Hi everyone,

Below is an excerpt from my "America as Religion" of 4/8/19:

America has even landed men on the moon six times, 225,623 miles away, without a glitch! Yes, it couldn’t rescue hostages from Iran or pretend to assassinate Bin Laden in Pakistan without crashing its helicopters and leaving a mess of charred corpses behind, but moon landings were much easier, you moron, because there were no Muslims there to spook the astronauts! As with the Holocaust and 9/11, we have photographic proofs! How can you argue with such impeccable photos, with the aperture, shutter speed and ISO just right? America hasn’t returned simply because the technology fell through the crack, and can’t be found again, even with a broom with an extra-long handle.

Just now, Ron Unz published “The Moon Landing: A Giant Hoax for Mankind?” by one MOON LANDING SKEPTIC, but on April Fools’ Day, and with a long disclaimer as the first comment. Though most commenters joined Ron in howling at the piece, Kevin Barrett, Godfree Roberts and Jonathan Revusky supported it, and I’d like to add my name to this list, for there are way too many obvious lies in the official story, and the photographs are clearly fake. Even with today’s cameras, with their compact sizes, large view finders and automatic focus, it’d be impossible to take so many perfectly framed and exposed photos in a row, without flops. Not one betrays even the slightest camera shake. Armstrong wasn’t so much the first man on the moon, as the first tripod.

In One Small Step? The Great Moon Hoax and the Race to Dominate Earth from Space, Gerhard Wisnewski explains, “Of course one might understandably assume that what NASA has published and put on the Internet are only the best photos, with any amount of duds being omitted. But this is not the case. NASA has supplied the Internet with the complete first film supposedly shot by Neil Armstrong. The pictures are numbered consecutively with no gaps, and are shown under the heading: ‘Apollo 11 Hasselblad Film Magazine 40/S Unabridged – First Lunar EVA (digitally scanned by JSC in 2004 from original film roll).’ There are exactly 120 pictures – numbered from 5850 to 5970. Although a handful are ‘unintentional’ releases of the shutter, the ‘intentional’ ones are all perfect. In that sense none of the pictures on that film are failures.”

That’s impossible, even if Armstrong wasn’t shooting with a camera attached to his chest, with only the vaguest idea of what he was aiming at. If only I could photograph as well as Armstrong’s tits!

On top of this, you have Aldrin’s iconic footprint snapped from an impossible, downward angle; moon photos with clearly more than one light source, although no floodlights were lugged up from the earth; no crater on the lunar surface from the landing engine; no noise from the blasting rocket as Buzz Aldrin, seated just 16 inches away, communicated with Houston; no required minimal gaps of 2.6 seconds on several radio exchanges; and my favorite, Charles Duke leaving a plastic wrapped snapshot of his family on the moon surface, so he could photograph it. What a heartwarming moment or, should I say, a heartmelting farce, since it’s 212 degrees Fahrenheit up that way! The inconsistencies, lies and absurdities multiply, and Wisnewski does a very good job of elucidating them, in clear, measured prose, so do check out his book if you’re interested in examining this controversy in good faith.

Calling the Apollo spacecraft “a bucket of bolts,” Gus Grissom openly expressed his doubts about its imminent landing on the moon, and for this frankness, Gus and two other astronauts were roasted in Apollo 1, in an act of sabotage, many believe, caused by a short circuit, with lots of Velcro stuffed in there to stoke the flames, a genuine holocaust. As fire broke out, the hatch wasn’t opened immediately, and doctors arrived late, only to be falsely told that the men were already dead. Their suspicious deaths were not investigated by the police or the FBI but NASA itself, and the agency predictably concluded that it was just an accident.

Inspecting the wreck, Gus Grissom’ son, Scott, found “a plate that fitted exactly underneath the switch exactly where all the cables from that switch were located. It was obvious that the plate should not have been there, for its effect was to short-circuit all the cables regardless of whether the switch was set at ‘On’ or at ‘Off.’” Having located the smoking gun, Scott Grissom did not suspect NASA but the Soviets!

In a decade that saw the oddly explained deaths of JFK, RFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, etc., Grissom’s is just another, minor example. Moreover, American history is filled with thousands of bizarre and murky incidents, as in 9/11, but if most of its population, including all its leading intellectuals, are willing to go along with any preposterous story, why should the deep state worry? The few who do pipe up are invisible and impotent.

Though the Apollo spacecraft had 20,000 malfunctions in December, 1966, it had no problems landing on the moon on July 16, 1969, beating Kennedy’s absurdly confident deadline by five months, but how dare you doubt the universe’s greatest country ever?

MOON LANDING SKEPTIC, “Indeed, travelling to the moon and coming back alive is a feat of mythical proportions. It is tantamount to travelling to the Other World and coming back to the world of the living with your physical body. That makes the NASA astronauts the equals of ancient supernatural heroes, immortal demi-gods, and that semi-divine quality reflects on the USA as a whole. Such was the significance of the Apollo moon landings: it was about a new world religion that elevated the United States above all other earthly nations.”

Landing on the moon, the US redeemed itself and pushed into the shadow a decade of riots, assassinations, war crimes and moral degeneracy. As the country sinks to new depths, many Americans are now mesmerized by Elon Musk’s promise of life on Mars, “Once you can get there the opportunities are immense. So we’re going to do our best to get you there and then make sure there is an environment in which entrepreneurs can flourish; and then I think it’ll be amazing.” Meanwhile, Musk’s cars on earth explode, his stocks sink and the conman may even go to jail. Yes, it is very human to dream of flying ever higher, but to wish to live on a distant, inhospitable planet where nothing is meant for your kind betrays not hope, but a profound despair and a near total lack of imagination.



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The moon landing psy op is the Achilles heel of the myth of American (sic) power and unrivaled control over heaven and Earth. The inevitable exposure of this nonsense will show the morally, spiritually and financially bankrupt Golem for what it is. I for one believe that day is fast approaching. The emperor never had any clothes and many would say that his underwear has been badly stained since "they" whacked JFK and all the other competing voices and the organized crime syndicate took America (sic) completely under its control.

As in the case of the plandemic and the Pfizer covaid$ death squirt one has to ask why some people smell bullshit when it is under their noses and others (seemingly clued in ) lose all reasoning ability and shout the loudest to defend the obvious lie. I was very surprised when the well known military analyst and uber Russian patriot, living in the belly of the USSAN beast, Andrei Martyanov, became very agitated when recently defending the so-called moon landing and only a couple of days before, Gonzalo Lira, in what first appeared to be a sarcastic take on the moon scam, went on to explain in religious tones that, yes the moon landings all happened and there is no need for doubt or discussion, period. Mr Mass Formation, Professor Matias Desmet is also on record as a fervent and devoted member of the moon landing cult and refuses to be drawn to the subject in any way shape or form after one of his articles ridiculed the Iranian masses who "imagined" they were seeing the Ayatollah's face on the moon back in the day of the revolution.

Professor Desmet makes the following comment concerning so-called mass formation among the Iranian populous:

"To give one example, during the Iran revolution in 1979, a mass formation emerged and people started to believe that the portrait of their leader—Ayatollah Khomeini—was visible on the surface of the moon. Each time there was a full moon in the sky, people in the street would point at it, showing each other where exactly Khomeini’s face could be seen."

Professor Desmet then goes on to make the following claim where he shows that he is indeed also under a lunar delusion when he claims that the US military Industrial Complex actually "took us to the moon".

"Some people began to nurture suspicions. How is it possible that these experts make mistakes that even laymen wouldn’t make? Aren't they scientists, the kind of people who took us to the moon and gave us the internet? They can't be that stupid, can they? What is their endgame? "

Does Professor Desmet really "believe" that the US regime put men down on the moon and then returned these men back to Earth again in 1969 with the primitive technology then available? If so then I would humbly ask as to whether "we" in the "West" are more deluded and under the sway of "mass formation" than those Iranians under the hysterical power of Muslim fanatics in the turbulent, post Shah period of the Khomeni "revolution". Does one have to be more deluded to "see" an image or optical illusion on the moon in a time of chaos and collapse or 53 years later still wholeheartedly claim that "astronauts" went to the moon, played golf, rode about in a moon buggy and then somehow came back to Earth again and that on multiple occasions?

It is very telling that neither Professor Desmet nor any of his believers has answered any of my 5 comments posted concerning the obvious moon landing "mass formation" event and the obvious lie that has been perpetrated on humanity, a lie that NASA currently admits should one seek such truth.

The “moon landing” might perhaps be the greatest feat of “mass formation” ever constructed by those who obviously frame the narrative that binds the Western consciousness in the current matrix of lies and subterfuge still holding the illusion of “Western democracy” and the frail AngloZionaZi hegemony together. Like the multiple “miracles” on 9 11 and the warping of reality, science and truth for the “greater good”, the stench is becoming more pervasive by the day and in the end the herd blissfully leaping from all and every available cliff can and will be turned; it only requires those who are not psychopaths among the 10% of “conscious” humans to in fact turn that ovine mass.

Some "third rails" must never be touched and that is sadly now most apparent to me at this point in the "discussion".

Belief is the enemy of knowledge and sacred cows, they say, make the best hamburgers whether you are vegan or not.

Matias Desmet The Psychology of Totalitarianism

From rationalism to mass formation - and towards Truth speech.

Matias Desmet 2022. 08. 22


Gonzalo Lira …walking on the moon…. 2023. 04. 16

“You see Neil Armstrong, he walked on the moon….” Starts at 2:53


Andrei Marytanov starts at 1:54 2023. 04. 13

“You promised me Mars colonies. Instead I got Facebook.” Buzz Aldrin


This “space ship” looks like a high school project mock up.

Moon Lander Fabrication Analysis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6vAiyUIQog&t=8s&ab_channel=groutaone

Disney Presents NASA on Thin Ice. "Fantasyland the most wonderful kingdom of all"


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I see that you gave me a like.

Right back atcha.

I’m not married to Linh (strictly hetero) providing me with “instructional materials”.

If you have any guidance to offer to me, I’m all ears, so to speak.


Hope that you have a great day, and a beautiful “moonlit” evening.

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Hi Mike hope you find what you're looking for with the links below. You might want to start with Ramstein...a song that puts the entire psy op into wonderful and entertaining focus...

NASA Shaman$ and AmWay soap suds

Another good read is Bart Sibrel's "Moon Man" published 2021

All the best

Ramstein We're all living in amerika....



We're all living in Amerika

Amerika ist wunderbar

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

Wenn getanzt wird will ich führen

Auch wenn ihr euch alleine dreht

Lasst euch ein wenig kontrollieren

Ich zeige euch wie es richtig geht

Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen

Die Freiheit spielt auf allen Geigen

Musik kommt aus dem Weißen Haus

Und vor Paris steht Micky Maus

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika ist wunderbar

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

Ich kenne Schritte die sehr nützen

Und werde euch vor Fehltritt schützen

Und wer nicht tanzen will am Schluss

Weiß noch nicht dass er tanzen muss

Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen

Ich werde euch die Richtung zeigen

Nach Afrika kommt Santa Claus

Und vor Paris steht Micky Maus

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika ist wunderbar

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

We're all living in Amerika

Coca-Cola, Wonderbra

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

[This is not a love song

This is not a love song

I don't sing my mother tongue

No, this is not a love song]

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika ist wunderbar

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

We're all living in Amerika

Coca-Cola, sometimes war

We're all living in Amerika

Amerika, Amerika

Don't get mooned again. A compendium of lunacy

Moon DelUSion$!

Are you planning a trip to the Moon and you’re wondering what kinds of temperature you might experience. Well, you’re going to want to pack something to keep you warm, since the temperature of the Moon can dip down to -173°C during the night. Oh, but you’re going to want to keep some cool weather clothes too, since the temperature of the Moon in the day can rise to 127°C. But with your NaSA "space suit" you will have no problem,Bob. Our patented Fred Flintstone tailors have taken care of all those pesky little details when one dre$$e$ to compensate for differences of almost 300 degrees celciUS. We're Mercan goddamn!

NASA in hebrew means to deceive. Get it?


Lost NASA moon buggy which inspired Apollo 15 machines found in back garden - 40 years later


Of Moonies and Loonies....deprogramming USSAN Hubri$!


NaSA admits "we" never went to the Moon. (Heresy in the land of rotten apple pie)



"Our" NAZI rocket guy explains how perhaps it could one day be done.

Fantasyland the happiest kingdom of all!

Disneyland 1955 - Man in Space - Wernher von Braun


Wernher von Braun explains the plan to the US Military Industrial Complex


Sibrel explains how gullible USSANS have been mooned.


Even the NaSA "folks" are scoffing at the moon "landing" nonsense.


What is the temperature on the surface of the moon?



Zoey interviews Buzz Aldrin who recounts USSA'S favorite fairy tale.


You've been Kubricked!


The Moon Landings: A Giant Hoax for Mankind


Apollo 11 Press Conference (These guys are obviously ashamed of being used for the scam)


Onward through the Van Allen Belt...without getting our critters crispied!



NASA apparently destroyed technology to go back to moon. You can't make this stuff up.


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Moon


NASA engineer admits they can’t get past the Van Allen Belts


Why NASA never went back to the moon


NASA destroyed all the APOLLO space tapes. You literally can't make this stuff up.


American Moon


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In 1970 , I believed the Nixon regime put a man on the moon . Now however bitter experience makes me seriously doubt that it happened . The band REMs song "Man on the Moon" sums up that episode of faux history nicely. The song is still easily accessed on You Tube.

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Yep....6 moon landings were faked because REM said so.

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Good morning, Linh.

I was wondering what information you would suggest be utilized, if one were to undertake instructing a small group of adolescent students about the USA putting a man on the moon?

This opportunity may present itself very shortly, and I would like to be adequately prepared.

A part of me is a bit reluctant to interfere with these kids innocence.

But, another part wonders how much better life might have been, if the bullshit curtain had been pulled down at an early age.

I would appreciate any thoughts that you might have, before I decide to embark upon such an endeavor.

On the “foodie” front, I have nothing of note to report.

My appetite has been pretty “piss poor” since my wife passed, and it takes something special to get me enthused, and chewing.

I hope that you have a good day.


Thanks for keepin’ on keepin’ on.

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Hi Mike,

Let's hope there are more suggestions from others, but "Wagging the Moon Doggie" is a good place to start:


I think it's important to remember that when you're debunking something, you only have to point out the bullshit. You don't need to come up with alternative theories.

Take the hit on the Pentagon. Although I believe a missile hit it, I don't make that claim, because it would require me to prove it. All I need to say is a plane could not have hit it.

If you're a kamikaze pilot trying to strike a low target from the sky, and the five-story Pentagon is no skyscraper, you'd hit it from an angle, for it's impossible to hit it from the side at full speed. Areodynamics alone rules this out. Shaving the ground, your plane would bounce and break up even if it avoids hitting the surface, but why try such an insane maneuver?

I figured this out just using common sense. Plus, there's a Metro station and bus stand at the Pentagon I've used, so I've stood outside that structure a bunch of times.

With Betty Ong, I do not try to explain what happened, only state the audio makes no sense. If after listening to it, your students still think it's perfectly plausible for there to be no sounds of panic or terror in the background, and Ong, being so well trained, sounds outright bored, then fine. They are more than ready to join American society!

With the moon landing, I use my experience as a photographer to point out the obvious: those perfect photos are impossible as shot from someone's chest. Simple as that.


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Thanks Linh.

This moonie bullshit was a difficult one for me to shake, as my little brother was born on, you guessed it, July 20th.

I even took my wife and kids to NASA, in Florida, to make the trip about more than fantasy.

Don’t I feel like a fucking idiot now!!!

Why let the guvmint have all the fun, when I can help them with the brainwashing myself.

Thanks for your assistance.

Wish me luck.

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LoL....when did you become a scientist ? Maybe you and half-wit Mike Fish can watch the Hal Holbrook and OJ Simpson movie together.


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One more unhinged comment and you will be banned.


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I'm unhinged ? 6 faked moon landings (allegedly) and I'm the unhinged one ? lol


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Hey Clown....just show the kids the 70's movie starring Hal Holbrook & OJ Simpson and tell them it's the truth.

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NASA admits were never went to the moon...its IMPOSSIBLE to send humans through the Van Allen radiation belts...this is why no human being has gone further than 375 miles from the Earths surface since the faked moon landings...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpPMoIv1lxI

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the video of the Trump interview on 9/11...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w

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the video of the Trump interview on 9/11...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w

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Hi everyone,

Bullshit faithfuls can believe all races are the same, gender is a mere notion and NASA has lost the technology to get back to the moon, etc. It's people like me, though, who are insane.

A comment at my blog on 11/19/21, "Man, get a grip. Listen to yourself. I used to be a fan of your poetry and prose and how you amplified the voices of common working people. Now you seem like one of those street corner schizophrenics, obsessively ranting and raving, perhaps desperate to drown out some inner demons yourself. Get a mental health check-up if you need to."

It is the sickest society on earth.


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I found this article the other day and found it interesting as it aligns with my thinking, if my thinking were a little better.

It starts with: 

"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted." ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited  


That excerpt seems about right to me, as does the rest of the article. I used to be able to semi-fit in with and relate to some of these 'normal' people, but not lately. There is a wall that was built by them by never questioning what was provided to them to believe in by assorted authorities. To get over or through that wall seems impossible. Whatever it is they believe, it is watertight and impenetrable to any attempt to point out that what they believe may just be a lie they took for the truth. For the most part, you get shut down and labeled before any sort of discussion starts. 

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Hi everyone,

Below is an excerpt from my "Empire Idiots" from 9/9/17, written right after the "terror" incident in Barcelona. I happened to be right in the area with Jonathan Revusky:

In 2001, Mohammed Atta and Ramzi bin al-Shibh, of 9/11 fame, were in Cambrils, however, and just 2 1/2 weeks ago, five Muslim “terrorists” were killed by police a few hundred feet from where I’m sitting.

It is said that at 1:15AM on August 18th, these Muslims drove their car through a police checkpoint outside the yacht club, then ran over six people, three of whom were cops. The three civilians were an old couple, and the woman’s sister. The wife, 61-year-old Ana Maria Suarez, died.

Exiting their car with knives and an ax, four Muslims were killed immediately by police, while the fifth were gunned down 270 meters away, but not before he had stabbed a civilian and taunted the cops, it is claimed.

A cellphone video shows an unarmed Moussa Oukabir, 17-years-old, acting rather hysterical, but you would be too if you had just witnessed four of your friends murdered. Shooting him many times, a cop executed Moussa.

Interestingly, Moussa was located by a helicopter. El Pais, “El quinto terrorista ha sido abatido poco después cuando ha sido localizado desde un helicóptero por los policías.” It was already in the air, get it? It seems they had tracked these five Muslim youths to Cambrils and killed them. That evening, these kids were caught on a service station’s camera. Buying snacks and sodas, they appeared quite relaxed because they had no idea what awaited them.

After Trotsky’s skull was cracked by an ice pick, the 60-year-old still had enough sense to order his bodyguards to not silence his assassin, “No, he must not be killed. He must talk.” When it comes to Muslims these days, the running order seems to be, “Kill them all so they can’t talk and contradict our bullshit charges against them.”

How many Muslims are needed to drive one suicide car? Five, of course. What’s the best, most lethal vehicle for the purpose? The compact Audi A3, naturally. What’s the best time to stage such an attack? 1:15AM, grasshopper, when there are almost nobody on the Paseo Maritimo. Finally, what should you wear for such a momentous and self-defining occasion? Fake suicide vests, stupid, because they serve no purpose besides giving cops an excuse to perforate you immediately.

I go to the spot where Moussa Oukabir was murdered to find women pushing strollers and kids on bikes. Life is back to normal. Outside the yacht club, there’s a cop with a submachine gun, however, with two toddlers within four feet of him. Seeing the armed man, the girl points. They create a false problem, then bring the solution, which you welcome because you don’t realize that it will be used to solve you.

Astonishingly moronic, the five Muslims in Cambrils made all the worst choices possible, but the rest of their “terrorist cell” weren’t any smarter, it is said.

Eight hours earlier, a van had killed 14 people and injured 130+ more in Barcelona, and the purported driver of that van, 22-year-old Younes Aboyaaqoub, had rented the vehicle with his own credit card. Very stupid. He also left his IDs in a second van, meant as a get-away car.

From 9/11, Charlie Hebdo, Paris’ Bataclan Concert Hall, Berlin’s Christmas Market to Barcelona, etc., Muslim mass murderers seem expert at leaving behind their identity papers. Otherwise, the official narrative can’t be broadcast immediately. Wait a week or a month for a proper investigation, and the public won’t have any idea what you’re talking about, fixated as they are on a Kardashian pumped up buttocks or Messi goal.

In the Catalan incidents, a Muslim who was neither in Barcelona nor Cambrils still managed to leave his identity papers in an incriminating van, it is said. Driss Ukabir had the wits to turn himself in, however, before he was gunned down in the street. Similarly framed, could you be that decisive?

Roberto, a 42-year-old Cambrils resident, reflected, “People are saying how stupid these guys are, because once you drive onto the Paseo Maritimo, you can’t get out! It’s also strange how all five of them were killed, because Spanish cops aren’t like that. You almost never hear about a cop killing anyone here.”

He paused to sip from his glass of Rioja Reserva, pronounced it excellent, leaned back, “All along that street, people were kept inside restaurants and stores until five in the morning.”

“On Las Ramblas in Barcelona, people were kept inside until nearly midnight,” I added.

Jonathan Revusky, “That’s probably because they need all that time to clean up the moulage. Imagine someone tripping over some moulage kit, from the Acme Corporation. That would be some major fuckup, wouldn’t it?”



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Hi everyone,

A comment at my blog:

Hi Linh.

You're missing the most fascinating part of the Trump 9/11 story. Let me just quote something I wrote to Chris Bollyn two years ago:

I have no doubt that the central fact about him is that he is the son of a fanatic crypto-Jew. He has not been misled from a heritage American agenda by a Zionist son-in-law. They are birds of a feather. He’s pretending, like his father.

You must not be misled by 9/11 as a Jewish op into thinking all important members of the Kehillah knew about it. It was on a need-to-know basis and Trump was out of the loop on day one. So, wise guy that he is, and a hog for the limelight, he shared his insights phoned into that TV channel the same evening. Given the way a light aluminium tube went into a solid steel frame, there had to be bombs involved. That, right there, shot the hijacker theory right out of the water. Trump had to be brought under control, and fast. And he must have been, possibly by his good friends Silverstein or Giuliani.

By the morning of day three he was being interviewed by Deutsche Welle TV (the detailed transcript was available from Deutsche Welle), on site, and he was singing a very different tune, and sayingp things that no builder would think. This was how kerosene fires had brought down the steel frame buildings (and he would know this would have been a historical first) because of the great quantity of fuel and the weakening by the airplanes. Plus hatred. That’s how he brought in the hijackers, making amends for his boo-boo.

Donald Trump is an accessory after the fact of 9/11.

Best wishes

Syed Zaidi (from India)

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the covid vaccine genocide has been planned for a long time

Trump was installed in 2016 so that more conservative rubes would take the jab - more so than if Crooked was playing president

as far as 911, I can't believe it took me about a year to figure out it was BS and an inside job - although I do miss being that naive

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Thanks for that Trump quote from 9/11, which I never came across before. Like a number of things he has said or thought, it seems to make sense. But what do I know, I'm not a structural engineer...

Although I'm certainly not a Trump hater, neither am I a Trump supporter, at least regarding his suitability for the presidency. He is not the right man for the job. Although not all his ideas are good ones, a number of his impulses are the right ones. The problem is not so much his ideas as it is his ability to execute.

I spent the last 10 years or so of my career in supervision, and learned a number of things about leadership. One of the most important is that the ability to execute is worth far more than the ability to come up with good ideas. I don't think this is conventional wisdom. A common thought by workers is something like "if only I was in charge, I have all these good ideas, and we could really change things around here."

The truth of the matter is that the world is awash in good ideas. What it is short on is the people that can make those ideas happen. Unless you are the Despot in an absolute dictatorship, you need to be able to work the system you are in or those changes never happen.

This was Trump's biggest shortcoming. He thought he could run the US like a family office, but the government is not like that. He could never quite figure out how to make his presidential power work. "The Swamp" (or "The Deep State" if you will) did him in. He surrounded himself with the establishment's dregs. And it didn't help that his personal style included gratuitously pissing people off with his snark and a painfully overbearing ego that always wanted to make everything a personal issue. (This is not to say that you shouldn't piss people off--it's unavoidable--but at least do so to some purpose, not just for personal satisfaction!)

But the biggest thing is that after four years of experience, followed by a couple of years in the bunker to think it over, he has yet to offer us anything suggesting that he learned something from his previous experience. If he becomes president again, I fear we'll just get four more years of the same. As it used to be said in aviation, some pilots have flown 1000 hours, and others have flown 1 hour 1000 times...

But this may all be just wasted words. There is no one person who can fix everything that now ails us.

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Operation Paper Clip begets Operation Mockingbird and many other psyops against the residents of the US. The nation has been relentlessly brainwashed for decades and, if Whittaker Chambers is to be believed, the relentless subversion of the US commenced well before WWII. It’s amazing that anyone can break from the mind control and gaslighting. Even so, I know it is frustrating to see people remain incapable of distinguishing fiction from reality. They aren’t stupid (or they wouldn’t be reading your work), just mind-numbed. As an aside, what do you make of Robert Kennedy Jr. and his candidacy?

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Hi David,

With voting machines and other devices, American presidential elections have been rigged for a long time, so there’s no chance he'll win. In fact, his 1% of the votes will only prove the guy selected is 50 times better. His candidacy actually buys time for the criminal rulers. Also, he's like Steve Kirsch in knowing what not to say.


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I wanted to ask you the same question, so thanks to David for doing it. I am going to support RFK Jr because I identify with him in my much smaller way. Like you, me, Henry Herskovitz, Rudy List, Rudy Dent and an a huge number, even if only a small percentage of humans, RFK Jr. is hated for telling some important truths (even if he shies away from some and is wrong on some others, imo.) I will lift up his voice because he is speaking reason to imposed ideology, humility to hubris and sanity to psychopathic insanity. I don't see any other way to stand up to what we face. I think he is doing what he can as we all must. I think this is what your writing does. Of course I may be wrong, but this is the best I can see to do to resist this global agenda to enslave us all in a 5-G mediated social credit score surveillance system. This is the best way I can see to be part of the force for seeing human beings as sacred. This and revitalizing and defending the Church...

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Hi Aimee,

Even a totalitarian society will maintain the appearance of justice, fairness or even democracy. North Korea calls itself Democratic People's Republic of Korea, for example.

In such a system, the accused may also be put on trial, but there's no jury, and his lawyer, if any, cannot call witnesses. Such a system may also have elections, though only at the local level, and with candidates from the same party and well-vetted. There's no campaigning. No issues are debated.

Not so crude, the US is masterful at staging fake elections, and for maintaining a bogus "free press." Its universities aren't forums for debates, but indoctrination centers.

When Americans vote for a new president, they're only endorsing a sick system, with whoever slated to win another grand disappointment, because he's just another puppet of those forces that couldn't care less what Americans need or want.

Instead of voting, Americans must boycott presidential elections, but they can't do it passively. On election day, they must turn out in huge numbers to denounce such a charade.

Of course, no one will do this, for they believe in their next compromised savior. When I said a few years ago Americans need their election cycles because they find these carthatic, a supercilious moron sent me the definition of carthasis, as if I didn't know what it means. Whatever, I say. Vote away!

Americans use their fake democracy to endorse war and their own suicide.


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P.S. On a lighter note, here's my "I'm Your Next President" from 3/2/19:


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I may have to vote for you instead! Because you are the most honest!

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Hi Aimee, you must vote for me because I'm a 59-year-old Holocaust survivor. I'm still gassed.--Linh

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I don't think a boycott will help. I think we need to rebuild America spirituality. We need to overcome being jaded by all of the degradation, corruption, sexual "liberation", dehumanization and start by ourselves and our families and our neighbors and our communities to say that we want to live in beauty, truth and good for the glory of the God that created us and all of the bounty of nature that still persists despite the human hubris and greed. It will take time, but it is happening. Otherwise, why else if the FBI spying on "radical traditional Catholics?" Well, it might just be out of Jewish vengeance under the direction of AG Merrick Garland, but I still think we Catholics matter. I think saying the truth in times of great deception is an important act. That is why I treasure your voice. This isn't a linear function. You can't know what impact you will have. But with God's will, these acts will add up and can transform and revitalize a civilization. And if God doesn't will it, well, then we still get to have the best life being surrounded by others who are living in gratitude and joy and who see the sacred in other human beings and in creation. So, in my view, it is win win. Just keep telling the most important truths you can and live in gratitude. If enough of us figure out how to do that, the Satanists will be pushed to the margins instead of elevated at the center.

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Yes, Aimee, faith in Christ is the solution to the world’s ills. Sadly, I think the US is just ripening for judgment. I’ve believed this since the late ‘90s. I feel like Lot: My spirit is vexxed daily by the evil of the place. If we are not annihilated, we will be unwelcomed refugees in the lands Linh writes about.

Linh, I know Kennedy doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance. And I disagree that we shouldn’t vote. Many people I know have been awakened by witnessing the massive turnout only to see men and women like Biden elected by a landslide. Something about this has flipped the switch on their BS meters in ways 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, etc., never did. Voting into the wind is a good thing.

By the way, Linh, it seems to me that you’re progressively expressing yourself as more of an outsider to the US. Have you become so sickened by the place that you’ve rejected your former shared identity with the people and places you once knew? I’m assuming you once did identify, of course. I could understand that if it’s so. In any case, thank you for your essays.

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Hi David,

I write my SubStack for a tiny audience, which is fine. When I wrote at Common Dreams, CounterPunch, Information Clearing House then Unz, I could consider myself an American writing for other Americans, but it's clear I have no community in that country. My task, then, is simply to record this insane epoch to the best of my abilities.

My last book was Postcards from the End of America (2017), and my next books would have been my Collected Poems and Obscured Americans, a series of interviews with people often ignored, but both books have been canceled by separate publishers.

A few days ago, I had to ban some guy called "catdompa" because, between insults, he insisted I should be more grateful to America, and by that, he meant guys like himself. Seriously now, do I need that shit?

A side note: "catdompa" was upset at my phrase "Angry White Pussies," which I've used to denote the brainless anonymous hecklers I often encountered at Unz. Barging into this SubStack, he suggests I'm insulting people's mothers!

Semi literate at best, this "catdompa" doesn't even know "pussy" is an insult for men, not women. If I wanted to insult his mom, I'd call her a cunt, but why would I?


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There are other possibilities worth considering: https://miriaf.co.uk/an-unprecedented-president/

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Outta sight Linh. It's the imperial religion. Reminds me about the comment of Karl Rove how an Empire makes its own reality. Take care and keep the writing coming.

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Pragmatism at its worst as practiced in America.

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Hello Mr. Dinh,

I cannot remember where I first came across your work, maybe some darkshadow lady or something some years ago. Anyways, I find you quite lucid and clear thinking and so I derive great pleasure from reading your articles, love the photos as well.

Bullshit is the greatest religion on the planet, maybe even the universe. Many times it amuses me to no end, but sometimes is all so tiresome. As far as people not seeing it, well, it may have something to do with the me, me, me, (bubble gods) syndrome. You know, when you are talking to someone but they are not listening, rather, they are thinking of what they are going to say. It's an interwoven fabric thing that runs across all spectrums. You can't see what is going on if you are so full of yourself.

Oh well, but once again, I greatly enjoy your work.

Shade Tree

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Linh, contrary to what the person said questioning your sanity, I think you're one of the most sane people I know of. You see the real world and present it with such clarity, reading your descriptions is like drinking ten cups of reality expresso in one sitting. Some people (like the letter writer questioning your sanity) spend their lives living in a fantasy land and a world where they deny the reality of what they see and hear. They hate people like yourself who burst their reality bubble.

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Thanks, Jim, I try, and thanks to all those who have left supportive comments!--Linh

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Hello everyone - Linh hit that one "out of the park" I believe we would all agree. Now, to get down to cases, I will try to become the most unpopular commenter with which poor Linh, and by extension everyone else, has to deal. The late great Joseph Campbell stated that once a religion becomes a collection of "facts" and history, it is absolutely dead. That collection is exactly what Protestant "Christianity" was and is. Protestantism turned the mystery and (yes, in its proper meaning) mythology of Christianity into the insufferably smug and abysmally ignorant Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, et al. It is also a matter of curiosity that people say that "at the right moment" Jesus will swoop in and set the universe to rights. I suppose the world is not yet depraved enough.

Feel free to excoriate or ridicule me at will. I may, after all, be wrong.

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I seem to recall reading that the strongest steel was used only on the lowest floors, and that higher up a lighter and more flexible grade was used. That said, what exactly is Trump suggesting, that the buildings were impenetrable? That the planes on contact should’ve been smushed like Bud Light cans and slid all the way to the street? Now that would’ve been real funny. (BTW, Z. Tsarnaev was shot and apprehended after being found hiding in the boat at 76 Franklin St. in Watertown, maybe a two minute walk from where I work. During the virtual imposition of martial law that proceeded his capture my greatest fear was that he’d somehow find the warren of tunnels beneath the building where I worked. If he had, it could have held out near indefinitely. There’s food, everything down there. It’s actually a Cold War-era bomb shelter.) Love your writing, Linh. Always have.

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About the Barcelona attacks, I haven't looked much into it, but I suppose that they could have happened as described, some angry Muslims running down people with a car. But what is a bit more strange is that such spate of attacks happened in a specific period, around 2016-2019, in many countries at the same time, and then not again. Which makes it look as if all those events were something being orchestrated from above. Running down people with a car does not require much effort, but this thing happening in many places during roughly the same period is a bit weird. Or was it a copycat effect?

That said, even if it was a false flag, I am not in favour of Muslim and African immigration to European countries. It changes the population, even if they are not violent. The problem is not terrorism, it's the demographic change.

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I haven't heard the Betty Ong audio, but given that someone talking on a cell phone from a plane high up in the sky was extremely unlikely in the early 2000s, just on that account I find it hard to believe. Some say it was an Airfone (phones installed in planes), but from what I've read this doesn't seem to be the case. Then again, we supposedly had astronauts talking to the U.S. president in 1969 from the moon. FROM THE MOON! So, I must guess the technology was there.

As for the planes, I do not know what to make of it. Some say the footage was faked, as we have relatively few images of the planes hitting, and some of them look weird. In one of them the plane appears to cross the building without even losing its wings, as if the WTC was made of butter. Aluminum destroying steel as if it was butter? I find that hard to believe. But I don't know.

In any case, you hardly need exotic conspiracy theories, as the collapse of Building 7 pretty much proves that some kind of controlled demolition took place.

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Again on a lighter note, a bit of cultural appropriation:


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