So glad a commenter on UR pointed me here! You were my favourite writer there, looking forward to accompanying you here on your onward journey! Thanks for continuing to share your thoughts.

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Linh, forgive the length and off-topic nature of this comment, which is actually in response to your January 17 note on Blogspot about “Unz’s Five Cents.” As a long-time lurker at Unz, I wanted to offer a “big-picture” perspective on Unz’s modus operandi that I think best accounts for not only his shit-take on the bolognavirus, but his entire role within the “alternative media.”

The upshot is not merely that his site is a “honey-pot” as many have already suggested (accurately enough), but that he is a willing and eager Pied Piper, beholden to the Sinophilic wing of the Judeofascist global superstructure. His specific role is to enchant and entrap “White Nationalists” and other disenfranchised, race-conscious (and even race-obsessed) malcontents, and to keep them under the spell of the overarching “pandemic” narrative, while orienting them toward a pro-China mentality for when the United States is integrated into the Chinese social control grid. Think of his central message as: “I for one welcome our new Han overlords!”

Unz’s services to the “Globalists” on this front are understandable against the background process that is currently underway on the geopolitical level: the United States, a profligate gluttonous mob of rapacious nonproductive consumers, is so grossly in debt to China that it can no longer service the debt, let alone ever achieve a trade balance. Therefore, the US body politic is now in receivership, with Israel acting as trustee. This arrangement can be likened to a “reorganization” in the sense of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy under US statutes. A corporation declares “Chapter 11 bankruptcy” so as to continue operating under the watchful eye of a trustee, who ensures that the operation reorganizes so as to “tighten its belt” and implement a plan to make good to the creditors up to some agreed percentage of outstanding debts. Likewise, the US Deep State has now declared "pandemic" which amounts to an agreement to implement a plan of ruthless austerity on its people, cull the excess population, and render up collateral. The collateral in question here is nothing less than the US’s “national sovereignty” as well as the compulsory services of the mass of human serfs. These serfs are only really valuable once they are all injected in advance with a “kill-switch” device to ensure obeisance, and once the identifiably non-compliant among them are taken out of the equation entirely--those are the "anti-vaxxers" who will soon be liquidated en masse. (Catherine Austen Fitts refers to this as the “perfection of collateral” in the slave-trade setting.) Once the American masses are bodily penetrated by bio-sensors and control devices, and enmeshed in a “social credit” electro-mechanical control grid, where behaviors are automatically met with tokenized rewards and punishments according to the algorithms designed by Israeli tech engineers, the Chinese bureaucracy will assume remote, unseen dominion over the Kalergimated Herd in satisfaction of the liabilities of America's Deep State, banking and industrial interests. The entire “Biden Administration” of Jewish technocrats has been installed to facilitate this process of rendering the goyish herd over to the tender mercies of Chinese potentates. Whether any given pleb is suited to menial labor, sexual exploitation, or engineering expertise, all work by the US goyim will henceforth be in the service of Chinese overlords, and will be managed as a “data colony” by Israeli “Signals Intelligence” (Unit 8200, Team 8). (Yuval Noah Harari strongly hinted at this reality in his triumphal 2020 announcement that “armies are not required to control a country” once a nation’s “politicians and journalists” can all be managed by blackmail and incentives designed according to those politicians’ and journalists’ e-surveillance profiles.)

Now, back to that eccentric mensch Unz. He is an asset, positioned to lubricate this transitional process. Unz went through a lengthy, elaborate sheep-dipping process by espousing “holocaust revisionism” in order to win the trust of the simplistic, simian racists who favor his site, just as Alex Jones went through his lengthy sheep-dipping process of spearheading the “Truth Movement” in the ‘00s. And, just as Alex Jones was “cashed in” by making him a Pied Piper to lure Truthers into Trumpism, so is Unz twiddling his flute to lead White Nationalists into Chinese hands by keeping them enthralled by the “pandemic” narrative. That’s his job, and there is no reasoning with him. He has been “cashed in” by his handlers, meaning he is squandering all his accumulated good will as a “deep thinker,” “dispassionate analyst,” and free-thinking independent skeptic. (Sailer too.)

Instead, we get Unz’s perplexing, insistent “rogue-US-bio-attack-on-China” riff, an odiously obvious “engineered narrative” he proffers to his readers to keep them invested in the “pandemic” meta-narrative, while softening them up in preparation for eventual Chinese rule. Unz believes, rightly or wrongly, that his pro-Chinese polemics will earn him a “seat at the table” in the post-subordination United States of North American Chinese Protectorates. (Again, remember, “Unz, for one, WELCOMES his new Han overlords!”)

A big part of Unz’s vulgar and sophomoric rhetoric against “anti-vaxx crackpots” is his frustration that his “rogue bio-attack” thesis has enjoyed just about ZERO mileage even among his most loyal followers. His lickspittles agree with him that “Clovid is REAL” and that injections are magic, but even they don’t adhere to his lame, facile, and boring “anti-American” conspiratorial take.

Now, he is being forced to be a little flexible, in a desperate attempt to hold the attention of his readership. This involves a sudden obsession with the dusty old Faucian AIDS hoax, and some yawn-inducing equivocation on relative risks and benefits of mRNA injections. These rear-guard maneuvers are being taken to try to rehabilitate his reputation as a non-shill, while continuing to promote all his shilling themes. (Similarly, Alex Jones is now half-heartedly criticizing Trump in order to try to stay relevant, but it’s too late. These clowns have been cashed in. They’ve played their parts, squandered their good will, and they will be rewarded with whatever the Sino-Judeo cabal sees fit to bestow upon them after the handover.)


My goodness how your humble Philosopher does ramble on! I am going to stop short of 1,000 words, but in sum let this be my way of saying that you aren’t the only one who was duped by Unz. He’s a duper. That’s his function.

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Hi Freelance Philosopher,

With Ron Unz leading the way, all the Unz Review columnists but one were fervent Trump supporters before he was installed. I was the lone exception. On 6/12/16, I wrote:

"In 2008, Obama was touted as a political outsider who will hose away all of the rot and bloody criminality of the Bush years. He turned out to be a deft move by our ruling class. Though fools still refuse to see it, Obama is a perfect servant of our military banking complex. Now, Trump is being trumpeted as another political outsider.

"A Trump presidency will temporarily appease restless, lower class whites, while serving as a magnet for liberal anger. This will buy our ruling class time as they continue to wage war abroad while impoverishing Americans back home. Like Obama, Trump won’t fulfill any of his election promises, and this, too, will be blamed on bipartisan politics."

At the time, I interpreted Unz' push for Trump as just earnest, simple-minded hopium, but, as with his current defense of the Covid "vaccine" and other "health" measures, perhaps he was just duping his idiotic (yet often pompous) audience, thus buying time for his masters to commit more crimes. Misdirection is their core tactic for the masses.


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P.S. As for the reality of Covid, I'm pretty sure I caught it in Tirana. In the next feuilleton, I'll talk about this nightmarish month. When I speak about the Covid "scamdemic," I'm referring to the mountain of lies surrounding the virus. I do not say it doesn't exist at all.

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"the [Hmongs], as they skipped along by our side, seemed in no way to notice the slope"

It reminds me of the Russian babushki who gracefully glide over iced sidewalks in their hushpuppies, while I grasp rails and struggle to keep my balance in spiked shoes.

"In Germany, I would see a man standing alone at an intersection at 3AM, with no traffic in any direction, waiting for the light to turn green, so he could cross. "

Ha! I saw something like this as well in Germany. We were in the countryside of Munich stuck in line at a broken stop light. Half a dozen cars just sat there on all sides, quietly idling. After about 5 minutes, we drove up the shoulder and went around them, but nobody else moved except the guy behind us closing the gap. It was eerie.

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Hi adi,

Over at my blog, I posted the below this morning:

I've been urging a German friend to get the hell out of there, before they close the borders, but he's been hesitating. It's understandable, since he has a great job, and leaving one's country is usually not an easy decision. Suggesting he comes down this way, I've been giving him tips about Cape Town and Windhoek. Neither would be a shock since he's visited Kenya. There are even Germans in Windhoek and Cape Town. Just now, he sent me an update:

"Here it gets ever crazier. A company had offered me a position as Head of HR. After I signed the contract, the CEO invited me to a restaurant, but I had to tell him: Restaurant? Sorry, that will not work (unvaxxed are banned from entering restaurants in Germany).

"He was literally astonished. He had thought that I--like every well-meaning German--had already taken the jab. He advised that I should really consider doing this--which I politely refused. So ended my position as Head of HR before it had even started.... :-) Funny, but also sad in a way, because the rift is now so deep here, between the believers and the un-believers...."

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Boris Johnson just lifted Covid restrictions in the UK. So they're backing off a bit, as expected. Perhaps the pushback has gotten too intense, and they've murdered enough people for now.

It's likely they're just giving us a breather before their next nasty surprise. We still have to wait and see if other nations will quickly follow suit. This backpedaling, in the midst of the Omicron brouhaha, is also an admission we've been conned all along. If no masks, social distancing or lockdowns are needed now, they never were.

With this news, I can't help but fantasize about my return to Vietnam.

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They have also backed off instituting a QR code scheme here in Russia that would have prevented people from using mass transport. All I know is that we can expect these measures to continue indefinitely since the aim seems to be making travel as onerous and risky as possible.

Sad about the German bloke...I think people just waking up now have mostly missed the boat and being politically naive and fearful, they're just as likely to go somewhere like Australia and just be worse off. As you said in another article about how it was clear the world was out of wack in 2018, and I think that was the do or die moment. I had a feeling of impending doom in 2014 and I made immigrating itself my goal and it was difficult, even without all the bs today.

But there is a silver lining; as more of an anarchist than a commie these days, I look forward to the parallel, subversive societies that will emerge to undermine this absurd apartheid.

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Hi adi,

Communism was never about power of the people but tyranny of the state, and that's why I object to it most vehemently. Jewish whitewashing of Communism has been constant in the West, and I suspect you got a huge dose of this Jewish brainwashing. Beyond Communism, my biggest objection is to Jewish thinking, so I've criticized Nasser, for example, for deploying Jewish thinking to wreck Egypt. Though outwardly a foe of Israel, Nasser's possessed by Jewish thinking!

Now, I don't care if you or anyone else worship Pol Pot or Stalin, just don't impose that satanism on me, but Communism, as a system, cannot leave people alone. I've met so many intolerant "Communists" in the West, it's absurd. Of course, they would be the first ones to be shot should Communists actually gain power in their country.


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Here's a relevant article, "Red Redux": https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2020/10/red-redux.html

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I'd be willing to bet Nasser is a Lebanese crypto Jew. See former CEO of Ford Jacques Nasser, or Larry Nassar of the gymnast abuse fraud.



When you look at his bio with a critical eye, it ends up making no sense. We are told his father was a postal "worker," but in the next paragraph we're told "Nasser's family traveled frequently due to his father's work". Further down we learn "He left in 1929 for a private boarding school in Helwan". Private boarding school?

I encourage you to look at Miles Mathis' work. What you'll find is that most political figures, and in fact most actors and famous historical figures are actually crypto Jews. In fact, they're usually gay Jewish actors.

Hitler came from a theatrical background, and I believe Stalin did as well.

Marx http://mileswmathis.com/marx.pdf

Lenin http://mileswmathis.com/lenin.pdf

Stalin http://mileswmathis.com/stalin.pdf

Hitler's genealogy http://mileswmathis.com/hiller.pdf

The Beer Hall Putsch http://mileswmathis.com/putsch.pdf

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Hi all, do go here for an eye-opening Planet Lockdown interview of Catherine Austin Fitts on our collective nightmare: https://www.brighteon.com/0a6134ae-0664-4ab3-89d9-3c7af099122d

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