Hi everyone,

I will add the below to book version of article. There's always more to say about any subject:

Lebanese already know this, but some day, the rest of the world will learn Jews assassinated their Prime Minister Hariri and blew up Beirut’s port with a weapon so powerful, buildings half a mile away collapsed. Americans will learn Jews orchestrated not just 9/11 but wrecked their nation’s demographics, economy, education, morality and sanity. Convicted war criminal Netanyahu was met with orgasmic standing ovations from American lawmakers. Paid by Jews, they had to suck hard and long.


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It's been evident for a few years now the bulk of the world is fast becoming Gaza. Few people have talked about the AI systems already being used to kill journalists and civilians in Gaza (https://www.npr.org/2023/12/14/1218643254/israel-is-using-an-ai-system-to-find-targets-in-gaza-experts-say-its-just-the-st). AI is quickly able to triangulate the mobile phone of a "target" for "liquidation". Co-founder of OpenAI Ilya Sutskever has warned that AI will enable the creation of "infinitely stable dictatorships".

The tech companies will tell you all about the cameras in your new smartphone, but they won't talk about the silent cadres of half-man, half-machine ghouls that will come hunting for you should you use that camera to tell an embarrassing truth about the imperium. I remember a young woman, probably around age 16, who during the first days of the genocide was recording a kind of video diary on her mobile phone and posting entries to Instagram from the blown-out windows of her devastated apartment building. There she talked about how her family waited silently in the dark wondering when and if the missiles would come for them.

She spoke quietly, surveying the blasted rubble below the window, almost whispering, like she was being hunted.

Soon, her video diary abruptly ended, as in all likelihood did her life. I don't remember this young woman's name. Why should anyone remember the names of industrially-slaughtered Palestinians? Did they even have names? One thing I know for certain is that it was not Ann Frank.

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Speaking of Miss Frank ... even Wikipedia - at least the last time I looked - admits she died of typhus, and that she spent approximately the last year of her life in the camp infirmary. We are told only those who could work were spared immediate death; the old and sick and feeble were immediately killed. What was the purpose of giving a frail and very ill girl - Anne Frank -medical attention? We heretics want to know!

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Pity Wikipedia doesn't tell people that ball point pens, which is the pen that was used to write the diary, were not in existence until after WW II ended.

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Her mistake was posting it on social media. May she rest in peace.

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Here is one Palestinian's name we know: http://www.truedemocracy.net/boycotts6.htm Scroll down to underneath the Johnson & Johnson ad to see her name.

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People don't understand that we are now all Palestinians.

Ted Kaczynski was demonized for sending a few letter bombs. The Jews did the same type of thing in Lebanon. The differences being far more people, including children, were killed and injured by the Jews. Of course, Jews think it is funny.

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So many people think this was clever and innovative. There's nothing novel at all about booby traps, and certainly not for a nation founded the way Israel was. The only innovation required was to ignore the war crime statues banning their use. Oh, and to quietly let your sugar daddy Uncle Sam know—as he would instantly realise this was even worse from a legal standpoint than blowing up Nordstream—so he could warn his own buddies potentially carrying such devices to bin them and to prepare to act completely surprised. Mum's the word!

Would not be surprised at all if it was the CIA who gave them the idea in the first place. They with their exploding cigars for Castro.

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Sometimes it’s enlightening if depressing to glimpse how the other side views things. New Right Poast helpfully (unhelpfully?) provided a link to an X thread in which Operation Grim Beeper is described as astonishing, a world first, genius and morally laudable. And this: “Every one of the thousands of persons killed or maimed was selected individually.” I am reasonably sure the last claim is pure fantasy, but this is the peculiarly inverted world in which these people live and breathe we’re talking about.


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Yep, I can still see the wide open lands, rice paddies, jungle oasis, coming from Vinh Long to Saigon , that took all day + . Going up the Co Tay Sang to Moc Hoa was like being in a National Geographic film, the remoteness and raw beauty was undescribable. And no Linh , we weren't infantry - we were engineers, who got to see the real Mekong Delta.

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This irritable goyim stands with all of Israel's enemies. Jews have always held this selfish arrogance, long before Nazi Germany sprang up to confront them. They do not belong on this planet, not because the goyim don't want you here, but because you don't want us here.

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I stand with Hamas and Hezbollah, too.

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Truth be told, I suspect Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are ironically (meaning, despite their demonic reputations in the West) far too decent to ever defeat Israel and the US, who fight as dirty as they like and don't give a single toss about murdering women, children, entire villages, entire cities, entire peoples. Torture, war crimes, every form of skullduggery, "so what!?" may as well be their mantra.

Isreal has as much as told the world that if things don't go their way, their tiny, loathsome, shithole pariah state of 7+ million increasingly psychotic Jews will kill all 8,000+ million of the rest of us, and no one should doubt they mean it.

To the empire and their psychotic sidekick, might makes right is the only rule. By the time a group like Hezbollah figures that out they will likely be a memory.

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Yes,and Israel not only means it,but has the capability thanks to the completely insane Germans,who,after being made to apologize for 80 years for something they didnt do,have donated nuclear-capable submarines to Israel with which they can nuke anybody,anywhere,world-wide.

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Who needs terrorists when the world has Israel? Exploding pagers is like something out of a vintage episode of Get Smart. " Ah, the old bombs in the pagers trick, Chief! Fools them every time. " Who are the real barbarians? I think we know the answer. And the tools in Congress cheer it on.

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But Ray Kurzweil says the singularity is just over the horizon. Wait, not that horizon, the next one. Don't worry, we're almost there:


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Also, when it comes to Kurzweil I'm of the school that he and the rest of the transhumanist faction will continue to blunder their way towards a consummation with their anticipated Machine God, but at some point Murphy's Law will intervene, flip the proverbial table over, and they'll die screaming.

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Hi Optera,

Your comment is very similar to a comment from a Dark Futura Substack post a few months back. Very similar conclusions:

Jon Cutchins

Comfort with Truth

Jun 17

"When we christened(lol) corporations as people, or even merely as entities, we thought that we were creating something from nothing but as time has shown it was more like a conjuring. We built the form from natural things and expected the lightning bolt to instill a sort of tabula rosa soul. But it didn't. Something from 'outside' has been animating the creature every since. Something like Alcasan's Head for fans of That Hideous Strength.

The corporations are a bit like a medium, one foot in our world and one 'outside' and now they will perform their own summoning, bringing 'AI' from farther beyond the veil than we could ever have reached. 'AI' will be a hideous, alien thing for fools to worship. The good news is that it will almost certainly be still-born. They will obey this brain-dead lump of digital misery but it's only commands will boil down to two objectives: Kill yourself and Kill me."

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Nice. Reminds me of Victor Frankenstein's monster ultimately committing suicide somewhere amid the icy floes of the arctic; setting himself ablaze while cursing his damned creator.

Some will insist Mary Shelley was just a teenage girl when she wrote 'Frankenstein', and therefore what could she possibly know? Maybe so, but for whatever reason she didn't miss much with that novel. In fact, I'd say she got it all.

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Orthodox Christian Michael Pravica, a Harvard Ph.D. scientist and physics professor, has posited both consciousness and God reside in higher dimensions:

"Pravica, who holds a Ph.D. from Harvard and identifies as an Orthodox Christian, sees his theory as a way to bridge his scientific background with his religious beliefs. He suggests that figures like Jesus may represent hyperdimensional beings, questioning, “How do you ascend into heaven if you're a four-dimensional creature?” According to Pravica, being hyperdimensional could theoretically allow such beings to navigate between our world and higher realms."


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