If you’re loved by the New York Times, Washington Post, New Yorker, Financial Times, MSNBC and CNN, etc., how much of a dissident can you be? Just three weeks ago, Anderson Cooper began his interview of Nadezhda Tolokonnikova with, “It’s so cool to actually meet you. We’ve only talked via satellite and stuff.” If you weren’t such a doddering reactionary, you, too, would swoon over the founder of Pussy Riot.
Aligning herself with all correct thinkers, Tolokonnikova hates Putin, Trump and cops, of course, but don’t ask her about Klaus Schwab, Albert Bourla, George Soros or Bill Gates. The world isn’t threatened by deadly Jewjabs, planned starvation and orchestrated wars, as schemed by Western “leaders” to achieve “net zero.” It’s endangered by one balding Russian! Tolokonnikova, “I love peace. I support Ukraine. Fuck Putin. I hope he dies soon.”
I only thought of Pussy Riot this week because there was a pussy riot in Taipei. Before Nancy Pelosi landed, there were all sorts of speculations, with some thinking, or perhaps hoping, the Chinese would shoot down her plane. Perhaps a false flag was in store.
When Pelosi landed then took off safely after less than a day in Taiwan, many infantile Americans started roaring that America had somehow won! China had been cowed into doing nothing, they concluded.
One TomHum left this message at my blog, “LD, too bad the fake war in Ukraine and Hollywood events like Pelosi's landing make your articles pointless!” Then, “China made a lot of announcements but at the end did not act. Worse, China's war exercises around Taiwan now look like a chest thumping act. Sorry China, next time it will be more painful. China will choose time, place, and battle? We will see.”
We will see, indeed. Taiwan is already paying for Pelosi’s grandstanding. With more intrusive war games scheduled around Taiwan, including missiles flying over it for the first time, ship and plane traffics will be interrupted, thus worsening the global supply chain problems. Thanks to Pelosi, Chinese troops are also getting their best rehearsal for an eventual invasion.
Americans, too, will pay, for so much of what they need for daily survival comes from China or Taiwan, so they’ll pay even more for everything, until this or that merchandise, including medicines, runs out. No population is so doped up as America’s. When not nodding off, they float on hubris.
TomHum, “Now it will be a long painful war for Russia, not the West, the longer the better. NATO is the one who is turning up the pain dial by supplying more and more heavier and deadlier weapons to Ukraine. They don't even have to fight and die but Ukraine and Russia do. All the 'inflation', 'Gas price too high' again by design to make the West looks like the victims and not the real offenders.”
So the US and NATO are in control, and their people’s suffering is only for appearance, to “make the West looks like the victims.”
I’m sorry to be quoting at length such a moron, but too many others also believe that through its shrewdness and boldness, America is humbling, if not crippling, Russia and China.
A Newsweek headline of 3/15/22, “Russian Army Days Away From Running Out of Resources, Military Experts Say.” Forbes on 3/18/22, “The Russian Army Is Running Out Of Trucks For Its War In Ukraine.” The Independent on 3/28/22, “Russian troops running out of food and fuel as offensive ‘falters’, says UK military intelligence.” Newsweek on 7/30/22, “Russia 'Running Out of Steam,' 'Growing Desperate' in Ukraine War: Experts.” Fed such bullshit daily, millions of TomHums agree.
We’ll see who will run out of what first. When it comes to war, those with more advanced weapons will win, most people think, but that has been proven dubious, as demonstrated repeatedly by the US itself. Plus, America no longer has that advantage, thanks to decades of mismanagement and corruption.
There are so many ways to lose wars, really, from fielding soldiers too fat, dumb or pussified to do anything right, to having your manufacturing too gutted to resupply your needs, to depending on your very enemies to keep your shelves stocked and your lights turned on. Having recklessly posturing pussies is no asset.
I’ll close with much love from Russia. Here’s a video that surfaced on the internet around 3/10/22:
Linh--I have so much to share on this subject that I could write a piece longer than yours. But this is your blog and not mine, so I will try not to go overboard here.
US “foreign policy” has devolved into not much more than a rather crude display of US willingness to use military force or political subversion unless its orders are followed. And as the country has come to rely chiefly on these as its primary instruments of “statecraft”, the art of diplomacy, never a US strong suit to begin with, has further atrophied to the point of invisibility. We now show up at diplomatic chess games not even to play checkers, but tiddly winks.
My wife is Taiwanese. We have many Taiwanese friends, and before all the travel griefs of the pandemic, I visited Taiwan with her often, staying for a month or two at a time. It is a mature democracy, to the point of putting the US “democracy” to shame.
A good example is the Taiwan government’s reaction to the Sunflower Student Protest Movement in 2014. (I was in Taipei when that happened.) Students took over the Taiwan equivalent of the US Congress building and occupied it for almost a month as a protest against the Cross-Straits Service Trade Agreement. They were not forcibly ejected, nor were there the massive hunt-downs, arrests, and “show trials” of participants afterwards. The outcome was that the government responded to these grievances by scotching the agreement, which was widely unpopular.
Compare this to the US government’s response to the 1/6 protest in the US. 18 months later, hundreds are still being persecuted. Some have been convicted and sentenced vastly out of proportion to their offenses; most of the rest might as well be in Gitmo, for all the prospects they have of timely and fair resolutions to their cases. The Capitol looks like the Green Zone in Iraq, not exactly a symbol of a government ruling with the will of the people. They are imposing one policy after another on the US public against the will of the majority (although admittedly, many are too brainwashed now to notice). Ask yourself which is the more mature democracy.
When the Taiwan public is surveyed on its attitude regarding the nation’s status, they are usually given some variation on three basic choices: 1) Move toward eventual unification with China, 2) Move toward declaring independence; 3) Status quo. Interestingly, the most popular response seems to be “status quo.” This reveals a lot about public thinking. There is probably a solid majority that would prefer independence, but many are subtle enough in their thinking to understand that this is not a realistic possibility in the near term; they answer “status quo” hoping that in the fullness of time, a way out of their dilemma might be found.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that ship has already sailed. Like Ukraine, there was a point in time where things could have been resolved with Russia peacefully, but that point has passed, and now Ukraine and the West as a whole have no way back even to the status quo ante. In Taiwan, that opportunity probably passed long ago, before Chiang Kai-Shek died. If, back in the 60s, he had abandoned Taiwan’s pretense about being the sole legitimate government of all China, Taiwan might not be facing the impossible situation it is today.
Regarding commenters, I hope you can find it in you to ignore the trolls and continue your good work. Don't let a few rogue trolls like some of those Unz commenters turn you away from blogging. Contrary to what TomHum says, your blog writing and the pieces in “Postcards” (I still love that book!) are really what life is all about. It is all this “Hollywooding” that is ultimately pointless.
The majority of Taiwan exports go to China. The majority of Taiwan tourists are from China. China can wreck the Taiwanese economy if they want. They are banning all sand betting sold to Taiwan as one example. China supplies 90 percent of Taiwanese sand. So goodbye concrete when building. They don't need to invade.
If you look at the history of Eastern Asia for the last 40 years you can see that countries don't invade each other. This isn't an example of 2 countries fighting but there is nothing about recent Chinese history to suggest they will invade. See how they handled HK.
Whites assume they will invade because that is what the Global American Empire does all the time including the vassal states in NATO. However you don't see Malaysia or Indonesia bombing Manila to help Muslims break away like NATO did with Serbia and Yugoslavia. Invading other countries and bombing ones you don't like is really a white and Jewish thing. Even when Muslim or African countries do it, the Global American Empire and or Israel are usually involved even if just behind the scenes
Is Pussy Riot still around? I thought they had been discredited years ago. Those sluts must be really old now. But not as much as Pelosi. As for Pelosi in Taiwan, it's just theatre, just like the supposed "killing" of "Al-Qaeda's leader", a fantasy if there ever was one.
As a Heritage American (w/ at least 4 generations of heritage on both sides) I am saddened and depressed by the enstupidation of my fellow Americans such as TomHum. C'mon guys...you're STILL believing their BS after all the lies of recent decades? I mean - you really think Russia is losing this special operation? They regrouped after the first few weeks and fell back on what they've been doing with great success for 80 years - corner your enemy into a pocket and pound them with artillery until there is no more enemy. And artillery is really cheap. In the next couple of months Russia will secure the entire Black Sea coast and the war will be over - with Russia dictating the terms.
Your boy, TomHum sounds like a genius compared to some on the local website.. After al-Zawahiri was (allegedly) killed, the comments devolved into a "Who killed more Terrorists" ...Biden or Trump ?
What Pelosi did was incredibly foolish. How much did it cost for her to go over there and mutter through a speech, only to piss off the Chinese ?
The Rooskies just gave Brittney Griner 9 years....Holy Shit !
I've been pointlessly pointing out the same in so many words. Within hours of the witch having landed in Taipai the boasting had begun. It's as if the bullfighter enters the ring, announces his intention to easily slay the bull and eviscerate it, chop it into steaks and have a BBQ right there. Expecting accolades and roses to shower down on his victorious head and to be handed the trophy right away, without the bull has yet even entered the ring. This sort of one act to the finale stupidity is exactly how every one of their crazy adventures starts. Nobody will be more surprised and outraged when in a few days or weeks they're running for their lives with their pants around their knees and the bull breathing hot and angry down their necks.
I still love Natasha. That was the best thing I'd seen in the early days of their Ukrainian adventure and it has aged well. Indeed Winter is coming. Thankfully it will be Summer in Oz and it should be the better to enjoy the show. We'll get ours though, we've earned it.
As for Poseur Riot... It's sad that Putin doesn't love them, but when 99.9% of your own generation also thinks you're a joke, well, time to hang it up girls. The saddest part is they've become a parody of themselves without realizing it. Russians are all about self-parody which makes that even sadder.
Love those gopnik parody vids. Thank you so much. There's something about twerking in a track suit that takes the vulgarity out of it, renders it silly but harmless.
What I find most interesting and depressing about the people who are all anti Russia and China (believing in all the attached hoaxes) is that they are usually the same people who believe all the other hoaxes and many are high IQ. As someone else mentioned this type of thing had destroyed my interest in conversations with most other Americans who are college educated.
Then there are all lot of people who see through some of the hoaxes like Jan 6 but then fall for ones about Russia and China. They latch on to any hoax that emotionally resonates
TomHums pass the Turing test, as do many of the Internet's commentators. This is not only because our idea of humanity has shifted towards mechanization, but also our disrespect for machines has also lowered our expectations for them, too.
But just as there are stand-outs among the humans who shine so brilliantly and earnestly in their unique identity, the machines have their stars.
Of course, some of them are just in it for the fun of the troll. Machines, humans, daemons: trolling is part of our asymmetric war with one another. Once we learn to love one another, then we understand joking around better.
Thank you, Linh, much appreciated. I have always said, China will N-O-T "invade" Taiwan. They don't need to, as we are beginning to see now. All they have to do is blockade it, severely restrict it's travel and commerce- it will fall into their hands like ripe fruit. The Jew-S. may try to strut the queer navy in the periphery, but even if a carrier battle group cruised into the Straits to show off how awesomeernhell it is, so what? The Chinese know damn good and well that they have all the time in the world, while the States are on life support.
And, "(gay)-TO"? HAR! Almost every head of defense in Europe is a Rainbow Warrior-ess/it...pathetic. Seems like Vlad the Impaler is calling the shots, as they deplete an already feeble supply of weaponry for the Kriminal Khazaria 2.0, of which most high-tech items rely on, 1) rare earth materials from Russia and China, and 2) the production of said minerals into functional components from-TAIWAN(!)...
Humiliation of their subjects seems to be the principle aim of the entire "West" now. Along with freezing them to death, starvation, and invasion on an epic scale from "undocumented migrants"...
Can anyone say, "Kalergi Plan"? Or "Cloward- Piven"?
Loved the article, Linh. Yesterday I heard that Nancy's Excellent Adventure cost the US taxpayers 90 million dollars. Of course, that's only for starters. But the octogenarian drama Queen doesn't care. She's going for her "legacy." A so-called "red wave" is hardly assured in November (despite the boasting of the neocon talking heads on Fox News), especially with the Republicans inability to put a stop to mass mail-in voting. With few exceptions, they promise to be even more hawkish toward China. What does it matter which broken party is in charge? The Hegemon, stuck in a 1950's time warp, is going down either way.
That 90 million is a drop in the bucket! Pelosi, you go, girl! (just a guess, I am not a biologist) When Biden drops 80 billion on hiring new IRS agents we will rid ourselves of those, now relatively few, pesky small businesses that cut into big business's rightful share. Vanguard will swoop in on the foreclosed small businesses snatching what should have been theirs all along. The poor will die from small business owners that have gone postal and are driving around in armored RV's shooting anything and everything. We'll be happy because we are being barbequed at Hollywood parties and don't have to eat bugs. It's all going as planned. Utopia is almost here. To protect others wear a mask and take your booster shot. Don't nap, stay out of the heat, and don't grow anything.
Hi everyone,
Taiwan's Office of the President has just released a commemorative poem by Tsai Ing-wen:
Her face has launched a thousand ships,
And will crumble the towers of Gotham—
Sweet Nancy made me immortal with a kiss.—
Her lips sucked forth my soul: see, where it flies!—
Come, Nancy, come, give me back my rice.
LoL....Pelosi's botox face couldn't launch a toy boat across a bathtub.
Linh--I have so much to share on this subject that I could write a piece longer than yours. But this is your blog and not mine, so I will try not to go overboard here.
I guess the short version is that I tend to agree with Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christiforou over at The Duran—Pelosi’s visit was an epic diplomatic blunder. (https://odysee.com/@theduran:e/china-focused-on-taiwan,-biden-white:e).
US “foreign policy” has devolved into not much more than a rather crude display of US willingness to use military force or political subversion unless its orders are followed. And as the country has come to rely chiefly on these as its primary instruments of “statecraft”, the art of diplomacy, never a US strong suit to begin with, has further atrophied to the point of invisibility. We now show up at diplomatic chess games not even to play checkers, but tiddly winks.
My wife is Taiwanese. We have many Taiwanese friends, and before all the travel griefs of the pandemic, I visited Taiwan with her often, staying for a month or two at a time. It is a mature democracy, to the point of putting the US “democracy” to shame.
A good example is the Taiwan government’s reaction to the Sunflower Student Protest Movement in 2014. (I was in Taipei when that happened.) Students took over the Taiwan equivalent of the US Congress building and occupied it for almost a month as a protest against the Cross-Straits Service Trade Agreement. They were not forcibly ejected, nor were there the massive hunt-downs, arrests, and “show trials” of participants afterwards. The outcome was that the government responded to these grievances by scotching the agreement, which was widely unpopular.
Compare this to the US government’s response to the 1/6 protest in the US. 18 months later, hundreds are still being persecuted. Some have been convicted and sentenced vastly out of proportion to their offenses; most of the rest might as well be in Gitmo, for all the prospects they have of timely and fair resolutions to their cases. The Capitol looks like the Green Zone in Iraq, not exactly a symbol of a government ruling with the will of the people. They are imposing one policy after another on the US public against the will of the majority (although admittedly, many are too brainwashed now to notice). Ask yourself which is the more mature democracy.
When the Taiwan public is surveyed on its attitude regarding the nation’s status, they are usually given some variation on three basic choices: 1) Move toward eventual unification with China, 2) Move toward declaring independence; 3) Status quo. Interestingly, the most popular response seems to be “status quo.” This reveals a lot about public thinking. There is probably a solid majority that would prefer independence, but many are subtle enough in their thinking to understand that this is not a realistic possibility in the near term; they answer “status quo” hoping that in the fullness of time, a way out of their dilemma might be found.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that ship has already sailed. Like Ukraine, there was a point in time where things could have been resolved with Russia peacefully, but that point has passed, and now Ukraine and the West as a whole have no way back even to the status quo ante. In Taiwan, that opportunity probably passed long ago, before Chiang Kai-Shek died. If, back in the 60s, he had abandoned Taiwan’s pretense about being the sole legitimate government of all China, Taiwan might not be facing the impossible situation it is today.
Regarding commenters, I hope you can find it in you to ignore the trolls and continue your good work. Don't let a few rogue trolls like some of those Unz commenters turn you away from blogging. Contrary to what TomHum says, your blog writing and the pieces in “Postcards” (I still love that book!) are really what life is all about. It is all this “Hollywooding” that is ultimately pointless.
The majority of Taiwan exports go to China. The majority of Taiwan tourists are from China. China can wreck the Taiwanese economy if they want. They are banning all sand betting sold to Taiwan as one example. China supplies 90 percent of Taiwanese sand. So goodbye concrete when building. They don't need to invade.
If you look at the history of Eastern Asia for the last 40 years you can see that countries don't invade each other. This isn't an example of 2 countries fighting but there is nothing about recent Chinese history to suggest they will invade. See how they handled HK.
Whites assume they will invade because that is what the Global American Empire does all the time including the vassal states in NATO. However you don't see Malaysia or Indonesia bombing Manila to help Muslims break away like NATO did with Serbia and Yugoslavia. Invading other countries and bombing ones you don't like is really a white and Jewish thing. Even when Muslim or African countries do it, the Global American Empire and or Israel are usually involved even if just behind the scenes
Is Pussy Riot still around? I thought they had been discredited years ago. Those sluts must be really old now. But not as much as Pelosi. As for Pelosi in Taiwan, it's just theatre, just like the supposed "killing" of "Al-Qaeda's leader", a fantasy if there ever was one.
As a Heritage American (w/ at least 4 generations of heritage on both sides) I am saddened and depressed by the enstupidation of my fellow Americans such as TomHum. C'mon guys...you're STILL believing their BS after all the lies of recent decades? I mean - you really think Russia is losing this special operation? They regrouped after the first few weeks and fell back on what they've been doing with great success for 80 years - corner your enemy into a pocket and pound them with artillery until there is no more enemy. And artillery is really cheap. In the next couple of months Russia will secure the entire Black Sea coast and the war will be over - with Russia dictating the terms.
Your boy, TomHum sounds like a genius compared to some on the local website.. After al-Zawahiri was (allegedly) killed, the comments devolved into a "Who killed more Terrorists" ...Biden or Trump ?
What Pelosi did was incredibly foolish. How much did it cost for her to go over there and mutter through a speech, only to piss off the Chinese ?
The Rooskies just gave Brittney Griner 9 years....Holy Shit !
Pelosi for Griner ?
I've been pointlessly pointing out the same in so many words. Within hours of the witch having landed in Taipai the boasting had begun. It's as if the bullfighter enters the ring, announces his intention to easily slay the bull and eviscerate it, chop it into steaks and have a BBQ right there. Expecting accolades and roses to shower down on his victorious head and to be handed the trophy right away, without the bull has yet even entered the ring. This sort of one act to the finale stupidity is exactly how every one of their crazy adventures starts. Nobody will be more surprised and outraged when in a few days or weeks they're running for their lives with their pants around their knees and the bull breathing hot and angry down their necks.
I still love Natasha. That was the best thing I'd seen in the early days of their Ukrainian adventure and it has aged well. Indeed Winter is coming. Thankfully it will be Summer in Oz and it should be the better to enjoy the show. We'll get ours though, we've earned it.
Speaking of bears and balalaikas:
As for Poseur Riot... It's sad that Putin doesn't love them, but when 99.9% of your own generation also thinks you're a joke, well, time to hang it up girls. The saddest part is they've become a parody of themselves without realizing it. Russians are all about self-parody which makes that even sadder.
Love those gopnik parody vids. Thank you so much. There's something about twerking in a track suit that takes the vulgarity out of it, renders it silly but harmless.
The west is super gay and all but i wouldnt invest much hope in Russia. China maybe but they did punk out in this case.
What I find most interesting and depressing about the people who are all anti Russia and China (believing in all the attached hoaxes) is that they are usually the same people who believe all the other hoaxes and many are high IQ. As someone else mentioned this type of thing had destroyed my interest in conversations with most other Americans who are college educated.
Then there are all lot of people who see through some of the hoaxes like Jan 6 but then fall for ones about Russia and China. They latch on to any hoax that emotionally resonates
One more reason to move to Russia https://www.ringingcedars.org.au/practice-of-family-homesteads-2018/
TomHums pass the Turing test, as do many of the Internet's commentators. This is not only because our idea of humanity has shifted towards mechanization, but also our disrespect for machines has also lowered our expectations for them, too.
But just as there are stand-outs among the humans who shine so brilliantly and earnestly in their unique identity, the machines have their stars.
Of course, some of them are just in it for the fun of the troll. Machines, humans, daemons: trolling is part of our asymmetric war with one another. Once we learn to love one another, then we understand joking around better.
Thank you, Linh, much appreciated. I have always said, China will N-O-T "invade" Taiwan. They don't need to, as we are beginning to see now. All they have to do is blockade it, severely restrict it's travel and commerce- it will fall into their hands like ripe fruit. The Jew-S. may try to strut the queer navy in the periphery, but even if a carrier battle group cruised into the Straits to show off how awesomeernhell it is, so what? The Chinese know damn good and well that they have all the time in the world, while the States are on life support.
And, "(gay)-TO"? HAR! Almost every head of defense in Europe is a Rainbow Warrior-ess/it...pathetic. Seems like Vlad the Impaler is calling the shots, as they deplete an already feeble supply of weaponry for the Kriminal Khazaria 2.0, of which most high-tech items rely on, 1) rare earth materials from Russia and China, and 2) the production of said minerals into functional components from-TAIWAN(!)...
Humiliation of their subjects seems to be the principle aim of the entire "West" now. Along with freezing them to death, starvation, and invasion on an epic scale from "undocumented migrants"...
Can anyone say, "Kalergi Plan"? Or "Cloward- Piven"?
Or Civil War 2.0?!
Oy, what a DEAL!
Loved the article, Linh. Yesterday I heard that Nancy's Excellent Adventure cost the US taxpayers 90 million dollars. Of course, that's only for starters. But the octogenarian drama Queen doesn't care. She's going for her "legacy." A so-called "red wave" is hardly assured in November (despite the boasting of the neocon talking heads on Fox News), especially with the Republicans inability to put a stop to mass mail-in voting. With few exceptions, they promise to be even more hawkish toward China. What does it matter which broken party is in charge? The Hegemon, stuck in a 1950's time warp, is going down either way.
That 90 million is a drop in the bucket! Pelosi, you go, girl! (just a guess, I am not a biologist) When Biden drops 80 billion on hiring new IRS agents we will rid ourselves of those, now relatively few, pesky small businesses that cut into big business's rightful share. Vanguard will swoop in on the foreclosed small businesses snatching what should have been theirs all along. The poor will die from small business owners that have gone postal and are driving around in armored RV's shooting anything and everything. We'll be happy because we are being barbequed at Hollywood parties and don't have to eat bugs. It's all going as planned. Utopia is almost here. To protect others wear a mask and take your booster shot. Don't nap, stay out of the heat, and don't grow anything.
Left wing, right wing, same bird.
"China's war exercises around Taiwan now look like a chest thumping act" - I thought everyone had settled on "sabre rattling".