I very rarely watch TV, but while living in Norwich, England in 2005, I turned on my telly for Harold Pinter’s Nobel speech. This bit has always stayed with me:
I put to you that the United States is without doubt the greatest show on the road. Brutal, indifferent, scornful and ruthless it may be but it is also very clever. As a salesman it is out on its own and its most saleable commodity is self-love. It’s a winner. Listen to all American presidents on television say the words, ‘the American people,’ as in the sentence, ‘I say to the American people it is time to pray and to defend the rights of the American people and I ask the American people to trust their president in the action he is about to take on behalf of the American people.’
Whatever his personal style, each American president is entrusted to dump bullshit not just on the American people, but the world. Delivering lie after lie with just the right facial expression, body language and tone, with never a sarcastic or mischievous glint in his eyes, he’s a first-rate actor, but you can’t rise that high without perfecting your craft. Obama was excellent in this regard, but Clinton, Trump and even Bush were very good, too. Each was chosen for his character, and if you think you had any part in these selections, you must hurry to get your fifth booster shot!
Why, then, do we have Joe Biden, who routinely flubs his lines, when not farting in front of royalty or shaking hands with nothing? Under his watch, the greatest show on earth has become a tawdry, bush league circus without even a three-legged lady to amuse us a little. As a horror attraction, Kamala Harris is simply boring. Couldn’t they have trotted out a much more appealing couple? The repulsiveness of this tag team is the whole point, however, for they want idiots to think the country’s fortune could be reversed if these clowns were removed.
Before Biden as zombie was deployed, he was even tasked with sounding literate. Welcoming the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Nguyễn Phú Trọng, to Washington in July of 2015, Biden quoted from Nguyễn Du’s “Tale of Kiều,” an 1820 poem of 3,254 lines.
Biden, “Thank heaven we are here today. To see the sun through parting fog and clouds” [“Trời còn để có hôm nay / Tan sương đầu ngõ vén mây giữa trời”]. I would translate these as, “Providence has left us this day / When mist melts below, clouds part above.” In any case, someone plucked out lines 3021 and 3022 so Biden could impress a Vietnamese audience. Most Americans wouldn’t recognize a quotation from Whitman, much less Nguyễn Du. The US and Vietnam were ready for a new partnership, Biden meant.
I hope you don’t think Biden could handle any poetry beyond the shortest Ogden Nash, “Why did the Lord give us agility, / If not to evade responsibility?”
In 2000, Clinton already quoted Nguyễn Du while visiting Hanoi, “Just as the lotus wilts, the mums bloom forth / Time softens grief, and the winter turns to spring” [lines 1795-6]. Since those words are spoken by Thúc Sinh, a skirt chasing adulterer with one nasty wife, this citation by Monica Lewinsky’s boyfriend had Vietnamese snickering. Someone at State Department must have had a good laugh at burger clown Bill’s expense.
Visiting Hanoi in 2015, Obama continued this tradition, “I hope you think back to this moment and draw hope from the vision that I’ve offered today. Or, if I can say it another way—in words that you know well from the Tale of Kieu—’Please take from me this token of trust, so we can embark upon our 100-year journey together [lines 355-6].’”
Between jiving, schmoozing and charming, US presidents do slip in key messages, or instructions, if you will, so here’s Clinton speaking in Vietnam on 11/17/20:
Today the United States and Vietnam open a new chapter in our relationship, at a time when people all across the world trade more, travel more, know more about and talk more with each other than ever before. Even as people take pride in their national independence, we know we are becoming more and more interdependent. The movement of people, money, and ideas across borders, frankly, breeds suspicion among many good people in every country. They are worried about globalization because of its unsettling and unpredictable consequences.
Yet, globalization is not something we can hold off or turn off. It is the economic equivalent of a force of nature, like wind or water. We can harness wind to fill a sail. We can use water to generate energy. We can work hard to protect people and property from storms and floods. But there is no point in denying the existence of wind or water, or trying to make them go away. The same is true for globalization. We can work to maximize its benefits and minimize its risks, but we cannot ignore it, and it is not going away.
So there you have it, globalization is a force of nature that can’t be resisted. Moreover, it shouldn’t be resisted, since it’s the salvation of mankind, just as Communism was once trumpeted.
Nationalism is not just reactionary or Fascistic, but dangerously so, for it leaves each population helpless in front of problems only globalism can solve. In Covid-19: The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab explains:
In a nutshell, global governance is at the nexus of all these other issues. Therefore, the concern is that, without appropriate global governance, we will become paralysed in our attempts to address and respond to global challenges, particularly when there is such a strong dissonance between short-term, domestic imperatives and long-term, global challenges. This is a major worry, considering that today there is no “committee to save the world.”
Get that? Without “appropriate global governance, we will become paralysed,” so we need “a committee to save the world,” but from what, you ask?
From media-hyped pandemics, oil, natural gas, bloody red meat, white breasts, dark thighs, procreation, hugging, smiling, debating in a civilized manner, probing official lies, being left alone to mind our own damn business, getting rowdy in a pub, travel, longevity or just breathing, etc. We need creeps like Schwab, Soros, Gates and Yuval Noah Harari to show us how to reach net zero, basically by snuffing ourselves out, to make room for self-chosen ones.
To facilitate this earth-saving task, there are Albert “Remember the Holocaust” Bourla’s serial jewjabs.
Injected, you can follow the example of Mali, 22-years-old, who used her car to block traffic to the Sydney Harbour Tunnel, to protest “climate destruction.” I’m assuming Mali didn’t just get her sleek wheels for this “no more oil” statement, so she’ll keep motoring.
Mali did stop thousands of cars from moving, so there was marginally less pollution during her trigger event or mini putsch. Grilled by the press afterwards, no one mentioned climate engineering, so the greatest cause of climate destruction was, as always, not addressed. Like Biden, Trump, Chomsky, Goodman or Unz, Mali distracts.
It’s nearly 11AM in Vũng Tàu, so I’ll stop here to head down to the beef place for a nice lunch, plus a Tiger beer or two. I’ll also order some french fries, which Vietnamese like to eat with margarine and sugar. “Just give me some salt,” I’ll have to ask again, since all those double-jabbed waiters can’t remember squat.
Nice kids, they all live above the restaurant, and just had their two-day yearly vacation, as paid by their boss. Though they only spent one night at a guest house, some packed suitcases as if they were going away for a week.
At the end of each long shift, they sit at a long table to enjoy their own beef dinner. Beef is good, and so is sitting together to talk and laugh.
Presidents are just actors who read lines. The Power lies elsewhere. Never before this was seen more clearly as now, with Biden. He literally has no cognizance of what he's saying. He could as well be a puppet or an AI avatar. Maybe he is. But, no one cares. The "American people" act normally as if he was a normal president. And maybe he is. Kurt Vonnegut once quipped that all U.S. presidents should have installed a toy steering wheel in the back of their limousines, "to always remind them that this was all they could ever do: to pretend to steer."
Biden being the most popular president of all time probably has more to do with the Jewish ruling class living in a domestic bubble than a crafty way to keep people involved in the system.
Probably a form of reversion to the mean but the current crop of rulers and managerial class are incompetent. What they lack in competence they make up for with maliciousness.
They create sanctions that don't hurt Russia but hurt the empire. Their power derives from the dollar being the reserve currency yet their actions hasten the dollar losing that distinction.
They have the press acting as their propaganda arm so never are challenged domestically but the rest of the world doesn't live in that bubble. Consequently most of the world is moving away from the empire. The empire doesn't know how to react because all they know is forcing acceptance from others.
Of course, that doesn't speak well of the American people who can so easily be manipulated by dolts. Today you have to hate Russians. Tomorrow Chinese.
"TPTB" (the powers that be) the "ruling elite" in America HAVE OWNED the Repub AND DEMORAT PARTIES since the late 1800s... if not since *they* orchestrated, plotted the assassination of President Lincoln BEFORE the Civil War was completely over. And there is NO dispute on WHO THE RULING ppl of the world today are - as the superlative youtube video "MONEY'S PROPHETS" explains,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYAQzMkkq4w by the mid 1800s NO western nation OR EMPIRE could start a war WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING Rotschilds financing (German for "red shield" - "rothschilds" is an english gentrification) = credit = LOANS.
As a condition for their financing the victorious Allies defeat of Napolean, the Allies had to collect the DEBTS from the LOSING side. It's well known that James Rotschild financed Napoleon in France, while his brothers financed the allies in Franfurt, Vienna, and esp. London.
As Austrian "holocaust refugee" Jewish author Frederick Morton wrote in his AUTHORIZED FAMILY BIOGRAPHY, "The ROTHSCHILDS HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than ALL the Caesars before." You can read for yourself in what might be the most informative book you will ever read on-line here -
Operating behind first the BRITISH, then the AMERICAN empires, they have EXTENDED THEIR TOTAL WORLDWIDE CONTROL of the mid-1800s to the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION of first the AUSTRIAN, then GERMAN, then RUSSIAN empires... and now the BRITISH and AMERICAN civilizations are being chopped to pieces, or perhaps the better metaphor is akin to the ancient Chinese "DEATH OF 1,000 CUTS" "RITUAL OF HUMILIATION" slow motion torture execution.
For an exceptional insight in to just HOW the Rotschilds used their billions thru American viceroy JACOB SCHIFF to CONQUER America, see here -
to SPLIT the REPUBLICAN VOTE in 1912 election (by goading the VANITY of former president Teddy Roosevelt, funding his 3rd term, THIRD PARTY campaign)
that ALLOWED their BLACKMAILED NJ Gov. Dem. presidential candidate, WOODROW WILSON to win by the back-door in that election -
THE REPUBLICANS WOULD have won, had not TR SPLIT their vote.
After campaigning to NOT sign the "federal reserve" act and to KEEP US OUT of WWI, Wilson RENEGED on BOTH. The NY, London, Paris "globalists" financiers GOT FILTHY RICH on WWI... even as the people of "their" countries died by the hundreds of thousands and suffered deprivation and misery. Shortly after the war ended, they RIGGED the U.S. AGRICULTURAL MARKETS TO CRASH, forcing THOUSANDS of successful farmers in to BANKRUPTCY - unable to pay their wartime expansion loans in a market crowded with ag commodities with no further big wartime purchases.
Oh - sorry for the long rant, but getting back to COMATOSE in-your-face CRIMINAL PUPPET Biden....
well, after President Wilson signed the "federal reserve" into being, got us in to WWI for them, he campaigned on getting SENATE RATIFICATION of the "LEAGUE OF NATIONS" treaty... but after failing time and again, he told his handlers "no more" - SO THEY POISONED HIM.
He spent the last years of his presidency comatose - IN BED, his WIFE running the u.s. govt "PETTICOAT PRESIDENCY" - although actually it was his jewish handlers, "Col." Edwin Mandell House and "Wartime Industries CZAR" bernard baruch who RULED the u.s. govt. with a secret iron fist.
BLACKMAILED LYNDON JOHNSON, HAPLESS GERALD FORD and JIMMY CARTER, made man Bush Sr. and incompetent, cocaine snorting, homosexual "escort" soliciting PUPPET george W bush (and dastardly dick cheney) - "THE POWERS THAT BE" are ALWAYS running things from JUST BEHIND THEIR PUPPET presidents - look at all the recent WHITE HOUSE CHIEFS OF STAFF - josh bolton, rahm emanuel, jack lew, now ron klain.
THEY PREFER to RULE behind INCOMPETENT PUPPETS, and now in these late stages of their metastasizing cancer/parasite DESTRUCTION of the united states, they are back to their favorite RITUAL OF HUMILIATION, ruling behind ABSOLUTE CRIMINAL DEGENERATES
like PEDO biden, SATANIST pelosi, cackling kamala & hillary, traitor liz cheney, degenerate mitt romney, and all the other in-your-face ghoulish creeps and Americans hating psychopaths who get pimped and boosted on jew billionaire owned media & big tech CENSORSHIP & HATE SPEW monopolies
There is sooo much more to the Lincoln assassination. When you read the account with just a little bit of a critical eye rather than just accepting it as history written in stone, it all falls apart. http://mileswmathis.com/lincoln.pdf
And you're right about the parties and the money changers.
I'm not sure I agree with him the Kennedy assassination(s) and others were faked....
but he really goes deep in to the genealogy, the SECRET, HIDDEN parents, (great/great) grandparents and bloodlines behind the everyday names we know from "history" - where I agree completely with him, if you aren't looking at the HIDDEN HAND(s) - you're learning FAKE history.
In his article about the DaVinci painting FRAUD, he explains that EVERYTHING ABOUT THE STORY IS also A FRAUD! The story of the buyers, sellers, govt. officials, auction houses - THEY'RE ALL "in" on the MASSIVE TRILLIONS-DOLLARS RIP-OFFS known as "bailouts," "stimulus" & etc. and need ways to park their taxpayers extorted loot!
That fake market is then used as a front for even more massive
frauds, including laundering money from huge international thefts from national treasuries worldwide.
We now know the billionaires are stealing from treasuries directly in the form of various banking WE ALL KNOW the BILLIONAIRES ARE STEALING FROM THE TREASURIES in the form of these VARIOUS SCANDALS including LIBOR, TARP, PPIP ['covid' stimulus AND 'biden stimulus'] and so on and so on. Many bank and savings and loan collapses have been faked over the decades to facilitate TREASURY DIPS in the form of needless “BAILOUTS”, paid for by taxpayers. These aren't bailouts, they are just GRAND THEFT IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Well, these FAKE ART SALES are simply used to LAUNDER some of the billions [TRILLION$!] of dollars stolen in these various cons."
[= EACH DOLLAR of govt. "debt" created out of thin air by the central banksters to "lend" to the govt. FOR THEIR OWN "BAILOUTS" ACCRUES INTEREST to the pigs running the above scams!!!]
The JFK paper was written a few years ago, and his understanding of the power structure has evolved since then (away from the Kennedys and toward the banking cabal), but the photo analysis of the RFK assassination sort of blows that one apart. I tend to accept the JFK conclusion as the end result was to cause devastating demoralization, disenfranchisement and disempowerment of the American public in a way that no scandal or finishing out his term could ever succeed in doing. It makes more sense if you read the 'Marylin Monroe' and 'JFK was gay' papers.
Yes, his modern art money laundering papers are great, and it's good to see others taking interest in the subject. The same for NFT's, a new twist on an old scam. Same for science. The origins of the Federal Reserve are a great and accessible starting point for everyone, and more people need to know about it. "I'd like to file a suspicious transaction report on the entire 20th century" sums it all up nicely.
When I became a communist fifty years ago out of hatred of the American war against Vietnam and the coup against Allende's Chile, I did not think that the world was something dangerous and ignoble if the imperial desires of the United States were broken. Today I think that the imperial desires of the United States are plain for all to see, but that the path has been chosen to see how far the reign of chaos can go. I feel like I'm watching a 1970s avant-garde theater show, where actors would come down from the stage, talk to the audience, then go back up on stage as if nothing had happened. As long as the audience remains seated in its chair and does not kill the first actor to come down from the stage, as in a purifying ritual, we will have theater and not life flowing with death. It is time for death to play its part in the theater of life.
But there are a lot of people dying now, all around us, in numbers twice to three times as large as they were last year. Life flows, along and through the cracks and holes left behind by all the people now vanishing.
I know of several people now at my work place who've vanished. With all the silence regarding the growing obituaries, you'd think these people just rose up and became one with the air.
Cảm ơn anh vì bài viết. Em không có quan điểm bi quan như anh, nhưng là người cánh hữu theo chủ nghĩa tự do cổ điển (the original liberalismus - Mises), em mến mộ và trân trọng tiếng nói của anh Linh, và yêu văn chương của anh. Nhờ sách anh viết và chuyến đi về Philadelphia sau đó, em đã được rửa mắt về một nước Mỹ rất khác với tháp ngà em đang sống :)
Đọc bài này của anh, em nhớ lại một chuyện khá thú vị. Các tổng lú Huê Kỳ sang Việt Nam đều được mớm cho lẩy Kiều, riêng bài diễn văn của Trump, được viết bởi một người tư vấn cánh hữu, lại nhắc đến Hai Bà Trưng.
P.s. em đọc sách anh viết từ lâu, giờ mới biết anh có substack để theo dõi. Mong sớm được đọc sách bằng tiếng Việt của anh. Chúc anh ngày an lành!
Anh có sách tiếng Việt, nhưng chỉ được in chui. Giấy Vụn của Lý Đợi và Bùi Chát đã in hay tập thơ cho anh, Lĩnh đinh chích khoái và Thơ nước trong. Anh lại có một quyển mới, Tích ngàn thu sau bữa cơm ma.
Cỡ hai tháng nữa, anh sẽ mò về Việt Nam. Mây liên lạc anh tại linhdinh99@yahoo.com để lấy sách, anh tặng.
Just had the best banh mi (in Gothenburg, Sweden) since i was in Laos back in 05. Just needed to share that. Taro tea on the side, but that was pretty bland.
Speaking of Globalization, has Vietnam ever recovered from hosting the Miss Universe pageant in Nha Trang in 2008 ?
I wouldn't rate "W" too highly on the best bullshitter list...When he gave Saddam Hussein and Sons "48 HRS to leave the country", I thought I was watching a bad rerun of "Gunsmoke".
Stopped at a red light the other day and noticed the lady in the SUV next to me had a mask on covering her mouth & nose. She was alone in the vehicle. Good Grief !
Haven't heard Kamala Harris described as "boring" before, although it's applicable. You're just being kind, Linh. She might be worse than Biden & that's saying something.
Speaking of Biden...he's not too dis-similar from the vegetables you mentioned in your excellent article.
The pageant certainly helped Nha Trang tourism. When I was in Nha Trang around Christmas of 2019, it was filled with Chinese tourists, and many Russians too. With Covid, the Chinese are gone, so Nha Trang is seriously hurting.
As for Bush, his speech after 9/11 was very good acting, considering what he knew.
Biden is sadly hilarious, but Harris is insufferable...
I once saw Jill Biden at the Wilmington Amtrak station. I had no idea I was looking at a future First Lady. With Joe locked into his clown role, she's betraying no discomfort. That, too, is hilarious. This is her moment in the sun!
Jill better enjoy it while she can, it's going to be a struggle for Old Joe to make to a finish line that's still more than 2 years away. He shuffles more than he walks now.
I watched that Harold Pinter speech for the first time just last year on YouTube--really something!
It may be as you say: “The repulsiveness of this tag team is the whole point, however, for they want idiots to think the country’s fortune could be reversed if these clowns were removed.” My own reaction is that we are simply being "flipped off" by those who REALLY select the president, as if to say that it is only their indulgence that allows us the luxury belief that elections matter.
“...[Globalism] shouldn’t be resisted, since it’s the salvation of mankind, just as Communism was once trumpeted.” And for them, it is the ultimate in compulsion. Elections are increasingly corrupted and "The Vote" rendered irrelevant by the administrative state and the never-ending "states of exception" (a la Giorgio Agamben). In today’s world of many states and nations, most of us can at least still vote with our feet. But Globalism will eliminate that next-to-last refuge of those who don’t like their government--there will be nowhere left to run. The only thing left to do is to disarm the public and the coup will be complete.
Note that most leaders pushing Globalism are from industrialized nations that are usually resource-poor. They are resource-poor due to accidents of geology or (usually) because they have exhausted whatever resources they once had, and they now wish to loot others. This is why they want to "end war." No more strong-arming of recalcitrant developing nation governments needed!
Hence they assert that Globalism will end war; in this they are either sorely mistaken or intentionally misleading. The wars the Globalists hope to end are the “resource grab” wars. But rather than ending war, it will simply ensure that all post-globalist wars are civil wars instead of wars between nations.
You've got the logic down for what Orwell's getting across in his book-within-a-book, what the Brotherhood passed around as secret literature: how to go about generating and sustaining the paradox that War is Peace. The endless war orchestrated by global mindsets resolves the unpredictability and danger of actual uprooting war, producing a stable peace from the predictable and managed destruction of wealth, material, and human capital.
You mentioned Agamben. Do you think you are living in a time when Leviathan and Behemoth reveal themselves to one another?
Presidents are just actors who read lines. The Power lies elsewhere. Never before this was seen more clearly as now, with Biden. He literally has no cognizance of what he's saying. He could as well be a puppet or an AI avatar. Maybe he is. But, no one cares. The "American people" act normally as if he was a normal president. And maybe he is. Kurt Vonnegut once quipped that all U.S. presidents should have installed a toy steering wheel in the back of their limousines, "to always remind them that this was all they could ever do: to pretend to steer."
Biden being the most popular president of all time probably has more to do with the Jewish ruling class living in a domestic bubble than a crafty way to keep people involved in the system.
Probably a form of reversion to the mean but the current crop of rulers and managerial class are incompetent. What they lack in competence they make up for with maliciousness.
They create sanctions that don't hurt Russia but hurt the empire. Their power derives from the dollar being the reserve currency yet their actions hasten the dollar losing that distinction.
They have the press acting as their propaganda arm so never are challenged domestically but the rest of the world doesn't live in that bubble. Consequently most of the world is moving away from the empire. The empire doesn't know how to react because all they know is forcing acceptance from others.
Of course, that doesn't speak well of the American people who can so easily be manipulated by dolts. Today you have to hate Russians. Tomorrow Chinese.
I think even admitting you cannot hate more than one target at the same time might be considered racism or white privilege.
"TPTB" (the powers that be) the "ruling elite" in America HAVE OWNED the Repub AND DEMORAT PARTIES since the late 1800s... if not since *they* orchestrated, plotted the assassination of President Lincoln BEFORE the Civil War was completely over. And there is NO dispute on WHO THE RULING ppl of the world today are - as the superlative youtube video "MONEY'S PROPHETS" explains,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYAQzMkkq4w by the mid 1800s NO western nation OR EMPIRE could start a war WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING Rotschilds financing (German for "red shield" - "rothschilds" is an english gentrification) = credit = LOANS.
As a condition for their financing the victorious Allies defeat of Napolean, the Allies had to collect the DEBTS from the LOSING side. It's well known that James Rotschild financed Napoleon in France, while his brothers financed the allies in Franfurt, Vienna, and esp. London.
As Austrian "holocaust refugee" Jewish author Frederick Morton wrote in his AUTHORIZED FAMILY BIOGRAPHY, "The ROTHSCHILDS HAVE CONQUERED THE WORLD more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than ALL the Caesars before." You can read for yourself in what might be the most informative book you will ever read on-line here -
Operating behind first the BRITISH, then the AMERICAN empires, they have EXTENDED THEIR TOTAL WORLDWIDE CONTROL of the mid-1800s to the ABSOLUTE DESTRUCTION of first the AUSTRIAN, then GERMAN, then RUSSIAN empires... and now the BRITISH and AMERICAN civilizations are being chopped to pieces, or perhaps the better metaphor is akin to the ancient Chinese "DEATH OF 1,000 CUTS" "RITUAL OF HUMILIATION" slow motion torture execution.
For an exceptional insight in to just HOW the Rotschilds used their billions thru American viceroy JACOB SCHIFF to CONQUER America, see here -
to SPLIT the REPUBLICAN VOTE in 1912 election (by goading the VANITY of former president Teddy Roosevelt, funding his 3rd term, THIRD PARTY campaign)
that ALLOWED their BLACKMAILED NJ Gov. Dem. presidential candidate, WOODROW WILSON to win by the back-door in that election -
THE REPUBLICANS WOULD have won, had not TR SPLIT their vote.
After campaigning to NOT sign the "federal reserve" act and to KEEP US OUT of WWI, Wilson RENEGED on BOTH. The NY, London, Paris "globalists" financiers GOT FILTHY RICH on WWI... even as the people of "their" countries died by the hundreds of thousands and suffered deprivation and misery. Shortly after the war ended, they RIGGED the U.S. AGRICULTURAL MARKETS TO CRASH, forcing THOUSANDS of successful farmers in to BANKRUPTCY - unable to pay their wartime expansion loans in a market crowded with ag commodities with no further big wartime purchases.
Oh - sorry for the long rant, but getting back to COMATOSE in-your-face CRIMINAL PUPPET Biden....
well, after President Wilson signed the "federal reserve" into being, got us in to WWI for them, he campaigned on getting SENATE RATIFICATION of the "LEAGUE OF NATIONS" treaty... but after failing time and again, he told his handlers "no more" - SO THEY POISONED HIM.
He spent the last years of his presidency comatose - IN BED, his WIFE running the u.s. govt "PETTICOAT PRESIDENCY" - although actually it was his jewish handlers, "Col." Edwin Mandell House and "Wartime Industries CZAR" bernard baruch who RULED the u.s. govt. with a secret iron fist.
BLACKMAILED LYNDON JOHNSON, HAPLESS GERALD FORD and JIMMY CARTER, made man Bush Sr. and incompetent, cocaine snorting, homosexual "escort" soliciting PUPPET george W bush (and dastardly dick cheney) - "THE POWERS THAT BE" are ALWAYS running things from JUST BEHIND THEIR PUPPET presidents - look at all the recent WHITE HOUSE CHIEFS OF STAFF - josh bolton, rahm emanuel, jack lew, now ron klain.
THEY PREFER to RULE behind INCOMPETENT PUPPETS, and now in these late stages of their metastasizing cancer/parasite DESTRUCTION of the united states, they are back to their favorite RITUAL OF HUMILIATION, ruling behind ABSOLUTE CRIMINAL DEGENERATES
like PEDO biden, SATANIST pelosi, cackling kamala & hillary, traitor liz cheney, degenerate mitt romney, and all the other in-your-face ghoulish creeps and Americans hating psychopaths who get pimped and boosted on jew billionaire owned media & big tech CENSORSHIP & HATE SPEW monopolies
There is sooo much more to the Lincoln assassination. When you read the account with just a little bit of a critical eye rather than just accepting it as history written in stone, it all falls apart. http://mileswmathis.com/lincoln.pdf
And you're right about the parties and the money changers.
While you're there, check out the The Beer Hall Putsch http://mileswmathis.com/putsch.pdf
and Hitler's Genealogy http://mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf
That Miles W Mathis is a DEEP rabbit-hole dive!
I'm not sure I agree with him the Kennedy assassination(s) and others were faked....
but he really goes deep in to the genealogy, the SECRET, HIDDEN parents, (great/great) grandparents and bloodlines behind the everyday names we know from "history" - where I agree completely with him, if you aren't looking at the HIDDEN HAND(s) - you're learning FAKE history.
In his article about the DaVinci painting FRAUD, he explains that EVERYTHING ABOUT THE STORY IS also A FRAUD! The story of the buyers, sellers, govt. officials, auction houses - THEY'RE ALL "in" on the MASSIVE TRILLIONS-DOLLARS RIP-OFFS known as "bailouts," "stimulus" & etc. and need ways to park their taxpayers extorted loot!
That fake market is then used as a front for even more massive
frauds, including laundering money from huge international thefts from national treasuries worldwide.
We now know the billionaires are stealing from treasuries directly in the form of various banking WE ALL KNOW the BILLIONAIRES ARE STEALING FROM THE TREASURIES in the form of these VARIOUS SCANDALS including LIBOR, TARP, PPIP ['covid' stimulus AND 'biden stimulus'] and so on and so on. Many bank and savings and loan collapses have been faked over the decades to facilitate TREASURY DIPS in the form of needless “BAILOUTS”, paid for by taxpayers. These aren't bailouts, they are just GRAND THEFT IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. Well, these FAKE ART SALES are simply used to LAUNDER some of the billions [TRILLION$!] of dollars stolen in these various cons."
[= EACH DOLLAR of govt. "debt" created out of thin air by the central banksters to "lend" to the govt. FOR THEIR OWN "BAILOUTS" ACCRUES INTEREST to the pigs running the above scams!!!]
The JFK paper was written a few years ago, and his understanding of the power structure has evolved since then (away from the Kennedys and toward the banking cabal), but the photo analysis of the RFK assassination sort of blows that one apart. I tend to accept the JFK conclusion as the end result was to cause devastating demoralization, disenfranchisement and disempowerment of the American public in a way that no scandal or finishing out his term could ever succeed in doing. It makes more sense if you read the 'Marylin Monroe' and 'JFK was gay' papers.
Yes, his modern art money laundering papers are great, and it's good to see others taking interest in the subject. The same for NFT's, a new twist on an old scam. Same for science. The origins of the Federal Reserve are a great and accessible starting point for everyone, and more people need to know about it. "I'd like to file a suspicious transaction report on the entire 20th century" sums it all up nicely.
When I became a communist fifty years ago out of hatred of the American war against Vietnam and the coup against Allende's Chile, I did not think that the world was something dangerous and ignoble if the imperial desires of the United States were broken. Today I think that the imperial desires of the United States are plain for all to see, but that the path has been chosen to see how far the reign of chaos can go. I feel like I'm watching a 1970s avant-garde theater show, where actors would come down from the stage, talk to the audience, then go back up on stage as if nothing had happened. As long as the audience remains seated in its chair and does not kill the first actor to come down from the stage, as in a purifying ritual, we will have theater and not life flowing with death. It is time for death to play its part in the theater of life.
But there are a lot of people dying now, all around us, in numbers twice to three times as large as they were last year. Life flows, along and through the cracks and holes left behind by all the people now vanishing.
I know of several people now at my work place who've vanished. With all the silence regarding the growing obituaries, you'd think these people just rose up and became one with the air.
Dear anh Đinh Linh,
Cảm ơn anh vì bài viết. Em không có quan điểm bi quan như anh, nhưng là người cánh hữu theo chủ nghĩa tự do cổ điển (the original liberalismus - Mises), em mến mộ và trân trọng tiếng nói của anh Linh, và yêu văn chương của anh. Nhờ sách anh viết và chuyến đi về Philadelphia sau đó, em đã được rửa mắt về một nước Mỹ rất khác với tháp ngà em đang sống :)
Đọc bài này của anh, em nhớ lại một chuyện khá thú vị. Các tổng lú Huê Kỳ sang Việt Nam đều được mớm cho lẩy Kiều, riêng bài diễn văn của Trump, được viết bởi một người tư vấn cánh hữu, lại nhắc đến Hai Bà Trưng.
P.s. em đọc sách anh viết từ lâu, giờ mới biết anh có substack để theo dõi. Mong sớm được đọc sách bằng tiếng Việt của anh. Chúc anh ngày an lành!
Mây ơi,
Anh có sách tiếng Việt, nhưng chỉ được in chui. Giấy Vụn của Lý Đợi và Bùi Chát đã in hay tập thơ cho anh, Lĩnh đinh chích khoái và Thơ nước trong. Anh lại có một quyển mới, Tích ngàn thu sau bữa cơm ma.
Cỡ hai tháng nữa, anh sẽ mò về Việt Nam. Mây liên lạc anh tại linhdinh99@yahoo.com để lấy sách, anh tặng.
Just had the best banh mi (in Gothenburg, Sweden) since i was in Laos back in 05. Just needed to share that. Taro tea on the side, but that was pretty bland.
Speaking of Globalization, has Vietnam ever recovered from hosting the Miss Universe pageant in Nha Trang in 2008 ?
I wouldn't rate "W" too highly on the best bullshitter list...When he gave Saddam Hussein and Sons "48 HRS to leave the country", I thought I was watching a bad rerun of "Gunsmoke".
Stopped at a red light the other day and noticed the lady in the SUV next to me had a mask on covering her mouth & nose. She was alone in the vehicle. Good Grief !
Haven't heard Kamala Harris described as "boring" before, although it's applicable. You're just being kind, Linh. She might be worse than Biden & that's saying something.
Speaking of Biden...he's not too dis-similar from the vegetables you mentioned in your excellent article.
Hi Bill,
The pageant certainly helped Nha Trang tourism. When I was in Nha Trang around Christmas of 2019, it was filled with Chinese tourists, and many Russians too. With Covid, the Chinese are gone, so Nha Trang is seriously hurting.
As for Bush, his speech after 9/11 was very good acting, considering what he knew.
Biden is sadly hilarious, but Harris is insufferable...
I once saw Jill Biden at the Wilmington Amtrak station. I had no idea I was looking at a future First Lady. With Joe locked into his clown role, she's betraying no discomfort. That, too, is hilarious. This is her moment in the sun!
Jill better enjoy it while she can, it's going to be a struggle for Old Joe to make to a finish line that's still more than 2 years away. He shuffles more than he walks now.
Sadly hilarious is spot on.
Hi Bill, she still has time to stuff her face with breakfast tacos!--Linh
I watched that Harold Pinter speech for the first time just last year on YouTube--really something!
It may be as you say: “The repulsiveness of this tag team is the whole point, however, for they want idiots to think the country’s fortune could be reversed if these clowns were removed.” My own reaction is that we are simply being "flipped off" by those who REALLY select the president, as if to say that it is only their indulgence that allows us the luxury belief that elections matter.
“...[Globalism] shouldn’t be resisted, since it’s the salvation of mankind, just as Communism was once trumpeted.” And for them, it is the ultimate in compulsion. Elections are increasingly corrupted and "The Vote" rendered irrelevant by the administrative state and the never-ending "states of exception" (a la Giorgio Agamben). In today’s world of many states and nations, most of us can at least still vote with our feet. But Globalism will eliminate that next-to-last refuge of those who don’t like their government--there will be nowhere left to run. The only thing left to do is to disarm the public and the coup will be complete.
Note that most leaders pushing Globalism are from industrialized nations that are usually resource-poor. They are resource-poor due to accidents of geology or (usually) because they have exhausted whatever resources they once had, and they now wish to loot others. This is why they want to "end war." No more strong-arming of recalcitrant developing nation governments needed!
Hence they assert that Globalism will end war; in this they are either sorely mistaken or intentionally misleading. The wars the Globalists hope to end are the “resource grab” wars. But rather than ending war, it will simply ensure that all post-globalist wars are civil wars instead of wars between nations.
You've got the logic down for what Orwell's getting across in his book-within-a-book, what the Brotherhood passed around as secret literature: how to go about generating and sustaining the paradox that War is Peace. The endless war orchestrated by global mindsets resolves the unpredictability and danger of actual uprooting war, producing a stable peace from the predictable and managed destruction of wealth, material, and human capital.
You mentioned Agamben. Do you think you are living in a time when Leviathan and Behemoth reveal themselves to one another?
The US is concerned about the personal safety of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said.
On RT this morning, not even you could make this up!!!
The US government is going to kill him according to Gozolo Lira
Never, after Julian Assange? And that spy in Moscow? and Bidet himself? There will be no one left except russians... including of course Poootine?
What about his Mi6 bodyguard, or do they count as Americanoes!