus that affects all parts of the body, and is being compared to HIV in its action now?

i will continue wearing a mask when i deem it necessary - in four years, only one person has openly mocked me for doing so - people have been pretty decent about it otherwise - last week in San Francisco almost every Asian person i saw was masked - that 'mysterious' pediatric mycoplasma pneumonia outbreak in China seems to have made them nervous - something strange is going on and we're left on our own to figure out how to proceed.........good luck to us all!

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For a couple of reasons, it's no surprise to hear you report that Asians in SF are making up. Many Asians, especially the foreign-born, are used to it; one of the first things I noticed in Taiwan 10 or 12 years ago was that many were masking regularly in public for other reasons. Also, as a group they put much more stock in things communicated as "official" medical opinion; you will note in breakdowns of the jabbed in the US (for example) that Asians have the highest acceptance.

I remember seeing research back in 2020 claiming that they found Covid to actually be a vascular disease and not respiratory as commonly reported. As for comparing it to HIV, I'd read Dr. Peter Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus" before putting much stock in that. It is an amazing book (I was tipped to it by RFK Jr), and one I think everyone should read before blindly following establishment advice on things medical like Covid. It's hard to buy now, but if you search the web, a PDF version can be downloaded for free.

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have you read any of the research since 2020? very interesting stuff - but Your Milage May Vary!

i've got nothing to prove and people gonna do what they gonna do - just doing what i think is wise

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Hi Three Eyed Goddess, I believe that this video may be helpful. It certainly cleared up the inside the hospital dynamics for me.

California COVID Nurse exposes deadly COVID-19 Hospital Protocols


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yes - this is one of the reasons for medical staff shortages - many of us immediately recognized the Covid shots were dangerous - for the simple fact they were released under an unauthorized use order - freeing the pharma companies from any consequence of using an untested, unproved treatment - the 'vaccines' are not vaccines but rather gene therapies - a nurse i used to know who 'drank the 'kool-aid' asked a Philippina nurse she worked with, 'why is this happening, it doesn't make sense? The Philippina couldn't stop laughing at this - 'OBVIOUSLY, they're killing us, right in front of our eyes!' - i quit rather than take the shot - now one of my friends who's had 5 injections is dying from a freakishly aggressive cancer - and i worry for the other friends who did exactly what they were told and took every shot and booster

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Hi. Thank you for your response, very informative. I can't understand though that why you see this--Covid Crime--so very clearly, that you can't see the mask crime as well. Google actually used algorithms to place the various masks studies, that clearly said that masks didn't work, to the bottom of searches. Why would they do that? And there are currently a studies out that say prolonged mask wearing is, actually, problematic for one's health and mental health, especially for children, and can, in fact, increase the incident of the flu. FYI.

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One thing to consider is that the data I saw at CDC was never published. Published research is full of cherry picked, massaged, or flat out fraudulent data to support whatever pet hypothesis needs to be supported to get the next grant or tenure. And there is an extreme amount of financial and career conflicts of interest with anything involving COVID.

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yeah, i don't read CDC reports either, for the reasons you cite

there's plenty research being done elsewhere internationally

if you're curious, visit Naked Capitalism dot com where reports are regularly published when they appear

but: we've made up our minds already about an engineered novel coronavirus, right?

i don't know the answer, really, and will continue to mask - so there!

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P.S. i lost my job because i refused the jewjab, so aptly named!

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Very few people were firm in their reasoning enough to lose their jobs rather than get the jab. My opinion is your taking care of your health was more effective than masking. Since with lipid nanoparticle envelopes the jab goes to every part of your body the adverse effects are so spread out that it is hard to say it was the 'safe and effective' (lol) vaccinee.. I'm with Ed Dowd and Jessica Rose on how bad the vaccine is. I can't help but notice that almost every article on "long covid" doesn't mention the vaccine connection. It used to be called chronic fatigue syndrome. Since this covid weaponization i have begun looking into the virology is just wrong. Obviously there are many correlations between upper respiratory diseases and 'contagion" that we notice ourselves but...

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