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Feb 1, 2022
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Thanks a lot, Sylvia! I'm glad to be at SubStack, because I'm not distorted by anyone else's context or vision. I'll try to keep it going for a while.

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Linh--I think you may find that it was a blessing to be "stuck" in Namibia for longer than you expected. Here in the "free" West, Gates, Pfauci, and Big Pfarma almost have their hands on the Brass Ring--not only the government's blessing to sell toxic, inadequately tested injections, but enough control of those governments and media mouthpieces to make them mandatory.

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The love-struck gaze of Dr. Love in that advert is only accentuated by the upside-down spectacles in his hand. Like he's never seen such a sexy patient before, and his world's been flipped right over with desire.

"Girl...you got me head-over heels...my world is upside-down...

listen through my stethoscope...you can hear my heart pound."

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Hi all, I forgot to mention the stock quotes for BioNTech and Pfizer on the sreenshot, to entice you to invest in the Semi Final Solution, with the Final the “health” passport for those who survive. Make tons on mass murder.

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Hey Linh, I’m a poor fuck in Philly. How do I make a periodic 10 dollar donation?Btw what happened at Jew Unz review (?), lol. Glad to find you here...

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Hi Stonehands, if you go to my blog, there's a PayPal button for donations: https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/ Thanks! Since you're a Philly guy, surely you remember Joey Vento? The owner of Geno's, Joey was this South Philly Italian who liked to pose as a Harley riding redneck. Whatever, to each his own. Ron Unz, on the other hand, is a Jew half impersonating David Duke as a misdirection. With this Covid crisis, Unz is fully exposed as just a race baiting fraud, there to jerk his middle-aged Angry White Pussy crowd into a constant state of impotent rage against blacks and browns. His neatest trick, though, is to go on about historical Jewish crimes and deceptions while dismissing the current one, which trumps all others! As lives are ruined across the globe, with hundreds of thousands already killed by the Covid scammers, many of them Jewish, Unz Review features this article today, "Blond Hair, Blue Eyes--Some Thoughts on the Aryan Ideal"!

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P.S. Gilad Atzmon is the most incisive writer on Jewish fake dissidents or controlled opposition. After writing several articles about the deadly Covid "vaccine," Atzmon quit Unz Review. I don't know why, but perhaps Atzmon smelled a fish? C.J. Hopkins' last article at Unz was "The Covidian Cult (Part II)."

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P.P.S. Interviewed by Kevin Barrett on 9/16/21, I suggested that perhaps Unz was like Jerry Springer. Now I believe it more than ever. You know how Springer always has a moral lecture at the end of another appalling show? That's Unz also. Both encourage whites to behave as badly as possible while pretending to be their mentor or even father figure!

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I'll ask Gilad.

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Yeh, I called Unz flat out on his “ oh, I really don’t care about Covid; yet it has in fact killed 6 million..” bullshit. This guy writes 10k worth of pilpul on fraudulent holocoaster numbers/ yet expects his amen chorus to accept the Jew medical cartels latest scam numbers? He endlessly analyzes stuff like the JFK assasination to keep the quasi- intellectuals spinning around in the same rut; and like you maintain- to stoke and mid-direct the races. I like to call a spade a spade- but when you come right down to it it couldn’t be any clearer: it’s the people vs. the Bank.It’d the top vs.the bottom and Now, it appears that the international financiers have their sites locked in on blue collar whites such as myself; but let me tell you- here in Philly there is a broad spectrum of working class people who are completely fed up with the cock smokers in gov/media/tech/uni who are owned by said financiers.

Anyhow, I’m not an endless analyzer, a practical solution for me was to move to Philly 20 years ago (from nyc)because the row homes in Philly were 15- 20k. Unheard of - I bought and renovated one and live here like a king in Frankford. Fuck loans and banks.

I owned a late night pizzeria in old city for close to 20 years,cash only...a million stories and truly I am a Philadelphian after all the hair- raising hilarity that THAT entailed.

Your postcards were the only reason I stuck around at Unz. Hope to meet you someday..

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Ah, take it easy man. It’s the white tech people and coppers and university white wimmins etc. that are bitchmade, and enable the Globohomo ..white people are larded up with “empathy “... now OTOH, if youre white and you got some balls, you say fuck off to the FIRE economy and homestead north of girard, cash only develop your own little thing. You seem to know a little about Philly. Do you prefer to be a slave to the Jew banker for 30 years so you can keep up with your hipster bullshit artist virtue signaling friends who are scared shitless of colored people? ( yet make up the core of BLM here)

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I have no mortgages, just sold a property for 100% profit and now live completely mortgage free by the ocean living with 98% Whites. Why on earth you would take my disappointment with Linh's anti White insults and make the leap to my somehow being beholding to Jews is ridiculous. I agree with almost everything Linh says, I just tire of his lack of gratitude on his part forgetting it was us pussies that took his boat people in. Do you know he'd still be at Unz if Ron gave Linh the ability to moderate comments??? Thats why he initially left, then returned after getting no more than 12 comments here.. now he's gone again..

Enjoy Frankford mortgage free.

Btw I didn't flee my neighborhood or city out of necessity like you. As we speak my neighborhood is still relatively safe, how's your old nyc neighborhood?

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"what seemed like every article of his denigrating all White Americans as pussies." Only a moronic Angry White Pussy would make such a preposterously untrue claim. There are smart whites, courageous whites, manly whites and then there are Angry White Pussies. See the difference? I'm not denigrating all White Americans, but only laughing in disgust at stupid Angry White Pussies like you. Go back to Unz!

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while being angry is not good for my liver,but bourbon is...and i'm more of an arrogant prick then a pussy...being a born and bred south philly dago,is a compliment to me...never read unz ,except for you....linh i never thought of you as a pussy of any color...just another prick...

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Hi Stonehands, I've heard about the vaccine card requirement to enter bars and restaurants in Philly. Is it being seriously enforced? There must be businesses ignoring this, no? Philly had the best collection of neighborhood bars in the entire country. I imagine a bunch have already been forced out of business through this Covid nonsense.

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I haven’t been eating out since pats on south “papierre bitte’d” me. Yes, it’s being enforced but I havn’t been over to my my based Turk at Lazzaros, I’m sure he’s got balls and I could get a slice and sit down ( after 5pm when the gov/rulers go home) because he’s cash only; that’s usually a good indication of who is on the same page. Anyhow, all my poor bastard friends/operators in Old City finally dismantled their outdoor cuck sheds just in time for the rulers to double down and cause complete acrimony and grief with this vaxxed/unvaxxed dichotomy of the asses. But, I think a lot of vaxxed people are fed up with this shit and” boosters” no less, now nobody’s going anywhere but work and home. I sold my pizza store right before Covid, actually right during the initial panic,couldn’t un-scuttle the deal until the end of may 2020.. the famiky I sold to have balls( there’s that word again) they’ll be okay.... but the rest of the city is a spent force. Me and my guitar busk all over Center City, every day, since this madness began. No mask, cash only (lol) and I didn’t get sick for close to 2 years until this “ variant”... after all these dummies got jabbed- 2 different variants whipped through here- I finally caught it ( from my wife her whole vaxxed office got it) I’ve been layed up for a week, no big fucking deal, a whole lot of mass hysteria and hypochondria... due to instant and total surveillance/communication people can be led to believe anything.

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"the rest of the city is a spent force." If that is true, then much of the country is a spent force, even without the vaccine certificate requirement to enter bars and restaurants. Of course, you can confirm that the profit margin at most restaurants is precariously thin, so any dip in business hurts deeply. My father owned several restaurants in succession in California, and I worked in a couple of his kitchens.

My neighborhood bar in South Philly was Friendly, and even before Covid, it made very little money. There were many times I found myself sitting there alone, just talking to Dom, the co-owner and daytime bartender.

One of my favorite Philly bars was Jack's in Kensington. When the Inquirer wanted to feature it, the reporter, Samantha Melamed, asked me to accompany her. The article begins, "I had invited the writer Linh Dinh, because he has several times coaxed poetry out of the place."


Jack's was owned by an old Jewish guy, and Samantha is also Jewish. I point this out to clarify, again, that I have nothing against individual Jews or individuals of any other race. That would be preposterous. I only object to Jewish thinking, as betrayed by certain actions or rationales.

In any case, I was still kosher at the Inky as late as 2017:


With the internet, all newspapers lost readership, so the Inquirer went downhill with the rest. Its book review editor, Frank Wilson, lost his job. I'd see Frank every so often at Friendly, knocking down a few with all the extra time he had. Old school, Frank thinks Steve Lopez was rather a pussy for writing about heroin in Third and Indiana without trying it. If you piss Frank off, he'll swing his cane at you.

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Been wondering where you are Linh ?

A week or so ago on the local Phoenix Suns website, I said the NBA players should grow a pair & tell Adam Silver to take his vaccine & pound it up his fn azz.

I was of course, immediately attacked by a Jew (I know the guy) who gave the usual bullshit story about "keeping us all safe".

They say the same thing when describing the military, like ESPN's Mike (jew) Greenberg did a few weeks ago on "Get Up".

Too bad they (the cops) turned off the power at the DC anti-vax-mandate rally last week.

Was hoping to hear The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal speak.

Here in the USA, prices seem to be going up on everything, except maybe marijuana.

Can still get a 1/4 oz of really good sh!t for $38.

Stay cool Linh

Stay cool Linh

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Linh....I was HalconHigh over at Unz review.

They got my real name on this website lol.

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Yo Bill,

It's good to see you over here, and under your real name. Now I know I'm talking to Bill Sullivan.

I really think people should post under their real name, for it would eliminate much of the nastiness we too often see, not that you've indulged in that.

Around 3AM this morning, I discovered some moron was accusing me of "denigrating all White Americans," and what triggered him was this sentence, "With this Covid crisis, Unz is fully exposed as just a race baiting fraud, there to jerk his middle-aged Angry White Pussy crowd into a constant state of impotent rage against blacks and browns."

The moron even observed, "what seemed like every article of his denigrating all White Americans as pussies." Every article! All White Americans!

Stoked by Unz, Angry White Pussies are determined to be paranoid victims all the time, and when you're so blindly hysterical, you lose your abilities to even read basic English.

First of, only a moron can conclude that "Angry White Pussies" means all white Americans, unless he himself thinks all white Americans are angry pussies.

There are all kinds of whites: happy white pussies, angry white pricks, subtle white polemicists, tall white gentlemen, diseased white idiots, scholarly white warriors and Jewjerked white journalists, etc., and you can substitute white with yellow, black or brown to describe similar categories.

Only a moron can conclude that "tall white gentlemen" means all whites are tall and gentlemanly. I mean, this isn't just basic English but the most rudimentary thinking.

If someone says "Vietnamese cowards," all he means is, exactly that, Vietnamese that are cowards, and not all Vietnamese are cowards. For that, he would have to say "the cowardly Vietnamese."

I swear, man, someone should recruit Namibians and South Africans into a Literacy Corps to come to the USA to teach these Angry White Pussies how to read, write and, most importantly, think!


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Glad we're on a real name basis, Linh.

Used to get a kick out of some of the crazies (Angry White Pussies) over at Unz review, but never took them seriously.

Agree, basic logic should be a requirement in all American High Schools, but well, you know how it is.

Looking forward to your next article & hoping there's some good beer for ya in Namibia.


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I do agree that it's different to post under your real name -- you have to be responsible for what you write, in a way. Too much anonymity generates the nastiness that you increasingly see at places like UR. It's funny, the worst commenters there are usually the ones who don't even have a fixed handle, but just post as "Anon". Too lazy to even think of a pseudonym? On the other hand, I can understand some anonymity given current times...

Anyway, I think Substack is a better place so far. UR has served its purpose but it seems increasingly irrelevant and chaotic, or perhaps the idea is to muddy the waters, to publish so many random things that one "conspiracy theory" becomes as good as any other. I remember some anonymous guy publishing there a text saying that "the Roman Empire never existed", or something absurd like that.

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Thanks T.E. Creus

To be honest, I probably wouldn't have used my real name had I known it would be attached to my comments.

I just thought I was giving basic information so I could get on the website lol.

Now that it's there though, I'm cool with it.

Anyways, I've always felt that you should never post something that you wouldn't say straight to someone's face.

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The very same ones who end up venerating Jewish "racial cohesion" and ̷I̷s̷r̷a̷e̷l̷ occupied Palestine's strict and discriminatory immigration policies. Hmm, I wonder if that's a coincidence.

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wish you could call fauci,gates and xi,....jews too..seems that big money is made with mass murder..hitler hid his jew ancesters..so maybe all of the conspirators,have the lizard bloodlines that some of my other friends insist on....i just think evil people exist everywhere...and sheep.... ,that follow anything that moves..the blame game is behind all wars....so i blame everybody..at least the truckers in canada are showing some balls..but castro's bastard calls them terrorists....last time i mentioned gypsy's , you went postal on them...hope you still have that problem....i have a low opinion of the filthy inbred rich...and the stupid inbred poor..i worked in the nut house farm for 8 years...a lot of inbreeding at the root.

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I can see me building a raft out of a bunch of the kayaks we make, and setting off from Australia to try and get to Africa. To avoid being jabbed and tagged and tossed into concentration camps if I don't.

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