Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Linh Dinh

I love it when you give snippets of life in Vung Tau.

"No one can hate so relentlessly." Well, Jews can.

Focus more on your life in Vietnam to keep your sanity. The White West (including Oceania) is beyond saving.

The vast majority of Western Whites fall into one of three categories:

1. Those who worship Jews and /or Israel

2. Those who are terrified of being seen as an anti semite so won't allow themselves to notice Jewish power and malevolence.

3. Those who notice but are terrified of admitting it.

Many sites that chronicle the reality of the Empire never use the words Jew or Jewish anymore when taking about Israel. It is only Zionists.

One of the primary reasons I subscribe to you is you are willing to discuss what is really going on even if it hurts you financially. One cannot explain reality without addressing the rules of Jews and how their current behavior is just a continuation of their historical behavior.

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Hi everyone,

I forgot to add a link, so here's that "tatted up skeletal guy":



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You're reading my mind. Just as I was reading, I was thinking "Too bad he didn't include a photo of the "tatted up skeletal guy"!

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Sep 1Liked by Linh Dinh

`You must identify your enemy`,unfortunately,most of the western world identifies with the enemy.

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Sep 1Liked by Linh Dinh

the photo of the gangly adolescent girl walking down a street w/her mom - who's wearing wet pants? - their hands just touching - is amazing! what an enigma you caught here..........

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Sorry to disappoint! I'm just not signed up for some of these ideas, starting with the idea there is no difference between Judaism and Zionism. Any cursory reading or dictionary can clear that up. And the most fierce opposition to Israel and Zionism is to be found in orthodox Judaism.

Fact is, growing up in New York City, most of the "white" people I knew were Jewish and would have called themselves white. I've had long-term relationships with Jewish women, had and have many Jewish friends, love a huge number of Jewish cultural contributions. It never much mattered to Jewish friends that I was Irish/German, and to any it may have? Fuck 'em.

I'm also not a right-winger, so ideas like "Great Replacement Theory" as explanation for mass migration look inferior to the idea this is population runoff from US imperial adventurism, neoliberal rule, and environmental degradation in the Middle East, South and Central America, and Africa, coupled with the desire to further drive down wages and suppress any potential for class solidarity to arise. So it's basically an imperial two-fer. Could some people be excited to f*ck up "white" countries? Probably, but this is not what's driving it.

Even with vaccines, I knew more than enough not to trust them because they came from American pharmaceutical conglomerates. I don't find myself needing any more elaborate explanation than that to flee from them. And as the body count of suspiciously early deaths climbs higher it still looks to me like a shoddily-engineered cash grab. I expect the same pigs who profited wildly off it to race back to the trough for another round soon, whether it's birds or monkeys or gazelles instead of bats taking the blame this time.

I guess my bottom line is this: it remains all about the Benjamins (Franklin, that is). The United States is an imperial monster built of corporations. I believe America would obliterate Israel, Zionists, and Jews without a second thought if it saw its bottom line (at this point, armaments sales and dollar hegemony) genuinely threatened by them. Are there Jews atop many of those corporations? Sure, but you can bet the only thing such so-called Jews worship is the Almighty Dollar.

I know you won't agree with most or even any of this, but hopefully you don't require your subscribers to agree with you.

I subscribe because you're an excellent writer about the squalor and daily struggle to survive such a wretched world. The Jewjabs and Jewjackings and such I pretty much look past to get to the good stuff, which to me are the amazingly vivid and hilarious vignettes about the sick and the old and the poor trying to live with something approaching dignity.

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Sep 2Liked by Linh Dinh

"Could some people be excited to f*ck up "white" countries?"


Yes, and Jewish money, power, and influence is the driving source of the eradication of those with ethnic European blood (white people).

Here's a list of Israeli and Jewish Refugee organizations. NOTE: None of these organizations settle refugees inside of Israel. This list is not complete or comprehensive, but it gives you an idea how much Israel is involved in global migration and how interested they are in moving third world people into Europe.



Mosaic United

Project TEN

Tevel B'Tzedek

Hashomer Hatzair

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

American Jewish World Service

B'nai B'rith

Committee for Jewish Refugees (Netherlands)


Ezras Torah Fund

German Jewish Children's Aid

Hebrew Emigrant Aid Society

International Auschwitz Committee

International concentration camp committees

Jewish Agency for Israel

Jewish Colonization Association

Jewish Council for Racial Equality

Jewish Transmigration Bureau

Jewish United Fund

Michael Cherney Foundation

National Refugee Service

United Service for New Americans

Vaad Hatzalah

World Jewish Relief

Further clarification;



I hope that answers your question.

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Problem is, all these orgs combined don't add up to a zit on Lockheed Martin's backside. Let's make a win-win deal: I don't try to sell you on the problem being US empire and the corporate hegemony it exists to expand, and you don't try to sell me that it's all Duh Joos.

I'm here to read Linh Dinh articles, not to be pestered by the likes of you.

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Sep 3Liked by Linh Dinh

I wasn't trying to sell you on anything. You asked a question and I answered it. Apparently you get triggered by facts, my bad.

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Nah, I get triggered by obnoxious crackpottery and just can't spare the time or energy trying to fix this level of Internet stupid. So this is the part where you get your dumb ass blocked.

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Hi Optera,

Discuss or argue away but please, no name calling.


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One wonders what novel level of rudeness you've plummeted to where *Linh Dinh* feels the need to step in and try to teach you etiquette. I'd blame it on the Asperger's but to be honest I've known for more than a little while that whatever the reason—just as likely basic assholism—I am not fit for polite (or even impolite) society.

And there's the rub with social media: it's always encouraging you to chime in so whatever advertising algorithms, state surveillance finks, AI training data harvesting systems, et al can profile you just that much more effectively. And the real mind-fuck is how it's as easy to generate hundreds of likes with a random comment as it is to draw howls of outrage and spitting denunciations of your flawed character. Do people love me or hate me? Both, verily, on evidence.

I once heard social media described as, "brains crammed too close together, jostling one another". Mine is surely an icky brain, but then, so is yours. I do know if my job didn't require access to the Internet I'd exit this hive of creepy-crawlies for good. Dottie can finish up:

"I do not like my state of mind;

I'm bitter, querulous, unkind.

I hate my legs, I hate my hands,

I do not yearn for lovelier lands.

I dread the dawn's recurrent light;

I hate to go to bed at night.

I snoot at simple, earnest folk.

I cannot take the gentlest joke.

I find no peace in paint or type.

My world is but a lot of tripe.

I'm disillusioned, empty-breasted.

For what I think, I'd be arrested.

I am not sick, I am not well.

My quondam dreams are shot to hell.

My soul is crushed, my spirit sore;

I do not like me any more."—Dorothy Parker, "Symptom Recital"

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1

I find the picture of the tattooed, skeletal man haunting. Maybe it is because I am about to turn 71 and am an old guy too albeit not a skeletal one.

His tattoos suggest that at one time he viewed himself as a bad ass. Probably was a vet. But that is the way of the flesh especially if you live the bad boy lifestyle and don't take care of yourself.

It would be interesting to know his story. Maybe he was a health nut. But death awaits us all just likely sooner if you listen to Jews.

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What does this word mean Jewhypnoed ? I can't figure it out!

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An example would be, an American, who when they have it explained that Israel acts as a gatekeeper to the House of Representatives, proceeds to get angry at the messenger. When this same American is asked about the USS Liberty, they again get angry at the messenger and not at the country that attacked his homeland's military in a cowardly action. When the insanity of this is explained that they are getting angry at their fellow American instead of seeing the obvious ill will of this foreign nation, they say literally any insane thing they can grasp at instead of confronting the obvious truth. It is being hypnotized by conditioning to such an extent, they don't even and can't even see how illogical and self-destructive their beliefs are.

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Da Lat 1970 - loved that one. I never met any Americanos in Vung Tau while there. A couple Canadians and I could always tell the Aussies - beer in one hand and looking like they are lost. lol Found a Ukie that didn't like my Russian T shirt - ANAPA - it's a resort town on the other side of the Crimean bridge that I used to go to. I'd live in Vietnam, but there are just too many people everywhere I go. Off season { Vietnam's } is quiet tho in Vung Tau. Thanks

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