Kevin Barrett wrote a great line that, strangely, YouTube won't allow me to share with Christians standing with Israel: "Once we Jews have crushed and humiliated our enemies once and for all, and Mr. Messiahwitz definitively rules the world from his blood sacrifice temple in J-Town, the world will finally be at peace."

A friend, a Christian, whom I have known since 1978, said to me of the Gazans, "Best to get rid of them all, Old Testament style." I replied, "Well, it is very unsettling that you would support the destruction of all those suffering people." We haven't spoken since. I want very much to keep my friend, but we find ourselves on opposite sides to a comical degree. First the Jewjabs (I'm not vaxxed), then Ukraine (he's with Uncle Schmuel) and now this.

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I'm in the same boat. It is shocking to hear some of the "kind" things Americans say about the Palestinians. And then they talk about how medieval Islam is while seemingly forgetting all the people America has bombed for the last 100 years.

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Thank you, Linh. Always entertaining!

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"Christians stand with Israel" ... the Stockholm-syndrome perennial mantra of the Christcuck. No one is more disgusting.

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Lihn, Kissinger is finally dead at 100 years old. Wasn't under his orders that Cambodia was bombed?

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1/while missus charley is away on business this week i am watching nature documentaries about the geological and biological history of the planet on youtube, at double speed - the planet was here before our species, and it will carry on afterwards

our friends at wikipedia quote thomas nagel [born july 4, 1937, in belgrade, whose most widely read work is the essay what is it like to be a bat?]

"If sub specie aeternitatis there is no reason to believe that anything matters, then that does not matter either, and we can approach our absurd lives with irony instead of heroism or despair."

2/kissinger has finally passed away - of course he is praised and condemned - as a younger person i might have had an emotional reaction to the event, but frankly, i neither celebrate nor mourn his death - i do feel a tiny twinge of regret that his successor secretary of state, and fellow mass murderer, dick cheney, is till alive, ten years after a heart transplant --- but i'm still alive, too, and enjoyed my cup of mocha this morning

as i wrote in a rap rhyme once ---

smile at your neighbor, smile at the sky

life is a blessing - why ask why

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As I pointed out in an earlier comment, Chinese are the Jews of the Orient. Be it in the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Now Vietnam, Chinese have been on a buying spree because as a result of their role as Uncle Sam's partner in crime, they are brimming with Uncle Sam's cash to splash around.

The Chinese revere their God of Wealth 財神, whereas the Jews revere Satan.

Until the middle of last year, investment consultants on local radio programs were urging Hong Kong investors to buy property in Penang, Malaysia. But now, they have changed their tune, and are recommending Vietnam as a good place to invest in the property market.

In light of the economic hardships plaguing much of the world, it won't be long before the populace take it out on those whom they perceive as benefiting from their misery.

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As I understand it, the Israelis hogged all of the pfizer shots for themselves and wouldn't share them with the poor palestinians. People this selfish and stupid (just the facts) no doubt have no plan for the day after in Gaza. They are going to wake up with a real hangover from World War III. (Where was I last night?)

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