Thanks Linh, great read. Those plastic chairs seem to be a favorite of kids whose parents can't really afford manufactured toys. They can indeed do alot of things.

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lol, those plastic chairs are ubiquitous in SE Asia. All but the most upscale eateries are furnished with them. Internet cafes, sidewalk restaurants, everywhere. In Vietnam, they seem to favor the child-sized models.

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Orwell was actually born to the elite, so I assume he must have been given to coprophelia to have written such things. On the other hand, all the ritual abuses British elite afflict on their children through boarding school education, perhaps he was telling the truth.

"Orwell is always sold as gritty and on-theground, willing to get his hands dirty with the common folk. But if we study his bio, we again find he is from vast pools of wealth. His real name was Eric Blair, and on his father's side the Blairs were descended from the Earl of Westmoreland. So he was an aristocrat on his father's side. But his mother's side is more hidden. Even greater wealth came from that side, since she was a Limouzin, rich French timber merchants in Burma. Francis Mathew Limouzin was a millionaire many times over. We are told Orwell's family had slipped into poverty, but that is a myth. The Blair side had slipped a bit, though not into poverty. But the Limouzin side was still very wealthy. His childhood friend from next door was Jacintha Buddicom, and she married a peer. So they had to have been in a very posh neighborhood. She was related to billionaire industrialist William Buddicom, who manufactured locomotives for England and France. Interestingly, he was caught up in the revolutions of 1848, when workers tried to burn his holdings in Rouen." http://mileswmathis.com/chom.pdf

Cambodians truly are the most stunningly gorgeous of all people. I tried blood once, it wasn't bad. I made it a practice to eat anything offered to me by my gracious hosts without question. When you don't have any idea what it is, it usually tastes just fine. Our aversion to strange foods is obviously mental.

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Lihn, if the bankers and warlords get their wish, there will be war with China soon, which will involve all of Asia. But let's hope not. In Western Europe, people are too old for war. But governments keep pushing for it nevertheless.

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