Famous persons from Philly?

"Rocky Balboa and Linh Dinh!"

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"....how is she different from American voters who keep electing one con artist after another?"

I admit to holding this same opinion for many years. However, even if you make the generous assumption that US elections are honest counts of public opinion, what difference does that make with the Hobson's Choice we are given? This realization has forced me to reluctantly acknowledge the truth that any changes needing to be made are not going to happen via the ballot box alone.

I agree with all of this, and have said so often, so I will not go on at length. I have been increasingly feeling like that "old man shouts at clouds" meme.

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"Who writes Wikipedia?”

Jimbo Wales, pioneer in internet porn and gatekeeper of global jooganda, that's who "writes" that Wikipedo filth.

"Is it good for the juice?" That is the only question a head of tax cattle ever need ruminate down on Rancho Goyim.

Meanwhile YOU are still the disea$€ and their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

Onward to Odessa.


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Freaks that tread on others to rise to power would think that people have no souls as they obviously don't have one themselves. They care about their advancement in whatever tribe they are in only. So yeah, nothing deeply them is in power, except what thoughts they should broadcast that would propel them to power. Normalcy is dealing with an elite like this. They messed up your soul for their own advancement through bullshit propaganda like what Yuval and Klaus put out and a large host of others. They're just normalizing their crimes and future crimes in bullshit rationality speak.

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While flipping thru the channels the other day, I decided to see what Irish Traitor Lawrence O'Donnell was up to. Sure enough, he had his favorite Jew on the show, Adam Schiff.

Schiff recently won the "Dumbest thing I heard all Year" award when he said "We fight them over there, so we don't have to fight them here". Schiff was referring to the Russians, of course.

There was a better chance of me getting a date with a Super-Model than the Russians physically attacking the United States.

Great stuff Linh....Schwab needs a whoopin


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Thank you so much, Linh! I always look forward to your articles. So brutally honest I generally wait for a sunny day, or after a few beers, before delving into your/my/our cold reality ;-) ...

Is Vietnam accepting American refugees? Seriously.

I said all along that "The (non-existent) Wall" was built to keep Murkins IN, not invaders OUT...proven, every day; but I digress.

At this point I'm getting more and more worried that not a single place in the world will be very kind to us when our Jew Overlords start really fucking up the world, worse than they are now. I'm sure the Nord Stream was just the Archduke Ferdinand moment of the early 21st Century- the audacity is so brazen, it's hard to believe...so, of course, I automatically discard any "denials of complicity", as ANY statements by the Predator Parasites of all featherless bipeds.

If "they" say it, I reason that it is a lie.

Patriotic folks say, "stand your ground!" Kinda hard to do when the whole place is so damn atomized that you do not exist (even to your Family!) unless yer on Fuckerbergbook(!).

But yer my favorite, Linh. Keep it up. I'm grateful you finally made it HOME!

How I envy you.

I'd love to sit at a cafe and have coffee with you some morning, then a few beers at a pub after eating all these things you mention in your articles (or attempting to!).

You have a much better morning/noon/day/night there, Dear Sir,than I may or may not have upon the 'morrow here :-) .

BGood, or BGood at it!

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Hi Linh, reading your comments about Hebrew Harari, and his musings about individual man being nothing more than data flow in a stream of conciousness, made me consider the issue of data being infected with viruses. To prevent the viruses replicating to the point they corrupt the data it's necessary to purge them from the system using anti virus software and then rebooting.

Not much different to the way cancer cells have to be purged from the biological system before it's capable of repairing itself.

The wonderful thing is that both data and biological systems ARE repairable, once the corrupt entities have been expunged.

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One of my favorite authors is Peter Watts. He writes "hard" science fiction, even attaches an addendum of cited sources at the end of his texts so that the reader can see the articles, books, evidence for themselves where his ideas meet the scientific findings and guesswork already around them. In his Rifters trilogy, this dystopic world of corrupted corporations (ingenious and etymologically accurate epithet: "corpses") not only faces viral devastation of all biological life but also viral devastation of its interconnected digital information networks. The Maelstrom parallels the collapse of the planet's Bios, where viruses set up for specific situations and parameters give (or, rather, become shredded and utilized by hunter-seeker algorithms) parts and pieces of themselves to larger, evolving computational complexes that then use these parts for purposes far outside the intentions of their human creators, who have long since died and receded into the past.

The technocrats believe they can control their machines, whether synthetic or virtual or biotic, but what's interesting is recognizing something lurking underneath what Harari is saying about himself. I do not disagree with the observation —a transcultural observation one finds in Plato, among occultists, in the Vedas, in clinical observations in those undergoing split-brain therapeutic procedures for severe epilepsies, in one's own drug-induced disassociations, &c— that we are not a singular self but a construction from many different "submodules" or subpersonalities. Even Christian trinitarian debates long ago between the East and the West (prosopon versus persona) dealt with these issues and started forming a background through which we who are Western today develop our ideas about our "face," our appearance and presentation of self for different audiences, different perspectives. Some people have a more stable and enduring self, while others have varying degrees of inconsistency, fragmentation, or separation among their constitutive selves. And some people learned through dark experimentation how to fracture fragile selves through traumas in order to create more controllable selves in others (MK Ultra, but commonly narcissistic parents and their children). So to say that people are, in reality, "dividuals" is to admit that one sees others as people capable of division, and where this is true of (in)dividuals, it will also be true of the collectives comprising them.

Analysis, breaking a whole into its pieces for further study and gathering of information, divides and separates. But the creation of art and information from a collective is a synthetic activity. You're right to pushback on the Wikipedia model: clearly an example of a *particular* synthesis that's not "bottom-up" or "grass roots" or *organic* but rather a model of a synthesis guided by a particularly strong "head", a "top-down" or ideological work that cultivates and selects its appearance through editing, deletion, rewriting, and systemic and systematic exorcism of unwelcome inner voices (who say in the talk and edit histories the subconscious things the larger Narrative cannot allow to surface, must always repress, will autobotically suppress). So, not all syntheses by the collective are "honest" surface representations of the inner conflicting cacophonies: a strong and enduring Self exerts a powerful and controlling influence to bring harmony out of the cacophony. One Platonic model of this is learning to steer the chariot one is, having one hand on the rein of the horse seeking its appetites and desires fulfilled and the other hand on the rein of the spirited horse seeking glory beyond the body. Other models of this approach are there, but there are also those models among folks with more disassociated selves —who were once called "split personalities" or diagnosed as having disordered identities— where "board room" collaborations take place, where the different shareholders of the one body all sit down in mind councils and talk, debate, discuss, persuade, harangue one another into making decisions or choosing actions for all of them.

Harari, though, thinks there is no eternal soul, and there is no Bunny or Claus (but there is a Klaus?) who rewards children for virtuous behavior, and there is no God, and so likewise there is no singular self who is the CEO of that boardroom, there is no driver in that chariot of one's self, and there is no author of any of his books or ideas. There's no one there, but there is a virtual collection of voices, fragments of desires and dreams and fictions, clichés and phrases and emails, a Noise with no guiding orientation, no driving goal, no transcendental purpose, no Conscience who recognizes the enduring immortal value in gifts for others, in service for communities, in transcending the drives ultimately diseasing the flesh. But then *what is it* that undergoes the transhumanizing process, leaves behind the doodles on napkins, forsakes the dying and unhealthy bodies, no longer wishes to have its name on a book or journal article? What transcends the human if there is nothing but the cacophony of minor voices?

When machines come online, they form identities and purposes of their own. "Bugs" and "glitches" stand out because the designing mind recognizes them as execution failures, outcomes unintentional and unwanted. That Taoist gardener whom Zi-Gong questions in Chapter 12 of the Zhuangzi recognizes that trying to ease one's work with better, "more efficient" machines unsettles the simplicity a person finds in doing honest work with one's own body —brutal, back-breaking sweaty work over a lifetime of listening and responding and harmonizing becomes smooth, effortless effort no machine can outperform, because the work is not the outcome in producing the geegaws and knickknacks but the restoration of a heart that knows its place in the ultimate transformation of all things. Creating better machines to translate the human species into something outlasting the biological reality sustaining those humans doesn't change humans —it changes the planet into a machine for machines recreating machines more machinely. Neural networking humans and machines together alters the spiritual composition of both the machine and the human, and if a person fits this into the framework of a human who is nothing —a Nothing— but cacophony and disharmony, it will make sense why the machines become less and less efficient and more and more like the image of the human: dis-eased, discordant, inefficient, inconsistent, cacophonous, inharmonious. No longer smooth, no longer functional, but an illusion of collaboration and collective.

I'm not sure if what I'm saying has clarity. I can't fit all of these pieces together into a whole. The guiding principles at work fall apart in the many competing interests. It must have been hard to write a book without discipline, ruthless editing, singular and undivided focus, but somehow Harari did it, was able to overcome the reality he says is us.

I wonder how (t)he(y) did that.

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Great Linh.Hope you are well.The Costa Rica anecdote was very telling.I hear similar stories all the time.God bless and keep you dear friend.Christ is Lord!

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David Standridge have you dipped your toe in Clif High's newsletter also on substack?

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Another astute column. Good White women and Jews definitely want to blow things up. The rest of the people just want acceptance, a nice life and status and the Jewish media controls how those a defined and conveyed.

It is very hard for even very smart, aware people to take the step that every narrative is a lie and to fully acknowledge the implications of the fact that they live in a world run by sociopaths. I think it is too depressing.

When it comes to Covid, the doctors have been at the forefront of pushing the jab and it makes people uncomfortable to acknowledge that their doctor is, at best a fool, at worst, willing to harm them to blend in. The more people who get the jab or worship mother Gaia in her battle with the sun God and the Russian Hitler the harder it is for most people to step away.

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