[Gyeongju, 3/17/20]
It’s estimated this earth has seen 117 billion humans. When you subtract all those who died soon after birth, or had to endure a very constricted existence, the number of humans who have truly lived shrinks, perhaps significantly.
No matter how rich their lives, though, as leaders of men, slave traders, pimps or explorers, none can boast of having seen the end of the world, so we’re potentially the luckiest ones, all eight billion of us!
Jewjabbed, millions have already dropped dead prematurely, but since they won’t be here for the impossibly loud, tasteless and horrific finale, we’re the ones who should be pitied. Bullshit, we think, for each day above ground is shiitake gravy.
What’s the alarm? As of 7/30/22, Aaron Judge is hitting .297 with 42 home runs, enough to win the MVP in most seasons, and Shohei Ohtani is merely chugging along performing the impossible, so all is well, no? Unlike in soccer, no MLB players have dropped dead from Covid vaccines, so they are “safe and effective,” after all.
That’s why even 6-month-old babies are being Jewjabbed, as recommended by the always earnest-eyed Rochelle Wallensky of the CDC, and cross-dressing Rachel Levine, too. Not long ago, Jewish women just wanted to stuff you with chopped liver and chicken soup. Now, many insist on murdering you with a tight smile, for they must stick by their man, Albert Bourla! Again, you can always decipher the Jewish agenda via any concensus in the Jewjacked media. Many an Einstein, though, prefer to stay woke.
Jewjabs for kids are being rolled out in South America, Europe and Asia, too. Only Africa remains relatively sane, so the sensible shall inherit the earth, but not if there’s no earth left.
[Windhoek, 11/20/21]
Is it that ominous? Let’s see, booze and artisanal gelato loving Nancy Pelosi is flying to Taiwan just to piss the Chinese off, so insane Uncle Sam must move ships to protect her. Having chewed up the Ukrainian army in the Donbas, Russia is about to swallow the rest of Zelensky’s sick playpen. Starved of Russian natural gas, European cities are going dark and, soon enough, their people will freeze. It’s only kabuki, smug morons still chirp, but any war that has already killed over a hundred thousand and caused the displacement of millions is no sideshow.
It will probably come to your town, but what’s the worry? Suave Sunak is likely the next UK Prime Minister and rabble rousing Trump is poised for a comeback. Jerkoffs love to diddle jerk machines. It’s empowering! With a straight face, an American told me DeSantis will finish Trump’s job. Dishing cheap shots anonymously, white nationalists fight back!
Net zero goals waste fertile land, hyped diseases cull herds and bans on normal farming practices slash production. Our overlords are trying to starve us, understand? To ensure Canadians eat even less, Trudeau cuts fertilizer use, though Dutch farmers are already in an uproar over this.
The fact that this black-faced purveyor of platitudes is still in power proves Canadians’ impotence. Their truck convoy, so inspiring five months ago, achieved nothing.
After pretending to have Covid (though vaccinated) so he could hide, Trudeau declared on 1/31/22:
Over the past few days, Canadians were shocked and, frankly, disgusted by the behaviour displayed by some people protesting in our nation's capital. We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers, and steal food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags, we won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonour the memory of our veterans […] There is no place in our country for threats, violence or hatred. I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agreed with the goals, when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues, Black Lives Matter is an excellent example of that, but I have also chosen to not go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens and a disrespect, not just of science but of the frontline health workers […]
What Freedom Convoy? It’s just a bunch of anti-science hate mongers harassing small businesses and homeless shelters!
Just as you shouldn’t be messing with Jewish math, where six million may mean many fewer than one, or Jewish logic, where a hysterical Final Solution becomes actual, like right now, we should never doubt Jewish science.
Ron Unz on 8/1/21, “Virtually every world leader supports Covid vaccination. Maybe that’s because there’s a secret, diabolical conspiracy, or maybe that’s because all the medical experts everywhere support vaccination. After all, all those same world leaders also believe that rocks fall downward.”
First off, not all countries welcome Jewjabs. Plus, we don’t know if every Pfizer batch, much less shot, is the same. Ever heard of shell games?
A year later, Unz doesn’t just still support Jewjabs but praises, of all places, Jacinda Adern’s New Zealand! “Or take the example of a small but well-run country on the other side of the planet. As an isolated island, New Zealand quickly implemented strong public health measures and a travel quarantine, thereby avoiding any serious Covid outbreak prior to the availability of vaccines. With strong government support, the population has now been overwhelmingly vaxxed with Pfizer, at a rate far higher than that of the U.S.”
So our best prospect, at least for the near term, is mass death through Jewjabs and starvation, but not all places are equally threatened at the same pace. Here in Vung Tau, people still pig out together, because that’s Vietnam’s main pleasure. When I showed a German friend around recently, he said it was remarkable to see people eating in public everywhere, and this begins at dawn till late at night. After that, there are still isolated joints serving “ghost rice” [“cơm ma”]. In the dark, they glow.
If you can’t afford beef, pork, chicken or fish, there are tiny snails you can twist out with toothpicks. Here, you can get trashed on a quarter liter of rice wine for 43 cents. Yes, the poorest are undersized and wear odd clothing, but there are many affluent people whose house gate alone costs over $10,000. I’ve seen them all over town.
Yesterday, I had lunch at Gogi House, a Vietnamese chain serving Korean BBQ and hot pots. Ample joint was packed with just Vietnamese. At $18.85 for an all-you-can eat meal of mostly meat, it's a great deal, though pricey for Vietnam. Still, many Viets can afford it. There are Gogi Houses all over. The last one I visited was in Lào Cai, right on the Chinese border.
A South Korean will typically eat an entire fried chicken by himself. There’s a Vietnamese party dish called beef seven different ways, and there’s more beef in a bowl of pho than a Philly cheesesteak. People everywhere crave meat, because it’s good for them. Fed on mutton, yak, horse and horse blood, Mongols overwhelmed rice shoveling Chinese. Finding ground beef laughable, Mongols reject McDonald’s.
My Gogi House lunch came with lots of complimentary kim chi and seaweed, the latter no longer found washing up on Vung Tau beaches, locals tell me.
Our planet is undeniably sick. There are no rhinos or leopards left in Vietnam, and hardly any wild elephants or tigers. During a month of traveling all over Laos in January of 2000, I saw no elephant in the Land of a Million Elephants. Years ago at the Philadelphia Zoo, I encountered a very rare douc langur, a three-colored monkey native to Indochina. Sick of looking at people, he sat facing a wall, immobile. How in hell did I end up in Philly?
Of course, overpopulation drains depleting resources, so those who have used up the most for the longest want to cull the rest. The biggest boys are also locked in an existential battle, however, for there ain’t enough well-massaged, beer-swilling and Bach-listening cows left for just two world-class chubsters.
There’s a Vietnamese saying, “When buffaloes battle, flies die.” A buffalo can also die, however, and when both heavies are lavishly nuclear tipped, there may be no one left to clean up the mess.
Boy, it’s hot here, though I’m sitting in the shade, with a fan overhead. Next to me are four kois in a pool. Going nowhere, they move slowly. It’s almost lunch time so, again, I’m thinking beef. Until the unspeakable happens, that’s my plan.
In my anthology of new Vietnamese poetry, The Deluge, there’s a poem by Trần Vàng Sao, “I Get To Eat Meat.” It begins, “I let myself imagine a day when I get to eat meat / I laugh and talk cheerfully / a piece of meat with a hunk of fat / slips down my throat.” It was written in 1982 then there was still widespread hunger in Vietnam.
Vàng Sao is a pen name meaning Yellow Star, such was the author’s belief in Communism, then he grew out of it through experience, like so many others. Think Orwell, Koestler and Kundera, etc. It’s never too late to reject Jewish thinking.
Collectively, it may too late, though I sure hope not.
[Vung Tau, 7/29/22]
I hate the winter. With nothing good going on in my life, still 3 months till I can expect to even make enough in a month to pay my rent. Old age is closing in and I've got nothing to show for a lifetime of work with very little by way of pleasurable times and nothing I care to remember, because they'll all come with stories of loss. I drank too much last night, trying to raise a little enthusiasm for life even for a few hours and slept very poorly as a result. When the morning came around I set the alarm back for a couple of hours, listening to rain thumping down on the metal roof of the factory I also call home. I eventually got up, the rabbits want their goodies in the morning and it's not fair I deprive them. Now with my coffee and heater on, I'll waste the day away watching chipmunk videos and reruns of a silly nineties TV series. Sea Quest. Amazing how positive an outlook it had on the very future we're in now. Still it struck me how woke it all was even then. The innocence and trust in establishment it portrays is so gone today.
It gets me every day I survive and watch so many others not doing so, why I even bother? Just pride? With nothing else to show, am I just wanting to walk on the graves of all the fools who bought into the bullshit and played the game? I can't come up with anything else anymore. There's self loathing setting in. I am where I am due to my own fault. My own cynicism left me here. There's got to be someplace else I should be. I'm losing my religion.
I love you man but sometimes i think you just need some putang. Doomerism in moderation not excess .