It is James Corbett in Japan? Pewdiepie is in Japan too now. :-D

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> With current film wizardry, it will be even easier ... to stage landings on ... the sun

> at exactly noon (when it’s hottest).

Reminds me of an old joke. Asked about the Americans' success in landing on the moon, the astrophysicists of _____ [country X] scoffed. They boasted that they would soon land a spacecraft on the Sun! When it was pointed out that the Sun is unsurvivably hot, they replied 'Yes, but that is the genius of our plan. We're going to do it _at night_!'

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"Martin lives in Portugal, with a decade in Belgium before that. Like Morris Berman, Fred Reed is in Mexico, as is Australian Max Igan. Canadian James Cobbert lives in Japan. I’m composed and well fed in Vung Tau."

Linh what a beautiful statement as always.

Jeff is also in Mexico

Everyone is somewhere


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Was checking out the latest propaganda on the local TV channels the other day, and sure enough, they were all promoting the latest "Booster" shot. Even the alleged liberal on the local PBS station was blabbing on about it until I finally turned the channel as I felt my Irish temper kicking in.

The Booster comes in two flavors, Pfizer or Moderna.

I remember when they tried to get us to decide between Ford & Chevy.


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I also am very glad you continue to let us in on your life in such an entertaining fashion. And I almost love your photographs more than your writing. Browsing through your previous writing I discovered the links to tales of Americans who have moved permanently abroad and found them deeply fascinating, especially some of which will have been shaken off their peaceful and fulfilling trajectory such as the man who was raising children in Kiev. And I wonder what has happened to some of them, like the man who was going to return to Mexico in light of the changed attitude to immigration in America. Did he go ahead and return? Sounded like a good idea. I escaped the frozen north for good forty-five years ago and am firmly rooted in Australia, despite being at heart, a Canadian - that will never change - but I have no desire to return. There is always a feeling of not belonging though, and not really wanting to belong to the country I have lived in more than half my life. I think this is the condition of a certain sort of person who will seek out this kind of life. I knew American draft dodgers in Canada who could not return to the US for many, many years and when they could, tried it out and promptly high-tailed it back to Canada - being displaced is a state of mind some of us are comfortable with and wouldn't have it any different. I am not arguing for it, I think some of us are born that way and have trouble being a fully-fledged anything.

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Yes. I wouldn't mind the gecko's life.

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In Montreal I saw quite a few homeless panhandling under -10 degrees celsius. However, I think at night they slept at the metro station or in the underground mall galleries.

Corbett in Japan? I thought Japan was a very difficult place to migrate to, how do you do it? Unless you have a job there, or marry a Japanese.

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Thanks so much for another wonderful essay. There are so many homeless living on the streets in Sacramento. It's really hot here right now. 110 degrees! Talk about being boiled alive!

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I'm very glad that you continue to write for your English speaking audience.

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Linh...are the people in Viet Nam getting the Covid jew jabs too? hope not...we already damaged them enough with the "regular" jew jabs for "polio" and all the other non existent "viruses"...not to mention agent orange and napalm...the "virus" hoax explained...share it...https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHmg8EY3cXPD/

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Hi rich,

Yes, many have gotten jewjabbed. The greatest irony is the initial batch of Pfizer in 2021 mostly went to Hanoi, with top ranking Commies and their families snatching them up!

Here in Vung Tau just a couple days ago, I talked to an engineer under 40 years old who told me his two teenaged sons had gotten "vaccinated" with Pfizer shots. Though he has worked in Egypt, Scotland and Qatar, he's pretty clueless about everything and believes in Western news sources completely. He thinks Ukraine is winning the war, for example.


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Taiwan also went whole hog on the jabs as soon as they could get them. With the Asian level of respect for education far higher than that in the West, trust in medicine will probably endure longer there than it will here, where the more alert among us are quickly getting trained out of it.

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I have found Eastern Asians to have a great deal of respect for the American media. They don't respect their local media but think since American media is "free" what they report must be true. However they understand that that same media lies about their country. Another form of Crichton's Gel Mann amnesia. But then many Americans can see that the media is filled with lies about America but then they assume that it is telling the truth about Russia and China.

I have also found that eastern Asians cannot believe that their doctors would deceive them about the jewjab or at least have no idea what they are talking about. That is why that I see doctors worldwide as being some of the main villains behind the Covid hysteria

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In Korea they have taken it. I think they trust white Western science. Specifically some pro white racism, like we're white now, jabbing like whites. Like buying an Audi.

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“Martin lives in Portugal, with a decade in Belgium before that. Like Morris Berman, Fred Reed is in Mexico, as is Australian Max Igan. Canadian James Cobbert lives in Japan. I’m composed and well fed in Vung Tau.

In 2020, Yankees pitcher Masahiro Tanaka returned to Japan over safety concerns for his wife and kids. Why stay in some deadly shithole? “

The new kind of voters - they use their feet. It’s the new trend - get it while it lasts…

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In the past this was a good strategy. Nowadays, the globalist reach is reducing our choices.

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Sovereign money is the next step to stay ahead, and to be free from the demons and devils.

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Sovereign money will at least loosen the grip the centralized authority is striving to tighten. But I think it is important to understand that money is actually more of a promise than it is a store of wealth. It is a promise to deliver something of value at some unspecified time in the future. If there is nothing to be had, nothing can be delivered.

When I was younger I knew people who used to live in Soviet Russia. Most Americans had an image of the average Soviet citizen as someone much poorer than his US counterpart, but this was not necessarily the case, at least when it came to money. Many Soviets had plenty of money--there was just nothing to spend it on. If they saw people queuing up in front of a store, they would get in line, even if they didn't know what had come in; the hope was that they could exchange their almost worthless rubles for something that could be used or bartered.

Anyone who is fortunate enough to have some extra "money" in hand should be thinking seriously about how much they want to exchange for things of intrinsic worth while they still can.

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