'One must say Yes to life and embrace it whenever it is found — and it is found in terrible places; nevertheless, there it is.

For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have.

The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the moment we break faith with one another, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out. '~James Baldwin

(Book: The Price of the Ticket )

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It's a curious thing that, since most insect species have been wiped out by humans, Gates and that James Bond villain want us to eat bugs. When there are no longer bugs to eat, and the cattle have suffered mysterious mass deaths, and the chicken coops have been set ablaze, their master plan is revealed: Starve, you Suckers!

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“You just never think of yourself as old.” That's the truth. In conversation, I will still refer to someone I saw as "an old guy", only to sometimes realize afterward that he is younger than me!

Interesting mention of the myth about a temple being "built by giants". This is apparently a common belief about such temples around the world. I've been watching a series by Graham Hancock, a believer in civilizations so ancient that humankind has long forgotten them; in an episode about some ancient buildings on Malta, in Indonesia, and in Central America, he mentioned the same local belief. I've read a couple of Hancock's books--I don't know if any of it can ever be proven, but it's fascinating stuff.

Congratulations on your invite to the Asia Pacific Writers and Translators annual event; it always does one's heart good to be recognized as a standout in one's field. As much of myself as I put into my work, and as good as I thought my results were, they certainly haven't been beating down my door offering consulting gigs or even advice since I left the workplace. (In fact, Jack Nicholson in "About Schmidt" comes to mind....). Not that I want to go back to work, but as they say, "I didn't really want to attend, but it would have been nice to have been invited."

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Also watched the Hancock series on Netflix and have long been a fan of his. Have been to Malta to see their layers of history: WW2, Knights of Malta, St Paul's shipwreck visit and the various prehistoric temples. There's also Popeye's movie site for the kiddies. Favorite feature of the Hancock series was the drone footage of the Serpent Mound in Ohio. Had read about it and seen a photo but seeing it full length from above was spectacular.

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Thanks Linh. The evocative description of Angkor Wat being built by angels brought to mind Westminster cathedral, Notre Dame and other glorious architectural icons. It's impossible not to be humbled by the brilliant minds of medieval men whether they be Incan, Cambodian, Muslim, Chinese or European. The heritage they bequeathed us is remarkable mostly for showing us how far we've fallen in the intervening years.

The only thing more remarkable than the sheer quality of those architectural masterpieces is our collective belief that we're so much more advanced than our medieval forefathers when, in fact, the exact opposite is true.

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The USA was within 8 minutes of a World Cup victory, when some guy named Zimmerman made a bone-headed play by tackling a player from Wales from behind in the penalty area.

The resulting penalty kick from Welshman Gareth Bale was struck so hard that if the American goalie could've gotten in front of it, the ball would've carried him into the netting like some Roadrunner cartoon.

USA 1...Wales 1....Final. Jews just screw everything up.

On Tuesday, the United States plays Iran....who says God doesn't have a sense of humor ?


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Oh my god. The selfie-stick, the ultimate tribute to mans indignity. Using one in Angor Wat somehow multiplies that defect tenfold.

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Best of luck with your latest travels and writers convention. Hope meeting with other (semi-sane) writers give you a touch of Buddhist enlightenment... or at least some bemused detachment to look at the evil mass hysteria/ insanity/folly that grips us (humanity) with a sense of comedy (comic relief). Indeed, looking at the great migrations in human history, they have almost always been accompanied by death and tragedy on an epic scale... and so it is today, with us venturing in to the "brave new world" of gates, rockenfelders, rotschilds, schiff, oppenheimer, warburg, goldmans, klaus schwabs, (et al) and all their hired, disposable walensky, bourla, fauci, biden, bush, cheney, obama, boris, macron, trudeau criminal degenerate toadies, and all their frantic, overt efforts to turn us in to human/animal hybrid disposable slaves with their gene modification pfizer jabs.

Of course (despite all logic and reason) we hope for the best possible outcome for our future... but tell that to the tens of millions killed by sword & diseases in the conquistador conquests of the "new world," or by the judeo "bolsheviks" trotsky, lenin, kagan(ovich), yezhov, beria 'communists" blood drenched conquest-from-within of the formerRussian empire. Who are we to think we are any more immortal than the forgotten master builders or Angor... or the dinosaurs, for that matter?! Laughter - even gallows humor! - is indeed the best medicine.

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Congratulations on your speaking invitation!

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I actually took a bicycle ride to Mouhots grave once, its just by the river if i remember it correctly, or up a slope by the river. I had read about it in A Dragon Apparent, i suppose. It was a great day, foggy.

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In societies like those of Southeast Asia, old age, sickness, and death are on daily display and they look you in the face in the most brutal manner and tell you hey are you prepared for your eventuality? You can't look away.

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Congrats on the speaking gig. I hope you are deservedly dragged back into the spotlight after being banished by the tribe.

In Bangkok you should check out the burgers at one of the Arno's. Only burgers I have found in Thailand I would regularly eat back in the US.

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Hi Linh greetings from Inchon airport in transit to Canada. I took my father to Angkor Wat several years ago. It's a special place. Enjoy your time in the spotlight and I'll meet you back in Vũng Tàu to grow old there.

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