Linh, I have never commented on a piece of yours until now. I must thank you for all your work. I stumbled upon your articles via LRC a few years ago. Ever since, you've been one of my favorite writers to follow. You're also one of the few writers who uses words that I to look up the definition of. I grew up in Northern Virginia, and one of your first pieces I recall reading was your Postcard from DC. It articulated so many of the thoughts and feelings I had towards the city, but could never quite find the right words for. Finally, your pieces on Coronafascism have been excellent. I confess in 2020 I was anxiously wondering "when is Linh going to take on the New Normal and Davos crowd?" Sure enough, you ultimately rose to the occasion. Our side has to win. I'll look for your tip jar (assuming you have one) to support your work.

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Hi Chaz, many thanks for your comment! LRC won't touch any of my articles with "Jewish" in it, so I'm not there much, and now I've broken from the pro Covid "vaccine" Unz. I also didn't appreciate how Unz allowed his readers to fling racial slurs at me. Whether intentionally or not, he makes whites look repulsive while appearing to guide them, just like Jerry Springer! Anyway, I do have a PayPal "Donate" button at my blog, https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/ , where I post many photos. Yesterday, I posted photos of two well-stocked supermarkets in Windhoek, where I'm staying. I also commented, "Remember that Namibia is mostly desert, so just about everything has to be imported, yet there are no supply line problems here. Southern Africa is also the epicenter of Omicron, so everybody should be dead or dying, no? Geez, maybe all the food and fuel shortages in the West have also been engineered, like the Covid crisis."

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Corona fascists are trying to appeal to liberal sensibilities by making vaccine exportation to Africa an “equity” issue. They’ll eat it up, even though Africa doesn’t want and sure as hell doesn’t need these jabs.

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I’ll leave a tip in the token jar and check the photoblog more often. Ron has been dreadful on this from the start. Nobody is buying his bio weapon theory either.

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Also, Off-Guardian is one of the websites that has been on this from the jump. Here are two important pieces that many seem to have missed: https://off-guardian.org/2021/03/12/tanzania-the-second-covid-coup/ https://off-guardian.org/2020/07/14/coronavirus-and-regime-change-burundis-covid-coup/ They're must-reads

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