I love your slice of life essays, Linh. And I'm very glad you are healing!

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"It’s the next day. No, not after the bomb, just the earth’s rotation..." Jesus, Linh. You kill me, and I'm thankful for it.

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I always thought that tattoos lent a look of hardness to their owners. (PS: In general I think they still do, but maybe that is my age showing.) Back in my navy days I saw some interesting and amusing ones. A Chief Petty Officer I remember had one of the funniest ones--he had "twin screws" (boat propellers) tattooed on his butt cheeks, one on each side. On request he would drop his drawers, right there in the engine room, and bend over to show them off.....

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The last picture of man on a motorcycle - amazing the amount of stuff he has managed to fit on the bike.

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Exactly my thought. Even now, with many visits to East Asia behind me, I'm still amazed at the number of motorcycles and scooters there, and even MORE amazed at some of the things I've seen carried on them. I've seen stuff I don't think I could fit in my car being moved around on those things. In Taipei, for example, 15 gallon gas cylinders (for cooking and hot water) are delivered to apartments by a guy on a scooter--he carries three at a time strapped to the back, and will often lug them up three or four flights of stairs to deliver one, carrying the empty back down. All day long, too--those guys are in good shape!

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Amazing! What a job--carrying 15 gallon gas cylinders on one's back. Definitely they are in good shape.

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While not paradise, definitely survivable. Unlike many areas in every American city.

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"... soft as shit"

My dad's favorite one-liner. Thanks Linh ☺️

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