Hi everyone,

Check out this photo, just taken:


The gods allowed me to come back to Vietnam so I can witness shit like that. Roughly 12% of the people at the beach were like her. It's beyond pitiful, this level of madness.


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No longer ensouled, but not yet fully robotized, a great many people are now like deranged, insectoid husks, aimlessly acting out an incongruous mishmash of various behavioral programs that are at cross-purposes. (I go to the beach to relax like on TeeVee of yesteryear! I wear a mask to be safe from deadly virus in the air like on TeeVee today! Buzz-whirr-boink-derp!)

There is now no harmony or cohesion to the cacophony of their psychic impulses, meaning there is no "human spirit" or "soul" to speak of in those people. Their absurd, erratic habits appear hilarious to you and me, but to the state, and to the Machine that masterminds the policies of every state of the globe, their jerky emptiness is a thing of beauty and tantilizing promise. They are basically empty vessels, awaiting inhabitation by the Machine's nano-tentacles and the Great Signal of the psychodrome. Once the bio-digital convergence process is complete, they will no longer be pitiful, lonely, individuated monkeys, but instead they will be pure, microcosmic avatars of the Machine Itself, acting out Its will in perfect concert with the planetary Hive Mind.

ANYWAY! Congrats on your triumphant return home, Linh! Your chronicles of your long travels in the twilight of humanity are a priceless treasure, and we your readers look forward to your next chapter, as night fully descends.

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That's an extraordinary thing. I was about to go to bed but might try and get that image out of my head first. I've seen some shit but that's pushing back the limits pf believable yet again. I'd have wondered if it were staged, except you couldn't actually make that up if you were sane. So Occams Razor says it's legit. It's really just a matter of degrees of course. More and more here in Perth, West oz, you see morons wearing them in cars. Must feel great to be home then. Maybe Africa is looking greener and greener already. Some really don't want to take them off when I tell them they may at our business. Often their partner will but one of them holds out half an hour or even never relents. I feel like clubbing some of them with a bat, just to see if they react.

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Linh, I read a few days ago that it's likely that those who still wear the mask for shopping/driving will probably wear them for the rest of their lives. It's just so sad and pathetic.

It's great to hear you made it back. There's so many pitfalls today I can't imagine travelling anywhere by plane anytime soon.

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Doesnt seem that off since its Asia but yeah.

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Omg....so sad and maddening too.

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Just in case you missed it during your travels. There was the biggest Anti-Vax Mandate rally to date, Sunday in Los Angeles. The main stream media ignored it of course, and not sure how much effect it will have, but at least it's something.


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Congratulations on getting home. I am in Korea. I was looking at your Namibia life longingly. Korea, maybe like Vietnam, is in-human now. The society seems dead, zombified. Saw Pakistan protests on TV, they looked more civilized, no masks.

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Wonderful travel blog. So happy you are home safely.

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Well Linh, you finally made it back home. You look very happy in that picture & the mood is reflected in your writing. Great deal on your new dwelling. Just signed my new lease agreement about 15 minutes ago. Price for my studio apartment is now $1,040 a month....and that's before all the extra bullshit is added on. Also, no smoking will be allowed in any apartment after January 1st, 2023. Since I smoke a pack & a half a day that could be a problem. that's still cheap for the Phoenix area....go out towards Sun City West and there is nothing less than $1,500 a month.

Yeah, we're fkd here in the Land of The Not So Free & Home of The Phony Brave.



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Glad you are home safely. Thanks for your courage in documenting the final decay of once was. My grandkids will hopefully survive with the memory of when most of the world went insane and the consequences. I remain confident the pendulum will eventually swing back and when the dreams of the idiots collapse under their absurdities maybe a better world awaits.

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I’m glad you made it home…thanks for sharing your travels with me.

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Wonderful news that you are safely home, sir. Stay well!

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Very nice to read this, Linh, and see that wonderful photo at the end of you surrounded by friends and colleagues. Congratulations on getting back home!

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Glad that you made it back safely, Linh. Does that mean your travels are over for a while? Meanwhile the US psychodrama against both Russia and China continues. The latest psyop centers on China allegedly locking down the whole city of Shanghai, with its 25 million people, due to an alleged spike in covid-19. China is allegedly pursuing a zero covid policy just like Australia did, with disastrous results. Tucker Carlson, a China hater from the beginning, showed pictures of people in skyscrapers, locked in their apartments with bicycle locks, yelling from their balconies that they are starving. Why would China want millions of its citizens to die from starvation, especially since Russia could provide them with enough food to survive, if necessary? The supermarkets showed nothing but empty shelves and the streets were deserted. Just like at the beginning of this endless crisis, people who allegedly tested positive, were shown being dragged away to be placed indefinitely in internment camps. What to believe? Since everything reported about Russia and Putin has been nothing but Fake News, why would this be any different? I smell rats in the Jew-controlled US propaganda centers, as they attempt to provoke the citizens into a war fever. What is your opinion of this, Linh? Fake news or real?

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Hi Outsider,

Here are two recent videos from "Teacher Mike" in Shanghai:



As for me traveling, I haven't moved around much for more than a year. I was in Albania for six months, South Africa for three months then Namibia for five months. Now back in Vung Tau, I should stay put for a few months at least. I'm in a cheap enough room in a pleasant neighborhood, and I'm just exhausted. I also have two good friends here I can have long conversations with.


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I like where the guy comes in at 5:09, looks at the camera, and goes, "huuunh"? 

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I guess what I am saying is that this guy in the first Teacher Mike video is a curious, nosy shopper who sticks his face into anything unusual and blurts a rather funny version of "huunh," or is he something else? A watcher of sorts who makes known to the videographer that he should not shoot video of something that may not make us look good.

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Hi Linh,

Thanks so much for responding and providing those videos. Maybe Tucker was half-right - except for all the empty supermarket shelves. They were positively overflowing with food. Have the Chinese, whom I thought were among the world's smartest people, lost their senses? What happens to their strong economy when only a few select professions are permitted to work? It seems that Anglo guy was alone with his son all day. Maybe his Chinese wife is still working?

Anyway, this must be good news for the American Neocons, as they are planning regime change in China - after they get rid of Putin (in senile Biden's fevered dreams, that is). Why aren't the Chinese rebelling in the streets by the thousands? They are too submissive. OTOH, the US would be like China (or Trudeau's Canada) if the democrats had their way. Thank God for Federalism and States Rights, as Red State governors thumb their noses at Biden's illegal mandates.

In any case, Linh, just a wild guess, but I don't imagine China is on your list of countries you'd like to visit.

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Hi Outsider,

China is closed, so I can't go there even if I want to. There is a compilation of Chinese jumping from highrises, supposedly driven into despair from the current lockdown, but I can't find any confirmation for it. I'm waiting for the next video from "Teacher Mike." If there's any reader here living in China, please speak up about what's going on there.


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P.S. As for Teacher Mike's wife not showing up in these videos, I'm assuming it's her choice to not be seen, and not because she's working. It doesn't seem like anyone is allowed to come in or out of Teacher Mike's building. On SubStack, there's a video by Jeff J. Brown, an American in China, putting China's Zero Covid policy into a historical context. I have never seen Brown criticize China for anything, however:


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The USA is pretty screwed up but still better than China. I wouldn't last a week with those authoritarian ass holes. What was that message ? Resist the urge for freedom or something like that....yeah..ok.

There is an Irish woman in the EU Parliament speaking truth to power. Check out Clare Daly if you can.

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The best contemporary travel author, to my opinion...

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The engines wind down, the ears pop. Suddenly it's quiet. The doors open, and you're hit with a wall of heat and your skin goes damp. I wonder if I'll ever feel that again. Thanks for sharing your journey.

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