Brilliant piece - many thanks! I've said it before, but feel compelled to reiterate that you have a gifted eye for photography. My 'take' on all these silly bastards in modern society is that we've gotten so far removed from the nitty gritty of life, that most folks get wrapped up in goofy, pointless mental masturbation while trying to forget that we're all born to survive, procreate, then die - anything else is entirely up to ourselves. Somebody worrying about catching, gutting, skinning, and cooking their first meal in three days probably isn't too hung up on preferred pronouns. - Just saw 12 geese flying south. Welp, I gotta get back to my pan fried steak, gallon of black coffee, and pack of unfiltereds. God Bless You, Brother Linh, fight the good fight, and FTW! - Sam.

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"I gotta get back to my pan fried steak, gallon of black coffee, and pack of unfiltereds."

I dunno, that sounds like the good fight to me. Far worse priorities in life than that. Fits within my definition of living well.

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I still need someone to tell me why I need someone's pronouns, when I would only use them to talk about that person to someone else, presumably when they are not there to hear it, and can thus not possibly be offended.

PS: Linh--you nailed it on the jab. It is probably what caused her to drop my grandson less than a week later, at 24 weeks. It is truly a miracle of modern medical technology that he survived to be a normal, healthy kid.

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Pronouns exist in the language to simplify it so you don't need to use someone's name every time you refer to them. Custom pronouns essentially makes them useless. A girl at work listed her pronouns as (she/her/ella). I'm not even going to try stepping in that minefield. I will just use her name always. It's just fucking crazy how anyone went along with something so stupid.

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Nov 10Edited

If I got jew jabbed, I would be drinking a tablespoon of DMSO { 99%}in some fresh squeezed lemon juice in the morning when you wake up { hold your nose - it stinks}

- then wait and see what comes out the pp hole in a week. But that's just my 2 rubles worth.

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Only people willing to accept the fact that their health may have been compromised by the jab will consider pursuing any of the recommended spike detox protocols. And as we know, the media and the bureaucracy are still hard at work flogging the "safe and effective" mantra, trying to convince people that all these odd health conditions now becoming more common are natural occurrences due to anything other than the jabs. Denial is a powerful emotion.

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Ya agree, the media in the Western Matrix is like drinking sewer water. I live where there was no J Jab but I'm trying the DMSO for a different medical condition . So far I see a little benefit , but the more people we get to start using alternative medicine - the better.

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For some reason, I've seen a number of articles recently recommending DMSO for a number of things. I remember DMSO from decades ago, when the authorities came out trying to warn people off of it. At the time, I believed all that, but am now reconsidering it in light of my more recent insights into the integrity (-< barf >-) of our health care authorities.

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Ya , I did too - in the 70s they were using it on race horse legs and some of the vets said it was a wonder drug - which was then automatically attacked by the FDA. Im old with severe arthritis at times and i use it on my knees at about 80% strength and it is a super F.. good stuff. Clean your skin where you are going to use it first - it sinks in - fast. If it burns a little - leave it on for 15 min. or so - then wash it off and put some antibiotic or aloe creme on it - it works for me - it's a natural composite but it's strong at 99%, so cut it a little.

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"Horse medicine"--history does repeat itself!

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Thank you, gmc, for the useful information. I am going to try it.

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Midwestern Doctor substack is doing a series of articles on DMSO, how it was used for different conditions, and the FDAs war on it.


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I would definitely follow his advice - I used it as a Detox - and should have stopped at 5 days.

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I'm taking DMSO too on the advice of the Midwestern Doctor substack. I'm taking it to improve my memory and help with my arthritic knees. So far, so good.

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I walked into the kitchen where my dad has his laptop set up a day or two after the election. After a normal conversation about some mundane thing that I forget he handed me a sheet of paper and said, "You might want to take a look at this." He'd compiled a handwritten numbered list of Trump's bankruptcies with the dates. I believe that there were nine. My father is a very sincere and wonderfully kind hearted person, but the word Trump elicits a pavlovian response, similar to how I feel about names like Fauci, Gates or Blinken. I wanted to say something like, "That's some real Seymour Hersch shit you're working on Dad." but kept my mouth shut. I just got done laying out my version of the Ukrainian fiasco to him this evening, but at this point prefer our conversations to be about farming, memories, anything but politics. Problem is, the progressively minded eventually filter EVERYTHING through a political lense. It always comes back to some pre mediated, agenda driven talking point. All of it. Shitting and sleeping can become political issues with these folks. The PSYOP runs so deep that I've taken a very hands off approach to discussing anything worth discussing from a political perspective with the people that I'm close to. It's the ultimate sadness of my life at this point, but I'm cheering up when I read about the young man from China. Makes me think of Knut Hamsun's "Hunger". Hunger and the elements are the ultimate teacher, friend and enemy. The most implacable adversaries. Sorry Jews.

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24 months, huh?

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I watched Peter Pan on TV when I was a child. He was menaced by the crazy and evil Captain Hook. Methinks the story was a foreshadowing of our evil times. Be just as cryptic as you like, but not a bit more cryptic . Anybody who has not caught on yet to the innuendo has truly been living under a rock. No need to splash the truth around. It is a pointless and probably suicidal gesture. My thinking is that our modern day nemesis is drawing upon some alien entity for its hocus pocus. Aliens are not noted for their subtlety, and neither was Captain Hook, come to think about it. Maybe we all will live happily ever after. (It just won't be on this godforsaken planet.)

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We need an asylum for sane people.

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This is a masterclass in writing sarcasm.

And, what's more, its that because of the true freedom of speech on this site is so open it allows others to 'splain their truths and realities.

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