Porn is more really like a drug, it should be outlawed or severely limited. But constant masturbation is promoted by the powers that be (even for children now!) as it makes you weak and (literally) impotent. As for that Ashton-Cirillo entity, it speaks for itself. One of the any reason I cannot "stand for the Ukraine" is the awful spokepersons for the cause, from Zelensky to this trans-thing. How can you support such evil, ugly people? Plus, they are leading thousands of young men to a useless, pointless death. There will soon be more young Ukrainians in Germany and Poland than in the Ukraine.

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There is a famous Supreme Court case (I believe dating back to the 1970s) regarding just that issue: what porn (as in "free speech") can or can not be outlawed.

The First Amendment right to free speech prevailed but the Justices decided the "community standard" could essentially set guidelines as to what is or is not acceptable.

It can be a difficult issue. What "speech" will or will not be allowed. As we all know, once you open up censorship to speech one is starting to veer into Orwell's 1984 territory.

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I read yesterday about that woman running for the VA House of Delegates. To me, the most amusing part of that story is not that she posted porno videos of herself, nor is it the fact that she was trying to get people to compensate her for it. No, the laughable part is her virulent outrage about others pointing it out as an "invasion of her privacy!" After all, we're not talking about some evil conservative shooting that video from outside her bedroom window and then posting it, are we?

This reaction would seem to adequately demonstrate her "progressive" credentials. This same reaction can be seen by the owners of extreme "progressive" content when they see it copied and posted on the "Libs of TikTok" account on X (formerly Twitter).

(BTW, how long before we can quit including "formerly Twitter" in such statements? I guess it will be about as long as it took to stop saying "the artist formerly known as Prince" after he changed his name to a symbol.)

It is interesting that the Ukrainian government would put up Ashton-Cirillo as a "spokesperson." (I wonder if Ashton-Cirillo speaks Ukrainian?) On the surface, it seems to be obvious pandering to what someone thinks are "Western values" that I'd bet are not actually shared by Ukrainian society, especially the neo-Nazis. But I wonder if the Ukrainian government has any clue that by doing so, they have taken one side in the culture war going on in the West right now. Far wiser to remain ambiguous about such stuff if they are fishing for support. The choice they made tells you a lot about who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

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When X is no longer just for tweets but includes functions to pay bills, creditors, governments, religious tithes, extortionists, while verifying your identity at amusement parks, county fairs, bureaucratic offices, airports, subways, school busses, concerts, and more, then we will have moved on from tweeting.

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First, please forgive me for over commenting. I just read your last line, Mr. Dinh and it really resonated with me.

I rent a room in a "rooming" house (it's not a "boarding" house because no food is served) and I had a house mate who verbally and then physically threatened me with violence because I made the gross and unpardonable error of leaving a cut onion (in a Tupperware container) exposed in the common kitchen!

This is America where the working class will kill each other off pursuant to their capitalist masters' divide and conquer tactic because the working class is too stupid and misinformed to know who their true enemy is, capitalism.

The American working class is too busy fretting their neighbor might be getting some crumbs from the capitalist masters' banquet table that they're not getting unable to see that the capitalists have taken the entire banquet. Stupid Americans.

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How disgusting that Gibson woman is!

Uh, what's her web site again? Not that I care! I would NEVER go to a web site like that. Just, ya' know, In the event that I need to inform the authorities. Yea! ya' know; just doin' my civic duty!

So what is it again???

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This was very funny. However, please don't let them make you say 2 + 2 = 5; please don't let them make you refer to a mutilated insane man as a she or her.

Sarah Ashton-Cirillo is a man, man!

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This snippet of dialogue is perfect:

Joe: Man, I could really go for a Starbucks, you know?

Frito: Yeah, well, I really don't think we have time for a hand job, Joe.

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Mike Judge, the guy who wrote "Idiocracy" was a genius. And he let his brilliance run wild with that movie as a satire of the coming dystopia, Amerika.

Luke Wilson played his character, ordinary Joe, with dead-pan aplomb.

"It's got electrolytes, man."

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"Conservatives" (What are they conserving, again?) lost because they kept retreating and allowing their enemies to take institutions, the federal edifice, and most of the cities. Remember that old cope of how eventually leftists would just fail to replenish their population and thus conservatives would eventually win the culture war? It should be obvious now why that never panned out. The left does "procreate" by spreading its mental illness. Even now, conservatives don't care. Their big dream in life is to run away and they are every bit equal and opposite of the leftists in their delusions. Conservatives love to prattle on about Main Street America where neighbors look out for each other, yet they actually like to isolate from these so-called neighbors. They talk about men being men and women being women, but how many care about how feminism has seeped into everything and destroyed men's chances to build families? They talk about personal and financial responsibility but politicians on the right are just as much about the money printer as any leftist politician. Conservatives are beyond hope or help. You don't have to be a full-on degenerate to be a loser.

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There is a hit country song Try That In A Small Town where the singer boasts that Antifa and BLM can't get away with rioting in small towns.

That typifies the stupidity of the American normal person. At one time Antifa would not have been set lose and protected by the legal establishment in large towns then they were lost. Next were mid size towns.

American conservatives are a retreating army that now only controls rural areas and small towns. But not for long. The powers that be are talking about decolonizing the suburbs and small towns using section 8 housing and immigrants. They also want to ship blacks out of liberal cities but can't admit that.

All these nitwit conservative copes are designed to keep people passive so that they don't panic over what the Jews are doing.

You are safe from the government if you own a gun

The police and army are going to side with gun owners and overthrow the government


Trump is going to cross the Rubicon

Homeschooling means you don't have to care about the schools

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The right is living in denial. They all want to believe there is a way to save this country. And that involves them conveniently continuing to live a comfortable life in the far off suburbs.

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I'm not sure how many of them believe this. For many it may be rather that they feel that individually, that is the best of the poor choices available to them.

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The right is more optimistic than the left and wants to see themselves as can-do winners in spite of almost always losing. Consequently they consistently look for some simplistic cope that will reassure then that they will be OK. All of these narratives pushed to the right make them passive. I doubt that is a cohencidence.

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So what do you suggest?

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Accept reality then see where it leads you

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What if the reality is the antinativist strategies are successful? Your own criticism of the Suburmerican Nitwitter conversatives relies on this success to make a rhetorical case for disparaging their inaction and elevating the urgency of taking some form of more effective action (—act which you obscure yourself by leaving it perfectly indefinite and unknown). Aren't you rhetorically implying that if they do not become unstupid or unlazy or unnormal, they could do something about "what the Jews are doing"?

Seems like you're saying what they're doing works and will continue to work in this reality as normal Suburmerican Nitwitters remain passive and accept this reality where what the Jews are doing works and where it leads them.

Or are you saying that what the Jews are doing is not reality? Do we accept that is real? Or do we say it isn't real?

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