Most White Americans don’t have a clue to how the world works; not a clue. And they’ll end up dispossessed with nowhere to go. I’m past being sad about it as all one can do is to save themselves and their family.

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Nov 19, 2023Liked by Linh Dinh

The Chinese are very, very focused on making money to buy real estate. It is their religion. Add in high IQs and they tend to dominate any economy and real estate market where they gather.

In Hong Kong, condos flip on average 5 to 6 times from when they go on sale to when are completed. In Taipei, wages have, at best, flatlined since mainland China opened up in the early 90s but real estate has gone up 6x. In Taipei there is a famous little Dao Temple known for its God who does double duty as the God of love and of landlords. Very fitting for Chinese culture.

And there is intense pressure on children to do well in school so that they can make even more money to buy real estate. Combine that with the high IQs and Chinese quickly dominate any school system that they have access to just like they are starting to dominate the American one. In Malaysia, for example, the government has a strict quota system to limit Chinese students in universities otherwise ethnic Malaysians wouldn't stand a chance.

There is talk in China of how Jews run America (something white people are too gullible to acknowledge). Chinese view it from a How To perspective. If a tiny amount of Jews can control the US, why can't the Chinese?

I for one, welcome those would be Chinese overlords. They may see whites (and all non Chinese) as inferior to Chinese but they don't hate us and won't use their power to push anal sex with Children and pressure kids to chop off their sexual organs. Well at least they won't unless they find it is a good way to make money to buy real estate.

It will be interesting to see how Jews react to Chinese and Indians crowding Jews in the top of the American power structure.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023

It is also fascinating to see what happens in the US when a Chinese strays from making money to buy real estate. I knew a Chinese woman who painted and dreamed of doing it full time. When she reached 65 and could get Medicare, since her condo was paid off, she switched to part time work and started painting. She had to quit going to family gatherings because even distant relatives felt she was bringing shame to the family. Relatives she hardly knew would berate her for working part time and painting. They would tell her "Chinese work full time and buy real estate." I also knew a young Chinese engineer who would work contract jobs. Once he would make enough money to make a movie, he would stop work and make the movie. His family was furious with him because "Chinese don't stop work to make a movie. They work full time and buy real estate!"

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Yes, denial of reality is, at least since the 20th Century, the all-American way. If one even casually reads forbidden websites, what cannot be missed is the expressed belief that normies are catching on to Jewish perfidy. Not so fast there, partner. Jews have not even begun to mobilize their most formidable friends - the perpetually clueless and ovine "conservative Christians", who will subsidize anything if they believe it will land them in Yahweh's good graces.

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Ha! A new word. I thought you might have mistyped "bovine" so I looked it up. Thank you, Sir.

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Any credit goes to the late Dr. Revilo Oliver, whose extensive vocabulary would essentially constitute a separate language for almost all people of our era, myself included.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

In Taipei, many (maybe most) of the caretakers for the elderly that you see out and about these days are Indonesians. You can see them all over the city, pushing their elderly charges around in wheelchairs. You can usually tell them from the other nationalities because they wrap scarves over their hair, a Muslim custom. There used to be many Filipinos, but I think that one too many instances of mistreatment by their employers led to a falling out between the two governments, and the flow stopped.

Your remark about American kids being told they can become president is probably still true. Half a century ago, I too remember hearing that in school. The difference is that it is much more believable today, at least with respect to qualifications, judging from the office's more recent occupants. The one possible challenge might be a lack of literacy sufficient to read a teleprompter or a cue card.

One might say that those kids would at least realize that they are statistically unlikely to be chosen even if the selection is completely random. But then again, a survey I read a few years ago reported that 17% of those surveyed think buying lottery tickets is a good investment strategy to prepare for retirement, so who knows? Maybe they COULD be president...

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

I'm a pretty typical Hoosier but was uncoordinated enough to be absolutely atrocious at basketball. It's a bit of a religion in this state but I ended up with a bit of a complex about sports because I sucked at basketball in elementary school. When I didn't want to be on the sixth grade basketball team, I was pretty much brow beaten into being the score keeper. It was kind of fun, but I ended up really despising professional sports pretty early. Kind of a sourpuss attitude as I've learned to enjoy throwing a basketball around now that I've got a nephew.

I go a little crazy indoors and have been improving my jumpshots tossing balled chocolate wrappers into a small trashcan across the room. I'm getting better. This was a joy to read Linh. Keep working on that skyhook!

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Hi Troy,

I'm a 5-6 guy with a one inch vertical leap, so there's definitely no "sky" to my hook shots!


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You got Miss Kiss Me to pose for you!

My brother has been keeping busy assembling kitchen cabinet sets for mid-priced rentals here on the California coast. He says they are really well designed with quality hardware and sturdy finishes. We had new custom cabinets installed in our home 10 years ago. It cost a fortune and the quality was wanting. Screws holding the handles on were too short, the fancy drawer tracks started messing up after one year. A huge disappointment.

Anyway, back to my brother. These cabinet kits he gets come in a flat-pack maybe 5-6 inches thick and weigh maybe 100 lbs. I'm under the impression they are a new innovation in the construction trades. And where do they come from? Maybe a part of Biden's American Renaissance? Nope. Manufactured with care and love for the world market in Vietnam. American's are apparently too busy with their Tik-Tok.

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It's interesting how certain ethnicities end up dominating certain niches. And how quickly that happens: just out of the plane or boat, sometimes not even knowing the language, they seem to already have a family shop waiting for them. Koreans take care of nail salons. For a while, back in Brazil, the relatively small Japanese community dominated launderettes and photo labs (when those things still existed), and the Lebanese, the clothes shops. In Argentina today the relatively small population of Chinese owns most small supermarkets, but the Jews control the local Hollywood.

Sure, part is the family helping, but I don't know sometimes how they do it so quickly.

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"Though the Chinese view Vietnamese as just a wayward tribe, Viets base their entire identity on not being Chinese. To solve this permanently, many wouldnt mind if China disappears, but, of course, no society has proven itself so enduring or persistent. Reality doesnt care what you think or feel." - Linh Dinh

I beg to differ. A Japanese wit once said: "When the world goes down in a nuclear blast, all life would disappear," and then he cheekily adds, "except for coackroaches and the Chinese!"

I would not deny that the Chinese are very resourceful and determined to come up on top (much like the Khazarian Zionists). The Khazars want to succeed at all cost because they want to own the world. The Chinese, because they are haunted by a thousand and more years of misery: (1) the material insecurity that comes from scarcity of natural resources, and the number of fellow Chinese who vie for them, and (2) the physical insecurity that comes from an extreme form of Oriental despotism. The urge to distance themselves as much as possible from these insecurities, motivates them, then and now, to achieve material success, and the means to emigrate.

The Chinese have apparently succeeded in the past two hundred years, just like the Khazarian Jews, the Spanish Conquistadors, the Puritan Zealots, and the Protestant Capitalists, because astrological ELEMENT of the past two hundred years or so (approx.1820-2020) was EARTH.

(*) The conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn [土木二會] every twenty years is a signpost of a turn in the course of human endeavors. Each time, the two planets conjoin in a different zodiacal sign. The twelve signs of the zodiac are each ruled by one of four Elements (FIRE, EARTH, AIR, WATER in that order). Every 20 years, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn changes signs. But, whichever sign the conjunction occurs in, for a period of 200 years, those signs will fall under the rulership of the same element. From approx. 1820-2020, the ruling element is EARTH.

These two hundred odd years coincided with the Discovery and subjugation of the New World, the Industrial Revolution, Capitalism, the Revolutionary Masses, the Scientific/Technological Revolution - the Spiritual subjugated by the Material.

But starting from December 2020, when the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction took place in the AIR sign of Aquarius, this announces the start of a new 200-year cycle, when humanity will be under the influence of AIR. And the following 200 years will come under the element of AIR.

While the element EARTH is materialistic and so favors earthy materialistic enterprises, as well as the masses. AIR, conversly, favors the individual, and intellectual/spiritual pursuits. There will be a universal paradigm shift from the material, the physical body, and the masses. The new paradigm will emphasize the individual, the mind, the spirit.

That's why Linh's fear that, "no society has proven itself so enduring or persistent [as the Chinese]...." may yet be proven unfounded! China and the Chinese may indeed disappear, together with the Khazars et al, as per the heavenly signs!

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What's all this negativity towards the University of Tasmania?

It's a fine institution. I spent a semester there a few decades back and I'm confident that I emerged from the place only slightly indoctrinated in the fads of the day.

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Hi Harpo,

No negativity. I just mean it's not one of the top Australian universities, just as Temple and Drexel are lesser than UPenn in Philadelphia.


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One wonders what on Earth the Chinese are going to do when an Ivy League education is worth precisely nothing in a year or two because AGI has suddenly made human intelligence obsolete. Won't be long now, as I can already provide world-class legal, medical, engineering, and more or less any other advice better than the smartest and best-educated human with just a $20 OpenAI subscription and my high school diploma. We are about to see a complete crash in the value of human brain-power, which will soon be about as valuable as horse-drawn transportation.

I actually feel sorry for all the Asian kids being whipped by their parents to study and study and study some more when they could be outside enjoying their youth and the last decades of a habitable biosphere. Hot tip: your education is worthless, as I already speak 95 languages and didn't spend 10 minutes learning them.

My suggestion? Invest in AI and buy real estate, skip Harvard and learn plumbing. Though the best advice of all is probably "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die" as you've got no future anyway, kid. The cockroaches won't survive this, perhaps not even the Chinese: https://youtu.be/aXrY4ESpIII

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FWIW, it's the _ethnic Chinese_ holding the title of Merchant Class here in my adopted dilapidated town in Issan, Thailand. And the vast majority of the political class are ethnic Chinese as well. The streets, sidewalks, public buildings; once damaged are never repaired. How else can the Chinese build generational wealth? Corrupt bastards.

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"The Encyclopaedia Britannica points out that the parasite is relieved of the struggle to procure food. In the history of mankind, we find that the known parasitic group never engages in agriculture, and is rarely known to hunt for its food. Instead, food is provided by a host people.

We find, too, that the parasitic group is continually denounced by the more moral elements among the host people, because the parasitic group indulges in every known type of degeneracy. "

-Eustace Mullins,1968

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our man in the far east at his best today Apropos Portugal as an afterthought

in the last two years over 300000 Brazilians have immigrated to Portugal and find work

in cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and nail bars

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Donut shops. Virtually every donut shop in Southern California (and there are thousands) is run by Cambodians.

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Why is that? The donut shop that I used to stop at was run by Mr. Vat from Cambodia.

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Plenty of write-ups on the interwebs ("Cambodians" + "Donuts") Mostly ease of entry and ability to control labor costs i.e. you get your entire extended family to work there.

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Sure, surround Americans with donut shops then laugh about how fat they are. Nice racket!

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