Hi everyone,

I finally managed to upload the paperback edition of Table for Eight Billion:



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Those guys dragging the beach for tiny snails should go instead for brine shrimp--it is no doubt much easier work. I remember the first time I saw someone dragging a net for brine shrimp back in the early 1990s in Chesapeake Bay, thinking "you can eat those?"

I often wonder if our future is really in those high-rises. I read somewhere that in North Korea, the higher floors are considered much less desirable and are mostly occupied by poorer people. This is because electric power service, even in Pyongyang, is so spotty that you generally have to walk to and from your apartment. That view from the 20th floor isn't so great that one would want to carry their groceries all the way up that high, is it? A possible glimpse at our fuel-starved future. Perhaps people living in high-rises will have to catch one of only a few "scheduled" trips made by the elevator each day, much like they do buses today, or maybe even need tickets!

As for saving, it's not just faith in continued prosperity that drives people to spend and borrow. Our current economic system is rapidly evolving into one that rewards debt and consumption and punishes the prudent saver. It often makes fools of those tempted to put back something for a rainy day by devaluing his savings before he ever gets a chance to spend them.

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Hi JustPlainBill,

If brine shrimps were available in Vung Tau, people would be catching them. This ocean is exhausted, like all others. Herrings used to rot on English beaches, so many were washed up.


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We had a somewhat similar phenomenon here in south-west coastal New England. Fifty or so years ago as a young teenager I would fish for Bluefish in the Autumn. During the summer months the "Blues" (as we called them) stayed in deeper water. As the first strong Canadian air masses of the season, known as "cold fronts" moved south began to chill the coastal waters in late September, early October the Bluefish would school up and come into shallow water to feed before their impending Autumn migration. In doing so they would chase a small bait-fish, Menhaden, more commonly called "bunker" into large schools along the coast. The bunker would sometimes jump on to the beaches to avoid the voracious Bluefish, lining the high tide mark with their dead bodies.

The Bluefish themselves were (and perhaps still are; I don't know I haven't fished for them in decades) a mysterious fish. Often years or a decade would pass without the Bluefish showing up in New England coastal waters. Then all of a sudden without warning large schools of them would be all over the place. At that time (50 years ago) fisheries biologists did not know where they went during the winter. Some thought they went off-shore to deep water; others thought they migrated south to the Carolina's and Florida's off-shore waters.

In any event, I'll never forget the high tide mark of Fairfield Beach lined with dead and dying Bunker having chosen to die by beaching themselves rather than be eaten by swarming schools of Bluefish.

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Your mention of the herrings washing up on English beaches puts me in mind of the dead alewives that used to litter the lakefront in Chicago.

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Currently reading your new book Table for 8 Billion.

Am really struck by the difference in tone between your essays written before the Covid scam and after. Before you saw all the insanity but were more detached. The ones after are angrier and far more pessimistic.

I get the anger but I think you are too convinced that the Jews winning streak will continue and the Great Reset will be a reality.

For years the wealthy elite went along with the Jews' plans because they gave a lot more power and wealth for the already wealthy and powerful. The Great Reset changes that.

We saw with the Russian sanctions for the first time there not being uniformity among the elite. Some companies were willing to lose billions and comply with the Jews others weren't willing. There were others from places like India, China and Turkey that used the sanctions as a chance to increase their business share in Russia.

If you look at what the Jews want to do with the Great Reset it will destroy most of the world's economy forcing many billion dollar companies to shutter their doors. I just don't see that the powerful letting they happen outside of western white countries. The masses may be sheep but most billionaires are sharks

Some of the things Jews have planned are:

no private property

Only 500 km/300 miles of air travel a year

No private cars

No driving beyond 15 minutes

Only 3 articles of clothing purchased a year

Think of all the wealthy companies who will be decimated.

Take Thailand as an example. During the first lockdown they made the malls close. Reportedly the ceo of Central group and some of the heads of other malls simply went to the government and told them you aren't doing that again and no more mall closures. Do you think this guy would be willing to permanently shutter his malls so Mother Gaia can defeat the Sun God? I don't think so

I actually think the craziness of the Great Reset is going to start a billionaires rebellion against the Jews. Sure even with that you are not wrong about the negative impact of cell phones, AI, low birth rates and 4 billion Africas but I don't think it will be as bleak as you think.

The only thing we know about the future is it will be different than we think

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Little bits of the elitists wet dreams of our future are shown in Hollywood movies,they just cant resist. Remember Korean Netflix` appalling "Squid Game".My brain,unasked for comment,said to me,this is the future.Now,I know my brain is untrustworthy,especially,when I try to command it,but it had me darkened.

Like 9/11 live on tv,my brain said,this means war.It wasnt me said that.

Socrates was asked,is there,or are there Gods,you know?He said,I dont know,but sometimes a thought appears,that seems not to be mine.Maybe that is God.It always tells me,dont do it,though.

For me,the CovidBS was the greatest BS in my lifetime.But them Shekels were rolling.European Commission refusing to say how many billions they paid for these at best entierely useless pharma products.A friend,47,died after being made to vaccinate,so my hopes for billionaires rebelling is zero.I`m sure,there is infighting among the money elite,but like some Davos-elite broad said:Trust among elites is good,but its these darn populations that have no trust in us.Well-meaning idiots in expensive clothing posing on stages on camera.

Look at how we treat animals.We are animals ,too.So yes,shit sucks ass.

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Covid, 911 and plenty more were great money makers for our betters or at least the people who are convinced they are.

Never saw squid game but heard a lot about it. Impression was it involved wealthy tv producers making fun of the problems of the masses. True?

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No fun.Participants in this (tv)game get killed for losing/non compliance.Worst thing I ever saw.(so far)Hundreds of contestants get shot in the head for losing the game..I`m still shocked to think,that shit like that is actually produced by so called human beings.

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Howdy, Linh. Excellent prose. Lately, I've been mulling over the thought that people - as living organisms - are programmed to survive, thrive [if/when possible], procreate, and hopefully evolve. Humanity - when not challenged with day-to-day survival - seems to fall into a detachment from reality. John Calhoun's 'Universe 25' series of experiments, resulting in what he termed 'behavioral sink', seem to be a valid predictor for humanity's future. Modern Western civilization's gift to the world of a seemingless endless cornucopia may end up being a poisoned chalice. Dunno.

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Yes,I have been thinking about Universe 25,too.I found myself in that.The beautiful ones.That dont give a shit,no social life.The living dead.And,to think,these mice knew not about feminsm.

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Wonderful how you capture the "spirit of the times" in your essays, Mr. Dinh. I'll refrain from using the term "zietgiest" because to do so would be part of the very thing you are calling attention to. When I was a kid I occasionally heard from my parents the term "phony-baloney"'; like Pavlov's dogs that always made me salivate because I really, really liked baloney.

Although I'm still a "baloney eater" (not to be confused with the "cheese eating" French) I love the sincerity and insight of your essays. As Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread [or baloney] alone."

Did Jesus say that or am I becoming senile?

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I used to think we need to remember but this makes me think we also need to forget.

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Near to where I live (Nelson, BC) there is a small lake in the mountains beside a highway that every September millions of thumbnail-sized frogs have just grown into their tails and migrate across the high way to the nearest forest. There are so many that one cannot place their feet on any spot of pavement without crushing hundreds. I haven't heard of anybody harvesting them.

I am almost always the only one (without a phone) that sits in a cafe and drinks a coffee while gazing around at everybody else, sometimes looking at them with intent to make look up from their phones!

A well meaning normie aquaintence had cajoled me one day about why I'm not down with the phones as a way to pass the time... I exhorted, "I don't have to, I don't want to and I am not going to. Until these things existed no one gave two shits about personal telephones and if one needed to make a call there was frequently a pay phone around the corner."

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Unfortunately, the phone companies have done away with the pay phones. Not having a cell phone, it is either an inconvenience or else, a dangerous emergency that there are no pay phones anywhere near when one is needed.

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Yes, and I will not give in.

I, though somewhat proficient on tech, will not use tech that becomes a burden or electronically "incarcerate" me: like tech BORGS using data to profile me. Therefore, one wants communication with me it's the land line, bump into me or drop by, or a postal letter... just like it used to be when social activity was so much more rewarding.

It is NOT dangerous to not have a mobile phone, plus I am tired of the gaming and racketeering all this specious tech requires to get it's guinea pigs to use it.

So no "X", Instafart, Facecrack, Chained In, etc.

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Thank you Linh! Interesting and delightful!

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