You can "fool some of the people all of the time; and you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Or can you? (Attributed to Abraham Lincoln.)
I see where that transgender/intersex creep won the gold medal and his defeated Chinese opponent embraced his victory. Don't know how the Taiwanese XY entrant fared, not as well apparently. Shocking to me that the sexual identity grift has shown its ugly head in such outliers as Algeria and Taiwan.
I am also surprised by Algeria (a Muslim nation), but not so much by Taiwan. The DPP, which has controlled government for at least the last two presidential terms, is much like the progressive parties in the West. I've been there for perhaps 4-6 weeks at a shot over a dozen times; the last time I was there about 5 years ago, you could see the drift toward some of the Western wackiness, although I'd say they are 5-10 years behind us. Probably the biggest difference is more of a Taiwanese tendency to live and let live, compared to what we are now seeing here in the West.
When I was young people would stop me on the street and say, "You know, there's something sort of Paul Newmanesque about you." Abashed, I could only simper superciliously.
When I was a little older, at cocktail parties, people often said, "You know, you remind me of a young Rock Hudson." Again, I had to smirk and roll my eyes in a condescending, haughty manner. "I know" I was thinking.
Now I am an old, decrepit, washed-up loser, hanging around the edges of the Internet hoping for digital hand-outs. "Shine yur' shoes for a quarter, mister." Being a somewhat "dwarfish" old man, people sometime mistake me for a child.
Oh, God. I feel that cheap vodka headache coming on again.
True story: When I was growing up in Fairfield, Connecticut Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward lived just a few miles to the west in (appropriately enough) Westport. Newman apparently eschewed the glitter of Hollywood preferring the Connecticut Suburbs.
It was said Mr. Newman had a penchant for hanging out in working class dive bars down on the Post Road in Westport and Fairfield. One day my brother came home while my mother and I were talking at the dinner table and excitedly said he had seen Paul Newman in some sporting goods store down on the Post Road. My brother said his (Newman's) eyes were like blue laser beams.
Last I heard, Ms. Woodward is alive to this day approaching her 100th birthday.
So, yea. I'm here among the glitterati. It suits me. Ass kissing, pond-scum sucking American loser that I am.
Hey! It's a tough job. But somebody's gotta' do it. (If you see an ass around that I can kiss, let me know!)
By the way, it's after ten p.m.; do you know where your (mixed race) child is? And why are they not at home, tied down in bed? (Hey! I don't make the rules. I just enforce them.)
I don't have any TV service so mercifully had none of my precious time spent staring into space wasted instead on the Olympics. Ireland could likely only medal in whiskey-consumption. I do own a TV, however, so the Irish government charges me €160/yr for a "license" I guess because someone has to pay for the nation's corporate propaganda.
My TV is only used to stream the one service I pay for—Mubi—where I mostly watch 'Under the Silver Lake' (spoilers: a few times a week. It's the rare film that makes Hollywood seem as sinister as it actually is yet somehow still got produced; a bit like Nicholas Winding Refn's 'The Neon Demon' (spoilers:
'Under the Silver Lake' really is excellent. Best guess as to why A24 never promoted it is because Hollywood was already sweating over the right attacking them as weird perverts constantly and didn't want to add any gasoline to the fire. There is a ton of good stuff on Mubi if you're any sort of cinephile, though as someone who likes to re-watch films that have an interesting mood it kinda sucks when they rotate out and I'm left with no ready way to re-watch them otherwise.
Good stuff they have right now includes Tarkovsky's 'The Sacrifice', Kelly Reichardt's 'Night Moves' and 'First Cow', 'Zero Fucks Given' with Adéle Exarchopoulus, 'La Haine' (1995), Park Chan Wook's 'Decision to Leave', 'Aftersun', 'Petite Maman' and a lot more. I mean, there is a good selection but note this is in Europe and I don't know how much overlap there is with Mubi's current US catalog.
If you just like to blatz out after work it's probably better to let NetFlix (or God-forbid Disney+) stealthily slip you sparkly, sugar-coated woke brainworms. Mubi can sometimes seem like hard work if you're mentally exhausted because most of these films require some level of active/attentive viewing.
Mubi has a good intro offer. I signed up for 6 months.
Netflix has so many thinly-veiled propaganda films. It's hard to find enjoyable stuff, documentary or fiction.
For a while I thought Kanopy was a great free alternative you get thru your local library. But eventually I realized my local librarians are all woke liberals and their taste in quality and overlooked goodies reflects that bias.
Criterion Channel is also good. Well, their classic stuff. The more recent stuff they have, not so much (mostly LGBTQ propaganda and etc). But they have a huge collection of old classic movies, and occasionally some good more recent independent movies. Netflix has gone really down. It's just racial grievance propaganda 24/7.
Vietnam has only itself to blame for its lack of Olympic medals, having not entered its fair share of men in the women's events.
You can "fool some of the people all of the time; and you can fool all of the people some of the time; but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Or can you? (Attributed to Abraham Lincoln.)
I see where that transgender/intersex creep won the gold medal and his defeated Chinese opponent embraced his victory. Don't know how the Taiwanese XY entrant fared, not as well apparently. Shocking to me that the sexual identity grift has shown its ugly head in such outliers as Algeria and Taiwan.
I am also surprised by Algeria (a Muslim nation), but not so much by Taiwan. The DPP, which has controlled government for at least the last two presidential terms, is much like the progressive parties in the West. I've been there for perhaps 4-6 weeks at a shot over a dozen times; the last time I was there about 5 years ago, you could see the drift toward some of the Western wackiness, although I'd say they are 5-10 years behind us. Probably the biggest difference is more of a Taiwanese tendency to live and let live, compared to what we are now seeing here in the West.
Imagine living in a society that is so backward that they think there are only two genders and you can't pick yours? Hello, what century is this?
I think you are confusing the matter at hand here. Biological men have physical advantage over biological women. I hope you can see the problem here.
Also, you may have noticed that biological men are the ones competing against women. You do not see it the other way round.
You obviously don't understand sarcasm
I wasn't sure if you were serious or not. I'm glad you weren't.
Brilliant writing, Lin.
From an ex-'almost elite jock' the last paragraph is golden.
Bingo! And thank you.
I agree. Wholeheartedly! I went to my local black jack dealer. "Where's MY Nobel Prize?" I demanded.
The guy handed me a box of Cracker Jacks. "It's in there." He said.
Indeed, after eagerly ripping open the box, greedily pouring out the popcorn, I pulled out a small plastic replica of a stick of dynamite.
"Thank you, Alfred Nobel!" I exclaimed. I am a great admirer of Beavis and Butthead and I like to blow things up.
Looking in the mirror (not unlike Narcissist looking in the pool of water) I saw a balding, shriveled up, old, decrepit shell of a human.
After joining the MAGA movement recently I saw myself as a Greek God. (And when I say "Greek" I mean real Greek. Do you catch my drift?)
Greek? You mean "in the middle of a flock of sheep"?
Or, Diogenes of the Olympic Tranny Regalia?
When I was young people would stop me on the street and say, "You know, there's something sort of Paul Newmanesque about you." Abashed, I could only simper superciliously.
When I was a little older, at cocktail parties, people often said, "You know, you remind me of a young Rock Hudson." Again, I had to smirk and roll my eyes in a condescending, haughty manner. "I know" I was thinking.
Now I am an old, decrepit, washed-up loser, hanging around the edges of the Internet hoping for digital hand-outs. "Shine yur' shoes for a quarter, mister." Being a somewhat "dwarfish" old man, people sometime mistake me for a child.
Oh, God. I feel that cheap vodka headache coming on again.
True story: When I was growing up in Fairfield, Connecticut Paul Newman and his wife Joanne Woodward lived just a few miles to the west in (appropriately enough) Westport. Newman apparently eschewed the glitter of Hollywood preferring the Connecticut Suburbs.
It was said Mr. Newman had a penchant for hanging out in working class dive bars down on the Post Road in Westport and Fairfield. One day my brother came home while my mother and I were talking at the dinner table and excitedly said he had seen Paul Newman in some sporting goods store down on the Post Road. My brother said his (Newman's) eyes were like blue laser beams.
Last I heard, Ms. Woodward is alive to this day approaching her 100th birthday.
So, yea. I'm here among the glitterati. It suits me. Ass kissing, pond-scum sucking American loser that I am.
Hey! It's a tough job. But somebody's gotta' do it. (If you see an ass around that I can kiss, let me know!)
By the way, it's after ten p.m.; do you know where your (mixed race) child is? And why are they not at home, tied down in bed? (Hey! I don't make the rules. I just enforce them.)
I don't have any TV service so mercifully had none of my precious time spent staring into space wasted instead on the Olympics. Ireland could likely only medal in whiskey-consumption. I do own a TV, however, so the Irish government charges me €160/yr for a "license" I guess because someone has to pay for the nation's corporate propaganda.
My TV is only used to stream the one service I pay for—Mubi—where I mostly watch 'Under the Silver Lake' (spoilers: a few times a week. It's the rare film that makes Hollywood seem as sinister as it actually is yet somehow still got produced; a bit like Nicholas Winding Refn's 'The Neon Demon' (spoilers:
Under the Silver Lake sounds great. Not so sure about Refn. Seen a couple of his. Sort of liked them. Has Mubi got other overlooked goodies?
'Under the Silver Lake' really is excellent. Best guess as to why A24 never promoted it is because Hollywood was already sweating over the right attacking them as weird perverts constantly and didn't want to add any gasoline to the fire. There is a ton of good stuff on Mubi if you're any sort of cinephile, though as someone who likes to re-watch films that have an interesting mood it kinda sucks when they rotate out and I'm left with no ready way to re-watch them otherwise.
Good stuff they have right now includes Tarkovsky's 'The Sacrifice', Kelly Reichardt's 'Night Moves' and 'First Cow', 'Zero Fucks Given' with Adéle Exarchopoulus, 'La Haine' (1995), Park Chan Wook's 'Decision to Leave', 'Aftersun', 'Petite Maman' and a lot more. I mean, there is a good selection but note this is in Europe and I don't know how much overlap there is with Mubi's current US catalog.
If you just like to blatz out after work it's probably better to let NetFlix (or God-forbid Disney+) stealthily slip you sparkly, sugar-coated woke brainworms. Mubi can sometimes seem like hard work if you're mentally exhausted because most of these films require some level of active/attentive viewing.
Mubi has a good intro offer. I signed up for 6 months.
Netflix has so many thinly-veiled propaganda films. It's hard to find enjoyable stuff, documentary or fiction.
For a while I thought Kanopy was a great free alternative you get thru your local library. But eventually I realized my local librarians are all woke liberals and their taste in quality and overlooked goodies reflects that bias.
Criterion Channel is also good. Well, their classic stuff. The more recent stuff they have, not so much (mostly LGBTQ propaganda and etc). But they have a huge collection of old classic movies, and occasionally some good more recent independent movies. Netflix has gone really down. It's just racial grievance propaganda 24/7.
Just reading about it I feel insects crawling all over my skin.
God dammed piece of shit jew kunt with 2 subscribers.
The Paris games were the Lolympics:).