Jul 3·edited Jul 3Liked by Linh Dinh

It is depressing living in a society in universal decline.

Perhaps Thomas Malthus was right, after all. (Though he is derided as a simpleton now. A simpleton for simple idiots.) The United States is the richest country in the history of the world and yet half the population --160 million dead or dying souls -- are living in or near poverty. While the top economic 10% of the population holds over half the wealth of the nation. We go forward into increased barbarity and primitiveness.

There is a convenience store half a block from my house that was owned by two Arab speaking brothers who also spoke very good English. The store was closed today, Monday, July 2, 2024. I had been in the store speaking to the younger brother who went by the Americanized name "George" two weeks ago. He was very helpful to me, a customer.

The store was closed today with a memorial outside. "George" had been shot and killed late Sunday night after closing up. Out on the sidewalk in front of the store.

I heard no gunshot. As usual I had been asleep. One can't hide from a nightmare by never waking up.

Startled awake now I see the cockroaches crawling all over my room. Shall I give them names? I don't think they will remember me in the morning. Like fickle women. "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?/Thou art more lovely and more temprete./ Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May/And summer's lease has all too short a date./Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines./ And often in his gold complexion dimmed./ And every fair from fair declines/ By nature's changing course untrimed./ But thy enternal summer shall not fade./ Nor lose possession of that fair thou owest./ Nor shall death brag thou wanderest in his shade./ When in eternal lines to time thou goest./ So long as men can speak or eyes can see./ So long lives this, and this gives life, to thee." Goodnight William Shakespeare. Good night all. Bad night for me.

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Hi Tom,

I hit the "like" button for your comment a bit ago and it didn't set well with me. Not your comment, but the little heart. I don't think a little heart suffices the sadness of your comment. So many similar situations around here and words don't always work. A little broken heart would be a better option. The senselessness of these situations breaks down the desire to even think sometimes and sadness is all that's left. Thank you for your comment.

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"It is depressing living in a society in universal decline."

You're not kidding, brother. For someone sitting inside the beast, I can say that the more the elites try to regulate and control, the more dysfunctional and messed up everything becomes.

The anecdote of the Chinese fleeing a control freak government doing crazy messed up crap sorta clues one into the fact that there is probably no where to run anymore. Or maybe I'm just saying that to comfort myself as I sit here for at least another 5 years.

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Try some surface spray. It'll give the roaches pause at least.

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I don't want to sleep in possibly carcinogenic chemicals. But thanks for the advice. Other people have recommended the same.

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America is no longer a country with a unique culture. It is a marketplace where everyone on the globe can play as long as you manage to set foot on its soil.

All you have to do is not break any of the terms and conditions such as publicly noticing Jewish power, opposing senseless forever wars and stating men in dresses aren't women. Immigrants have no problem with that because they are just in America to play in the marketplace.

Chinese media and academics are well aware Jews run the country. There are even discussions where they analyze how the Jews got in power and list a road map on how to gain control too. (Indians seen to get it too). Chinese and Indian women even copy Jewish women by denouncing white racism.

Of course whites put up with it, and many even welcome the hate, like they put up with anything. Never give a sucker an even break indeed.

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Jul 7Liked by Linh Dinh

Well, asylum seekers is the correct term for these economic migrants, in that they are seeking to enter the lunatic asylum known as the United States:).

Apologies to my fine American amigos. With the state of the world today, we have to crack a joke or two on occasion simply to stay sane.

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Jul 7Liked by Linh Dinh

And then there are some of us who trekked all over the world before settling down in China as few, if not zero, other countries provide the same level of opportunities for a nobody with no capital to build something from the ground up.

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Hi g-unit,

Let me interview you! We all want to hear about what life is like for expats in China.

Please contact me at linhdinh99@yahoo.com and I'll send you the first questions.



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The US is wide open; it can easily handle a billion people. Its land is fertile, its vast vistas mostly uninhabited. Every single spelling bee winner has been Indian since the mid 90s. Most unicorn ($1B) startups were founded by immigrants. Let them come--plus all of their cousins. Whites have aged out, split up, bailed, retired, or died from fentanyl. They are a non-issue. The newcomers can fight over the spoils with MS13 and the cartels.

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".... its vast vistas mostly uninhabited."

Not true. Those vistas are inhabited by nonhuman species, which are mostly being crowded out all over the world by humans. Those vistas should be left as wilderness for nonhuman species, who have just as much right to live as do humans.

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