We can see your usual wry humour at work in the juxtaposition of the last 3 photos you posted. Pity you didn't add another - that of Mr Vance praying at the Wailing Wall. It would've rounded the set off nicely.

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Now, why would a thirty-something write an autobiography at such a young age? Unless his path to the presidency was already planned in advance... just like BHO's "Dreams..."... just like rFK Jr's "American Dream"... why is it all about dreams, when all we get are promises and nightmares? And why is MSM promoting Vance like crazy?

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"And why is MSM promoting Vance like crazy?"

Same reason they are expressing such wide-eyed delight at rediscovering Kamala: they are being paid to.

This is the real reason the news media never shuts up about American politics: campaigns are now just about their only source of ad slot sales apart from pharmaceutical conglomerates, armaments cartels, and the fossil extraction industry.

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I am just glad that Vance is on team Big Jew and supports Israel killing those nasty Palestinian children after Hamas turned millions of Israelis into soap and lampshades.

Unfortunately our politicians only gave Bibi 55 standing ovations when he deserved 6 million or at least 666.

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Enjoyed reading this again after the last couple of days. Vance, it seems, just like Trump is always in the process of reinvention. Whatever will sell. It just proves, I suppose, that you can be really smart and insightful even, and yet, a warped personality will always surface when the bidding gets good. We are really in for it with these two. They have both sold their souls to the devil and we will all pay.

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The laughable thing about books by politicians is that in many cases, they are probably NOT written primarily by those politicians. At least a few have the integrity to give their ghost writers a byline on the cover (i.e., “WITH -name of real writer-”). It’s hard to imagine that Killary herself wrote any of the books credited to her. Many are exercises in public relations, written to burnish the reputation or create/market a particular image of the “author”. Others exist only so a bribe to said politician can are called an “advance”--the well-known and increasingly outrageous “book deals.”

Most I’ve read are a waste of time and money, but occasionally you can pick up a nugget or two of interesting information from them. For example, Chris Christie’s book “Let Me Finish” is mostly his pathetic attempt to duck personal responsibility for “Bridgegate.” But he does tell one interesting tale about the Transition Plan he created at Trump’s request. (Transition Plans are legally required of all candidates, but must be prepared without federal funding.) According to Christie, his plan was summarily thrown in the trash after he was elected, by certain “ambitious” people close to Trump. True? Maybe or maybe not, but if so, it would explain a lot of the chaos and horrible appointments we saw.

On the flip side, Trump advisor Peter Navarro wrote a book that was a complete waste of time. I don't read many of these, and felt bad that out of those few, I chose this one.

I read JD Vance’s book just last year. It was so hyped when it first came out that I had given it a pass--such heavily promoted stuff is often disappointing. But at our local used bookstore I stumbled on 6 or 7 remaindered copies going for $1 each. Since the chief cost of reading it would be the time invested in doing so, I took a chance and bought one. It was at least interesting. I’ve read other books on this subject, and a lot of them are either overly-academic, or are “poverty porn” (for lack of a better term). It is hard to find the few that give you some true insight into those parts of humanity. Well-written fiction by insightful authors is overlooked as a good place for this, as are books like your own, that just let people talk and tell us their own stories.

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And very likely, Vance's was ghostwritten. I know someone who's ghostwritten big-name books.

Vance is Obama hopium for Appalachian whites? (I am not Caucasian myself- Asian here- but hope I did not offend anyone by saying this.)

But, will many still bite?

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Ah, there's a neologism that should enter the lexicon--"poverty porn"!! New name for "rags-to-riches"?

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LD, I'm glad you wrote that succinct review. I was flirting with the idea of reading the book or even watching the movie. Unnecessary now. btw, I grew up in Arkansas and this hillbilly shit grows old fast.

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Hi Jimbob,

Before writing about Hillbilly Elegy, I was thinking about Denis Johnson's Jesus' Son. Do give that a read if you haven't. It's certainly a classic about doped up and aimless Midwesterners.

I spent two months in Fort Chaffee as a refugee. A bluegrass band came in to play for us. I can't remember if I've written about it. The PX was like a magical realm. Elvis had been in Fort Chaffee.


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It almost never ceases to amaze and confound me how so many Americans make decisions based on hunches and "gut feelings" instead of a rational thought process (as flawed and imperfect as the later often can be). Ask them why they did something and they'll respond with something like, "I don't know, I just had a feeling..."

How many Americans are now going to vote for Trump because of the "sympathy vote." A guy they didn't like before -- perhaps because the only significant thing he did in four years as Chief Executive was to cut taxes on the already very wealthy thereby contributing to the national debt -- now they "feel sorry for" because some half-wit (if one buys the highly dubious official narrative of the assassination attempt) took a pot-shot at him and clipped his ear (allegedly). His policies haven't changed; his ideas, at least as far as he can articulate them, haven't grown, and yet people now "feel" for the guy.

I'm not expressing any opinion as to whether Americans are or are not stupid. I am just puzzled why they think the way they often do? Perhaps the solution is as simple as adding some critical thinking classes to the educational curricula?

If you'll excuse me I have to go and "Make America Great Again." I haven't got any idea what that means or what it entails but it sounds good. At least to my reptilian brain.

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"Perhaps the solution is as simple as adding some critical thinking classes to the educational curricula?"

Ever see that George Carlin routine on 'The American Dream'? Tells you all you need to know about why American kids are never taught critical thinking.


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I've watched that segment from Carlin many times. I love Carlin for his honesty. And his insight and willingness to speak the truth in a society and culture that prefers to keep its head buried in the sand.

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I think we're all in need of a "cosmic event" as much as MAGA. In honor of the Rust Belt, here are my suggestions for urban renewal. I remember thinking about these things around the time that Hillbilly Elegy was blowing the nation's mind.


I’ve envisioned peaceful street battles by enlightened, emboldened and enabled street “artistvah” collectives such as The Shining Path of Totality (breakdancing crew) vs. Full Spectrum Dominance (Graffiti Artist Crew) in the full realization of Hip-Hop Hegemony Utopia among the ruins of the Oppression Cages once known as “functioning cities”.

Here in South Bend, IN:

On the day that Studebaker resurrects itself from the remnants of what the Guinness Book of World Records once recognized as the “World’s Largest Living Advertisement” https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/studebaker-tree-sign , RappVanWinkle will awaken and herald the beginning of a New Golden Age of revitalization and vigor in what was once the fallen city of South Bend, Indiana. At the feet of Touchdown Jesus will transpire the cosmic event known to the ages as WORLD WAR RAP! wherein lyrical transcendence will make manifest the exploits of Rhyme Prophets such as Rap Master x, Lord Rappington and Rapplestiltskkkin thereby verbally stripping the Rust Belt of it’s oxidation and replacing it with the electroplated chrome dreams of an Era Reborn. So it goes. So it will be.

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Tom, I applaud your efforts to Make America Great Again. In honor of J.D. Vance, I have one suggestion:

"Git er' done!"

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I promise you (and all America) I will. I just need to consult my "managerial consultant", Snuffy Smith.

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For a fellow that claims drunkedness, you are a good read.

I actually look for your comments.

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George W. Bush, good ol' Shrub-a-dub, has an excellent biography, "Destined For Destiny", probably written by someone from 'The Onion'.

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Those freshly carved up chickens on the BBQ sound damn good! It's all I can do to restrain myself from carving up my fat*ass, low I.Q. neighbor Walter and cooking him over the grill.

But then I am reminded of that New Guinea tribe in the highlands who were among the last cannibals in the world. They seem to have been exposed to a prion ( a sort of yet not completely understood virus) that caused degeneration of the brain due to their cannibalism. (I think I recall it called something like "Koshkiwasher's disease?"

I recall reading somewhere that prior to WWll the highlands of New Guinea had never been explored and they were thought to be unsettled. Then during the War allied planes flew over the region and the pilots were amazed to find vast settlements and extensive villages in the highlands of New Guinea. Now I'm sure they are being offered the American consumer selection between Coke and Pepsi.

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Unfortunately, the Aussies are mining and logging the shit out of it and committing ethnic cleansing.

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These "memoirs" are ghostwritten. But as with Obama's tome, it could be an indication that Vance has been selected as a future POTUS. What's one more puppet, after all? 😀

The bookies have Trump as the current favorite. 1.50 to Kamala 2.40. The money is usually right. But if the odds shorten, that could change. Stay tuned. The outcome is already decided.

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Linh: I thank you for the adventures of "Travelling For Universal Love"! (I have self-defined your collective of writings)

We need brutal (not violent) honesty in this world.

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Did you actually read Vance's book? His grandma murdered his grandad? Did she go to jail?

So many questions. What a bizarro country.

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Hi Frank,

Here's the rest of that passage, "When Papaw burst into flames, their eleven-year-old daughter jumped into action to put out the fire and save his life. Miraculously, Papaw survived the episode with only mild burns."

Talking about the Christmas shopping incident, Vance's Uncle Jimmy sums it up, “But yeah, like everyone else in our family, they could go from zero to murderous in a fucking heartbeat.”


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I tend not to believe Vance's story. We all want to create a family mythology. His stories sound like something a kid would imagine or a bullshitter would come up with.

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