Thanks, Linh. Very interesting. I remember all of the terrifying videos coming out of OZ....police beating people for not wearing masks; cops arresting a Mom in her home for a social media post, etc.

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Hi Peggy,

You might have missed the "rubber bullets" video embedded in the article:


It has both incidents you describe and many others. This was mainly in Melbourne, Victoria.

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Excellent interview.

How much of the steep housing cost is from Chinese money (both immigrant and PRC)? Last time I looked 9 of the 10 most expensive housing markets were driven or heavily impacted by Chinese money. Taiwan and HK showcase the impact of Chinese worship of real estate. Since early 90s when China opened up, Taiwanese wages have at best flatlined. However, real estate (as of 10 years ago) has gone up 3 to 6x.

In HK condos are resold 5 to 6 times between the start of sales and their being completed.

My experience with American women was similar to his in Australia. Looking for a Thai wife then is a smart move on his part. I say that as an old guy with a Thai wife. Thai women also, from what I have heard, have a great reputation for making superior wives in other Eastern Asian countries with some Asian men going to Thailand to find one.

So, Linh remember that next time you mock old guys with thai women.

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This happened in Canada.

The HK Chinese were buying up thousands of yet to be built condos, always selling to the highest bidder. a big reason that there is animosity towards the Chinese, but misdirected as it was HK and Taiwan investment by money-laundering. Then, the $$ pychos started building the hate of the Chinese by contorting absolutely anything and everything Chinese as corrupt and dangerous... at the same time kidnapping a Chinese CEO for the purposes of extortion by the U$A.

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Great interview! Learned some very interesting and informative gems of information about Australia.

I'm sort of assuming Mr. Dinh was the interviewer and Mr. Flomenhoft was the man interviewed? Great questions; very probing and revealing and great photos accompanying the interview.

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Good God, is there anyway the United States can hold together and limp along for the next 15 years so I can retire to Thailand?

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fuck the Mammon;

just get out, now

(Disclaimer: I have zero knowledge of your situation, btw. It's a stock response to those that really do have options, but choose to pimp the Mammon. Like the CoVidiots that took the JewJab because money, rather than uphold their rights)

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Excellent read.

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Australians are the best of the ‘Anglos’ with Canadians and American WASPs being the worst.

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Expat Aussies are hit and miss for me. Very much like Canadians; definitely not like Yanks.

Yanks, well they tend now to try and hide their Yankness as they realize their status is circling the drain.

Especially when they arrive at my business to see and read:

"Long Live Palestine!

BDS U$A and Israel!"

They stare at it gobsmacked. (occasional thumbs up, tho')

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