"What matters is if his claims are true?"

Whether statements are true is no excuse to go against the wishes of Jews and liberal women.

Good people think one way. All other thought is hate and disinformation, in other words evil.

My favorite recent example of wrong think grounded in reality but deemed unacceptable is that of 94 year old Japanese artist (living in NYC), Yayoi Kusama. She has had to practice self criticism for writing years back in Japanese:

She deemed her New York City neighborhood a “slum” with falling real estate prices because of “Black people shooting each other out front, and homeless people sleeping there.”

Now for the obligatory self flagellation:

“I deeply regret using hurtful and offensive language in my book,” the 94-year-old said in a statement shared Saturday with the San Francisco Chronicle."

Blasphemy cannot be allowed if we are to create a democratic paradise.


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The following excerpt is from a recent Craig Nelson article on Jewish thinking.

Odysseus Unsheathed Craig Nelson


... This was the Book of Deuteronomy, the founding document of the Judaic religion, first read to the people at the temple in Jerusalem in 641 B.C. The impact on the West of that document, produced by a radical alien sect, rivals that of Homer’s and extends down to the present time.

In Deuteronomy, the theory of the “master race” is first expressed, and is made part of “the law,” under which racial genocide and racial segregation are compelled for the political purpose of ruling the world.

The political program to achieve this world domination stipulates the use of deception to subjugate non-Jews. Proclaim “peace” to other people, Deuteronomy says. Once you gain their trust, enslave them. If they resist, execute all the males, and take the women and children as your property. Do that to everyone in the world except those people living in “Greater Israel” which the Jewish god “gave” to Jews. For those people, there is to be no merciful enslavement. Instead, “save nothing alive that breatheth,” Jehovah commands....

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"If they resist, execute all the males, and take the women and children as your property."

Execute the males... construct an opium epidemic.

Take the women... turn them into self-hating feminists.

Take the children... turn them into LGBTQ+ monsters.

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Thank you, Mr Dinh for your uniquely insightful and meaningful interpretation (or "take") on life. It is always a breath of fresh air.

Like your younger brother, many of us (I should speak for myself) go through life thinking in cliched terms. Your writing helps one escape from that. At least to some extent. I hope.

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I am practising smiling more, often with the beautiful people in your pictures in mind, Linh. My husband says I, too, am looking more beautiful all the time. (Of course he's biased, but also completely adorable. One more reason to smile.)

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Speaking of Jews and their behavior, it is fascinating how there is no mention in anything resembling mainstream discussion how the US government officials dealing with Ukraine and Israel and urging on and funding the war are mainly Jewish on both sides. Both of these wars are joint Jewish wars to punish traditional enemies of the Jews: Russia/Russians and the Palestinians.

So when the Yellen (Jewish) said the USA has no financial problems funding two Jewish led wars, not a peep in even the supposed dissident media that Jews are using Gentile money and military to fight Jewish tribal wars.

To make this all more glaringly obvious Zelensky has even talked of making the Ukraine like a Northern Israel.

So Gentiles can fund these wars for the Jews. Gentiles can even die in them and through the resulting terrorist attacks but Gentiles can't even note what is going on. America land of the brave and home of the free indeed!

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Something that strikes me, living here in the West, being raised as a Jew, and now a neophyte Christian, is the manner in which American culture has been sneakingly co-opted by what is called the "Judeo-Christian" ideology, which presumably is the backbone of our American tradition. It seems to me, after self educating myself over the last 50 or more years, that this commingling of Judaism with Christianity in the popular mind is an utter fraud and couldn't be more distant from the truth than all of the other industrial scale lies over the last 5 years. If one thing is blatantly apparent, at least to me, it is that Judaism, in its essence, has never forgiven Jesus for formulating a spiritual and moral basis for our life here on Earth that utterly puts the lie to all of the self justifying materialism (and now nihilism) that has characterized Jewish propaganda. Linh talks of the wonderful people (that he lauds) in the East for their closeness to the earth and to reality. Their reality and earthiness is a far cry from the materialism (emanating from the Jews) that characterizes the West in these benighted days. That sort of Jewish earthiness arises rather from something beneath the soil and the essence of its "ideology" is that "we will never forgive Jesus or his followers for telling the truth about us." The crucifixion was but yesterday in the Jewish mind and if they had the chance they would do it again. Judeo-Christian my ass.

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Dear German Brothers and Sisters,

You have been occupied by my country, the USA, at the direction of those who occupy the USA. And before that, Wilhelm Reich was very explicit in his call for sexual "liberation" as a means to weaken the institutions of the family and Church that protect young people from those who seek to use them and/or enslave them. Please read E Michael Jones' works including his new book on the Holocaust Narrative, but also "Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control." Just like I tell people in my own country, especially Christians, I will say the same to you: do not learn about the history of your people from people who hate you. Return to The Church and repair your families and these people can no longer rule over you. May God free your people and mine from this evil occupation. God Bless!

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wikipedia tells us about wilhelm reich: "Reich was taught at home until he was 12, when his mother was discovered having an affair with his live-in tutor. Reich wrote about the affair in 1920 in his first published paper, "Über einen Fall von Durchbruch der Inzestschranke" (German: "About a Case of Breaching the Incest Taboo"), presented in the third person as though about a patient. He wrote that he would follow his mother when she went to the tutor's bedroom at night, feeling ashamed and jealous, and wondering if they would kill him if they found out that he knew. He briefly thought of forcing her to have sex with him on the threat of telling his father. In the end, he did tell his father, and after a protracted period of beatings, his mother committed suicide on October 1, 1910, for which Reich blamed himself."

i have a stepsister my age, mid 70s - born in the states, her father was a u.s. military man, her mother a war bride from france who met him there at the end of world war ii - after college she went to germany and has lived there all the rest of her life - when she speaks english it is with a european accent - i wonder why a franco-american young woman turned herself into a german [although she retains her u.s. passport] but i have never discussed it with her - i met her as a child, when our respective parents were friends, but we only became stepsiblings in our 40s, when her widowed mother - who had sung in the choir with my own mother, who died of cancer - married my widowed father

anyway, when the u.s. blew up the nordstream gas pipeline, but concealed that it had done so, i wondered at the fact that it is apparently getting away with it - it is not surprising that the americans believe the lies of their government - it's all they hear, unless they go out of their way - but that the germans keep shtum about it is still something i consider remarkable - perhaps part of it is that the germans - perhaps subconsciously - believe that going along with the yanks on this is part of repudiating hitler

truly, as the poet said - "man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn"

sadly, unselfish love and mass murder are both very characteristic of our species

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Great writing Linh. ✍️ I spent 6 months living in Israel in 1990 until the first gulf war. I remember clearly walking from my university residence on Mt. Scopus to the Mt. of Olives which was a Palestinian neighborhood, noting the negative change in quality of housing and infrastructure. Perhaps that was the beginning of my awakening, though it was the covid scam which finally confirmed it. I've slept late. I appreciate being able to read and comment here knowing like minds will read this. Hope you can make it to VT soon.

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And Linh, if you catch up with Henry, tell him no one is going to be able to read a sign that long as they drive by the vigil. I recommend "Holocaust Schmolocaust" instead. But the choice is of course his.

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Every time I read one of your posts I want to hit the road again.

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Actually Cambodia specifically. Bloody humid place though and at my age a no go for me. Mossies too. Very fond memories though of my two years there.

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The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the peoples of Europe


Mass immigration is a phenomenon, the causes of which continue to be cleverly obscured by the system, and the multicultural propaganda attempts to falsely portray it as inevitable.



The plan envisoned by the philo-Semitic, mixed race EU ideological influencer: Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi

The ultimate reason why all Europeans should fight, dencounce, and ultimately remove the European Union (EU) from existence and influence over our nations and national futures. The genocidal, racially anti-European and Semitic-aligned objectives of the so-called European Union (EU) as a method of destroying the European races with a centralized ‘control commission’ more deserving of the title of the ‘Jewropean Union’ than oh the European Union it falsely claims to be.

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Further to my earlier post, the following may also be of interest:


A) Kalergi Plan; The Extinction Of The White Race

"The man of the future will be race-mixed."

—Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi

The Kalergi Plan consists of the genocide of white people through miscegenation and mass immigration of non-whites to Europe. This plan, drawn up in 1923 by Count Richard Kalergi, is inspired by human mastery over farm animals. It seeks to generate a passive, tame, predictable and manipulable mixed race, of inferior character and intelligence, over which the Jewish aristocratic elite could eternally rule, since this inferior mind would prevent them from organizing to rebel, and even realize that they are dominated.

The term Eurasian-Negroid race can be found in Kalergi's books. That is what the Suprematist Zionists are desperately trying to achieve. The extinction of all cultures and races, particularly the European.

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“Since dogs often resemble their owners, it’s no surprise Americans are as mendacious, shameless and genocidal as Israelis.” Despite considering the situation for decades, I still have yet to determine how having Israel as “our strong ally” benefits US interests in any way whatsoever. (Note: By "US interests" I refer to the public interest, not that of our corporate overlords.) So the real question is: Who is the dog and who is the owner?

“...it’s irrelevant whether I hate or love Jews. All that matters is whether what I say about Jews, Arabs, Russians or Chinese, etc., is true or a lie.” This is a good point, suggesting a good thought experiment: Would the utterance of such observations be deemed acceptable if one could first be provably shown to actually love Jews (for example)? I think we know the answer, and it clearly illustrates the irrelevance of applying such labels to people in response to “unacceptable” speech.

The eternal riddle: How do you defeat an evil enemy without becoming like (or even worse then) that enemy?

BTW, if the café ever gets tired of the German nature show, they can always tune in to “Keeping Up With the Kattarshians,” a 24/7 show in Iceland that features the lives of 4 stray kittens living in an oversized doll house. (No kidding—search the web and you’ll find it!) You may laugh, but to me it seems far better fare than most of what I can find on Netflix these days.

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the women appear naturally strong and dignified it is a delightful read

As for the Jews, they are incapable of being truthful and I avoid meeting them

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Hey, this post is sitting in my mailbox to read in full. But a friend passed the bit with my name along. I feel you about the "Jew hater." When I came out with that I was groping for a word. I didn't want to use anti-Semite because anti-Semitism has a long and varied tradition you are not drawing on. As in all your work you are struggling to express your individual sensations with your logic. Right on. Moreover, anti-Semite has long since become a word Jews call each other. Meshugas. "Jew hater" gets the point across that you are speaking with rancor. But "hater" poses 3 obvious problems. First, no one who has spent time with you finds you hateful. Second, this is of importance to those who know you only on the page since your monumental work, the Postcards, demonstrates your ability to engage with anyone who comes along in a situation where you are isolated and vulnerable. That is, you are not defensive or hostile, what we usually mean by hate. Third, damn. What was the third? Oh, right. Kids these days. By anti-Semite or Jew hater or racist they mean ooo icky without a concrete referent. I can't deal with that. Whole new world. Anyways. So I asked myself what could I possibly call you instead. You are a poet, who deserves a proper word. You are moreover a poet who titled his novel Love like Hate. So yes, Jew hater is out. Could not think of a word. Tried Yiddish, where you would think we would have a rich vocabulary, but no luck. Went to bed and woke up this morning with the solution. Jew blamer. You blame the Jews. That is what you do. So, from now on, your epithet in my epic ranting is "my good friend and frequent collaborator Linh Dinh the Jew blamer." Catchy. Now, I again feel your position that it doesn't matter who you hate it matters whether what you say is true or a lie. Well, you don't lie. You aren't a liar. One could say that it does not follow that what you say is generally true in some fact-checking way. But I don't care about that. I am not going to argue with you about public health or Israeli politics. I am interested in what these true things are that you are saying by blaming the Jews. I will write about that on my patch. For now, I am writing to say, yes, indeed Jew hater was malapropos. Jew blamer will be the bon mot.

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Fair enough, Dan, but I've never been against anyone born Jewish, or anything else. As I've said over and over, I'm against Jewish thinking. This is an issue expertly probed by Laurent Guyenot and Gilad Atzmon. I've criticized Abdel Nasser for his Marxism which wrecked Egypt. I have a Lebanese friends who hates Jews but who, ironically, is infused with Jewish thinking.

Mark Ashwill's hit piece on me is free of analysis. His only point is that I'm a hater, so he quotes Elie Weisel, Thich Nhat Hanh, Martin Luther King, the Buddha and, ah, you, "It strikes me that writing in a gratuitous, hateful, and rude manner about my people has won independence for Linh."

What have I said about Albert Bourla, Rochelle Wallensky, Ihor Kolomosky, Vladimir Zelensky or Israel that's gratuitous?

Tackle that, Dan, and leave the name calling out of your argument.

By standing up to Jewish power, I've certainly gained intellectual independence, but at the sabotage of my career and even social standing in the US, something Ashwill himself points out.

Viet Thanh Nguyen, an author much loved by the establisment, just had a NYC reading canceled because he dared to speak out against the current Jewish onslaught against Palestinian civilians. Of course, he didn't use the word "Jewish."

I don't dance around, Dan. If I mean Jewish, I say Jewish, just as people are free to say the Vietnamese, Chinese, Russians or Germans.


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Mark is younger than us. They see things differently. I don’t see what he wrote as a hit piece, though that is a quality that I often miss. He did publish in Counter Punch, which does publish hit pieces. First article I read there was by Bob Buzzanco. We had published him at VNG on dissent among US generals to the occupation of RVN. Bob was mysteriously bent out of shape at Keith Taylor for punting out that the anti-war movement used materials by Nguyen Khac Vien, the VC propagandist. He was calling Keith names, which is like beating a dog. So I have avoided the magazine. As both a boxer and a pacifist I find even the title in bad faith. But Mark it seems to me calls it as he sees it in your case. You are telling the world what you think and he paid attention. I regret calling you names. I was not trying to. I am not trying to blacken your reputation or hurt your feelings. I have been writing about you since you began publishing and plan to continue. I don’t want to change your mind. The most powerful thing I hear you saying about Jews is a rejection of the institutions that didn’t really get you over to independent authorship. They did the same thing to Langston Hughes. Viet has prevailed so far. You have broken with all that. Good for you. I may write on my own account how I don’t see them as Jewish thought, but as I say I am not interested in changing your mind. I like your mind. I trust its engagement with the world. I am reading with interest as you proceed.

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“Americans are as mendacious, shameless and genocidal as Israelis.” This accurately describes the fundamental nature and potential of all mankind, but overreaches a fair bit as many Americans strive for truth, modesty, and the preservation of life. I only point this out because such a broad statement from you puts me in a weird place. As a Christian who has researched and reasoned my way out of Christian Zionism, am I now to support and esteem another who despises my kind?

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Linh Dinh doesn't hate us. He is just that kind of friend that thinks it is kinder to be brutally honest so we can improve rather than to sugar coat and only say things we like to hear.

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to me it seems clear that zionism - of any variety - is fanaticism and racism

unfortunately, the ideology of "manifest destiny" - instrumental in building the united states of america - is also an example of that

as mark twain said, truth is powerful medicine - people can only stand it in small doses

as the medium lobster - of the late, lamented fafblog! - pointed out, we all have limited perceptual abilities

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US history is much more of a mixed bag than the "Plan Dalet" and "Iron Wall" that the Zionists planned and implemented against the people of Palestine. I am not trying to rationalize the crimes (including those visited on all the people of the South by the Union forces), but there was also a lot of good and cooperation in the details of how the US came to be. And now there is something called equality under the law in the US while there is nothing close to that in Israel. Jews are the only citizens that count in Israel, even if they live in NYC or Argentina or Russia! We need to pull the US back from being an empire and make it a Christian country again. That would improve it a lot. And yes, that will require throwing off our Jewish masters.

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