Hi everyone,

Helena Lambert via Flickr just emailed me this:

You've been invited to join Russian Girls

L-LA has invited you to be a member of Russian Girls. L-LA's message: Dear linhdinh99, As we are witnessing right now the genocide of ukrainians caused by russian army with silent approval of russian people, we here at Flickr must react somehow. The problem with russians is that they now think their army of rapers and serial killers should have won the campaign if their military and intelligence leaders hadn't been corrupt to the bone. There are no signs of repentance whatsoever. There is a number of russian groups and photographers, who never expressed their attitude towards the horror their army brought into a peaceful country. Let us pressurize Flickr to suspend all activities of russian groups and photographers. If you back up the idea, post an image of a toilet bowl into this group, russians will understand the hint. To find out more about this group and to accept or decline this invitation, click here: https://www.flickr.com/groups/russian_girls/

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Send Helena this: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatrickLancasterNewsToday/videos

It won't change her mind though...

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Hi Linh--your comment "What we do have some control over is the salvation of our own ass, that is, we’ve been cornered into thinking like refugees" mirrors a thought I have more and more often. But at the same time, unlike the typical refugee, the feeling is growing on me that there is really nowhere to run any more, even if one is inclined to do so.

I recall some thoughts that Dr. Gary North shared once about leaving for another country. Paraphrasing from my admittedly failing memory (I read this many years ago), he thought it was a poor choice for most people, since they would find they were doomed to be forever strangers in an alien land, where their inability to speak or fit in like a native would always mark them as outsiders. For himself, he preferred to stick it out, come what may.

I suppose that of the US-born, the ones with the best chance of navigating this kind of life change would be the young; the older one is, the more difficult the adjustment.

Dr. North's belief probably reflects his awareness of the fact that the vast majority of those born in the US cannot function in any language other than English. Obviously, if one is of mixed heritage and/or is comfortable in another language, you have a big leg up and more good choices.

This leads me to wonder how difficult it has been for you to get by in your own travels. Obviously you are comfortable in both English and Vietnamese, but you have been to many places where neither is the native tongue. Do you have any difficulty?

Thanks for another good post!

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Hi JustPlainBill,

There are many Americans living overseas, and most of them hardly fit in. Many immigrants to the US also barely assimilate.

During my running around, speaking English was supremely helpful, though in South Korea, for example, hardly anyone spoke it. In Albania, sometimes I could communicate in Italian. In English speaking South Africa and Namibia, I could speak to everyone, so that was great, but South Africa, particularly, had safety issues.

If prevented from returning to Vietnam, I could have toughed it out in all the countries I visited, with Egypt being the roughest, not because of its people, who are great, but because it is a militarized state ruled by a dictator. I would have been OK even in Lebanon.


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P.S. If one defines "refugee" very strictly, as one who's fleeing from immediate or imminent danger, then it's really not a question of choice.

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That was always my working definition as well. But nowadays, I'm not sure how "imminent" the danger needs to be before we take action.

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I have seen you make this point - about the absolute necessity to become a refugee - several times. But in this, you appear to think that there are places that are free from a plan which is clearly a global one. Almost all countries went through phases of being mask cucked and restrictive and in a somewhat domino like fashion removed everything in the past few months. During the time you were in Namibia most of the Europe and the US returned to something like normalcy.

Albania was a haven for a long time, but eventually started requiring tests to enter. Things can change very quickly and places that seem like safe havens for refugees can quickly become the opposite. Indeed, many saw Ukraine as a great reset escape zone yet to have started a new life there in 2021 would not have worked out great for many.

I'm not sure there is any place in the world that will be totally free from whatever plans the elites have in store. There are some places where possibly you buy yourself some time, but plenty of people who move with 'escape' as their only reason spend that 'freedom' nail biting online.

Better to just turn the computer off and live your life. React to whatever happens as it comes while doing your best to enjoy the decline.

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What a gift to wake to your excellent blog. I stay at home in Sacramento but travel with you!

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Hi Linh --

"The US has become the biggest Jewish joke ever."

You bet... but I thought that was obvious any time after President Jimmy Carter.

The trouble is that Americans like the wife and I, too old to really move, but still working and realizing we are not corpses yet... but... we are living in one.

Like Musk buying Twitter. Americans I KNOW actually talk about this, as if it mattered. What's the use of social media when you live in a ditch and rummage dumpsters for something to eat. That is no lie: The area we live in was full of industry, no homeless, when we both started our working lives. Now? Dopeheads and cops and drifters and who knows. Americans lost their identity when the work left. They have not recovered their minds.

A few years back at your old Unz column I asked if Vietnam was a possibility for Americans wanting to retire. You were kind enough to reply, but I think just asking was all I wanted. There are those with tons of money... not us... and those who run for cover... not us either. Then there are the captains and crew who go down with the ship because, in the end, the ship however battered is all they know. That's us.

But best to you and yours. The my birthday is today, no cake, no candles, only Irish Coffee and a tin of sardines in hot sauce. Cheers!

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President Kennedy was the apogee of America. It's been all downhill for my country ever since his assassination, with the "selection" of senile Biden our nadir. My country may never recover from Biden, an old white man who hates white people, thus hates himself. He can't wait until whites become a minority in my country. He's doing his best to make it happen. He won't live long enough to see it, though his grandchildren will.

Biden, leading his frightened Euro weenie white "allies" by the nose in his obsession to defeat Russia, a mostly white country, symbolizes all that is wrong with white people. Those who say that white men are a cancer on the earth, and must be eliminated, could be right. This screed is coming from a disillusioned white American male, who is beginning to hate his kind. Glad I got this off my chest, Linh. My apologizes if I'm somewhat off-topic.

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Your mention of Hột Vịt Lộn brings back memories. My first week in Danang the other Americans bought me one from a street vendor. Hoe Vit Looooooooong (almost hatched ducklings) was the call.

The recollection of Vung Tau would have been complete with a mention of stinky fruit (sầu riêng) and either Biere 33 (ba muy ba) or Panther Pils, known to the GIs as Panther Piss.

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Hi Graham, there are many Russians here, and the Australians were here too, but many had to leave because of the Covid nonsense. They're coming back, though. My hotel had five whites who stayed for the +2 Covid years when Vietnam was closed. Three have just left, but two are still here. Mellow Vung Tau is as good as any place to be right now.--Linh

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P.S. Over at my blog, I posted videos of three women singing Yan Frenkel's "The Cranes" [" Журавли"], Yelena Vaenga in Moscow, Loboda in Kiev and Thu Thuỷ Sao Mai in Hanoi:




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Hi everyone,

I should have provided a brief intro to "The Crane". It's composed by Yan Frankel, who was born Jewish in Kiev in 1920. Frenkel died in Riga in 1989, two years before the collapse of the Soviet Union. Here's Frenkel performing his most famous song in 1982:


The Cranes

Sometimes I feel like the soldiers,

Who never returned from the bloodied fields,

Aren't perished in our earth,

But turned into white cranes

Since those long gone times until today

They fly and give us signs, so we can hear them.

Isn't this why so frequently and sorrowfully

We fall silent, watching the sky?

A tired flock is flying, flying up in the sky,

Through the fog, at the end of the day.

And among them there's a small gap,

Perhaps that's the place for me.

The day will come when together with the cranes

I will float in that same blue-gray mist,

With a bird's hailing out of the heavens,

Calling on all of you, whom I've had left down on earth.

Sometimes I feel like the soldiers,

Who never returned from the bloodied fields,

Aren't perished in our earth,

But turned into white cranes.

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Thanks. I had not even known about the song.

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Well, the Good News is:

There's no such thing as thermonuclear weapons. The Manhattan Project was a Psy-Op, not an ordnance development program. The real weapon is the narrative. Why build a YHWH-Strength Bomb when you can just SAY you have such a supernatural weapon, and get the masses to cower under desks on command, for generation upon generation afterward. (Well, maybe you have to cook up some mushroom-cloud films, too, but then you're good to go!) Think about it, what evidence is there, other than endless repetitions from government sources, of such supernaturally powerful explosives? It fits the exact mold of the "Moon landings", "Islamic terrorism", "Global warming", and "virus pandemic". They are a creature of the Jew John von Neumann's Game Theory, NOT the Jew Einstein's "atomic theory". Much like the Saturn V rocket, the bombs were supposedly tested for the first time, in the field, and lo and behold Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nuked, just as had been up to that point been pure theory. Also just like the Saturn V rocket, Uncle Sam seems to have "lost the technology" and never used it again. It's all a scam, just like the scamdemic. It's just a little older. But that's how government works: it piles lie on top of lie, without ever abandoning the overflowing arsenal of previous Weaponized Narratives.

The Bad News:

They're going to kill us off in ways much, much more excruciating than would be instantaneous incineration from above...

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What if we were all born, whether by choice or lottery, to live in this moment of great opportunity amidst adversity, when fates of eternal significance become loose enough for us to steer towards whatever our hearts or boredoms direct? What if any collective decision to find another way to hallucinate ourselves into a happiness we share peacefully with others is open for any one of us to adopt, bringing about in ourselves and others what we admire and respect by hard and sustained effort? What if we are all here, at this time together, reliving this great moment in human history, to replay and retry the decisions each of us made, one by one, so that we all eventually come to realize the universe is something that we make, like bread or love or fun?

In the moment before the hard struggles, there is time to review and recapture what is essential. Even if we all flash into ash, we will still have played an electrifying role in the energetic field wrapping itself around this planet, that small effect finding its own nonlinear way into the open discursive networks of the stars, the galaxies, and the clusters. Knowing the darkness is inevitable has not stopped all people from conceptually broadening their senses of illumination, revelation, enlightenment. Some people shine through effort pushed through bodies they have for that time, sometimes that's through a magnificant and unique performance; other times through keeping an ordinary walk and routine enough to see the seasons change alongside it. Take it all up: what was it worth, or for? We all have our weird answers.

Inspiring essay, and thank you.

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