It still hurts me so much to see the masks, especially on young faces. On old Libtard folks in Maryland, I have come to prefer they wear them so I can spot them coming, I want them to self identify as Globo-stoopids. They all had access to education and free information and the internet their whole lives. They just never learned to think critically, or they preferred to join the dominant tribe. I have no patience and no empathy, though it nags at me that I should. Old timey activists from the Boomer generation now laud the FBI and the CDC. People who would bore you to tears with lectures about processed foods now trust the FDA about experimental gene therapy treatments, or that it’s perfectly respectable to chop off their granddaughter’s breasts at a primo medical facility. Did you know that after 1932 in Germany the fastest growing organization, attracting the bourgeoisie professionals, was the SS? Speaks volumes about human nature.

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I would hope that the aspiring guitarist was trying to learn "Smoke On the Water".

Speaking of the Amish, I was pleased to see horse droppings in a supermarket parking lot in Bremen, Indiana yesterday. From what I understand, the Amish community chose to remain unvaccinated by and large. I have yet to see an Amish farm in the kind of disrepair that can exist among their "English"(SuperGoy) neighbors. To bad my resume is tarnished.

I enjoyed this "trivial" excursion! Sounds like a small case of the fuckits. Plastic stools in alleys where one can observe what appears to be functional life, wow! They don't allow that around here.

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"The iceman cameth all right. Too thin, he hoisted heavy bags of ice cubes and blocks of ice." This puts me in mind of deliverymen I've seen in Taiwan, like the guys who deliver bottled gas. You see them zipping around town on scooters with two or three bottles bungee-strapped precariously on the back.

None but the very newest buildings have gas plumbed in--gas is supplied by bottles on the balcony, and when one runs out, you call for a delivery. This arrives within an hour or two, always delivered by skinny, wiry guys. Usually they have to haul these full 15 gallon steel cylinders up 3 or 4 flights of stairs in buildings without elevators. And because of all the stairs, they're not using hand carts--they have to hoist the bottle on their shoulder. I don't know what these weigh--I'd guess close to 100 lbs. Pretty impressive, especially considering that they do this all day long. Even if I could manage it ONCE, I'd be shot for the day.

Do you have to be thin to get one of these jobs, or does the job keep them thin? (Admittedly, I see far fewer fat people on the street in Asia than I do here in the US!)

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Pol Pot was Jewish??

As for the Amish, as someone else mentioned, they are unvaccinated and did no masking or lockdowns before that. The smartest lot, if you ask me. Who's sorry now??

Perhaps modern technology IS the problem -- it desensitizes us to so many things. The Amish, I think, use no smartphones, TV or Internet, and certainly not the brainwashing social media. That explains why they are socially and mentally much healthier than most other people. I think we all will need to be more like the Amish if we want to survive.

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Looks like Kyrie Irving will finally be allowed to play again after agreeing to wear a yarmulke and read passages from the Talmud in front of a distinguished panel of Rabbi's at the local synagogue.

Emperor Silver: "Did you learn your lesson, Kyrie ?

Irving: "Yessum Boss"

Emperor Silver: "Good Boy....OK, go out & play with the rest of the kids now"


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Lihn, did you manage to fix your Nikon camera? The pictures are looking pretty good lately.

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Hey Linh,

I'm hoping we'll meet in the next life. You seem like family to me, a great human being.

I'm a big admirer of you-just sent you a little something. Best wishes, Ralph

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Linh, have you had a tetanus shot in the last five years? Concerned about your foot, and possible repercussions. And, why are there poor Vietnamese living in Cambodia? My knowledge of Indochina is about thirty years out of date. Thinking of Cambodia, it’s encouraging and reassuring that those people still exist, despite the genocidal Khmer Rouge. In college, (again, thirty years ago), I thought that Vietnam deserved credit for invading Cambodia and wiping out that regime, but I had no skin in that game. I was a feckless American smart ass college student. I also thought it was interesting how the various conflicts between Vietnam and its neighbors (after 1975) showed how the Domino theory (touted by a Democratic administration) and the perception of a United Communist Bloc was utter crap.

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Always so happy to see you in my inbox. I am thoroughly enjoying your book Love Like Hate. Saw in the dedication you mentioned a wife. No longer married, I guess. Do you have kids?

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Biden doesn't know if he's in Cambodia or Colombia lol


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We've talked about PP many times, but Sharky's on 136 is one of the most depressing places on Earth. Go for a drink and to gawk :)

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