Oct 14Liked by Linh Dinh

Fun to see Tank Top at long last! I'm officially and old woman, too. 77 and going strong. No meds, walk at least 2 miles most days and enjoying this fucked up life as much as I can. I despise what's happening to the Palestenians, and now the Lebanese. I've decided to not even vote in this fucked up elections. They are all Zionists except for Cornel and Jill Stein, and Jill is a covidiot so no one to make believe in!

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Oct 14Liked by Linh Dinh

Tons of brittle fantasy defense attempts here as well.A clueless leftist with nice legs advocated anarchy,`like in Sudan?`,I asked.`No,but anarchy would be great`-`You`re dreaming !`.Her closing argument,`But if everyone was nice,it would work`,was presented with spiteful baby-eyes and the itchy cunt has ignored me ever since.

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Oct 15Liked by Linh Dinh

"A single father, Tank Top’s under a lot of stress. His Honda RSX is new, though, and both father and son are fat. They’re doing OK. They sleep with the AC on all night." Just four sentences to relate pretty much all one needs to know about Tank Top and son. I'm sorry that you were cancelled but grateful for you, your story, literary skill and art. Please spend part of your day knowing you have made a contribution and avoid all itchy cunt...LOL, made my day.

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Thanks to Kevin and to all those who have left kind, supportive comments. Appreciation is encouragement!--Linh

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

HollyWood , DisneyLand, Vegas, various NGOS, Media Adds, etc. etc. etc. were the greatest propaganda programming the world has ever seen. They even let most people become the massive Middle Class folks that could afford to go to these places, so the entire world wanted to come to America. And there was a time when America was a very Cool Place, with decent jobs, affordable homes etc.. , the country is still a beautiful place in many parts, but We were Hijacked by the USG Mafia Cartels , so we have been looted, geo-engineered and put on the demolition list. It was a Hostile Takeover , but no one showed up to fight against it - yet. And the people of the world still believe in the American Dream as Linh shows - regularly. They have no clue that the US populace is going to end up like the other countries of the world, that were destroyed without remorse. And you will never be able to convince most people this, because they too - were programmed.

Here if you like David Icke interviews - at 57 min. he gets into Israel -


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David spotlights Judaism's ruling elite for criticism while commiserating that its rank and file are just regular folks. He considers the Sabbatean cult to be their rulers and says these monsters hate the Jewish people stemming from their Sabbatean-Frankist inversion of Hebrew religion and that they dupe their kosher kindred w/ a psychopathic agenda that's not really "good for the Jews", the tribal motto of every swinging circumcised dick on the planet.

So the S-F's are the bad Jews and the rest of them are ok. Are we to believe the Jewish people would be just another unambitious minuscule group w/o the baleful influence of these aberrant psychos? This view is ignoring that intense tribalism and defeat of the gentile nations leading to Pax Judaica were ingrained almost from the start. It's in the Torah before the Talmud made it explicit and centuries before Sabbatai put his perverted twist on it.

The methods for takeover were also established long before SS - control of the money supply under the camouflage of a secret identity started after the tribe returned from Babylonian captivity. It's how they subvert empires that subdue them.

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I'm not that familiar with all of D. Iche's work on Jews but seeing is believing, and I've seen enough to make a solid opinion on the Zionist Jews that own the USA, E U and most of the M E. Not to mention the Genocide we all are witnessing. The Jews I've known including a couple in Israel are stand up people. Not saying that non Zionists can't be programmed and propagandized - they can. I watched it happen here in Ukraine in 5 years or so. Mix the propaganda with extortion, bribes, personal flaws, etc. etc. etc. and the Mossad/CIA Mi6 and the others and pretty much - they own you - Sabe' ? So I agree , this is not a new way of destroying/looting a country or Kingdom. The TV and News Media was one jackpot for programming a populace into N W Order putty. Спасибо

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Icke's the guy who made the reptilian hypothesis famous, so he had a directional dodge from the get go. It wasn't any particular ethnic or national group at fault. It was reptilian overlords who control primitive like-minded humans.

Even leftist anti-Z Jews are a problem because w/o bribes or extortion they see the slaughter of Palestinians as typical of White colonialism and under Uncle Sam's direction.

Welcome aboard the Dinh Train, making all local stops on the wrong side of the tracks. How'd you get to be on this Stack? How's it going for you as a dissident in Ukraine? What's your moniker "gmc" mean?

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Nothing wrong with believing in Aliens , since there are definitely other civilizations than ours - unless one believes he or she is one of those Chosen ones.

I read Linh on Unz Rev. and Ive been to Vietnam - 1970-71 and 2019. I lived and worked in Ukraine starting in 2008 - I know every dirty little trick that was played on the people of Ukraine - every one - so unlike a fake expert on Ukraine - I saw it unfold from before the beginning. Dissident ? How about Realist instead. Понимаю

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Not sure we've been visited by Aliens. More sure about ufo's as black tech. Other ET civ's certainly could exist, but I haven't seen corporeal/artifactual proof of their presence. I don't believe in Ancient Astronaut theory as is pushed by controlled opposition. Icke's story of an ET encounter reads like special op intervention to me.

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