Hi everyone,

After lunch and a brief nap, I stumbled upon news about Tren de Aragua taking over several Aurora apartment complexes. There’s a video of six gangsters casually converging on a door. Four carry handguns. One has a military assault rifle with a smart scope. All but one are slim young men in casual Gap or Old Navy sort of clothing. Wearing a black baseball cap, one coolly smokes a cigarette. A second clip shows two men forcing a door open with a prybar. One door over, there’s a sign, “WORKING FROM HOME—PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB.” At his desk, occupant may have wet his pants.

Venezuela became so lawless after decades of economic war waged by the US. With much oil, it was once rich and stable. As head of Homeland Security, Jewish Alejandro Mayorkas welcomed hordes of violent Venezuelans. Open border has long been a Jewish weapon. With a Jewish husband, blathering Kamala Harris is the AWOL border czar. If it suits Jews, she’ll be the next president. Half a country of suicidal idiots will scream ecstatically. The other half will wait four years, or maybe it’s their turn to feel vindicated, if only for a few blinks. It’s better than no orgasm. Though Trump implemented genocidal Jewjabs with his Operation Warp Speed, he’s endorsed by “anti-vaxxer” Robert F. Kennedy Jr! Bob knows better than to mess with those who murdered his dad and uncle in full view. If he sucks hard enough, they may let him become Puppet in Chief in 2028 or 2032.

Meanwhile in Aurora, city councilmember Danielle Jurinsky can only lament, “The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes.” By calling them migrants and not illegal immigrants, Jurinsky has already lost, but in today’s America, one wrong word can mess you up.

Careful, Danielle, in making a distinction between “Americans” and “migrants.” Since they’re here to stay, they’re as baseball, Chevrolet and huevos rancheros as you. My bad, I mean caraotas negras! It’s impossible to keep up with progress.


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Hi Linh. I live in a 98%-white town in southeast Michigan where people mostly don't lock their doors or even honk their horns. Nights are quieter than a state park. After 25 years living in and around San Francisco, the humdrum is sheer heaven. I joke that I live boring and if I want excitement I'll commute to Detroit. Better that than the other way around. Living near University of Michigan, most of the residents are Democrats, although I sense the enthusiasm if not the numbers has gone down in the last few years. During my walk (another bit of heaven - you can walk anywhere anytime with a $100 bill pinned to your sleeve) I realized most of the Ukraine banners are gone now. Another very good thing: hardly any yards have Trump or Biden signs. Still lots of unicorn and puppy dog stuff but that's OK. My guess is people just don't want to fight with their neighbors. Imagine that.

When I saw video of those Venezuelan thugs in Colorado my first reaction was anger, but then I'm not the poor SOB getting his door pried open by armed psychopaths protected by a Soros DA. What would I do? Well I'm armed but white people in cities know if they shoot a protected class criminal they probably will be ruined. That's just reality. I predict the big cities will go full Road Warrior as soon as The Blob feels threatened enough to slip the brown shirts off the leash.

On a positive note, I loved your column featuring Troy Skaggs. Is that a cool name or what?

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I wonder if our overlords really want Kamala to be president. I waffle between two theories about "the plan" (if such actually exists in reality rather than merely in my "conspiracy theory" mind).

The first theory is that the Harris-Walz campaign is a test of the US voting public, to measure the success the reality manipulation has had on them. If a majority, after going through being placed under virtual lock and key in 2020-2021 and then sitting through the trashing of the country, will actually vote for four more years of the same rather than making the rather obvious choice for the alternative, they are truly ready for whatever the powers-that-be want to lay on them.

The second theory is that the Harris-Walz "joy" campaign is intentionally stupid because they want Trump back in office, so he can preside over the final demolition of the economy and the social system and be blamed for it. Blissfully unaware that the current train wreck has been years (if not decades) in the making, this will have the "beneficial" effect of driving the "electorate" back into the arms of the current crowd, finally hammering home the message that "resistance is futile."

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Will never forget my first time walking through St. Stephen's Green in Dublin, Ireland after decades squandered in the American armed madhouse. It was pure amazement; like having escaped a windowless dungeon I'd been kept in for as long as I could remember. All these people laughing and chatting, strolling around with their kids. They appeared—what's the word—happy? Didn't they realise a mass shooting could break out at any second!? Where were the exits? Would these benches and flowerbeds provide good cover? Were there any militarised police nearby to fire back at whatever 17-year old pervert was publicly jerking off with his AR-15?

Americans have no idea the pervasive, radioactive ambience of fear they are slow-roasted in all day, every day. The very air is crackling with it. And their corporate government and corporate media work tirelessly to cover the entire world in this same darkness. And if you want to know how that particular Uncle Sam brand of toxic sausage is being made, George Galloway here interviews a guy (Matt Kennard) who can tell you all about it:


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The Irish are starting to learn the fear Americans feel every day. The ruling elite led by the thoughts of a Jewish academic are flooding the country with migrants. Officially 20 percent were born outside of Ireland. The real number is always higher. That doesn't count the paperwork Irish born in Ireland.

They are already feeling the vibrancy.

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I'll tell you the thought I had after getting over the initial shock of that sunny morning in St. Stephen's Green: "how is this allowed to exist!?" If you tell me, "it won't for much longer", I'd have no reason to doubt that. I've never seen anything or any place good that was not eventually ruined.

I'd go so far as to say good draws evil like magnets draw iron filings.

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It is similar to the small NE states like New Hampshire. They are peaceful white states and this drives Jews nuts. There is a Jewish woman who is leading the charge to fix that just like there is a Jewish female academic in Ireland who is giving the intellectual cover to replace the Irish population. After all, anyone can be Irish. If you just arrived illegally you are just as Irish as someone whose family has been there 1000 years.

Every. Single. Time.

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I can relate,most every building that I liked to look at in my hometown since I was a kid,has been destroyed and replaced by ice-cold concrete and steel and glass cages without ornaments,embellishments,its just containers now.

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Troy is in a much better place in small-town Indiana. I had my own taste of it back in the '70s, when I spent a couple of years at Indiana University. Bloomington wasn't exactly small, but the entire state was sprinkled with small cities and towns. Many if not most of my fellow students were from those places, and looking back on it, it seems a much less complicated existence.

I lived in the dormitory, and there was an old woman who had the job of changing the bedding in each room once a week. She had to blast half of us out of bed to do it, since we were staying up late every night and sleeping until the morning was half over. She was feisty, but everyone liked her. One time about 20 of us went down to her house in a town about 20 miles away and gave her a surprise birthday party. Her house was no palace, but a simple place. Back then I did not pay close attention to such things, but she was probably living simply.

I had a girlfriend for about a year who was from a small northeastern Indiana town of maybe 1000 people, and visited her one summer. The family was very nice and welcoming, even though I'm sure I was a bit clueless. One of her brothers even insisted I try out his new motorcycle, although I had never ridden one before--I was so afraid I would bash it up. The town was so small that to call her up from my home I could not direct dial. It required operator assistance because they had what was called a "ring down." Everyone in town had a two digit phone number. When we talked on those calls, she warned me never to get too personal. She had a job at the local phone exchange in the summer, and she knew that the operators there frequently listened in on calls. And because it was such a small place, they would gossip about it, of course.

Rural Indiana was beautiful, especially in autumn. Once you are south of Indianapolis, the "cornfield" Indiana starts to morph into something more like Kentucky hill country. I wonder how people in those small, formerly bucolic towns are getting by nowadays.

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"I wonder how people in those small, formerly bucolic towns are getting by nowadays."


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One of the oddities of the modern world is the less contact that people have with the world around them, the more they want to travel so that they can have little contact with the world around them somewhere else.

I see this with all ages. It is especially true with whites and Eastern Asians. Young Asian women seem to travel the world just so that they can take selfies.

I have also found this especially true with retired Americans who live outside the US. The men have next to no interest in the country they have chosen outside of the women, cost of living and visa issues. They are far more interested in panicking about whatever the Jews want them to panic about at the moment which is often Trump.

The only people I found to be interested in the local culture were white women in Mexico and they were only interested in their fantasy image of Mexico, a Mexico that is paradise on earth. These woke women know they are superior for seeing Mexico as paradise and anyone who disagrees is a racist who should leave. Many Mexicans are doing just that.

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I made it to Kokomo and was able to get a bed at the men's shelter at the Kokomo Rescue Mission (KRM) Linh. I started working in the kitchen here and feel better than I did in South Bend by a long shot. One of my kitchen supervisors was an addict who spent some time around Kensington and another gentleman is a Karen refugee from Burma. It's the usual cast n' crew and I'm glad to be here. I can see the clouds in Kokomo. A late August thunderstorm after a ninety three degree day was appreciated yesterday evening. Most of all, beyond the usual dysfunction which exists in towns with populations of even a dozen, this place is safe. People hold doors here, greet each other and look you in the eye. That's what I've been looking for. Basic courtesy, even if it isn't sincere, is a nice thing.

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Hi Linh, just a note to say that about 75 readers have viewed my review of your Blue Threads to the Soul since I announced it here, with no further promotion. Today is the first since then with no new readers, after substantial and sustained attention.

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Basic field sanitation requires shitting away from baseball dugouts if one plans to sleep in one. Whether or not basic field sanitation will matter in future years is a risky question. Flushable wipes, hand sanitizer and some bottles of mildly soapy water can keep one relatively clean.

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