Linh, that's a fair price for an air ticket to the Promised Land. Once there, I'm thinking you can donate that twin hexagonal starred tshirt to Mme Harari and, as Klaus Schwab as a witness, proclaim him Lord of the Jewniverse 🧑‍🌾

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Hi Irritable Farmer,

Why you diss Monsieur Harari? His husband will make you pay!

As a prophet, Harari is more than any Lord of the Jewniverse. For thousands of years, the entire world will function according to his dictates. Superceding God, Harari already decreed humans have no souls.


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I’m glad to know that you’re on the mend, Linh! 👍🏾🤩🐶

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Jul 22, 2023·edited Jul 22, 2023Liked by Linh Dinh

Always thought provoking, Mr. Linh Dinh.

I'm sure you're aware we here in the U.S. have been baking in our own self-induced Global Warming heat. I am back in my home town, Bridgeport, Connecticut after having been in California for thirty seven years and I have no memory of heat like this in Connecticut. It could be my memory has grown poor with age but the climate data seems to support me on this.

Humans' relationship with their sustenance is a strange thing. For most of our history and pre-history we faced the constant specter of imminent starvation We seem better adapted to fast almost to the point of starvation than to eat too much. The consequences of eating too much can be seen all around us here in The States and I'm sure in many parts of the world invaded by Western "food" companies.

I've long been fascinated by the ingenious innovation that went into preserving food before the advent of refrigeration. I sometimes wonder if the "best" minds that were put to the development of nuclear weapons in the twentieth century were instead directed to food preservation prior to that.

Turning an abundant grape harvest into wine that would last for decades; or meat into sausage and dried jerky that would last for years. Apparently in Scandinavia fish was buried in sand with lye to preserve it for months or years. Doesn't sound real appetizing but I'll bet a starving person would be grateful for it no matter how rotten it smelled and tasted.

But sometimes the best food is food for thought. Stay safe on your journeys and keep feeding us as we go boldly or flounder, as the case may be, on ours.

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Such an entertaining post card!!! You sound optimistic, Linh. That is good news.

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Singapore to Athens on Scoot Air, bro. It's like $300 one way. Take a bus to Thessaloniki: the best food city in Greece, or head to one of the smaller towns in the Mani, or less expensive towns like Kalamata or Patras.

We have got a spare bedroom in Bulgaria in August, so pop in! Same food as Greece, with arguably better Feta :)

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Hi everyone,

I've written a bunch of articles about Laos. This one from 2/3/20 is probably the best:



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The best writing reminds or leads a person to other great writers and writing, is it not true? Orwell wrote in Down and Out in Paris and London (1933) that American guests at the Paris hotel where he worked as a plongeur (basically a scullery boy) often ordered "horrible cereals" for their breakfasts. I do not know if that means our modern Corn Flakes and Wheaties or hot cereals, but it sounds familiar. The "Paris" part of his book also contains his recollection of being gypped by an Armenian (who claimed to be Greek) and the statement: "After knowing him I saw the force of the proverb 'Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but don't trust an Armenian'".

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So glad to hear you are feeling better, Linh. Your friend Jack makes some good points, but now that you are seriously on the mend, it's fair to remember this little ditty from the Gospel According to St. Matthew (15:11):

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

So according to Jesus and pretty much all of your readers, you are actually a pretty clean dude. Stay well!

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That was one funny read, thanks.

"During my 20’s and 30’s, though, I drank a gallon of Coke with lunch, like the other housepainters."

In an office I worked years ago there was this guy who was really fat, but he kept complaining that he needed to lose weight... Even though I only saw him eating burgers, pizza and drinking Coke. His "final solution" was to reduce his daily intake of Coke from 6 cans to 5 cans... I mean, seriously. Some people have no idea about how to eat. I also remember the case of a mother that had heard on the news that orange juice was healthy because it had vitamin C - so she force-fed her child a gallon of orange juice every day.

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I love the way your mind works!!!

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Linh says, “For each man or nation, every act has consequences, though the boomerang may not hit you until decades later. Uncle Sam, too, is experiencing dermal putrefaction, but, as always, he's defiant, so don't expect meaningful reform.”

It may interest people to know that Pluto (the cosmic lord of the underworld) entered the sign of Capricorn (the realm of institutional power) in 2008, to stay there until early 2024. Right on the dot, in 2008, the Lehman Brothers induced global financial crisis happened.

Pluto has an orbit of around 250 years. Every time it returns, it purges and detoxifies the accumulated rot. In Capricorn, Pluto detoxes the world's governments and the international order.

It so happens, that Pluto's return to Capricorn coincides with its return to its original place in America's founding chart. The exact hit lasts from Feb. 2022 to Feb. 2024. It is no coincidence that Russia's SMO in Ukraine officially started in Feb.24, 2022 !!!

By the way, Pluto does not just detox world governments, it also detoxes the human shell that each and everyone of us inhabits. “As above, so below”, Pluto works its way within every system, large and small. Hence, Linh's health crisis.

Astrologer Molly Mccord has done an excellent job explaining this Pluto Return event in a series of 5 videos.

Part 5: USA Astrology Major Activations: Pluto Return, Neptune Opposition, Mars Return, Saturn Conj (2022 Oct.15)



Check out the full playlist on the USA Astrology Chart Energies ~

Part 1: https://youtu.be/2SarTTSr1nc Part 2: https://youtu.be/rSZbwiSR4cs Part 3: https://youtu.be/mB8zAsASHp0 Part 4: https://youtu.be/CovsQb3olCA

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As Jack points out, we are what we eat. Glad you are paying attention to that. I love reading your essays and so appreciate your point of view. So grateful you are taking better care of yourself.

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Lookin' trim in that last shot Linh.

Good to hear you are on the mend.

Go n-éirí go geal leat.

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Get well soon Linh. There are six major mortality factors that will kill you: Smoking, alcoholism-level drinking, sedentariness, obesity, loneliness and poor diet. Lose weight, walk a lot, make friends, expunge sugar from your diet entirely (to the extent possible), and drink lots of diet pepsi (Coke is more woke). You'll live forever.

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Hi James,

Diet sodas have aspartame, which is much worse than sugar, so don't touch them!


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Elon Musk (I LIKE the guy) begs to differ, LOL: "Man if aspartame really does cause cancer, I’m dead as a doornail lol" (July 22, 2023 tweet).

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Lynn. Ive been worried sick about your disappearance. I just knew youd been purposely “disappeared”. Like that other wonderful writer…..Riverbend.

You and she used words as few before. Words that sang with purity. Words that hung together as intimately , as Romeo and Juliet. Words that slashed as cursedly as death. Words keeping MOSSAD and CIA dreaming of boiling you not quite to death in septic tanks of hell.

Riverbend is gone. You may be next

Take care. We are legion out here lost and worried for you.

Oklahoma farmer

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Hi Jerry,

Thanks! I'm doing OK, and still slugging away!


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Beautiful. What Jack says is just true. I add that eating your fill of white rice everyday is just as novel and hard on anyone. I subtract that I don’t tell anyone what to do. I have thought of you in a kibbutz myself. The border people let Joe Sacco come and go, a critical ethnographer like yourself who still enjoys corporate publishing. If you pointed up the issue of your criticism in advance or at least didn’t misrepresent yourself, who knows, they might get a kick out of you. There may well be many kibbutzim whose views on public health overlap with yours. 2 Jews 3 opinions. As to personal security, it seems to me that you pose no threat to national security. The state’s interest in you would be to keep the peace. You might somehow attract an unhinged individual but most of them go after each other in a quarrel about who is most Zionist. But there are plenty of countries to go eat Mediterranean where no one will mind your views on my people. Just don’t let them put you on the payroll. They would expect value for money and I don’t see you writing what you’re told.

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Jul 23, 2023·edited Jul 23, 2023


This was a heartwarming and humorous postcard. The physical debilitation that you endured would have sent most people running to a doctor. You've had one heck of a three years. Walking and sunshine are two wonderful detoxification agents. Wishing you both.

Seeing the picture of that broken sink from the previous room in Ubon made me think, "Man the gods are testing Linh hard at the moment." We're rooting for you.

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