I have always thought that the Vietnam War would be the most dramatic and depressing (given the apathy I found to it growing up as an American boomer) thing I would ever experience. Enter the Covid hoax.

It has clearly divided the public into three groups:

1. Those who have a clue and are willing to forgo privileges (what used to be called basic rights) to not be jabbed with an experimental gene therapy. These are mainly men to the right of the divide.

2. Those who at least kind of get what is going on but get the jab anyway because doing so they think makes their lives easier and is the path of least resistance. This reminds me of the apathy and sheep like behavior I found during the VW.

The real villains here are the doctors who push the hysteria and the jab because so many can't believe a doctor at best has no idea what he is talking about and at worst is lying. Many people in this group I know asked a doctor what to do and the doctor always recommended the mRNA jab. I live in Eastern Asia and the doctors here have really fuelled the hysteria.

3. The people who are treating this like a religious experience. This dangerous group includes a lot of highly educated people. (I find that the working class is more cluefull and level-headed.) The worst are middle class women. This group has also gotten progressively more insane since the Great Wokening so it isn't surprising.

A few years back, there was a study where the researcher found that more highly educated people had an easier time deceiving themselves. They are more likely to think that their thoughts must be right. I have found that they also crave being perceived as smart, good people. In the US, only the Jews, given their lock on the media of all types, can convey that status.

So it isn't surprising to me that Africans haven't gone as insane over Covid as Western Whites and Eastern Asians.

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Happy to report my $21.00 "rent insurance" payment just posted to my account.

They got a million ways to stick it to ya.

Oh yeah, I'm jealous of your apartment lol.

At least they'll let ya get doped up for a relative cheap price.

While my body can't handle beer any longer (embarrassing as an Irishman) I'm still good for a half-dozen vodka-pineapples.

Eighth of Svedka for $8.99 & half gallon of Pineapple-Guava for $2.00.

Throw in an 1/8th of good MJ for $20 and I'm set.

Got my haircut last week. It's about Tommy Fleetwood (I know you live golfers) long and a shade whiter than yours.

An Italian woman about 10 years younger than me cuts it.

When I casually mentioned to her that I had not been vaxxed, she jumped back, finally saying she didn't know anyone my age (67) who hadn't been vaccinated. Haven't gotten sick yet, either.

Hope the old luck of the Irish holds out, it's about all I have left.

Great writing, humor and pictures, Linh


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Hi Bill,

Last photo was at the barber's. Done, I asked how much, and he said $4.03. I gave him $4.70. In downtown Cape Town, a haircut at a much nicer place would have cost $6.72, so still cheap by US standards. In Kensington, Philly's worst neighborhood, at least half the barbershops are run by Vietnamese, and they charged just $6 in 2018. Kensington is so bad, people from Camden are afraid to go there. Old Irish neighborhood, but no more.


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Hey Linh,

I’ll have you know that when l moved to Frankford, a haircut went from 5 bucks to 6. “ Look, a white guy moved in- gentrification!”

But, that’s nuthin’. After the initial mandate shocks of the health czars waned - and the hoi polloi were “allowed” to re-open their shops- the Cambodia Mafia reacted with a vengeance. From one end of Frankford ave to the other...

10 bucks! Well, I don’t blame them. There livelihoods being declared un-essential, and so forth.

Someone ought to explain inflation to the dunces at the fed reserve.

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Didn't think a heart would show up lol

Runs me $30 every 3 months, Linh


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I heard somebody playing clips of yet another Ron Unz interview on his COVID bioweapon theory. Hilariously, the guy playing clips described Ron to his co-host as a "Jamie Raskin-esque" figure. I had to look up who Raskin was and... BINGO, only Ron looks a bit more haggard, likely from his purported fast-food-only diet. In the interview Ron lays out the same points he's made a thousand times before. Yes, it came out of someone's lab, but we're never going to know who's lab it was or what they were planning to do. And really, what's the point?  Lots of us know who blew out RFK's brains yet Sirhan Sirhan still rots in prison fifty years later.

Also, Ron was grousing on in the UR comments about that arch-anti-vaxxer Linh Dinh and how Linh's here on Substack attacking Ron and his blog. I heard Richie Allen interview a couple journalists/science writers that were flagging safety problems early in the vaccine rollout. Partway through the interview Richie reintroduced his guests and added the obligatory disclaimer...

Richie Allen (1:22:25): And I want to make it perfectly clear to the listeners of this program. These are experienced and ethical journalists, they are not anti-vaxxers, not by a long shot.

Jackie Devoy: Richie, I am an ANTI-VAXXER, and PROUD.

Richie Allen: Alright, I've mis-categorized Jackie. I'm sorry about that.

In a sane world, "lunatic pro-vaxxer" would be the pejorative.


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I once had a vague plan of retiring to Libya. SO much for that. Since CONVID came to town though I find myself looking towards Africa more and more. If I can pull together a bit of a swag to allow me to move, I might well head there and see if there's somewhere which might find benefit from my contribution to the community. I'm a community minded person. It's getting so that I hate living where I am. The community sucks, the lifestyle has become shit, so much micromanaging of our lives and by IDIOTS. All I want is to be free to live and let live. Breathe the air, walk on the earth and where I please. These are all rationed in Australia now and unless we fight and win a bloody civil war from the look of it, then this is getting worse not better.

The thing is, who wants to fight for a community you can no longer feel a part of, or even see as desirable in existence? I'd rather see it all burn down and start again, than try and fix what we've got left. So I'm soon 59. I'm going over the horizon now and it isn't my business how the younger generations with a future ahead choose to live. There's not enough like me to justify changing their course maybe. It isn't going to be our world anyway, but theirs. They'll blame us though. When that time comes, I wouldn't mind being ensconced in a small town or village comfortable and contentedly unaware.

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Ugh.. So I leave the page to check the spelling of psuedo (pseudo) and my brilliant analysis vanishes into the substack vortex. I’ll figure this out. Sure. But there was nothing I could add to this, anyway. Nice essay Linh, my sentiments precisely. Until there’s a significant assassination...

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Hi Stonehands, you should type your comment in a Word file, then cut and paste it onto SubStack! As for assassinations, the first significant one will galvanize the entire country, and much of the world too. They're not untouchable.

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Thanks Linh, why didn’t I think of C&P years ago?!

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Or try typing your comments into Gmail. Great spell check and some grammer too. Your comments end up in the Drafts folder so it's easy for the feds to keep track. What could be simpler?

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Well no spell/grammar checker is perfect, is it?

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I do the same sometimes, with Outlook. The spellcheck and grammar is one reason. The Google spellcheck is useless these days. It seems to have been on a learning program and has "learned" all the common misspellings. Presumably because it looks for the most common spelling and that's evidently wrong. I've had many instances where a simple and correctly spelled word is being changed to some rubbish, and there's no option for the correct spelling. Many comments platforms have a very limited vocabulary too even if no other is so militant about forcing misspelled words into a piece.

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