Hi everyone,

Graham Seibert says that my stress on Jew in Jewjabs is belaboring the point, and is not helpful since "it has an anti-Semitic taste to it."

After listing some Jews who are antivaxxers, Siebert points out that Fauci, Collins, Wallensky, Biden, Gates and Schwab are goyim.

Klaus Schwab's Capitalism of All Stakeholders is dedicated "To my parents, Eugen Wilhelm Schwab and Erika Epprecht who taught me firsthand the value of education, collaboration, and the stakeholder principle.' Erika Epprecht is not Schwab's mother but stepmother. His blood mother is Emma Gisela Tekelius Schwab, a Jew.

As for Rochelle Walensky, she's a very famous Jew, so I'm very surprised to see Siebert listing her as a goy, but anyone can make a mistake.

Moreover, Rochelle Walensky is not just an ordinary Jew with little power, but the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Jewish antivaxxers listed by Siebert--Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolf, Celia Farber and Jessica Rose--do not control Covid policies, Rochelle Walensky does, and she's often on TV to push the genocidal Jewjabs, which in the US mostly mean Pfizer shots made by Jewish Albert Bourla.

Under Walensky, there's CDC Deputy Director Anne Schuchat, CDC Chief of Staff Sherri A. Berger, CDC Chief Medical Officer Mitchell Wolfe and CDC Director in Washington DC Jeff Reczek. They're all Jews.

America's Covid czar during the Jewjab rollout was Jeffrey Zients, a Jew.

Another powerful pusher of Jewjabs is Rachel Levine, the United States Assistant Secretary for Health. He's a cross-dressing Jew.

The scientist who created the Covid "vaccine" for Moderna is Tal Zaks, a Jew. Like Pfizer shots, Moderna's are also mRNA injections

All the American newspapers and television stations push Jewjabs. Again, you always know what the Jewish agenda is by what the Jewjacked media is pushing.

After 13-year-old Maddie de Garay became paralyzed from being Jewjabbed, her parents wanted to place a paid message on Comcast to draw attention to her horrific plight, but Comcast refused to run it.

Comcast's CEO is Jewish Brian L. Roberts, you see, and the poison that ruined this girl's life was made by Jewish Albert Bourla.

Remember when a cat stuck in a well would make national news? Now, we have thousands of children maimed by Jewjabs, like Maddie de Garay, or even murdered, but nothing is said in our Jewjacked media.


Since the Jewish angle of the Jewjabs is crucial to understanding what's going on, I will keep talking about it, and yes, I've been going at it awhile, to the irritation of Seibert and others. Sorry, Graham.

On 6/20/22, I named some of the more prominent Jewish pushers of JewJabs.

On 12/1/21, Jewish Jim Cramer raged on TV, "We have immunocompromised people who are incubators for every variant to come, walking around, lawfully unvaccinated?! That's psychotic! [...] So it's time to admit that we have to go to war against COVID. Require vaccination universally. Have the military run it. If you don't want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in court."

Earnestly asked on 12/30/21 by Jewish Amy Goodman about Covid “vaccines,” Jewish Noam Chomsky explained, “If the information came from Pfizer and Moderna, there would be no reason to trust it. But it just happens that 100% of health agencies throughout the world, and the vast majority of the medical profession and the health sciences, accept the actually quite overwhelming evidence that vaccination radically reduces onset of infection and deaths […] You can look at the data, they're available. When you do so, you can understand why there is essentially universal acceptance among the agencies that have no stake in the matter, other than trying to save lives. You can understand why poor African countries, who aren't paid off by Big Pharma, are pleading for vaccines."

On 1/10/22, Jewish Ron Unz said of The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, “Despite Kennedy’s efforts, my own position on Covid vaccinations or other related public health measures still remains very conventional, not too different from what might be found in the pages of the Times or the Economist.”

On 5/25/22 at Davos, Jewjabbing Albert Bourla shared a hearty, unclotted laugh with Jewish Klaus Schwab, “With the vaccine, there’s a fanatic group of anti-vaxxers that would go after us, no matter what. They would claim the sun didn’t go up because people were vaccinated [...] But that’s behind us. Everything went OK, so now we can move on.”

On 6/19/22, Jewish Rochelle Wallensky announced between impossibly tight smiles, "Covid-19 vaccines are now available for children under 5. With this recent authorization from FDA and recommendation from CDC, nearly 20 million children are now able to get vaccinated against Covid-19. I know many parents with very young children have been anticipating this day. We now know, based on rigorous scientific review, that the vaccines available here in the United States can be used safely and effectively in children under 5. Vaccinating young children is a critical opportunity to protect them against hospitalization and death from Covid-19. Parents, I strongly encourage you to get your children vaccinated [...] We have taken another important step together in our fight against Covid-19, by making safe and effective vaccines available for our little ones. I hope all parents will take advantage of these life-saving vaccines, and protect their children."

On MSNBC on 6/23/22, genocidal, remember-the-Holocaust Bourla was asked if "we're going to get updated mRNA vaccines every season that will be directed to each new variation of the Coronavirus, and will we have to take those shots every year?"

Bourla, "I'm almost certain about it, because, of course, regulators have the final say in all of that. But that's the beauty of mRNA. You can adapt your vaccine just by changing the sequencing […] So for this reason, I'm very confident we will be able to respond very, very fast to every new variant."


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Growing up Jewish, I was led to believe that the worst thing you could do was to marry outside the tribe. For example, in the musical Fiddler on the Roof, one of Tevye's daughters marries a non-Jew and Tevye literally won't see her; she is dead to him. This is the fate reserved for anti-jewjabbers in the planned brave new world: banned from society, we will be dead to them. Perhaps literally if we are not permitted to work or buy food. The essence of Jewish thinking applied to medical choice and body autonomy.

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Your research on Who's Jews is deeper than mine. We can agree that Wallensky and Schwab are despicable. We see eye to eye on the whole corrupt vaccine business. With regard to the Jewish Ron Unz, he sees the corruption in the US more or less the way we do, though he seems to be blind to the corruption in Russia. He also gave you the platform through which I found you. As the saying goes, "Whenever you have two Jews in a room, you have three opinions."

I'll close with the observation that I read and admire your work. Don't mind that we disagree. And I'll invite your readers to take a deeper look at my opinions. We're not that far apart on most things.


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'Graham Seibert says that my stress on Jew in Jewjabs is belaboring the point, and is not helpful since "it has an anti-Semitic taste to it."'

So WHO gets to use the moniker , "Semite". Not all Semites are Jews and not all Jews are Semites. Palestinians are actual Semites as they still live in Palestine, but not all Israelis are Semitic. Why do the Jews get the entitlement to name themselves and by legal and political coersion enforce their dishonesty?

Also, it takes a narcissist from the "Collective Waste" to declare that an 'Murican has any agency towards whatever the Russia's politics are! That's right; be woke, scapegoat those you cannot control but absolutely shut up on the corruption that's homegrown.

Linh Dinh's commentary is much more honest than yours.

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We were allowed during the Occupy period to say that 1% rule everything and exploit the masses, but we're not supposed to say anything specific about the ethnic characteristics of those 1% —well, you are allowed to say it's "white", as in "white supremacy."

But is it white?

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Hi everyone,

Graham Siebert's downplaying of the Jew in Jewjabs mirrors his failure to acknowledge how Jewish is the war in Ukraine.

That country's president (Volodymyr Zelensky), chairman of parliament (Ruslan Stefanchuk) and defense minister (Oleksii Reznikov) are all Jews. Jews are so proud of this, Tablet had this article from 3/4/22, just as the war was starting, "Jewish Ukraine Fights Nazi Russia":


Zelensky as president is a creation of Igor Kolomoisky, an Israeli Jewish oligarch so corrupt, he's even banned from entering the US! Before being lauded by the Jewish media as the new Churchill, Zelensky's greatest claim to fame was playing the piano on TV with his penis:


Like Graham Siebert, Zelensky, Stefanchuk and Reznikov are not fighting and dying for Ukraine, but advocating for the continued slaughter of Slavs, whether Ukrainians or Russians.

Like Siebert, Gonzalo Lira is also married to a Ukranian and is living there through the war. Unlike Siebert, Lira sees clearly the Jewish role in this tragedy, and grieves for all the dead and maimed Slavs on both sides.

Here's Lira on Victoria Nuland, a Jewish American who's a key player in this outrage:



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Half right, Linh. Kholomoisky and Nuland are despicable. I have written quite a bit on the topic, citing the Counterpunch source you mentioned yesterday in my most recent piece. Thanks.

It is true we have a Jewish president, put in place by Jewish oligarchs. He is, however, doing a very good job of defending Ukraine from its perpetually bloodthirsty, barbaric, aggressive Slavic neighbor. With the welcome help of thoroughly corrupt governments in the west. It is complicated. But we are free, and we are winning.


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Dude you're living in LaLa land if you think you're winning. Only because Putin is not bloodthirsty like the satanic west has the Ukraine not been completely wiped off the face of the earth. Don't worry though, that's coming and sooner than you think.

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Why do all the made-up Jewish names sound upper class British or German? Why do Jews try to hide their religious identity even when not religious? Why does the Jewish filth only rise to the top??

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Hi everyone,

On 3/29/22, I examined the Jewish angle to the carnage in Ukraine:



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Impressive piece. Nudelman is an ugly piece of work.

The Kazars theory had very widespread support, including from Solzhenitsyn. My recollection (don't sue me - I ain't lookin' it up) is that recent genetic studies have shown that they are mostly Semitic on the y chromosome, gentile on the X.

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Linh along with many other psyop scams for over 100 years now in America in addition to the Twin Towers being blown up largely on live TV on 9/11/01 after some planes were remote controlled into them (just to get started) there's this too, all of which all sane people who understand these things should be spreading to all people worldwide and demanding justice for, with just some of their spare time.

Lawyers' Committee targets sham FBI probe of 2001 weaponized anthrax attacks


or https://archive.ph/nyvzc

Foul Play With Death Certificates: Hospitals Made Record Profits (3:32)

Dr. Henry Ealy: "In Santa Clara County, California, and in Alameda County, California, they did a partial audit, and it lowered their COVID death certificates by 22% and 25%. Why? Because hospitals were counting everything they could as COVID... When they put COVID down, they get more money for it."


Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, PhD - Natural Immunity and Vaccination (1:44:23)


The pharmaceutical industry is dangerous to health. Further proof with COVID-19


or https://archive.ph/EKIjs

Best regards,




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Good to see you continuing to rant against the jabs. In fairness, though they are certainly produced by Jews (Bourla, Bancel, Gintzberg in Russia) they are also strongly opposed by an impressive bunch of the Chosen: Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, Naomi Wolf, Celia Farber, Jessica Rose.... Glad to have them on our side. Conversely, Fauci, Collins, Wallensky, Biden, Gates and Schwab are, loathe to admit, my fellow Goyim.

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Somewhere recently, Linh wrote "Again, I’m not talking about anyone born Jewish, but those infected with Jewish thinking. There are millions of Arabs and Orientals more Jewish than my Jewish born friends." In "Chris Hedges, Victoria Nuland and the Khazars" he writes "It’s Jewish thinking, with its racism, domineering quest, habitual mendacity, intolerance of dissent and lust for revenge, that is the enemy of us all, including those born Jews."

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However he casts it, it has an anti-Semitic taste to it. Anyone with eyes sees the same characteristics in them. Sometimes positive, sometimes not. Don't think if helps the cause to belabor the point.

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Yes, and the best thing Jews who don't have those characteristics could do is to speak out against those who do. Some do, but the fact is, that is risky for them as well.

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I agree, there are a few who will take on the task and they are our greatest allies. Some are controlled opposition, misleading in subtle ways. Some will touch on this or that subject, but by and large, when you criticize their group, they close ranks. I can think of only one who is willing to take on the Jewish mindset and psyche, the non-religious "Jewishness," Gilad Atzmon. I wouldn't conceive of calling him a "good Jew," I can only consider him a truly good human being. https://gilad.online/writings

Nathaniel Kapner is a "convert," though he retains the abrasive personality... A hard right activist, whatever his agenda may be, I cannot cite a single example of him misleading or lying. realjewnews.com/

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To be fair, Jewish people grow up with a sense of victimhood hammered into their brains, and most never get it out. You have to have incredible bravery to say what Atzmon does, and bravery is in very short supply in the West, as has been glaringly obvious these last three years as people submitted to totalitarian measures with few pushing back.

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As Mathew Crawford, in his "attack dogs" and "disinformation" series, has observed, these "good Jews" (I have to chuckle at most on your list) have outed themselves as controlled opposition, as was inevitable https://roundingtheearth.substack.com

"Anti-Semitism" is an irrational hatred. So, what is a justified apprehension or disdain, based on empirical observation? The tribe would have us all believe that any criticism of them or their behavior spills from a primordial jealousy, or is simply a law of nature.

Know More News compiles video proof of how the esteemed rabbis feel about us, and the plans they have for us and our world, why is it such a crime for us to have an opinion about them? https://www.bitchute.com/channel/qPYBk4x8LaDs/

I, personally, feel nothing toward Jews, I just want them to stop running the world through a chipper shredder.

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When Graham Siebert writes (Jan 7)

"Half right, Linh. Kholomoisky and Nuland are despicable. I have written quite a bit on the topic, citing the Counterpunch source you mentioned yesterday in my most recent piece. Thanks. It is true we have a Jewish president, put in place by Jewish oligarchs. He is, however, doing a very good job of defending Ukraine from its PERPETUALLY BLOODTHIRSTY, BARBARIC, AGGRESSIVE SLAVIC NEIGHBOR..."

_THAT_ is precisely how jews see ALL non-jews: as BARBARIC, , PERPETUALLY BLOODTHIRSTY, AGRESSIVE, MURDEROUS, as genocidal terrorists & savages.... ALL the people the Jews have ever lived amongst or dealt with - Egyptians, Canaanites, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Christians (Inquisition) much less heavens forbid Germans and Russians (and even - as Linh's many commentaries point out - ALL OF US Americans, Canadians, Europeans, ALL of Western civ!)


But this is pure PROJECTION - ACCUSE OTHERS of exactly what is in your own dark, corrupted twisted soul. The Jews as an "organized religion" RELISH their twisted memories of KILLING at least some people among EVERY ONE of their above neighbors!

Especially the Egyptians. The CENTERPIECE of the Jewish religion is CELEBRATING THE KILLING OF EGYPTIAN CHILDREN every year as their cornerstone of their identity and group cohesion, "the passover CELEBRATION" - "PASS OVER"

as in THE HAND OF DEATH PASSING OVER jewish homes going TO KILL EGYPTIAN children.

It is a psychotic, vengeance and hate obsessed, hate spewing culture. In his book, "Blood Passover" Ariel Toaff, the jewish historian son of the High Rabbi of Rome researches and relates how during medieval times Ashkenazi Jews in Germany (originally from Russia and Central Asia) would buy or kidnap young Christian boys, torture and murder them, drain their blood, and use the blood in rituals and in the making of matzohs and other foods - a (clearly SATANIC) RITUAL that was especially frequent during Passover season.

While you may recoil at this information as "hearsay" and "evil, unwarranted gross charicature and malicious stereotype" there are mountains of similar allegations from many other "anti-semitic" sources over the centuries...


In another passage in the same book, the author relates how THE STANDARD PASSOVER service (or ritual) went: in a dinner planned weeks in advance, the evening BUILDS TO A CLIMAX when the rabbi or father leading the service RE-ENACTS THE JEWS PRAYING TO their "god" FOR DELIVERANCE from their cruel oppressors, the Jews in Egypt PRAYING TO GOD for EACH OF THE PLAGUES. There is a moment of silence after each such prayer, before the service resumes, continuing on TO PRAY FOR THE NEXT PLAGUE,

and the CLIMAX OF THE NIGHT is when the JEWS PRAY FOR and GOD GRANTS the FINAL PLAGUE, the DIRECT KILLING of Egypt's first born males, accompanied by much wailing throughout Egypt - the Jews at this ritual dinner CELEBRATING what we would call A BIO-WAR ATTACK!

If you don't understand how an entire race/faith could SUBJECT THEIR OWN "modern" NEIGHBORS TO mass-murder BIO-WEAPONS GENOCIDE.... it's sitting right there in YOUR own copy of the so-called "holy" bible in cold, cruel, RACIST, GENOCIDAL black & white! They are INDOCTRINATED from birth to PRAY FOR KILLER PLAGUES to KILL THEIR NEIGHBORS!!!!

Even the (presumably non-murderous, non-cannibalistic) Jewish families who don't actually murder children... STILL _CELEBRATE_ a horrific, evil story TOLD RIGHT THERE IN THE BIBLE where a DRAMA QUEEN "god" INSTEAD OF JUST LEADING "his chosen people" to OVERT VICTORY & CONQUEST over the Egyptians (as most "normal" ancient gods would) - INSTEAD CREATES THIS DEGENERATE DRAMA-QUEEN NARRATIVE of KILLING ONLY SOME of the host peoples, then "leading his people" as they flee like mindless, stupid animals in the desert FOR FORTY YEARS.

There are many more problems with the Jews awful, evil "passover" i.e. "exodus" story, for one thing, the bible BRAGS that the Jews PLUNDERED their EGYPTIANS NEIGHBORS BEFORE fleeing!

(Exodus 12:36 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+12&version=CSB

There are 3 important sentences here right in a row, in Exodus 12:34 to Exodus 12:37,

for Exodus 12:34 is the famous origins of JEWISH UNLEAVENED BREAD "matzah" story, "because the JEWS HAD TO FLEE Egypt BEFORE THEIR BREAD WAS LEAVENED" - but wait! Exodus 12:36 TELLS US the JEWS HAD TIME to "VISIT" and EXTORT THEIR EGYPTIAN NEIGHBORS OUT OF GOLD, SILVER and other valuables!

So the "WE HAD TO HURRY and depart Egypt BECAUSE WE WERE IN FEAR!" is a SHAM! A LIE!

And look at 12:37 - the bible STATES that MOSES LED 600,000 ABLE BODIED MEN OUT OF EGYPT, plus their women, children and elderly... the bible is DESCRIBING AN ARMY 10 TIMES BIGGER THAN THE BIGGEST ARMIES of the ancient world at that time!

As Exodus 12:36 states that THE JEWS WERE STRONG ENOUGH TO EXTORT THEIR NEIGHBORS, an ARMY of 600,000 ABLE BODIED JEWS, i.e. WARRIOR AGED MEN under Moses (much less "under god"!) could have simply TURNED ON PHARAOH AND the ENTIRE Egyptian army and just WIPED THEM OUT, DESTROYED THEM!

That, however, would NOT SERVE the PARASITIC JEWISH NARRATIVE that jews are always the victims, so instead this HUGE ARMY of warrior aged jews FLEES in to the desert... where their god MAKES THEM WANDER IN CIRCLES FOR 40 years....


(see Youtube video darkMatter 2525 "The Most Bizzare Bible Story" for an animated cartoon of bible passage of A MURDEROUS OBSESSED 'god' STANDING ON THE CORPSES of THE JEWS HE HAS JUST KILLED with a plague of poisonous snakes!) https://youtu.be/uAQ1GJeYK0A

(And see also the story of KORAH, a Jewish man who confronted Moses, saying that his clan did not want to cross the Jordan river - Moses weasels out of the confrontation, but the next day "god opens the earth" and swallows up Korah and all his kith, kin, and clan at Moses' behest.

Clearly, the "god" of the jews (hebrew ) bible IS A VENGEANCE, BLOODSHED, and KILLING OBSESSED DRAMA QUEEN, an ENTIRELY FICTIONAL deity CREATED BY jewish priests, scribes, scholars, and nobles over the centuries WHO CLEARLY REFELCTS or _PROJECTS_ THEIR OWN HATREDS, FEARS, backstabbing contempt and loathing for other people, and an


Even without any kidnapping (buying slaves) and murdering of children, the Jews' on-going "passover" 'celebration' IS A SATANIC MASS MURDER RITUAL HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT, a TEMPLATE FOR terrorism BIO-WAR AGAINST HUMANITY, and an ONGOING CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY sitting right there in your awful, horrid bible!

And if the above isn't compelling enough, read the REPEAT SCENARIO of jews and their god KILLING, WIPING OUT EGYPTIANS with plagues, pestilence, and plundering armies in Isaiah 19, "PROPHECY AGAINST EGYPT" which even according to the bible's own timeline happened hundreds of years after "the exodus"


See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud

and is coming to Egypt.

The idols of Egypt tremble before him,

and the hearts of the Egyptians melt with fear.

2 “I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian—

brother will fight against brother,

neighbor against neighbor,

city against city,

kingdom against kingdom.

3 The Egyptians will lose heart,

and I will bring their plans to nothing;

they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead,

the mediums and the spiritists.

4 I will hand the Egyptians over

to the power of a cruel master,

and a fierce king will rule over them,”

declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.

note verse 16

16 In that day the Egyptians will become weaklings. They will shudder with fear at the uplifted hand that the Lord Almighty raises against them. 17 And the land of Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians; everyone to whom Judah is mentioned will be terrified, because of what the Lord Almighty is planning against them.


who will get people of nations TO FIGHT AGAINST EACH OTHER, "BROTHER against BROTHER, NEIGHBOR AGAINST NEIGHBOR, city against city, kingdom against kingdom" -



TO GET BLOOD and TISSUE SAMPLES off of THOUSANDS OF LOCALS - Ukrainians and Russian SLAVS - SO TO WHIP-UP RACE SPECIFIC BIO-WEAPONS... AND then be able to TEST THEM ON unsuspecting locals!


THE HIJACKED by satanist jews UNITED STATES GOVT. IS WAGING BIO-WAR TERRORISM mass genocide extermination against the entire human race!


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Even after more than 50% of Americans now distrusting the jab, there is still a mandate for all visitors to the U.S. (including children!) to be vaccinated. Mandatory for all non-American visitors. Now, I don't know how much they control it at this point -- I managed to get in and out without a jab last year, but in theory you can't. Biden's new year message was, again, "get your jabs". It's some sort of psychosis.

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I see neighbors and acquaintances my age with hearth problems. All are jabbed three times. But these are guys, never women. So maybe it is nocebo effect (I you believe you took poison, you get sick). So of course, I too developed heart rhythm irregularities out of nowhere, often before sleep or during the night. I got the Standard 2 injections, mandatory in Japan for flying, but no boosters. The regime sends appointments, but I refused. Everyone with thee jabs I know got Covid in Japan. They just coerced us, so we got sick. Some of us will die younger than we thought. This is just what it is. There has never been a greater crime. Mass poisoning.

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Great piece. I always think Europe is off the cliff until i read these different testamonies from America.

Workers are fucked everywhere but American elites seem to derive extra pleasure from fucking over the proletariat.

On Putin: Look im no fan of the hymies but i really fail to see whats so great about Russia. Seems pretty degenerate and corrupted to me. Just look at their abortion and aids statistics, should tell you something,, not particulary trad and wholesome.

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Russia really went through the wringer in the 90s after Boris Yeltsin let American (((investors))) rape the Russian people causing 85% inflation. I've heard Belarus is much nicer.

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Linh for a bit of comedy relief, like I know you do at times, I saw someone say not long ago tell people the truth and make them laugh or they won't listen. Here's some pretty good comedy too:

Waking Up From a 10 Year Coma (6:01)


JoyCamp is a comedy group Benny Wills has been in for many years. They do great comedy on and off for a long time now. Much of it is truth advocate comedy, which is great in these times of waking up to these mind-manipulating psyop scams and psyop scammers we've had all over the world for so long now. And of course people are on different levels waking up, if at all. Legacy mainstream TV/movies/radio really is much more powerful than most of us realize growing up I've learned. I mean if you don't know, you don't know. Combine that with people who play dumb about whatever, which some people, especially younger people, don't know anything about either.

Benny Wills: I'm a poet, comedian and modern day jester. I use wordplay and humor to shine light on the darkness, laugh in the face of evil and bring some much needed levity to a world gone mad.

My Parrhesia course (The Art of Communication) is helping people improve their public speaking skills.


Benny Wills on Odysee


Best regards,




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Thanks for the info on Walensky's underlings.


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Tell Troy to check out The Slavland Chronicles, Edward Slavsquat, and Anti-empire, all here on substack. They are way better than the Saker, as in they actually make sense.

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Great piece, Linh. Recalls for me when I first started reading your pieces in UR and you would report your conversations with people on the margins of society. I feel bad for the guy living in Wash. state who cannot teach because of mandates.

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Linh, you made it back to Bangkok just in time. The Thai government just announced that starting, I believe, Sunday non Thai travelers must have at least two Jewjabbs to enter the country. This started out aimed at the soon to be unleashed Chinese tourists but has been expanded to include all travelers.

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Linh, so glad you are open to comments. I watched the Eric Draitser / Sukant Chandan "Update on Ukraine" video. So much on which to agree. I'm inclined to agree in part with Sukant's take in his book The Martyrdom of Muammar Gaddafi. Not a best-seller - one review on Amazon. Anyhow, their take is that Russia's war on Ukraine is a product of Great Russian Chauvinism, as decried by Vladimir Lenin. These leftists support the right to self-determination of peoples throughout the world. We in Ukraine are definitely a people, as Putin is finding out to his chagrin.


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The problem is not Ukrainians fighting for whatever it is they believe, which I don't care one way or another, the problem is tens of billions of US dollars from the American and European taxpayer being syphoned for that cause (or to Zelensky's bank account, ant 10% for the Big Guy). The problem is Europeans becoming poorer and paying higher bills because, hey, it's more important for their leaders to "defend democracy (!??!) in Ukraine" than to protect the lives of your own citizens. As for me, I do not care for the Ukraine and I don't want my tax money going there. If the Ukrainians want to fight, they should do it themselves with their own money -- but no, millions of them are now refugees and will never go back to their "beloved country". I was mostly neutral at the beginning, now I have a huge antipathy for the Ukraine, for Ukrainians (they are pawns and don't even realize it!) and most of all for Zelensky, one of the most disagreeable public figures in recent memory.

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I listened to some of that, and stopped after I'd had enough of all the wokery, which didn't take long. Draitser and Chandan agreed that Brittney Griner shouldn't have been imprisoned for breaking Russian law because she's a black lesbian woman. Now isn't this reasoning saying that Russia has no right to self-determination? Russia has imperial intent because see how big it is? Ancient history proves it!

I was surprised to see Rob Urie making some sense on Counterpunch, though. He provides some history to the conflict and even provides a link where you can sign up to fight against Russia for, um, Ukraine? Go for it.

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These are, after all, Marxists. Of Greiner is a threefer. Black, gay, female. Maybe a fourfer - stupid as well. Yes, she broke Russian law bringing dope into the country.

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If you haven't read it, Draitser's opinion of Putin in the article Linh mentions, it was briefly on Counterpunch for free a few days ago, but now you have to pay. No thanks. It can be read here instead: https://www.newagebd.net/print/article/190462

Draitser compares Putin's actions to those of the neocon-controlled regime of George W Bush's and its mideast invasions, which is ridiculous on its face, Written in March 2021, it figures Putin as "pure evil" with "his finger on the nuclear button, muttering launch codes to himself." Draitser recognizes none of the provocations that led to Russia invading Ukraine, yet he accuses those who bring up the long history that forced Russia's hand of creating "an alternate reality where Ukraine is a Nazi state, where Russian speakers face a genocide, where aggressive war is a preemptive, defensive, ‘special operation.’" Gee, Bandara celebrated in Ukraine, the Azov battalion, 14,000 Russian-speaking civilians murdered in Donbas pre-invasion since the Maidan "revolution," NATO moving toward Russia for decades are all "alternate reality"?

The astounding thing about Draitser's take on the Ukraine debacle is that in saying that Putin is copying the neocon playbook, he ignores the fact that the neocons' power in the US is driving this proxy war, and when US/NATO politicians say they'll help fight "down to the last Ukrainian," they mean just that. The neocons are fine with killing every last Ukrainian rather than give up total US hegemony. But I guess these wokesters will ignore all such details because of the Biden regime's glorification of their identity politics.

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These people's lives you and they describe, while quite different from mine, sure seem similar in what they think. Depression and alienation have been something I've felt and observed on and off throughout my life.I often find myself unable to connect in any meaningful way with the vast majority while feeling that I am being sorted out and diagnosed by those I can't seem to fit in with. The programmed appear to need to label with what the authorities desire, to that which they are unable to define.I got some peace by making a subsistence living from the woods. I realized that the system was asking too much from me. A wife, kids, work, and a house were not things I could just jump into, as there would undoubtedly be events that I would be unable to handle, sending my brain into a spinning broken mode, making things worse for a family.

So the 'American Dream' was off the table for me. I considered myself unstable. Problems bring about thinking, then for me the thinking gets to be the problem as it drives living away. So I stuck my toe into the waters of 'normalcy' but never dove in. I lived a kind of Edward Abbey like lifestyle with far fewer girlfriends.

In my early 20's heavily into depression, I decided I was either going to be a prospector or die. I saved up 350 bucks, built a plywood scow, and took it up to Quiet Lake, Yukon, to float the Big Salmon River to Carmacks. The Sourdough Sagas book said some prospectors got 4 oz's on some bar and sure enough, I got 1/2 oz on some bar. I was on the river for two months depression free with gas money found. Paradise!

I think that societal problems that are or seem unsolvable do create depression in some people, including me. Nonetheless, I seek out problems.I wouldn't be here if I did not. Sick!

My cousin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXr4bfB9oO4 is another one along with my sister, dad, aunts and uncles and other cousins.

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No need for a deus ex machina. Give them time. They are nuking themselves.

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