I hate the winter. With nothing good going on in my life, still 3 months till I can expect to even make enough in a month to pay my rent. Old age is closing in and I've got nothing to show for a lifetime of work with very little by way of pleasurable times and nothing I care to remember, because they'll all come with stories of loss. I drank too much last night, trying to raise a little enthusiasm for life even for a few hours and slept very poorly as a result. When the morning came around I set the alarm back for a couple of hours, listening to rain thumping down on the metal roof of the factory I also call home. I eventually got up, the rabbits want their goodies in the morning and it's not fair I deprive them. Now with my coffee and heater on, I'll waste the day away watching chipmunk videos and reruns of a silly nineties TV series. Sea Quest. Amazing how positive an outlook it had on the very future we're in now. Still it struck me how woke it all was even then. The innocence and trust in establishment it portrays is so gone today.
It gets me every day I survive and watch so many others not doing so, why I even bother? Just pride? With nothing else to show, am I just wanting to walk on the graves of all the fools who bought into the bullshit and played the game? I can't come up with anything else anymore. There's self loathing setting in. I am where I am due to my own fault. My own cynicism left me here. There's got to be someplace else I should be. I'm losing my religion.
Rabbitnexus, I think many people feel depressed and despondent about what’s going on in the world. And also because of personal circumstances. I’ve decided to cut down on the gloom and doom newsletters and rather work in the garden. To write funny stories for myself. To read interesting books. To start drawing and painting again. To believe God is still in control. I’m sending you love and hope. Hang in there, summer is coming again. Please give the rabbits lots of hugs from me.
I'm comfortable with doom and gloom just now. I don't have much by way of gardens in a factory unit, though I'm quite involved in the life of the birds, magpies, ravens, doves, ducks and a dozen other species, nature is my main comfort in life. God seems distant though, not directly involved in my world and following Him wasn't getting any satisfaction, on the contrary, just disappointment. I'll never be able to get my head around how far from Him some people can be while still putting on a show of piousness. The rabbits don't show me any affection. It saddens me, after my former girl Ramzy who adored me and we had the closest relationship for 11 years, that Jazzy and her baby keep their distance and don't like any contact. Though the way they always come in when I call, every evening, whether or not they want to gives me some sense of worth, still they do little for the loneliness I've earned myself. I'm glad for anyone who can find peace with the world but none of it works for me. I seem to have made a few wrong turns somewhere back and am frankly lost.
Great writing and incite, this line really hit home:"Years ago at the Philadelphia Zoo, I encountered a very rare douc langur, a three-colored monkey native to Indochina. Sick of looking at people, he sat facing a wall, immobile." In my youth I visited a Wildlife park in Sommerset, UK. In a circular concrete prison stood an elephant, oblivious to the crowds as he swayed in desperate misery, isolated and utterly hopeless. It occured to me then that people all too often misunderstand the intelligence and emotions of animals, D.H. Lawrence wrote "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself", but confine that same animal in an entirely alien enviroment, alone.....Later this elephant, one of only 5 in the country was needlessly destroyed without the slightest recourse at rehoming him, all down to financial expediency, such is the ever present spectre of the love of money; seems the same fate is meant to await the most of us.
Ron Unz is a great example of a person determined to remain an ignorant imbecile in a world awash with information, a better example of confirmation bias eludes me.
Like your Monkey, I am largely done with robots masquerading as sentients in the perverse theatre of the absurd.
Wonderful essay, always welcome, even from one who hasn't eaten animal flesh or secretions for over 21 years and is very healthy without them! Potatoes, rice and veggies keep me fit. The gladiators were also called the barley men because that is mostly what they ate. The strongest man in the world is a vegan. Meat eaters are clogged up with the fat and that is why heart disease is the number one killer in the world......but now maybe it's the jewjab!
If it works for you, more power to you, but man evolved eating meat, meat fats, and raw dairy, which is why they were restricted to the tip of the food pyramid. Heart disease was a statistical blip until the Rokefellers took over medicine white simultaneously promoting a diet of starch.
Linh—your mood so often aligns with mine these days, which may not be a good thing.
The planet’s resources are quickly running low, but intelligence, which I always thought was "renewable," seems to be leading the list. Having kicked the can too long instead of acting, the plan now seems to be to lower the planet’s population. Whether that is to be done by simply restricting births and waiting for natural attrition, or by implementing something more extreme, remains to be seen. If it is the latter, the one thing that seems obvious is that those planning it do not envision themselves as part of the carbon needing to be reduced. In all other respects, they seem to agree with Thoreau, who said that the better part of the man is soon ploughed into the soil for compost.
The vast majority of us, who are destined to come and go without making more than tiny ripples in a very big pond, are probably best advised not to poison our allotted years too much with hand-wringing over things we are unable to affect, and make those years as good as we are able. In Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring":, Frodo says of the dire turn the world has taken: "I wish it need not have happened in my time." And Gandalf replies, "So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
As the Industrial Age draws to a fitful close, things will become increasingly challenging for us. It may help to remember that many people lived on this planet in an earlier era and managed to do without most of what we have, and although life was much harder, they, too, had their good times. Meanwhile, as the saying goes, “When the hurricane comes, one must seek shelter.”
"Years ago at the Philadelphia Zoo, I encountered a very rare douc langur, a three-colored monkey native to Indochina. Sick of looking at people, he sat facing a wall, immobile." Wow. This reminds me of the legend of Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk who came to China from India in the 5th Century and started the Zen tradition. It was alleged that once arrived in China he sat in a cave facing a stonewall and meditated for nine years before meeting and teaching his first disciple. Every Buddhist temple in Vietnam worships him with an altar in the rear of the main hall. He is depicted as a bald guy with a beard and two piercing eyes who carries on his shoulders a cane with one shoe at its end. That monkey that Mr. Dinh remembers might as well be a reincarnation of Bodhidharma :)
The laughable ‘choices’ the western voters have in their constituencies have been getting steadily worse since the 90s and have sunk to new lows recently as the string pullers putting the candidates into line see just how far we can be pushed before pushing back.
UK’s Sunak v Truss, Canada’s Trudeau v A Tool (sorry, O’Toole), the non performing, vaccine-loving Trump v the senile Biden and so on. All are abysmal beyond belief, yet are placed on the ballot as the supposed best – the best, mind you, of the political brains available.
This shows the rot has been many years in the making and is unlikely to change in our lifetime unless with the assistance of a global upheaval like war – nuclear or otherwise. Hopefully the coriolis effect will spare the southern hemisphere the worst of the fallout if that happens.
The thought that the execrable Sunak might be the British Prime Minister in a few days is hardly alleviated by the thought that the only alternative is the equally odious Truss. How is it that western politics has devolved to the level presently shown in the UK in which foreigners, effectively, are allowed to stand for parliament, and not even the best of them at that?
Of the 12 people who were short listed by the ‘conservative’ party, five were ethnic Indo-Pakistani, one was Iraqi, one was Nigerian, one was half-French and a quarter-Jewish, one was Jewish and only three were British, in the sense of having two ethnically British parents - Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss and, finally, the sole white male...Jeremy Hunt.
Yet the UK is at least 86% white and 90% of Members of Parliament are white.
To put it another way, can you imagine if 5 lily white Englishmen were standing for premiership of, say, Vietnam or India against only one Vietnamese or Indian? I'm sure the local population would riot just at the thought.
The western media and school system have a lot to answer for. They're the reason there’s a black South African Miss Ireland who entered Ireland in 2004 as a 'refugee' from an SA that had been (mis)governed for 10 years by the African National Congress by the time she left.
I guess the wheel turns and colonial ownership is now in the process of being reversed as the colonists find themselves increasingly being governed by the ex colonials. One could say it’s poetic justice.
"Hopefully the coriolis effect will spare the southern hemisphere the worst of the fallout if that happens" This reminds me of news I noticed a couple years ago. It would also be handy in the event of a biological weapon release.
It’s hardly possible to control oneself at a well stocked Korean BBQ buffet. The worse part about eating the vegetables is getting them out of the wheel chair.
Linh...another great article...and I love your Postcards book...I have a question...do you think they really jewjabbed the jews in Israel or just gave them placebo's? I read an article by a jew doctor who said hes seeing many adverse reactions to the jabbed in Israel...he of course could just be lying...or are they willing to sacrifice some of their own...like they did in WWII to garner sympathy for their return to the motherland...oh and Unz not only believes in getting vaxxed...or so he says...but he still thinks they actually sent men to the moon in 69....who still believes that hoax? carry on sir
When we point out that powerful Jews are behind this "vaccine" genocide, people will try to refute that by saying Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries. Why would Jews mass murder Jews? Israel only has just over 8,000 Covid deaths, however, which is pretty low, and I suspect the Jewish manfactured "vaccines" sent there are different from those sent elsewhere?
What is your take on this?
Henry replied:
I would tell people that Jews have never shied away from slaughtering their own to achieve what they felt to be overarching goals. Here's David Ben Gurion in the late 1930's: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the [Jewish] children in Germany by transporting them to England, but only half by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.”
makes sense...like the guy that got his arm caught between rocks in Utah...he actually cut it off with a small knife... well it was that or die....true story...thanks for your reply
While I've always held an admittedly perverse desire to witness a nuclear explosion, there doesn't appear to be any real evidence they actually exist. Without instrumentation, to the naked eye, a large conventional explosion cannot be distinguished from a supposed "nuclear" explosion.
Miles Mathis has written a few papers on the topic. Incidentally, he just released a paper on Silkwood yesterday.
Speaking for myself, I arrived at this conclusion some time ago after pondering the heat of decay of plutonium. A back of the envelope calculation puts it at 20-45 watts for a nuclear bomb core. While that may not sound like much, it's about the same amount of heat that needs to be dissipated by a powerful desktop CPU. While plans for the A-bomb have never been officially released, descriptions have never included forced ventilation or heatsink fins, or the requirement that they be stored with adequate air circulation. Such an amount of heat output would promptly build up until the core was in danger of melting down. All the trillions for the nuclear program are just siphoned into Jewish bank accounts like everything else. Another treasury dip. A conventional explosive can include radioactive material to make it appear a nuke went off, but that would simply be a "dirty bomb."
Fret not, humans may have the power to end much of the world as we know it, but not in an instant.
There is something which is different about nuclear explosions. You can see it it digital video. There's a total whiteout of the screen which is unmistakable. It isn't due to the brightness of the flash, but the gamma radiation I think. I saw it in some explosions in the Middle East. The USA has been using small tactical nukes here and there. It is best explained on Veterans Today where they have a few serious nuclear techs and there are a few Youtube videos which have this whiteout feature. No other explosion can do this..
I was watching declassified explosions back when you had to buy them by mail order. I'm currently subscribed to The CentralNuclear on YouTube. They've used depleted uranium in the Middle East, but nukes are only an allegation. As for a conventional explosive being unable to overexpose whole frames in a film, I only invite you to challenge the assumptions you make over the course of interacting with information. We're constantly fed small doses of misinformation by interested parties, and we take a lot for granted as "common knowledge."
I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, just that there is always much more to the story, as you'll find if you follow any of those links. At any rate, the point remains that the ginned up threat of nuclear war has taken a lot of attention away from the vaccine genocide. I remember a similar phenomena occurring many times WRT the "threat" of North Korea, Iran, etc. overshadowing a number of other more newsworthy items.
I have seen nuclear blasts, in Iraq footage as described. I'm a retired professional shotfirer and pyrotechnic and explosives chemist myself. I know a few things about explosives, though only theory on nuclear. That whiteout effect, full screen pixilation isn't possible even pointing a camera at the noon day sun. Not even large amounts of TNT or PETN gives the same effect. With the background and interest I keep up on developments. I'm also known to state and federal police for my background and get special treatment as a result. Only a very special police unit is supposed to deal with me and not on my property, they need to grab me in the street first. A long story but not important, this is the internet and anyone can say anything.
They've been using DU in Yugoslavia onward. However these explosions have a tell-tale brown blast.
Well, if you think you can get away with a quick and easy video, sorry buddy but I do not spoon feed anyone. I am not a nurturing type of soul. However, these results will lead to a much greater understanding of nuclear weapons in the world today. and if you have curiosity you will derive much from the collection. https://www.veteranstoday.com/?s=nuclear+weapons
I do not know if the whiteout issue is covered in this, I have read the article long ago and have great faith in Bob Nichols who I know a little bit. We collaborated somewhat on Depleted Uraniaum use in Iraq though, which isn't the subject here.
If I feel like it later today, and maybe if pressed to it, I may search wider for the exact issue at hand, namely the whiteout effect, but it may be included among these anyway. I have better things to do with my time than to re-read stuff just to make a point to someone when I do know what I am talking about, having already read all this and more.
Ok, the videos of which I speak are exactly the sort to be disappeared into the memory hole, because to nuclear professionals they are as good evidence as you'll get almost. So not surprisingly I am not easily finding the ones I wanted. However the following video includes a few likely nuclear blasts. They are at quite a distance from the blasts, and so the entire screen doesn't white out, however the brilliant flash is unmistakable all the same. I challenge you to find any footage of a conventional explosion capable of this at the same range. The one at 2:16 is notable. That's close to 100% whiteout and the distance is still over 10km away. The footage switches too soon to tell how much further. I've seen these same blasts at 6 km and the entire screen clearly whites out 100% at that range. NO conventional explosion, nor even direct sun can do this.
It will no doubt shock you, but the USA has been using nuclear weapons on the battlefield a great deal over the last twenty years. They get away with it not least because modern nukes are so efficient they do not leave much by way of isotopes.
Joe--if you are interested in a fiction story that has the faking of the nuclear bomb as its core plot element, you might enjoy "The Jesus Factor" by Edwin Corley., if you can find a copy. (I think it might be out of print.) I read this back in the 1970s, and in his story, the author crafts an amazingly plausible scenario that describes how the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts were faked, and picks it up from there. Nations begin to fake having found "the secret", and their rivals never know if they're lying or not.
Personally, having done over 8 years in the US nuclear navy, and then spending an entire career in commercial nuclear energy, and being well-versed in the physics of it all, I'm quite confident that nuclear weapons are a sad reality.
Given your experience, I ask you to address my original question regarding heat of decay. Or, did you not work directly with the warheads? No doubt you had drills and protocols established to handle them and deal with accidents, but can you confidently, honestly say that you saw first hand, incontrovertible proof that they were real?
I'm not trying to bait you, but there are a lot of people who can "assure" me that mass shootings are real, and that it's impossible for 3 buildings in Manhattan to be wired with explosives without anyone noticing.
I have heard the theory that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not nuked, but firebombed, and I don't really see how that can only be fiction. You must understand there really are very few "rival" states in the conventional sense. You are aware that American banks financed the "communist" revolution in Russia, and fed and propped up the Soviet Union? Did it never seem odd how they were our *ally* during WWII, then immediately became a mortal foe?
Like I said to the fellow above, I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, but based on some of the replies I'd say it's high time people started challenging more of their assumptions about the way the world really works. I highly recommend the original links I posted. I don't necessarily agree with *everything* that author poses, but there is much food for thought, a number of top quality history lessons, and a primer on reading the evidence with a clear head and an observant, skeptical eye.
(Please excuse me if I get too far off into the weeds here!) My work in the military was on the reactor plant, and not connected with the weapons end of things. However, one thing to consider as at least indirect evidence is the existence of the complex of uranium enrichment facilities that exist around the US. These are vast complexes using large amounts of energy, and inconveniently producing, in addition to their primary output, demonstrably high amounts of nuclear waste that we are still dealing with today. If not to produce weapons grade nuclear isotopes for nuclear weapons, what is their purpose?
Commercial US reactors and others like them around the world do use slightly enriched uranium, on the order of 5% or so U-235 enrichment. Naval reactors are much more highly enriched, maybe 95%. But it IS possible to build commercial reactors for electric power generation using natural uranium--the original CANDU design in early Canadian reactors is a good example, using heavy water as a moderator. But that was abandoned for a later model that used enriched uranium also. Why would we not want to use a design like this, which could eliminate the need for enrichment and its waste products entirely?
A possible (likely?) answer is that the commercial nuclear industry probably uses enriched fuel 1) to provide the rationalization for needing enrichment facilities to produce weapons-grade material, and 2) to produce spent fuel that yields the plutonium necessary for nuclear weapons manufacture.
If your reply is partly based on reading the link I provided, kudos, and I don't entirely agree with the author in that regard. I have been to Hanford (well, just outside Hanford) and I don't disbelieve nuclear power. As to the extent that all the plants are what they say they are, I cannot say. I have questions about the cost/benefit ratio of nuclear power, as the mining and processing of fuel and construction of reactors require tremendous energy and resources, and I've never seen a gross energy in vs. out analysis. I have indeed heard the idea that plants are subsidized because they're used as cover for processing weapons material, but there could be other reasons.
I used to be a proponent of nuclear power, and new failsafe reactor designs, but the bottom line is as long as there are no permanent bodies bearing absolute legal responsibility under criminal penalty for nuclear material from cradle to grave, there is no one who can be trusted with disposal of waste, and therefore it is a can of worms which should not be opened. Again, I've been to the Hanford site. Neither our government nor private industry can be trusted to manage a cold virus with honesty and integrity, there's no way they can be trusted with radioactive waste.
"Why would we not want to use a design like this?" That is indeed a very good question. I posit it's more than bureaucratic waste and incompetence. Once you begin to learn how the world really works, and the dark powers responsible for our history, you begin to wonder how anything was ever accomplished, and to what end.
Thanks for taking the time to offer a thoughtful and respectful reply. I encourage you to read around on Miles Mathis' site. You don't have to agree with everything, but it's a vast trove of information and true history. He also has a science site- "The Greatest Standing Errors in Physics and Mathematics", and has written literally thousands of quality papers- http://milesmathis.com
Check out the Pacific Theater series at that link. Surely you knew that Japan had surrendered before we dropped "the bomb" on them, and that we'd cracked their code and knew the kamikazes were en route, and left only dilapidated rust-buckets in the harbor for them to attack, but did you know that despite an embargo, an outfit in California was supplying Japan with a vital fuel supply, without which they could not have prosecuted any such war? There was no way this was a rouge oil company selling to "the enemy," this was carried out in plain sight with the full knowledge and consent of the US government.
It seems that Americans are no longer afraid of nuclear war. They seem to be looking forward to it. I'm reminded of the cowboy hat wearing pilot in Kubrick's masterpiece "Dr. Strangelove," giving a rebel yell while clinging to his nuke as it descended into Russia. Maybe, as in Strangelove, all it would take to destroy the planet would be one deranged general determined to preserve his "precious bodily fluids." Unlike Biden, at least the president in that cold war classic tried to stop nuclear annihilation instead of cheering it on.
Now, octogenarian hag Pelosi is determined to visit Taiwan to engage in "diplomacy," blind to the ramifications of her visit. No doubt the know-nothing Biden regime put her up to it. The American supremacist "rules-based order" must be preserved no matter the cost.
Are the Chinese bluffing when they suggest that her plane might meet a watery grave?
No regime in my lifetime has been more bellicose than Biden's. It's as if Washington's neocons, who control our puppet president, are deciding which country to nuke first. Will it be Russia? China? Maybe Iran? Or even the DPRK? Maybe all at the same time. Decisions, decisions... Isn't it fun living in the End Times?
Not just Americans. I'm ashamed to admit I too am looking forward to "The end" by whatever means it is delivered. I guess that's all I am looking forward to. Even a little concerned it might not come. I just think everything is so fucked up and out of balance, so much injustice and so much false and delusional it's time to burn it all down. Maybe start again, but for my sake we can call it a day too. We won't do any better if we try again. There seems to be a ceiling on human evolution and we've hit it.
Here in Sweden people still eat together and restaurants and bars are crowded, and they were as crowded as they could get during restrictions and before the jab. Finally a little something to be proud of as a poor scandi.
I hear The Food Network is planning a spaghetti eating contest between Pelosi, Pompeo & Fauci. It will be judged by Slammin Sammy Alito with Chris Cuomo providing commentary.
Russia is at the plate, with Iran in the on-deck circle. China is beginning to stir in the bullpen. God knows what the charlatans running the American War Machine show will do next.
CNN & MSNBC are obsessed with sending Trump to prison. Of course, that won't happen, but Trump might not be "allowed" to run again. Not that it matters, the list of potential candidates being bandied about is pathetic, to say the least.
ps....Judge hit his 42nd HR of the year last night.
Thanks for the correction on Judge. Though I'm anything but a Yankees fan, I gave him seven more dingers! Dude is swatting them so fast, it's hard to keep count.
Sitting behind right field at Yankee Stadium is a sublime pleasure. Those foul mouthed New Yorkers seem poised to riot at any moment, but they're just having a good time.
I grew up a big Mantle/Yankee fan, but just a passing interest these days. Cool you've been to Yankee Stadium, Linh.....best I can do is the Rose Bowl....no comp really.
I've been semi homeless, on the road starving certain days and have eaten raw beef beside a supermarket. You can feel yourself getting stronger. Ahhh, protein!
The UK and the Anglo world by extension have become a joke. The new UK Prime minister will be either an ugly Hillaryesque woman or an ugly Hindu. LOL. Meanwhile, in the US, Biden announced that they killed "Al Qaeda's leader" for the umpteenth time. How many times have they killed him already? Does anyone still believe any of that? I mean, even "Al Qaeda", it never even existed in the first place.
As for eating bugs, well, it seems that in Mexico and Colombia they eat some type of ants, and in China and South Asia they eat anything that crawls or flies, but I'm not tempted. I'm more into the Mediterranean diet myself, and not even Mr. Schwab can convince me otherwise.
I hate the winter. With nothing good going on in my life, still 3 months till I can expect to even make enough in a month to pay my rent. Old age is closing in and I've got nothing to show for a lifetime of work with very little by way of pleasurable times and nothing I care to remember, because they'll all come with stories of loss. I drank too much last night, trying to raise a little enthusiasm for life even for a few hours and slept very poorly as a result. When the morning came around I set the alarm back for a couple of hours, listening to rain thumping down on the metal roof of the factory I also call home. I eventually got up, the rabbits want their goodies in the morning and it's not fair I deprive them. Now with my coffee and heater on, I'll waste the day away watching chipmunk videos and reruns of a silly nineties TV series. Sea Quest. Amazing how positive an outlook it had on the very future we're in now. Still it struck me how woke it all was even then. The innocence and trust in establishment it portrays is so gone today.
It gets me every day I survive and watch so many others not doing so, why I even bother? Just pride? With nothing else to show, am I just wanting to walk on the graves of all the fools who bought into the bullshit and played the game? I can't come up with anything else anymore. There's self loathing setting in. I am where I am due to my own fault. My own cynicism left me here. There's got to be someplace else I should be. I'm losing my religion.
Rabbitnexus, I think many people feel depressed and despondent about what’s going on in the world. And also because of personal circumstances. I’ve decided to cut down on the gloom and doom newsletters and rather work in the garden. To write funny stories for myself. To read interesting books. To start drawing and painting again. To believe God is still in control. I’m sending you love and hope. Hang in there, summer is coming again. Please give the rabbits lots of hugs from me.
I'm comfortable with doom and gloom just now. I don't have much by way of gardens in a factory unit, though I'm quite involved in the life of the birds, magpies, ravens, doves, ducks and a dozen other species, nature is my main comfort in life. God seems distant though, not directly involved in my world and following Him wasn't getting any satisfaction, on the contrary, just disappointment. I'll never be able to get my head around how far from Him some people can be while still putting on a show of piousness. The rabbits don't show me any affection. It saddens me, after my former girl Ramzy who adored me and we had the closest relationship for 11 years, that Jazzy and her baby keep their distance and don't like any contact. Though the way they always come in when I call, every evening, whether or not they want to gives me some sense of worth, still they do little for the loneliness I've earned myself. I'm glad for anyone who can find peace with the world but none of it works for me. I seem to have made a few wrong turns somewhere back and am frankly lost.
I love you man but sometimes i think you just need some putang. Doomerism in moderation not excess .
Amen, brother. They don't just goad the stupid into doing stupid, they goad the smart and capable into feeling hopeless and powerless.
Hi Lihn,
Great writing and incite, this line really hit home:"Years ago at the Philadelphia Zoo, I encountered a very rare douc langur, a three-colored monkey native to Indochina. Sick of looking at people, he sat facing a wall, immobile." In my youth I visited a Wildlife park in Sommerset, UK. In a circular concrete prison stood an elephant, oblivious to the crowds as he swayed in desperate misery, isolated and utterly hopeless. It occured to me then that people all too often misunderstand the intelligence and emotions of animals, D.H. Lawrence wrote "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself", but confine that same animal in an entirely alien enviroment, alone.....Later this elephant, one of only 5 in the country was needlessly destroyed without the slightest recourse at rehoming him, all down to financial expediency, such is the ever present spectre of the love of money; seems the same fate is meant to await the most of us.
Ron Unz is a great example of a person determined to remain an ignorant imbecile in a world awash with information, a better example of confirmation bias eludes me.
Like your Monkey, I am largely done with robots masquerading as sentients in the perverse theatre of the absurd.
All the best.
Wonderful essay, always welcome, even from one who hasn't eaten animal flesh or secretions for over 21 years and is very healthy without them! Potatoes, rice and veggies keep me fit. The gladiators were also called the barley men because that is mostly what they ate. The strongest man in the world is a vegan. Meat eaters are clogged up with the fat and that is why heart disease is the number one killer in the world......but now maybe it's the jewjab!
If it works for you, more power to you, but man evolved eating meat, meat fats, and raw dairy, which is why they were restricted to the tip of the food pyramid. Heart disease was a statistical blip until the Rokefellers took over medicine white simultaneously promoting a diet of starch.
Linh—your mood so often aligns with mine these days, which may not be a good thing.
The planet’s resources are quickly running low, but intelligence, which I always thought was "renewable," seems to be leading the list. Having kicked the can too long instead of acting, the plan now seems to be to lower the planet’s population. Whether that is to be done by simply restricting births and waiting for natural attrition, or by implementing something more extreme, remains to be seen. If it is the latter, the one thing that seems obvious is that those planning it do not envision themselves as part of the carbon needing to be reduced. In all other respects, they seem to agree with Thoreau, who said that the better part of the man is soon ploughed into the soil for compost.
The vast majority of us, who are destined to come and go without making more than tiny ripples in a very big pond, are probably best advised not to poison our allotted years too much with hand-wringing over things we are unable to affect, and make those years as good as we are able. In Tolkien's "The Fellowship of the Ring":, Frodo says of the dire turn the world has taken: "I wish it need not have happened in my time." And Gandalf replies, "So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
As the Industrial Age draws to a fitful close, things will become increasingly challenging for us. It may help to remember that many people lived on this planet in an earlier era and managed to do without most of what we have, and although life was much harder, they, too, had their good times. Meanwhile, as the saying goes, “When the hurricane comes, one must seek shelter.”
Hi JustPlainBill,
Speaking of an extreme ending soon, check out Dane Wigington's videos:
Thanks, I'll check it out!
"Years ago at the Philadelphia Zoo, I encountered a very rare douc langur, a three-colored monkey native to Indochina. Sick of looking at people, he sat facing a wall, immobile." Wow. This reminds me of the legend of Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk who came to China from India in the 5th Century and started the Zen tradition. It was alleged that once arrived in China he sat in a cave facing a stonewall and meditated for nine years before meeting and teaching his first disciple. Every Buddhist temple in Vietnam worships him with an altar in the rear of the main hall. He is depicted as a bald guy with a beard and two piercing eyes who carries on his shoulders a cane with one shoe at its end. That monkey that Mr. Dinh remembers might as well be a reincarnation of Bodhidharma :)
Hi Linh
Thanks once again for a thought provoking essay.
The laughable ‘choices’ the western voters have in their constituencies have been getting steadily worse since the 90s and have sunk to new lows recently as the string pullers putting the candidates into line see just how far we can be pushed before pushing back.
UK’s Sunak v Truss, Canada’s Trudeau v A Tool (sorry, O’Toole), the non performing, vaccine-loving Trump v the senile Biden and so on. All are abysmal beyond belief, yet are placed on the ballot as the supposed best – the best, mind you, of the political brains available.
This shows the rot has been many years in the making and is unlikely to change in our lifetime unless with the assistance of a global upheaval like war – nuclear or otherwise. Hopefully the coriolis effect will spare the southern hemisphere the worst of the fallout if that happens.
The thought that the execrable Sunak might be the British Prime Minister in a few days is hardly alleviated by the thought that the only alternative is the equally odious Truss. How is it that western politics has devolved to the level presently shown in the UK in which foreigners, effectively, are allowed to stand for parliament, and not even the best of them at that?
Of the 12 people who were short listed by the ‘conservative’ party, five were ethnic Indo-Pakistani, one was Iraqi, one was Nigerian, one was half-French and a quarter-Jewish, one was Jewish and only three were British, in the sense of having two ethnically British parents - Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss and, finally, the sole white male...Jeremy Hunt.
Yet the UK is at least 86% white and 90% of Members of Parliament are white.
To put it another way, can you imagine if 5 lily white Englishmen were standing for premiership of, say, Vietnam or India against only one Vietnamese or Indian? I'm sure the local population would riot just at the thought.
The western media and school system have a lot to answer for. They're the reason there’s a black South African Miss Ireland who entered Ireland in 2004 as a 'refugee' from an SA that had been (mis)governed for 10 years by the African National Congress by the time she left.
I guess the wheel turns and colonial ownership is now in the process of being reversed as the colonists find themselves increasingly being governed by the ex colonials. One could say it’s poetic justice.
"Hopefully the coriolis effect will spare the southern hemisphere the worst of the fallout if that happens" This reminds me of news I noticed a couple years ago. It would also be handy in the event of a biological weapon release.
Then there's the curious goings on in Antarctica, shrouded in secrecy and obscurity, on a continent you need permission to set foot on.
It’s hardly possible to control oneself at a well stocked Korean BBQ buffet. The worse part about eating the vegetables is getting them out of the wheel chair.
Linh...another great article...and I love your Postcards book...I have a question...do you think they really jewjabbed the jews in Israel or just gave them placebo's? I read an article by a jew doctor who said hes seeing many adverse reactions to the jabbed in Israel...he of course could just be lying...or are they willing to sacrifice some of their own...like they did in WWII to garner sympathy for their return to the motherland...oh and Unz not only believes in getting vaxxed...or so he says...but he still thinks they actually sent men to the moon in 69....who still believes that hoax? carry on sir
Hi Rich,
On 11/20/21, I emailed Henry Herskovitz:
Hi Henry,
When we point out that powerful Jews are behind this "vaccine" genocide, people will try to refute that by saying Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries. Why would Jews mass murder Jews? Israel only has just over 8,000 Covid deaths, however, which is pretty low, and I suspect the Jewish manfactured "vaccines" sent there are different from those sent elsewhere?
What is your take on this?
Henry replied:
I would tell people that Jews have never shied away from slaughtering their own to achieve what they felt to be overarching goals. Here's David Ben Gurion in the late 1930's: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the [Jewish] children in Germany by transporting them to England, but only half by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.”
makes sense...like the guy that got his arm caught between rocks in Utah...he actually cut it off with a small knife... well it was that or die....true story...thanks for your reply
While I've always held an admittedly perverse desire to witness a nuclear explosion, there doesn't appear to be any real evidence they actually exist. Without instrumentation, to the naked eye, a large conventional explosion cannot be distinguished from a supposed "nuclear" explosion.
Miles Mathis has written a few papers on the topic. Incidentally, he just released a paper on Silkwood yesterday.
The Nuclear Hoax http://mileswmathis.com/trinity.pdf
The Bikini Atoll Nuclear Tests were Faked http://mileswmathis.com/bikini.pdf
So What is Really Going on behind the nuclear programs? http://mileswmathis.com/caes.pdf
The symbolism of the military patches and the nuclear program http://mileswmathis.com/NRO2.pdf
Speaking for myself, I arrived at this conclusion some time ago after pondering the heat of decay of plutonium. A back of the envelope calculation puts it at 20-45 watts for a nuclear bomb core. While that may not sound like much, it's about the same amount of heat that needs to be dissipated by a powerful desktop CPU. While plans for the A-bomb have never been officially released, descriptions have never included forced ventilation or heatsink fins, or the requirement that they be stored with adequate air circulation. Such an amount of heat output would promptly build up until the core was in danger of melting down. All the trillions for the nuclear program are just siphoned into Jewish bank accounts like everything else. Another treasury dip. A conventional explosive can include radioactive material to make it appear a nuke went off, but that would simply be a "dirty bomb."
Fret not, humans may have the power to end much of the world as we know it, but not in an instant.
There is something which is different about nuclear explosions. You can see it it digital video. There's a total whiteout of the screen which is unmistakable. It isn't due to the brightness of the flash, but the gamma radiation I think. I saw it in some explosions in the Middle East. The USA has been using small tactical nukes here and there. It is best explained on Veterans Today where they have a few serious nuclear techs and there are a few Youtube videos which have this whiteout feature. No other explosion can do this..
I was watching declassified explosions back when you had to buy them by mail order. I'm currently subscribed to The CentralNuclear on YouTube. They've used depleted uranium in the Middle East, but nukes are only an allegation. As for a conventional explosive being unable to overexpose whole frames in a film, I only invite you to challenge the assumptions you make over the course of interacting with information. We're constantly fed small doses of misinformation by interested parties, and we take a lot for granted as "common knowledge."
I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, just that there is always much more to the story, as you'll find if you follow any of those links. At any rate, the point remains that the ginned up threat of nuclear war has taken a lot of attention away from the vaccine genocide. I remember a similar phenomena occurring many times WRT the "threat" of North Korea, Iran, etc. overshadowing a number of other more newsworthy items.
I have seen nuclear blasts, in Iraq footage as described. I'm a retired professional shotfirer and pyrotechnic and explosives chemist myself. I know a few things about explosives, though only theory on nuclear. That whiteout effect, full screen pixilation isn't possible even pointing a camera at the noon day sun. Not even large amounts of TNT or PETN gives the same effect. With the background and interest I keep up on developments. I'm also known to state and federal police for my background and get special treatment as a result. Only a very special police unit is supposed to deal with me and not on my property, they need to grab me in the street first. A long story but not important, this is the internet and anyone can say anything.
They've been using DU in Yugoslavia onward. However these explosions have a tell-tale brown blast.
So you're describing pixilation from radiation hitting a CCD sensor? Do you have links to any videos of this available online?
Yes, on the internet anyone can say anything. And extraordinary claims require proof.
Well, if you think you can get away with a quick and easy video, sorry buddy but I do not spoon feed anyone. I am not a nurturing type of soul. However, these results will lead to a much greater understanding of nuclear weapons in the world today. and if you have curiosity you will derive much from the collection. https://www.veteranstoday.com/?s=nuclear+weapons
I do not know if the whiteout issue is covered in this, I have read the article long ago and have great faith in Bob Nichols who I know a little bit. We collaborated somewhat on Depleted Uraniaum use in Iraq though, which isn't the subject here.
This will inform you way beyond whatever basic understanding you have about the subject. Bring you up t5o date so to speak. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2021/07/12/vt-nuclear-education-history-of-nuclear-weapons-design-1945-to-2015/
If I feel like it later today, and maybe if pressed to it, I may search wider for the exact issue at hand, namely the whiteout effect, but it may be included among these anyway. I have better things to do with my time than to re-read stuff just to make a point to someone when I do know what I am talking about, having already read all this and more.
Ok, the videos of which I speak are exactly the sort to be disappeared into the memory hole, because to nuclear professionals they are as good evidence as you'll get almost. So not surprisingly I am not easily finding the ones I wanted. However the following video includes a few likely nuclear blasts. They are at quite a distance from the blasts, and so the entire screen doesn't white out, however the brilliant flash is unmistakable all the same. I challenge you to find any footage of a conventional explosion capable of this at the same range. The one at 2:16 is notable. That's close to 100% whiteout and the distance is still over 10km away. The footage switches too soon to tell how much further. I've seen these same blasts at 6 km and the entire screen clearly whites out 100% at that range. NO conventional explosion, nor even direct sun can do this.
It will no doubt shock you, but the USA has been using nuclear weapons on the battlefield a great deal over the last twenty years. They get away with it not least because modern nukes are so efficient they do not leave much by way of isotopes.
This is the largest conventional bomb in the US inventory. You will not see anything like the flash I refer to by comparison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTMcYHrAdl4
Joe--if you are interested in a fiction story that has the faking of the nuclear bomb as its core plot element, you might enjoy "The Jesus Factor" by Edwin Corley., if you can find a copy. (I think it might be out of print.) I read this back in the 1970s, and in his story, the author crafts an amazingly plausible scenario that describes how the Hiroshima and Nagasaki blasts were faked, and picks it up from there. Nations begin to fake having found "the secret", and their rivals never know if they're lying or not.
Personally, having done over 8 years in the US nuclear navy, and then spending an entire career in commercial nuclear energy, and being well-versed in the physics of it all, I'm quite confident that nuclear weapons are a sad reality.
Given your experience, I ask you to address my original question regarding heat of decay. Or, did you not work directly with the warheads? No doubt you had drills and protocols established to handle them and deal with accidents, but can you confidently, honestly say that you saw first hand, incontrovertible proof that they were real?
I'm not trying to bait you, but there are a lot of people who can "assure" me that mass shootings are real, and that it's impossible for 3 buildings in Manhattan to be wired with explosives without anyone noticing.
I have heard the theory that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not nuked, but firebombed, and I don't really see how that can only be fiction. You must understand there really are very few "rival" states in the conventional sense. You are aware that American banks financed the "communist" revolution in Russia, and fed and propped up the Soviet Union? Did it never seem odd how they were our *ally* during WWII, then immediately became a mortal foe?
Like I said to the fellow above, I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right, but based on some of the replies I'd say it's high time people started challenging more of their assumptions about the way the world really works. I highly recommend the original links I posted. I don't necessarily agree with *everything* that author poses, but there is much food for thought, a number of top quality history lessons, and a primer on reading the evidence with a clear head and an observant, skeptical eye.
(Please excuse me if I get too far off into the weeds here!) My work in the military was on the reactor plant, and not connected with the weapons end of things. However, one thing to consider as at least indirect evidence is the existence of the complex of uranium enrichment facilities that exist around the US. These are vast complexes using large amounts of energy, and inconveniently producing, in addition to their primary output, demonstrably high amounts of nuclear waste that we are still dealing with today. If not to produce weapons grade nuclear isotopes for nuclear weapons, what is their purpose?
Commercial US reactors and others like them around the world do use slightly enriched uranium, on the order of 5% or so U-235 enrichment. Naval reactors are much more highly enriched, maybe 95%. But it IS possible to build commercial reactors for electric power generation using natural uranium--the original CANDU design in early Canadian reactors is a good example, using heavy water as a moderator. But that was abandoned for a later model that used enriched uranium also. Why would we not want to use a design like this, which could eliminate the need for enrichment and its waste products entirely?
A possible (likely?) answer is that the commercial nuclear industry probably uses enriched fuel 1) to provide the rationalization for needing enrichment facilities to produce weapons-grade material, and 2) to produce spent fuel that yields the plutonium necessary for nuclear weapons manufacture.
If your reply is partly based on reading the link I provided, kudos, and I don't entirely agree with the author in that regard. I have been to Hanford (well, just outside Hanford) and I don't disbelieve nuclear power. As to the extent that all the plants are what they say they are, I cannot say. I have questions about the cost/benefit ratio of nuclear power, as the mining and processing of fuel and construction of reactors require tremendous energy and resources, and I've never seen a gross energy in vs. out analysis. I have indeed heard the idea that plants are subsidized because they're used as cover for processing weapons material, but there could be other reasons.
I used to be a proponent of nuclear power, and new failsafe reactor designs, but the bottom line is as long as there are no permanent bodies bearing absolute legal responsibility under criminal penalty for nuclear material from cradle to grave, there is no one who can be trusted with disposal of waste, and therefore it is a can of worms which should not be opened. Again, I've been to the Hanford site. Neither our government nor private industry can be trusted to manage a cold virus with honesty and integrity, there's no way they can be trusted with radioactive waste.
"Why would we not want to use a design like this?" That is indeed a very good question. I posit it's more than bureaucratic waste and incompetence. Once you begin to learn how the world really works, and the dark powers responsible for our history, you begin to wonder how anything was ever accomplished, and to what end.
Thanks for taking the time to offer a thoughtful and respectful reply. I encourage you to read around on Miles Mathis' site. You don't have to agree with everything, but it's a vast trove of information and true history. He also has a science site- "The Greatest Standing Errors in Physics and Mathematics", and has written literally thousands of quality papers- http://milesmathis.com
Check out the Pacific Theater series at that link. Surely you knew that Japan had surrendered before we dropped "the bomb" on them, and that we'd cracked their code and knew the kamikazes were en route, and left only dilapidated rust-buckets in the harbor for them to attack, but did you know that despite an embargo, an outfit in California was supplying Japan with a vital fuel supply, without which they could not have prosecuted any such war? There was no way this was a rouge oil company selling to "the enemy," this was carried out in plain sight with the full knowledge and consent of the US government.
It seems that Americans are no longer afraid of nuclear war. They seem to be looking forward to it. I'm reminded of the cowboy hat wearing pilot in Kubrick's masterpiece "Dr. Strangelove," giving a rebel yell while clinging to his nuke as it descended into Russia. Maybe, as in Strangelove, all it would take to destroy the planet would be one deranged general determined to preserve his "precious bodily fluids." Unlike Biden, at least the president in that cold war classic tried to stop nuclear annihilation instead of cheering it on.
Now, octogenarian hag Pelosi is determined to visit Taiwan to engage in "diplomacy," blind to the ramifications of her visit. No doubt the know-nothing Biden regime put her up to it. The American supremacist "rules-based order" must be preserved no matter the cost.
Are the Chinese bluffing when they suggest that her plane might meet a watery grave?
No regime in my lifetime has been more bellicose than Biden's. It's as if Washington's neocons, who control our puppet president, are deciding which country to nuke first. Will it be Russia? China? Maybe Iran? Or even the DPRK? Maybe all at the same time. Decisions, decisions... Isn't it fun living in the End Times?
Not just Americans. I'm ashamed to admit I too am looking forward to "The end" by whatever means it is delivered. I guess that's all I am looking forward to. Even a little concerned it might not come. I just think everything is so fucked up and out of balance, so much injustice and so much false and delusional it's time to burn it all down. Maybe start again, but for my sake we can call it a day too. We won't do any better if we try again. There seems to be a ceiling on human evolution and we've hit it.
Here in Sweden people still eat together and restaurants and bars are crowded, and they were as crowded as they could get during restrictions and before the jab. Finally a little something to be proud of as a poor scandi.
"Finding ground beef laughable, Mongols reject McDonald's"......hilarious
I hear The Food Network is planning a spaghetti eating contest between Pelosi, Pompeo & Fauci. It will be judged by Slammin Sammy Alito with Chris Cuomo providing commentary.
Russia is at the plate, with Iran in the on-deck circle. China is beginning to stir in the bullpen. God knows what the charlatans running the American War Machine show will do next.
CNN & MSNBC are obsessed with sending Trump to prison. Of course, that won't happen, but Trump might not be "allowed" to run again. Not that it matters, the list of potential candidates being bandied about is pathetic, to say the least.
ps....Judge hit his 42nd HR of the year last night.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the correction on Judge. Though I'm anything but a Yankees fan, I gave him seven more dingers! Dude is swatting them so fast, it's hard to keep count.
Sitting behind right field at Yankee Stadium is a sublime pleasure. Those foul mouthed New Yorkers seem poised to riot at any moment, but they're just having a good time.
I grew up a big Mantle/Yankee fan, but just a passing interest these days. Cool you've been to Yankee Stadium, Linh.....best I can do is the Rose Bowl....no comp really.
I've been semi homeless, on the road starving certain days and have eaten raw beef beside a supermarket. You can feel yourself getting stronger. Ahhh, protein!
I do prefer it cooked if time allows.
Eat on Linh!
The UK and the Anglo world by extension have become a joke. The new UK Prime minister will be either an ugly Hillaryesque woman or an ugly Hindu. LOL. Meanwhile, in the US, Biden announced that they killed "Al Qaeda's leader" for the umpteenth time. How many times have they killed him already? Does anyone still believe any of that? I mean, even "Al Qaeda", it never even existed in the first place.
As for eating bugs, well, it seems that in Mexico and Colombia they eat some type of ants, and in China and South Asia they eat anything that crawls or flies, but I'm not tempted. I'm more into the Mediterranean diet myself, and not even Mr. Schwab can convince me otherwise.