
Hi everyone,

Speaking of hiding in bunkers after societal collapse, here's a very funny South African commercial from 2010:



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Oct 23, 2022·edited Oct 23, 2022Author

Hi everyone,

Do go here for a screenshot of Zelensky in an "I'M UKRAINIAN" hoodie:


So after +7 months in a military green T-shirt, Zelensky premiered a new outfit on 10/21/22. Casual and goofy, it's meant to present him as a common man, and not a super rich sacrificer of Ukrainians. This man's image has been very carefully calibrated. I've pointed out the low camera angle, to make short Zelensky look huge. An actor and comedian by profession, Zelensky once pretended to play the piano with his prick, but that was before he was cast into this role of fighting man, defender of democracy, new Churchill and antagonist against Hitler reincarnated. This is by far his most ambitious comedy.


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Yes, “Moar Sanctions” are now proposed for Iran for supplying weapons to one of the combatants in the Ukraine War (something they and Russia both deny, BTW, if it matters). This for doing the same thing the West is doing, only Iran is on the wrong side! I guess they didn’t get the email. I’m not sure how much further they can crank the sanctions up, though. Perhaps “Double Secret Probation?”

Sometime during Trump’s tenure I gradually quit looking at CNN and most of the other legacy media as the lies and propaganda got just too obvious to ignore, not wanting to reward their increasingly obvious lies with my clicks. The only problem with that strategy is that one no longer hears of the latest circus our betters are considering inflicting on us. The only thing positive is that we have not yet reached the "Pravda" stage, given that there are still independent sources that have managed to avoid being completely censored or suppressed, and they can be found if one is reasonably diligent. But soon we may need to get better at reading between the lines, like the former Soviet citizens had to.

I understand the “doomerism” and succumb to it myself—it’s hard to help these days. But I believe that creating that mood amongst the General Public is intentional, and I still fight against it. I had a long phone chat with an old friend on the other side of the country last night, He is depressingly incurious about all that is going on in the world, saying that there is nothing he can do about it, so there’s no point in knowing. It’s sad to see him spend his retirement with no apparent zest for living. He used to like to read, like I do, and we had lots of interesting discussions over drinks before he retired and moved back to his hometown.

We always have plenty of non-perishables laid in, a habit developed long ago, and we stay tapped in to local food sources as best we can; there is plenty of local agriculture nearby. Like you, we won’t freeze to death here, but if things ever get to where retreating underground is indicated, I doubt if surviving will be worth it. Fortunately, we’re well away from the big city, and there are no targets within 100 miles worth wasting a nuke on, except possibly the nuclear generating station a dozen miles from here, which is on the far side of some nice sized mountains.

All that concerns me these days is my wife being off in Taiwan for a few months. I hope the US doesn’t succeed in getting their "second" war started before she returns home.

Best wishes to you, as always!

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We have lots of beans, rice and oats stockpiled. My hubby is a wonderful gardener. We have tons of butternut squash which last for a long time, and lots of dehydrated fruit that he grew, too. We won't freeze in California but we might have to sharpen our skills in defending our property when the hungry hordes come!

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Eight years ago, I lived, exercised, read an drank vodka in Lingui Guangxi, China. Often I would make the 45 minute bus ride the center of Guilin, where I liked to shop and eat. My favorite restaurant:, Sues, was owned and managed by a pretty chinese woman with twin daughters. The menu was mostly western: Pizza, Hamburgers, Shepherd's pie etc. It was always packed; plenty of Chinese liked her western menu.

The entire experiece was forever ruined for me as one day I sat with a friend to eat lunch. Staring back at me from a photo on the wall: Bill Clinton with his arms around Sue and her pretty, young, female wait staff. Living in Arkansas and being of sound mind, Bubba as he is affectionately known in his native surroundings, is a man I have never voted for but have always despised. It was sad to me he could have defiled such a beautiful far away place. But of course he did that often.

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“Help us fight for freedom” - to exploit, to kill, to rob, to infiltrate, to subjugate, to annihilate, and turn your world into a living hell.

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A couple of corrections. We in Ukraine are not JewJabbed. Only 36% have had any shot at all, far the lowest in Europe. Compare with Russia itself, where Putin's good buddy (Gintzberg. Don't think he's Irish) is jabbing everybody with his Sputnik slurry. See Substack posts by Edward Slavsquat for details.

With regard to your suggestion that we accept the inevitable. First, from here it does not look that inevitable. Secondly, a look at the fate of the parts of the country that did so in 2014 is enough to convince anybody it is a bad idea. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees with Russia's dick up your butt. These guys are really and truly the remnants of the Mongol hoard. They are cruel, uncivilized.

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"In July, a Swedish reader advised me to tone down my “doomerism".. Im just saying whatever will be will be, not much you and i can do about it anyway. Wars happen, its happened before.

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Dialing up the antisemitism I see. Or maybe it was ever thus and I just didn’t notice so much?

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"Jew Groomed Savior"...LoL

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Linh, you left out one of the more exciting and breakthrough plans of our rulers. They want to eliminate fertilizer and shut down a large percentage of farms to please mother Gaia so she can win her battle against the Sun God.

Never before have countries decided that they simply have too much food so decided to wage war against farmers.

Science deniers and pawns of Putin no doubt think the collapse of Sri Lanka is some type of warning not to take this path but they just don't believe hard enough

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"One's destruction is assured when it's met with nonchalance, distain, ignorance or just plain cowardice." One of the greatest sentences ever, Linh! Of course, what's left of the pale skinned races have heading that way for a long time. The oligarchs must be ecstatic watching so many young white men butcher each other.

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