Mr. Linh Dinh, your desire to seek out and to tell the truth about the world is greatly appreciated even venerated.

I'm increasingly finding that many on the so-called left and among so-called "progressives" have ulterior motives and hidden agendas behind their seemingly humane facade (often circling back to the desire for money and power even if it means selling out to the [capitalist] system).

Unfortunately telling the truth will get you nowhere. But perhaps someday -- not in this life -- you too will be standing among the likes of Shakespeare, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, etc. But then what do I know? Well, I do know one thing and it is this; truth is an increasingly rare breath of fresh air in a thoroughly commodified sold-out to capitalism world that, to quote an old movie "...can't handle the truth." If this society could handle some semblance of truth would all these half-conscious drone people be walking around with masks on? I don't think so.

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Hi Linh

'If someone has a better solution, learn from him, but adapt it to your needs. That’s the story of contemporary East Asia.'

It's also the story of the world as a whole. From alphabets to numerical symbols to mathematics we stand on the shoulders of giants. And many, if not most, of those giants weren't western Europeans. Our comprehension of history is relatively limited and parochial.

Get well soon.

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I always look forward to your work , incredible story teller . Get well soon !

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Chinese classical musicians demonstrate the outdated concept of continuous improvement. Well, it is outdated in America with the exception of finding ways to encourage children to have anal sex and mutilate their sexual organs. We don't even have continuous improvement anymore in staging color revolutions.

Take care of your health. Once you turn 60 there is a rapidly diminishing margin for error in how you treat your body. If you have a pre-existing problem, the body becomes adept at finding opportunities to make it worse. About to turn 70 and in overall great health but I have had to make major adjustments in the last 5 years including being pickier about the food I eat out, exercising more and stopping alcohol. A life of travel can be mentally rejuvenating while making it harder (but still possible) to live a healthy lifestyle.

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Thanks for sharing that video. So profoundly beautiful, Linh. Sending you healing prayers and big hugs!

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023


I wouldn't hesitate to say that you're as American as Philly and the many other places and people whose stories you've been gracious enough to share with us. I listened to your interview with Kevin Barrett, another Midwesterner (we can be insulated) and while I don't discount his academic credentials I thought that you had a better grasp of what's happened here than he did.

I laughed when you referred to some of UR commenters who've been somehow overly sensitized and incensed by your observations as "assholes". It was great to hear it out loud. I hadn't been back to Unz for awhile. He's got a dedicated following, that much is obvious. Thanks for being one of the few American writers worth reading of late.

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"Will lockdowns return?"

I don't think there'll be a new "pandemic lockdown", at least for a while, after the fiasco of 2020/21, however, I wouldn't put it beyond them to do something similar for other reasons and excuses. I think their idea is to eventually institute some sort of permanent semi-lockdown, with the "15-minute cities" and other policies, and the whole "metaverse" too.

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Good to hear you are rejuvenating. All the best!

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Hope you recover soon. if you feel you need one there are some very good dermatologists in Thailand quite probably some right in Ubon Ratchathani.

Your comments about adoption of facets of another culture brings to mind the results of this years Science Talent Search for USA high school seniors. Here is a list of the 300 scholars chosen for their projects: https://www.societyforscience.org/regeneron-sts/2023-scholars/ If you will note-at least 2/3 have either Northeast Asian family names or South Asian family names. When he was a high school senior Ron Unz was the top winner in this scholarly contest. He managed to parlay his intellect and talents into a very financially successful Silicon Valley career. Years earlier I was much further down on the 300 student list and managed to parlay my skills and talent into getting blamed for losing (what we call) the Vietnam War (which I believe is called the American War in Vietnam.)

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Such an uplifting and positive post Linh. I trust that you are on the mend and will dwell on the beauty for awhile and allow it to heal you.

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Hi Linh, feel better soon. Still in Vancouver BC, and missing my Asian toilet with the water spray gun.

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Lovely. I had not heard before about the sores. Hope they pass.

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Get well soon, Linh. I didn't know you went to Art School, not that turpentine and oil painting could cause such skin problems. I started practicing with oil painting recently, no problems so far, but now you worried me. But it seems now it has been a case of a bad skin medicine. As we get older, everything can become more of a problem. Frailty, thy name is old age!

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