Great article, Linh. To the point. Thank you!

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The Censor will come to Substack eventually. Telegram is targeted already by the full might of the European judiciaries and security forces. The West is a totalitarian Empire and we are going to see a lot of death and destruction to come. Write as long as you can, travel and live life. Nobody will ever live so free again.

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Once a site starts to get momentum it attracts the censors. That way they pull the rug out from under as many as possible as well. You're allowed to tell the truth, so long as nobody hears you.

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Yes, the free-thinkers out there will soon find it necessary to transport themselves back to the days of the Samizdat.

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Haha, true true

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Too bad Chris Hedges got "cancelled." Any serious journalist that relies exclusively on Youtube, FB, or Twitter should be moving his videos and commentary, or at least copies of them, to a couple of the numerous alternative platforms out there. It's been clear for quite awhile now that Youtube, FB and Twitter are no longer fit for anything that rises above how-to videos, mindless chit-chat, and cat pics. Nothing serious can be meaningfully discussed on those platforms. Let’s hope Substack continues to embrace free expression!

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Flipping thru YouTube on my telly, I ran across Peter Lavelle's "Crosstalk" which I thought had been banned like the rest of RT. As his program continually attacks the US war machine, I was most surprised to see it. Could it be that Zuckerberg and company have finally realized that sticking with senile and hopelessly corrupt Biden is a ratings loser, especially after his comments about regime changing Putin and unleashing chemical weapons? So, it's time to cut ties. I don't think that these big tech oligarchs want nuclear war either. Of course, I've never heard Lavelle talk smack on the Jews as Hedges did. That is one mistake that the Jewish oligarchs will never tolerate. No matter how long ago you said it, you have been Cancelled.

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pogroms in Russia result of the appropriation of property by usury practiced by Jews prohibited for Christians - is the cause of ancestral hatred engraved in the DNA of Jews in positions of power who seek revenge by destroying Russia.

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"...Proudly, Jewish Davidzon stresses that Jews represent the best of Ukraine..."

They are stark raving mad.

"They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race."


And that day has come.

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I've been party to many a psychedelic shuffle, all kinds of stress induced realizations and "aha" moments as I age, but the total realization of what I was never supposed to realize, AKA, the terrible totality of Talmudic psychosis as a flat out "spell" in my life and the world around me has been the heaviest trip yet.

I made a Jewish friend at an evangelical Christian addictions treatment program. The concept of Total Human Depravity is a big one among the evangelicals. I'm not a theologan, but it seems to be the unofficial mantra of the right/left JudeoFascist project.

Braedon's heroin addiction was blowback in a way. He came from stereotypical Ashkenazi royalty and I met him in a homeless program.

He did tell me a good joke:

Q) "What do the church bells on Sunday sound like?

A.) "Goyimmm, goyimmm..."

Thank you Linh.

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Have a good trip, bro. We will visit in VT in May or June. Looking forward to your food writing as well :)

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Khazarians or not, what is striking is that Jews, despite their diaspora and their mixing with other peoples, remain very characteristic and identifiable. What's the trick? Perhaps they are really extraterrestrial lizards? ;) Just kidding. But I wonder what will happen when they mix with the Chinese, as Zuckerberg and other contemporary Jews appear to be doing.

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Do a search on this, do a little research, and get back to us about Jews and China then. "Harbin Jews" It's interesting, but also depressing.

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I liked yesterday's dick piece!

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So did I!

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me too!

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Yet another great article. Thank you so much for the work you keep doing much appreciated.

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this was great read

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"My last piece only got five likes after 41 hours."

You lucky bastard! Five is the most ANY of my posts have ever received. After a year on substack I have a total of 70 subscribers, only a dozen of whom I'd describe as active. Am I concerned? Not at all, because I believe change happens at the margin, and that's 12 more people than I could have reached if I just sat on my ass doing nothing.

Granted I don't say much in my posts because it's a music site, but it's subversive nonetheless, and that has to do with the fact that Culture is upstream from Politics. My listeners get a chance to hear what people of other cultures listen to, and that builds a bridge between us and them. It's much harder to hate people when you hear the wonderful songs they sing, even if you don't understand the words. Leaves you with the impression that they're just like us, and with that in mind, allow me to point out that as censorious as YouTube is, their own business model is subversive because they rely on music for a major part of their audience.

Marshal McLuhan described media as a Hidden Ground - the part of culture that's invisible to us to because it's always there and we simply take it for granted, like fish don't notice the water. Prior to the net, how could you find out about people of other lands without actually going there? Well, now you can, and the more we put a human face on the people the politicians want us to hate, the less likely they are to succeed (so thank you YouTube, even if it's not what you intended).

Tatarstan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVlfWbDyhm8

Afghanistan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfK4ndtVEOQ

Uzbekistan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLECcsoaud0

Tajikistan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeNWQYNKkW4

Chechnya: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_y5-zPXhWI

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linh dinh

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Israel IS ISIS.

ISIS IS Israel.

Hedges called that ironic parallel really well in his quoted comment.

He never mentioned whether the "nation building" was a toxic mimic or not.

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Hey Linh, Adam Green of No More News does a great new analysis of how the (increasingly inescapable) "Khazarian Mafia" meme serves only to run interference for the Jews, and to put "The Real Jews" back in a position of protection, privilege, and primacy, while deflecting all criticism to a phantom menace of imaginary "Khazarians". He also touches on Koestler's deep ties to Zio-Intelligence. You might find it interesting:


Also, Laurent Guyénot addresses Koestler's thesis in "From Yahweh to Zion," concluding that the lack of supporting genetic evidence makes it a "risky hypothesis". (P. 165-66.) He cites to Hebrew University professor Shaul Stampfer, who can be seen making his case here:



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Understandably, there is so much talk about lies after the notorious Covid scandal.

Linh Dinh´s article continues the Khazar fiction invented by “the great (Jewish) Arthur Koestler”, who was displeased with the doings of the Azhkenazi-Jews of the City of London. He tried to acquit the Jews by telling the world the Azhkenazis were not at all Jews but Khazars.

This invention has never been genetically proven – on the contrary!

A comprehensive genetic study was published in The Scientist* and Nature** in 2013 – without much press attention: According to this study, Europe´s Azhkenazi Jews are descended from 4 Italian women and Jewish men. Over time their descendants emigrated to the Rhine Valley to escape from pogroms.

The descendants married German women and procreated intelligent progeny who became i.a. bankers

(i.a. the Rothschilds in Frankfurt a.M.). Due to new pogroms many Azhkenazis emigrated to Poland and Russia.

The genetic investigation showed no Khazar genes whatsoever in the Azhkenazis – except for low occurrence in Levites.

So, in the name of truth you could stop calling the “Jews” Khazars. They are a mixture of Jewish men and prehistoric European women.

* https://web.archive.org/web/20160611190011/http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/37821/title/Genetic-Roots-of-the-Ashkenazi-Jews/

** https://web.archive.org/web/20160611190011/http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2013/131008/ncomms3543/full/ncomms3543.html

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