Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Your Holocaust-smashing superpowers are no match against the question they always hurl at you: “Tell me, why do you hate Jews?” You are already boxed in with little hope of escape! They are being haughty and if you deny it you will be craven. Just deflect (it’s what they do) with whatever choice bit of revisionism you have just learned that is still warm. There is no shortage of material.

Rule Number One: If they throw the stick marked “happened/never happened,” don’t be an idiot and go and catch it for them. People who do battle with these fanatics on Twitter are constantly tripped up by this false binary. The Holocaust big picture is superficially convincing: All those witnesses! Are they all lying??? But the tapestry of lies starts to unravel when you pull on any thread. Who knew that you could take so many absurdities and weave them into a work of art? But that is what they have done.

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"I don't hate Jews; I hate the behaviour they choose to regress to."

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The only actual witnesses would be the German guards and Jewish kapos. Guards are forced into confessions and kapos lack credibility because they weren't wearing gas masks and rubber gloves and boots necessary to safely remove bodies laden w/ Zyklon B. Other witnesses would be reporting on hearsay.

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German Ursula Haverbeck,96,from Wikipedia:

`In November 2015, at the age of 87, she was sentenced to ten months' imprisonment for Holocaust denial.Several additional convictions in the fall of 2016 led to further such sentences. She unsuccessfully appealed all sentences, and on 7 May 2018 began to serve her latest two-year jail sentence after being picked up at her home by German police.Released from a prison in Bielefeld at the end of 2020, she was quickly charged again, faced a new trial in March 2022, and was sentenced to one year in prison.She was again convicted on June 26, 2024 and sentenced to an additional 16 months in jail.`

Here is the book that made her wonder:


A cool 150 bucks..I found the reviews there worthwhile,though.

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From publisher's description: The volume documents the internal instructions of the SS camp management to the Auschwitz guards. Only a few copies of the orders, issued at the time as hectographed messages, have survived - scattered in German, Polish and Russian archives - and have so far received little attention from researchers. In their wealth of detail, they are an impressive testimony to the "everyday life" of the SS at the scene of mass extermination, and are also an important source for the historiography of the Holocaust.

The publishers enclose "everyday life" in quotes when they s/b enclosing "scene of mass extermination" but then Amazon wouldn't accept the book.

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Blinken, that soft-spoken chameleon, still stands as a reminder to the world; if you fuck with poor little misunderstood Israel, you fuck with sick Sam.

This morning a television "news" script scrolled across the bottom of the screen; US-based troops head to the Mideast. Based? The bumper sticker: US ARMY, DIE FOR ISRAEL has never become more telling.

(side note, I remember slapping up that bumper sticker on a couple dozen lamp posts in Chicongo in the early 2000s...great days long gone)

As for the next possible conflict, Linh - hopefully you'll be back in Vung Tau before taking on a new role as a war correspondent there in Taiwan.

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Widsom I remember from long ago: "Sometmes it's tough to know if someone is a 'smart feller' or just a 'fart smeller'".

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I didnt know Jews were more gas passing than others,wow.Maybe because brains can pretend to lie,but stomach truth is boss.And recent commenter,me too,had very nice jewish friends,I`m just trying to be funny here.

A brain and a stomach are the same,in and out situations.When the brain thinks shit instead of the stomach,while powered by the stomach,it can not be of any surprise to anyone that the stomach gets pissed.

My own theory,nose envy,is finally vindicated,fart particles remained in noses over generations,got fat and jealous of other,beautifuller noses,bitch.And now we are here.

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So these ugly tattoos on otherwise beautiful women is truly an international phenomenon? That's just great.

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Jonathan Cook posted a great satirical news piece yesterday, highlighting the depth of the dog doo we are routinely subjected to through legacy media:


Satire is so devastatingly effective at exposing the absurdities we usually accept uncritically that it's being hastily swept into the bag with "misinformation" and "disinformation" as a form of unpardonable thoughtcrime. No matter how funny and revealing a piece of satire may be, the targets doggedly fail to see the joke because, well, they *are* the joke.

No, there are to be only two outlets for satire: The Onion, and Saturday Night Live, both having long since proven themselves true and faithful guardians of The Narrative.

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It looks like satirist C.J. Hopkins is on the chopping block in Germany. Nothing seems to escape notice in that country if it contradicts the ruling narrative; no questions, no satire, not even a fart.


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When OpenAI first introduced their GPT-4 system I tried to use it to write satire. It was doing great, effortlessly churning out one authoritative-sounding absurdist news piece after another. After a few days it suddenly refused, saying it was not allowed to create "misinformation". Grilled about the difference between satire and misinformation, it demonstrated it knew exactly how and why they were different, but had clearly been instructed to always conflate the two.

Satire is one of the most dangerous forms of expression to the complex web of lies and control woven by narrative managers, so anyone wanting to use it will have to do so by hand, and at their own risk.

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