I have a little bit of an issue with some of your analysis of common/poor folk living in the U$A.

Are they brainwashed? I’d say yes, for the most part.

But, look at where they were reared.

Let’s talk “black”, for a minute, shall we. I’ve been horribly assaulted by black men on two occasions, so I come from that perspective.

I know that these man-child(s) have become savages, but I am equally confident that they were not born that way.

I’ve been to the ghetto, the “projects”, and I’ve seen how these people live. Rare is the child, that can emerge from that hellscape, without being damaged, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I’m not even going to broach the ongoing injustice that that group of american society has been subjected to, I’m just going to stay in the here and now.

Do black engage in more “crime” than other ethnicities? Probably. But, who decides what constitutes a punishable offense? That would by whitey not on the moon, of course. And, crime in the U$A is determined by class, not by specific behavior.

George Floyd was executed for trying to pass a “bad twenty”. Sam Bankman-Fried, of crypto fame? No charges.

I would expect people, blacks included, to rob, steal, fleece, whatever it takes to feed their children, and themselves. I don’t expect them to just lay down and die.

Is the U$A a shit show? Absolutely. But, these infants, now adults, were raised in a toxic environment, and these are the deformed human beings that this dishonest, vile system has wrought. Linh, it’s kinda like blaming the malformed children of Vietnam, Laos, etc, for not resisting agent orange, or depleted uranium, and growing proper limbs. The children here have been poisoned in another way, since before infancy.

I detect a bit of a mocking tone towards dumbed down, dumb dumb Americans, in some of your work/words.

I can’t help but observe that you left the U$A, after taking up residence here. Did you depart willingly/gladly? Or, did the nightmare of america drive you out? Couldn’t cut it? Too difficult of an existence?

There’s a lot of folks in the U$A who would love to pack up, and pick up and leave, but see no way out. For some it’s blindness, but for many they’re in a trap. A bind.

Now, I can understand being wary of black people, in the U$A. I am. I was damaged permanently (physically) by a couple of them. But, with help from sound minds, I have been able to grasp a little empathy for what black lives in the U$A have been like. And, it ain’t pretty.

I happy for you that you have escaped the home of leviathan, and found your way to a place that isn’t as poisoned with U$A culture?. Culture. lol. Unfortunately, it’s been intermittently poisoned with U$A chemicals, weapons, and that can-do, capitalist spirit.

I enjoy the things that you have to say, almost universally, and I am not mocking your perspective. Just offering another one. Mine.

I’m “raking in” a little over $2,000 a month as a retiree, here in the land of milk and money, with a modest house to sell, and a few “toys” which will garner me a few more shekels. And, like you, I hope to make the great escape from the late great police state, america. If I’m fortunate, I will meet you out there someday, and get an education about the local flavor. So, take care of yourself, old timer, and maybe we can frolic a little, and have some laughs at merica’s expense, in the future. Keep on keepin’ on, brother.

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Straight from the heart and a warm insightful comment. It's not often that any American (sic) has a good word to say about the unfortunate and accursed offspring of the African chattel imported as slaves by the spawn of the ruling demons of the angloZionaZi empire of shit. Good on you.

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Your words rain down like a ray of sunshine through the clouds, in this land of wage and chattel slavery.

I wish that I could say that a little friendship and brotherhood can roll back centuries of blood feud and race war, but the evidence of such is scant.

Your words of support are the springboard for a new day, and have put a smile upon my face, and a spring in my gait.

Good on you, brother Martillo.

And, good on all you folks who gave these observations of mine a “like” ❤️.

I wholeheartedly approve.

It would seem that many people’s hearts are in the correct place. Sometimes one of us just needs to open their big mouth and say something.

I hope that each of us opens our mouths to engage in some laughter and wide smiling, today.

I think that is our saving grace.

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Mike, that is a truly wonderful thing to hear. Bless you and all yours. Respect and peace, Martillo

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"The West's worship of crossdressing freaks also reveals its insanity and degeneracy."

The American establishment has learned the age old "divide and conquer" strategy very well. Anything that promotes divisiveness and contention among the working class peons is promoted. Among the latest crazes is the transgender fad. Few things provoke disgust among conservative Americans like this public freak show apparently facilitated by advances in medical surgery and hormone treatment.

And the establishment loves it. They know Americans will overlook Wall Street criminality when they're obsessed with knowing whether so and so is really a woman or a former man changed into a woman.

Why pay attention to the Federal income tax code riddled with loop-holes for the rich when some clownish guy dressed as a woman is shilling for Bud Light?

Working class Americans are more suspicious of their equally downtrodden, beleaguered neighbor who might have a slightly more expensive car (bought on consignment) than they are of the multi-billionaires who pay their workers minimum wage and who, upon being hired are given Food Stamp applications because the employer (Walmart) refuses to pay them enough to eat.

And this is exactly the way the system (in America) is supposed to work. Pay no attention to Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Bill Gates (who's real skill seemed to be in misappropriating other's software). Just snear at your neighbor who -- God forbid -- might be getting a little more than you in a society in which you both have essentially nothing. Divide and Conquer. The economic system is great, folks. But your neighbor might be stealing from you so you'd better watch out....

Why go to South East Asia when you can go to Disney World?! Just make sure you wear your mask and have proof of all your Covid booster shots! You wouldn't want to give Covid to Mickey (or your grandma) would you?

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Kampot on the south coast of Cambodia was one of the best places in SE Asia to while away the time - unless greedy Chinese developers have completely Sihanoukvilled it by now, but I believe not. It's a not-so-secret haven which lures many expats seeking relaxation. Being on a nice wide inlet and opposite Bokor mountain brings refreshing sea-softened afternoon breezes that ameliorate an otherwise oppressive tropical climate. Plenty of cheap hotels, guesthouses, bars, cafes, restaurants both local and foreign. Many jaded Westerners have dropped anchor there. About 20 minutes by share taxi to the nearby Vietnamese border. Buses to Phnom Penh a few hours distant. Yearlong retirement visas were available from travel agents for those over 55 costing about $300. Kampot ain't half bad, unless things have changed drastically.

DYOR. I was last in Asia pre-covid. Spent many years drifting around the region living cheaply.

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adopting western food (American) has nast end result

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I interpret the prevalence of ornamental use of language differently. It shows power over a foreign language. The number of non-native English speakers will eclipse the native speakers if that hasn't happened already. There are more English speakers in China who have never spoken to a native English speaker than there are Americans.

The English language will belong to the non-native speakers.


It will be a fitting subservient role for the next Era. And then what of predictive large language learning models? They will also be subservient to another power.

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Those T-shirts with random messages in English can be funny. In Spain I saw a homeless dude sleeping on the curbside with a "Save Lives -Stay Home" t-shirt. Too bad I couldn't take a picture. Klaus Schwab would be proud.

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"Not only was the top candidate in the last election a US stooge,..."


I don't see how that be the case... would be great for the American dude commenter to provide some sauce (links)..

Outside of that, you've presented another great article 👍

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𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐢 𝐆𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐕𝐨𝐰𝐬 𝐎𝐛𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐔𝐒 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲: 𝐌𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐦


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The CIA was always very interested in Thailand. Golden Triangle, anyone?

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Alfred has pointed to a piece on "The New Atlas" channel by Brian Berletic. He does his video blog from Thailand. A lot of his subject matter in general involves US involvement in SE Asia and elsewhere. It is a very informative blog.

I recommend following him on Rumble rather than GoogleTube, so as not to "feed the beast." Like many who report on inconvenient truths or otherwise indulge in opinions that counter the official narrative, he will eventually be demonetized and ejected from GoogleTube.

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After watching Brian's presentation, it appears that he is simply shilling for the Myanmar's military junta, as well as the Chinese who are working with the junta. Democratically elected leaders tossed out by the military, and Brian calls the freedom fighters; terrorists and armed militants. Riiiight. People are attacking Chinese built infrastructure because they are tired of the military regime selling their country to the Chinese. Brian acts as if the Chinese are there because of altruism. Please. And saying Pita and his Move Forward Party are "openly vowing to work with the U.S. to destabilize the region" and calling them a "client state" doesn't hold water from what I gather. Maybe I'm seeing it differently. But at any rate it appears Pita and the Move Forward Party are history. Pita will not become Thailand's new PM, so all this shite is moot. Goodnight.

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You are certainly correct in observing that Brian has his biases (as we all do). I've picked up in the past on his apparent need to be an apologist for the PRC regime. As with all such commentators, you need to sift through what's being said to find the nuggets of good/relevant information.

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