I learned recently of a book published in 1984 - From Time Immemorial (with a lengthy sub-title). Briefly, the supposed authoress, Joan Peters (maiden name Friedman), alleged that in Palestine there had been few if any actual Palestinians in 1948 - '49; therefore when the State of Israel was created, it was Jews "moving" into empty territory. Needless to say the book was praised and celebrated.

However, a PhD student named Norm Finkelstein (also Jewish, which is why this sordid story can even be admitted by our media) researched the creation of the book and the footnotes and, long story short, demonstrated it to be a complete fraud. Eventually - EVENTUALLY - media sources admitted the obvious. But it took quite a long time.

What is the point? Alright, just for fun, I looked for it on Amazon. It has many glowing reviews from people who do not know or do not care it is a total lie. And I found the review for which I was looking; a person who, besides praising it, stated that his or her PASTOR had recommended it, no doubt from the pulpit. My own race (I will wager anything I have that the reviewer is White) cannot feed the Jewish machine fast enough. At this point, my fellow co-ethnics are stumbling over each other to put their heads in the nooses.

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You're beginning to sound like my favorite SE Asian, albeit retired, politician Mahathir Mohamad. Keep up the fine work.

p.s. you've got my vote

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Always need to add to articles like this that America's religious police, the ADL, was founded because a Jew, Leo Frank, raped and murdered a white girl and the goys were uppity enough to convict him. How dare they!

The ADL used their first wave of money to bribe a jury.

By the way there are some 500 million Semites (a specific region) of which Jews are a tiny minority. Why is criticizing a Jew whose family is from Russia and who has never been to Israel anti Semitic but Jews killing Arab (the vast majority of actual Semites) children not anti Semitic?

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You Goyim are becoming a little too aware...go back to your sportsball and Goyflix. Nothing to see here.

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….and this is why linh had to flee the USA…he dared to name our “Voldemorts”…

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Don't touch me, either!

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Linh is right. It's time we all faced up to the fact that we're just jealous of the Jews because God's light doesn't shine from *our* assholes.

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Speak for yourself! I was wondering why, when I bend over at night, my room lights up! Now I know where I put that darn flashlight.

But like a good liberal Democrat, I don't take responsibility for my actions; it must have been that corn liquor... . (What else can I blame on that? If the gub'ment jus' gib me 'nough money I could by better booze and i wou'nt hab dis problem.)

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Well, I guess I can believe that this Davis guy turned down Janis. These people in the "entertainment business" usually prefer 10-year-old boys... :-P

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Laughing here, I think Davis is lying about this, I'm from that era and the common knowledge was that Janis batted for the other team.

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Yuval Noah Harari is a particularly dangerous and pernicious guy. He is on the record (Youtube) claiming human rights are "made up" and don't exist. In other words Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self evident..." is a fantasy and a lie at least according to Harari.

The 18th century German philosopher Immanual Kant held that some truths were "transcendental" and nomenal beyond phenomenal empiricism. Human rights fall into this transcendental category.

The classical Greeks had a name for people like Harari: "sophists"; Those who craft a clever but ultimately fallacious argument for the purpose of confounding and deceiving people.

Under the direction of Netanyahu and his Likkud party Israel has lost its way. Since Itzak Rabin was assassinated in 1995 Israel has relinquished its legitimacy to the limited extent it ever had any. Not surprisingly Netanyahu spent much of his youth in America and attended MIT an educational institution funded largely by the American military industrial complex. (Just ask Noam Chomsky who spent his working life there.)

"Between 1956 and 1958 and 1963 and 1967 he [Netanyahu] lived in Cheltenham Township, a suburb of Philadelphia" (Wikipedea). Nice neighbors you had there, Mr. Dinh.

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While I agree that Harari is a evil whore,what about chickens rights?Tuna`s rights?Any living thing has rights until they dont.

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Your point, arguably, has merit. Some very compassionte people agree whole-heartedly with you. That apparently is why some become vegetarian, even vegan refusing to eat fish or even eggs, I surmise because it could have become a potential chicken?

My constitution doesn't work that way. My way of thinking (and I'm not saying I'm right and these other folks are wrong) is that humans have a uniquely acute level of self-consciousness and awareness and thus are worthy of certain rights animals are not as worthy of.

Maybe I'm just taking the easy way out avoiding the problem that most living beings have with suffering and death? I've heard that humans are the only animals that contemplate their own death but is that true? Elephants seem to recognize the bones of dead elephants and pay a sort of homage to them?

I would say the point I've arrived at regarding "animal rights" is I avoid harming them. (I even try to not step on beetles or worms on sidewalks.) But if someone else harms them (like a butcher or a slaughter house) I just accept that.

Would you excuse me while I go finish my ham sandwich? https://halherzog.com/

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Man walks into a sinagogue:

"Free ham sandwiches, everybody".

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"My way of thinking (and I'm not saying I'm right and these other folks are wrong) is that humans have a uniquely acute level of self-consciousness and awareness and thus are worthy of certain rights animals are not as worthy of."

How do you know this to be true? What do you expect another being's expression of self-consciousness, self-awareness, to look like, such that you do not find it expressed among others? What would a grove of trees look like if it expresses self-awareness, such that you do not see the trees doing this thing and thus conclude they did not have it?

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Your comment is fatuous to the point of silliness. No animal other than humans speak. No animals other than humans are capable of expressing themselves with the subtlety of humans. No other animals are capable of abstract thinking.

How would a chicken or a dog or even a chimpanzee think about abstractions? They can't they don't have language to do that.

I'm not saying these organisms are not alive or completely without sentience. I'm saying they do not have the acute consciousness and awareness of humans. My understanding is only humans are capable of contemplating their own death (forever memorialized by Hamlet's "To be or not to be speech" over the skull of an old companion.) Our ability to form word thoughts and think in abstractions gives us humans a uniquely acute consciousness.

Our evolution of speech and abstract thinking make us as a species uniquely self conscious.

As I indicated, if you want to elevate animals to be as worthy of dignity and respect as humans that's your prerogative. I don't. As I also said, I don't intentionally harm animals. But I don't sit a dog down to the dinner table and attempt to have a conversation with him either.

Try reasoning with an aggressive, barking dog trying to bite you that he should, "follow Christ's admonition, brother dog and 'Do unto others as you would have done to you' " while he is taking a bite out of your leg.

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If you do not speak/write/sign/perform their language, how are you sure theirs is not a language?

Why is language a necessity for self-awareness? From the hidden presumptions of your argument, language requires *other* consciousnesses prior to the expression of one's own. Thus, for one to be self-aware, one must already be among others. If you are not among their others, why are you sure they do not speak/write/sign/perform any language?

Communication requires community, right?

You might think this is silly, but perhaps that's because you haven't really been struck with what makes your claim of human uniqueness silly from another's perspective. That is, from their account, your inability to listen/read/receive/observe their language shows that you are not yourself aware. And, as is the case, you'll say, "I'm not aware that they have any language." Thus, you are not aware they are an other for other others.

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While I didnt understand,an other for other others,I liked the preceding part of your comment,reminded me of 1999,when my mother killed herself,and the neighbors dog(,whom she had walked often)65kilo,came to our house on his own,which he had never done before,and lied flat on his stomach on our living room floor,with his limbs spread out,it certainly felt like this big dog understood this family sadness.

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There is truth to the adage,

"If a tree falls in a forest; does anybody hear?"

All beings communicate; they are built up with similar Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, molecules, energy pathways.

Humans have given up actually "LISTENING" to only cogitate over human language.

"Try reasoning with an aggressive, barking dog trying to bite you".

Much easier than an aggressive, barking human.

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Devil's advocate here, but what about aliens?... Or alien entities.

Terrence McKenna has hypothesised that consciousness itself has the potential to exist outside of our terrestrial bound nervous systems which evolved in tandem with the rest of our terrestrial reality. A core element of energy and matter, the underpinning of the universe itself may be a form of imagination that doesn't even recognize itself.

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Hello Mr Skaggs,

There is an entire discipline examining the existence of consciousness beyond the body. The premise at the basis of the hypothesis is that the real or essential universe is consciousness. The universe that we see in everyday life is sort of, if not a complete illusion, an incomplete manifestation of a much bigger reality. The Hindus had an idea of Atman and Brahma. In which (if memory serves me) Atman is the temporary illusion of our current material reality.

Some posit that upon death our consciousness returns to the greater consciousness. The limited evidence used to support this hypothesis are such things as The Near Death Experience in which people who experience clinical death (heart stoppage for at least several minutes) allegedly go outside their dead body and then return (usually very unwillingly) when they are revived. A second phenomenon offered in support of this hypothesis is the Out of Body Experience. A third is Reincarnation.

Committed (and perhaps dogmatic) skeptics have dismissed all this as nonsense. They claim these beliefs are not testable by the Scientific Method and are just delusions of a dying brain.

Some physicists who have loaned support to the idea that Consciousness is the fundamental essence of the universe are Dr. Amit Gotswami, Dr. Fred Allan Wolf and Dr. Roger Penrose.

Also the "Double Slit" experiment in physics in which light behaves like either a wave or a particle depending upon whether it is or is not being observed seems difficult to explain if the fundamental nature of reality is physical. In this experiment perception seems to alter what we perceive to be reality. There are also seemingly strange phenomena such as "remote viewing" and "precognition" which, apparently, the U.S. military has found credible enough to research deeply.

There is a professor at U.C. Irvine, Dr. Donald Hoffman who claims evolution has adapted us to survive and reproduce. Not to see reality as it fundamentally is. An example to support this are such things as it is well established that there is an enormous amount of electro-magnetic energy all around us that we can not perceive; radio waves, ultraviolet light and such energy as gamma rays and X-rays which, the later two, fortunately, don't travel through our atmosphere because they would kill us but scientists know they exist in stars. (Gamma rays and X-rays have been conclusively proven to exist. They form temporarily in atomic explosions; fortunately for us and other living things they quickly dissipate.)

Perhaps a concrete example of how what we perceive to be reality is really an illusion might be provided by this example: If one is sitting down on a chair at a desk it seems like the chair and desk are solid. But in reality they are both mostly empty space. What we perceive to be solid objects are relatively sparse atoms held together by one of the fundamental forces of nature; I think in this example it is the weak nuclear force but I may be wrong. It may be the strong nuclear force that binds atoms. Anyway, the point being that we don't see the reality of what a table is which is mostly empty space. We rather see it as a solid, impenetrable object. I believe this is what Dr. Hoffman means when he says that evolution has shaped us for survival, not for seeing reality as it really is.

As for aliens (I assume you're referring to entities from other planets?) I personally have no experience with that. However, the plethora of craziness on the Internet notwithstanding, there are some credible and solid people who support the idea that alien races are here among us and there are a number of such alien races. I refer you to a Mr. Richard Dolan who has been researching this topic for about 25 years. He is trained as a historian and to me he seems like a credible, rational guy. Although he never offers any solid empirical proof to back his ideas. I imagine it could be possible that he is using the "aliens visiting earth" hypothesis as his "gravy train" to produce his income stream and pay his bills (he's written several books speculating about aliens with no empirical evidence that I can see) knowing that there will always be millions of credulous folk out there interested in such things.

Some wonder how alien life can possibly travel between the stars? Even at the speed of light the closest stars are at least four light years away. And most are at least hundreds of light years distant. The late astrophysicist Carl Sagan offered the idea of "worm holes" in which advanced civilization could "bend" space time to quickly travel between stars without the need to actually traverse the vast amount of space between said stars.

Another interesting idea along these lines is Arthur Clarke's idea in his novel "2001" that alien races need not fly around the galaxy in vehicles (after all what sort of conscious being wants to spend a life time in a rocket ship or flying saucer of some sort traversing space simply to visit a bunch of dumb, aggressive talking apes on a planet they call "earth"?) Clarke's idea was the aliens would send out self-replicating probes (called Von Nueman probes after the Hungarian physicist John Von Nueman) that would assemble copies of themselves on other planets and over a few million year journey to every star (solar) system in the galaxy. That is what the black monolith was that visited the Australopithicines on earth at the beginning of his book, "2001". Then, of course, later as humans have evolved they travel to the moon and find another one of the monoliths that directs them to voyage to Jupiter. When the U.S. astronaut "Dave" makes the journey to Jupiter he encounters more monoliths (obviously a sort of artificial intelligence) which seem to transport Dave to another star system perhaps the system where the monoliths originated where he, Dave, undergoes some space-time altering experiences.

Having said that, the UFO (now called UAP) phenomenon seems very mysterious and hard to explain away. (I imagine you've seen the commander David Fravor Tic-Tac video by now? In which flying objects defy the laws of physics as we currently know such laws, making 90 degree turns at thousands of miles per hours; the g-force exerted would tear a human to shreds; and these UAP objects that Fravor observed were able to travel from hundreds of thousands of feet to sea level within a fraction of a second; a feat that, as far as is currently know, no human object can do).

And there is a plethora of anecdotal information about "flying saucers" shutting down nuclear weapon facilities and all sorts of strange events. Some have said the federal government promotes these "crazy" ideas about UFOs being alien entities because it takes the public's attention off of black budget projects that the government would prefer no one know about or look into. I do not know what to believe.

My one final thought on this topic is, I think the universe is a lot stranger and a lot different from what we perceive it to be with our constrained, limited perception. I think Dr. Donald Hoffman at U.C. Irvine is on the right track when he says what we perceive to be reality is an illusion. His famous expression is, "Space-time is doomed..."

Thank you for reading this far.

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On the mark Linh.For such disgusting wretches to wield such power is truly proof that their father the Devil propels them with otherworldly unseen force.Thank you for stories I had not heard.Each thing I hear about their evil still manages to shock and hurt my heart.I have seen just a small glimpse of what the are doing in Gaza/Palestine and I am convinced they cannot be human in any way.They laugh and sing at the pain they cause,even their women.Truly demons who only love murder.Linh I believe the world has finally had enough,no more can be allowed.And the control they have of the U.S. is beyond comprehension.The Heavenly Father will provide the way to end their reign.I am sick of their murder and perversion of everything and their destruction of modesty and innocence.They pushed their Holocaust against the Russian people onto the Germans,they pushed their total control and ownership of the slave trade/slaves/plantations onto the Southern people.I saw where Jews owned 78%of slaves in America out of a total ownership figure of less than 2% of the population owning any slaves.Yet they make that disappear and spend decades fomenting Black ultra violence against Whites who did nothing.Thank you keeping me sane in these times of madness.

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Linh Dinh, I am very much surprised to read this post of 4/2/2024 by you praising the Jews. Israel is currently commiting horrendous and cruel genocide on the Palestinians.

For thousands of years Jews have been kicked out of one country after the other for their dishonest and thievist treatment of their host countries' peoples.

Jews, according to what I have read that is said in the Jewish books, Jews consider themselves to be the only real humans. They call all of the rest of the world nonhuman goys.

There is more, but too long to continue here.

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Are you aware that Linh writes "sardonically"?

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Hi Ernest,

As a Jew, I must speak up for my race, lest they be gassed again. Since I don't want to be set upon by a mob of godless goyim and instantly turned into a lampshade, I don't always advertise my Jewish ancestry. With my bridgeless nose, I also don't look very Jewish, but I can assure you, there's not a drop of filthy goy blood in my veins. Like Elie Weisel, Bibi, Albert Bourla and Noam Chomsky, I also lie quite effortlessly, so I'm not anywhere near Cambodia, but safely situated in Greater Israel. Though this may mean Tel Aviv, New York, London or Berlin, I can't be more specific, lest you Nazis turn me into a cheap bar of soap!


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So it is true, that Jewish and Tranny Identity politics are basically the same front:

"With my bridgeless nose, I also don't look very Jewish,"

"With my 7 inch hairy clitoris I don't look very much a woman."

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Keep dreaming Shabbos wannabe. Could you get that light switch?

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Exaggerated for clarity.

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A couple of days after I posted my comment, it occurred to me what you say here.

Live and learn.

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Whats the jewish population of Palestine? Is this 16 million a speculation or a threat? I myself have for a very long time described Zionist project as a slow motion graveyard and therefore appalling ~ we cannot take joy in the disillusion of a dream or we would all go mad.


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Are you providing proof of a 'blackmailed black blackening Jews'?


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Substack Morning lesson :

One of the original Semitic peoples are the Palestinians. Look it up sweet cheeks, I dare ya

Yes they are Semitic people. Only a racist can attempt to deny.

So how can I be antisemitic for saying I fully support the Palestinians against the genociding Jews ?

Use this fact liberally to destroy the Genocide loving Jews and others in an argument stop the GENOCIDE and support your Semitic people!!

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Hey Linh, I hope it doesn't piss you off too much for plugging the Unz. but for Gene below it could be a watershed of inquiry.

And I agree on your take of the CoronaPrank.

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Linh is so angry here he exposulates! & spits like a rabid cat... Can't be good for his health!

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Nice imagination Jew.But truth is always good for the soul and body.You should try it sometime.

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What does the Womanly Man sound like?


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Typical Jewish response meant to anger or confuse,anything but talk about facts.That is because like their father Satan, the Jews hate truth and goodness and purity.The Jew always deflects because they are liars and they cannot be reasoned with.Once you understand this about the hooked ones then it all becomes simple.Like Satan we must avoid the Jew and keep him from those who want to live with honor.

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is this supposed to be sarcasm?

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You think my indignation against anti-Semitism sarcastic? What's in your oven, eh? Where did you get that lampshade with numbers on it? There must be pulverized bones scattered on your Jewish hair rug that squirts blood with the slightest pressure. I bet you masturbate to photos of Nina Hagen! Heil, Hitler!

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"Nina Hagen": I did!

Does that make me a Nazi?

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I am so dumb I (at first) did not recognize your facetious reply as sarcasm. I really thought "Why is Linh attacking that poor guy?" LoL

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I've been a big fan of yours for years many years I'm gonna become a paid subscriber. But dont believe the propaganda. This is archival footage and eyewitness testimony. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZoXe4yJS2zWG/

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Gene,then why is it outlawed to deny or discuss the Holo?Because Germans proved it did not happen and that could not be allowed.So no debate.Ban the books.Ruin their careers.At Nuremberg thousands were tortured and forced to read scripts and sign confessions just like the Jewish show trials in the Soviet Union.Germany and all White nations have had their souls destroyed by Jewish demonic occupation.What we grow up thinking,hearing and talking is dictated by sick Jews.What would freedom to develop our minds and hearts as God intended actually feel like.We are all warped and damaged by them.Some like you Gene give in to your captors.I resist and seek the hand of my Lord to deliver me.

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Manly Man Im gonna check out your writings. But I dont understand this reply.

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The "Holohoax" is the largest and most expensive (in 2024 $$) Public Relations Scam to have ever been unleashed upon the goyim.

The Zio-Fux took the worst atrocities, rhetoric and behaviour of all combatants of WW2, combined with the Baba Yar genocide and exploded the myth of the 6 gazillion in the 1970's/80's - the political assassination of Ernst Zundel over historical arguments.

Familiar with Ursula Haverbeck? She, still, and at the age of 98 years old WILL NOT change her testimony that Auschwitz was a labour camp and not a death camp. She has been in prison for at least 2 decades.


Here is some casual reading for you.

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UNZ Looks good. I agree about the holohoax was way overblown. 9/11 attack by Muslims in planes was a pretty big lie too. And covid. People are idiots

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