Hi everyone,

Here's Gonzalo Lira on Victoria Nuland:


And Brother Nathanael on Zelensky:


Just two examples of people who are not afraid to stick their necks out to speak unflinchingly. Kevin Barrett is another one.

Compare these men to timid Spencer Brown, who defends his fear of naming his enemy or even signing his own name to an article, "Anonymity is a useful tool. Identifying yourself to hostile authority figures is only worth doing if you obtain a suitable benefit in return. Giving up your anonymity for nothing is not a "sacrifice." It's a foolish, sentimental gesture. Make an actual argument if you have one, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be a pussy than a retard."

The key phrase is "benefit in return."

For every Gonzalo Lira or Kevin Barrett, there's a million Spencer Browns.

Though Brown won't stick his neck out or speak up now, he's apparently preparing for some distant insurrection, "Of course I'm learning from the Bolsheviks [...] Whether or not they were "vicious, back stabbing weasels," the Bolsheviks--and Communists more broadly--organized a global network of revolutionaries that achieved some serious results. How they managed to do so is a question of immense interest to anyone opposed to the status quo."

With such opponents as Spencer Brown, the status quo needs not worry.


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As for the Bolsheviks' rise to power, it was no grassroot movement but an internationalist plot financed by Jewish bankers. Look up Jacob Schiff and Olof Aschberg, for example. Read Antony C. Sutton's Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.

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In 2016, the Times of Israel published a gushing portrait of “a strikingly handsome radical-revolutionary, Lev Davidovich Bronstein—otherwise known as Leon Trotsky [...] He founded the Red Army, commanding it with vicious blood-thirsty gusto.”

Before gaining power, Trotsky was funded by Jacob Schiff, who also gave Japan tons of money for its war against Russia.

Jewish hatred of Russia is examined by Solzhenitsyn in his 200 Years Together, a book suppressed in the West.

With the latest Jewish assault against Slavs, now in Ukraine, we again see "vicious blood-thirsty gusto."

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You're proving my point. Revolutionary movements are not grassroots, and they never have been. Elite factions fund well-organized movements that they think will damage their enemies. Thus, both Wall Street Jews and the German Empire funded the Bolsheviks, because the Bolsheviks were dangerous to Tsarist Russia. This has nothing to do with anonymity or pseudonyms being bad for some reason.

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Always a pleasure to read you. Happy New Year. Keep on educating.


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Adam Green (not Jewish) compiles clips of mainstream rabbis explaining how their "prophecies" require the destruction of the US and the Western world to achieve total Jewish world domination. https://www.bitchute.com/video/5nz8DbLLtCDZ/

He also ably theorizes that Christianity and Islam, the "Abrahamics," are spinoffs of Judaism, a controlled opposition meant initially to bring the Roman empire under their control.

I hated Christianity when I was a youth. I grew to believe Christian morality would be essential to resisting Jewry, but it seems all Christianity now worships Israel instead of Christ.

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I'm sure the status quo is shaking in its boots because you're here, preaching to the converted about "Jewjabs" and seething about the racial slurs in the Unz comment section.

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Hi Spencer,

Singly, guys like Kevin Barrett, Brother Nathanael or E. Michael Jones don't make the status quo shake in its boots, but collectively, they set examples for people like you to become less of a pussy, and I've done just that, so you owe me a couple beers, at least. For the first time, you're stating your case without a burqa.

Regarding the uncivility at Unz, I've repeatedly made a very important point that if a civilization loses its civility, there's nothing left to defend. That's not seething but logic.

If I can prevent just one person from getting Jewjabbed, or getting Jewjabbed some more, I've done something. It's worth trying.

Knowing your constitution, I'm sure you've gotten Jewjabbed, but perhaps it's time to stop getting boosted, boosted and boosted?


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Hi everyone,

Speaking of "benefit in return," the Bolsheviks certainly got theirs.

Consider Grigory Zinoviev, a Jew born in present day Ukraine. He had a luxurious apartment plus a suite at the Astoria Hotel, with access to "an assortment of young mistresses," to quote Victor Sebestyen.

As for Trotsky, he "had one of the grandest houses in the region, Arkhangelskay, once owned by Princess Yusupov."

Exiled to Mexico, Trotsky still lived in a very fine house. Cuts above, Trotsky had his requirements.


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I think more in the US care about the things that have been (and are being) done in their name in other parts of the world. And even more certainly care about what seems to be the obvious national suicide. But what one can do about them is something else entirely.

I think one problem is "bigness"--the System has grown so large that it makes individual effort seem small and insignificant by contrast. And those who can perceive what is going on often feel that the system is so broken, the country so messed up, the mess so widespread, and the atomization of US society so far advanced that things have moved beyond our ability to repair them. And thus we retreat to the personal level, where seeking shelter for yourself and those close to you feels like it is the best you can do.

It is not that people don't care. It is rather the "learned helplessness" they have deliberately trained into the population. And for some, it is easy to float downstream until it shows up on your own front porch. Graham Siebert doesn't realize it, but he is among those being sacrificed by Zelensky--like some of the rest of us, he just hasn't felt the pain yet.

Uncle Sam may feel he needs to 'stick his missiles everywhere,' but lately it seems like it is the West, rather than Russia, who is rumored to be running out of them!

I feel you when you say you forget way too much. I have often felt that if I could even remember everything I once knew, the knowledge at my fingertips would be vast indeed. And believe it or not, much of it is still in there, Your mind has simply lost the pathway to it. How many times do we recognize or remember something we thought we had forgotten, when re-exposed to it? Have you ever had the experience of hearing a joke again and recognizing it without remembering the punch line, only to 're-remember' it when you hear it?

When you said your mind automatically deletes things to make room for fresh impressions, it reminded me of Sherlock Holmes, who believed that when your brain was full, each new fact would push an old one out. He told Dr. Watson not to tell him anything he didn't need to know, for fear that it would cause him to lose something important.

Great piece! Hope you make it back to Vietnam in one piece soon.

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Hi JustPlainBill,

I've been thinking about how so many Americans can still think their society is not being deliberately destroyed, or that whatever that's wrong can be fixed with the next puppet in office? Though Biden is the clearest example of a bumbling fool being jerked by hidden masters, most Americans still believe in their system. These are the same people who consume mainstream media and get Jewjabbed. As their house burns down, they can't get their glazed eyes off the television.


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I hear that. Some recent poll reported that 40-some percent still approve of the job "Joe Biden" is doing even after 2+ years of this train wreck. I guess if they're going by what their TV tells them, they probably believe it...

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Just simply thanks for every post you write. I am so enjoying Postcards from the End of America. I read a story almost every day. Keeps me living in gratitude for my humble but sweet life. Happy New Year. I love forward to reading more of your posts in 2023!

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Many thanks, Peggy, and many thanks to all readers of my SubStack, which has been around for just a year. Writing for a serious and sane audience is a challenge I need.

Sānus means healthy, so the sane are the healthy in mind. Let's hang on to our relative sanity as the world becomes increasingly mad.

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I never understood your obsession with people doxing themselves.

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Were Mark Twain and B.Traven etc pussies too?

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Hi yungjung,

Do bother to read the rest of the thread before you comment. I already addressed this below:

"Let's say "Linh Dinh" is a pseudonym. This would not change the fact there's a large body of writing behind it, and an actual person to go with it, so "Linh Dinh" is accountable, and I'm liable to "Linh Dinh."

"All names are essentially arbitrary, thus "pseudo," so to speak, for there's no intrinsic reason why you should be called Spencer Brown and me Linh Dinh. A name ceases to become fake, though, when there's a man accountable to it."


"Eric Blair published as George Orwell, but he had a face, and was an actual person who fought. As a writer, Orwell never flinched from naming his enemy."

Finally, I'm not talking about any "yungjung" with his casual comment, but a young writer trying to make a name for himself.


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I can't ne bothered to read the whole thread, i just go by your original text. Ok, i see your point but then again there are writers who do not, at least not willingly, want their faces associated with their pseudonyms at all. Like B.Traven and Nikanor Teratologen (check out his books, if you havent already.) Anyway there is a case to be made for not wanting to ruin your life by "doxing yourself".

With that said, Happy New Year! Hope you'll get to eat some good som tam with sticky rice while you are in BKK.

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"An aspiring Angry White Pussy writer is afraid to say “Jews” or even to publish under his own name, because, “I’m not going to dox myself.” When your “men” won’t sacrifice the least bit, your nation is finished."

Hi Linh.

I suppose the Bolsheviks and the authors of the Federalist Papers and good old Ho Chi Minh himself were "pussies." Or perhaps it's the case that you don't know what you're talking about. Anonymity is a useful tool. Identifying yourself to hostile authority figures is only worth doing if you obtain a suitable benefit in return. Giving up your anonymity for nothing is not a "sacrifice." It's a foolish, sentimental gesture. Make an actual argument if you have one, but at the end of the day, I'd rather be a pussy than a retard.

As for saying "Jew," I suppose I should repeat "Jewjab" five times in everything I write. Then I'll be worth taking as seriously as the great Linh Dinh.

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Hi Spencer,

Now that you're signing your name to a statement, I can take you more seriously as a writer, but do I repeat Jewjab five times in everything I write? Calm down, now.

Anonymity is certainly a useful tool if you want to remain anonymous, and useless, as a writer.

Bolsheviks were vicious, back stabbing weasels, and they taught Ho Chi Minh how to operate. Are you learning from them too?


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P.S. the Federalist Papers by "Publius" were published to push for the ratification of the US Constitution, a document signed by two of three authors in "Publius." Every signer of the Constitution used his own name, of course.

If you, Spencer, want to praise yourself, it would be awkward to sign your own name to a review of your own book, no?

In any case, the Federalist Papers have nothing to do with anything in my article.

You can't fight a political enemy if you refuse to name him, and there's no political movement without identifiable personalities for the masses to rally around. If your cause is only pushed by shadows who must cover their own shadowy asses, for they're still much invested in the system they're pretending to oppose, it's doomed.

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If you're going to "sign your name to the statement" that every pseudonymous writer is useless, then you are not a serious person. I'm not even going to bother listing counter-examples, because I don't think that is what you actually believe.

Of course I'm learning from the Bolsheviks. Is that meant to be some kind of dig? Do you think it's some sort of badge of honor not to learn from your enemies? Whether or not they were "vicious, back stabbing weasels," the Bolsheviks--and Communists more broadly--organized a global network of revolutionaries that achieved some serious results. How they managed to do so is a question of immense interest to anyone opposed to the status quo.

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Hi Spencer,

Eric Blair published as George Orwell, but he had a face, and was an actual person who fought. As a writer, Orwell never flinched from naming his enemy.


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P.S. Let's say "Linh Dinh" is a pseudonym. This would not change the fact there's a large body of writing behind it, and an actual person to go with it, so "Linh Dinh" is accountable, and I'm liable to "Linh Dinh."

All names are essentially arbitrary, thus "pseudo," so to speak, for there's no intrinsic reason why you should be called Spencer Brown and me Linh Dinh. A name ceases to become fake, though, when there's a man accountable to it.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you identify with the white nationalist movement, no? Do you have a Malcolm X?

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Yes, I am more or less a white nationalist. I don't know exactly how you are defining "a Malcolm X," but I suppose the answer is no, we don't have one. White nationalism today is a collection of squabbling, disunited factions that have coalesced around various "charismatic" figures. Personally, I don't believe any of these figures to be great men of history.

I suppose the salient point here is whether widespread anonymity is the reason we lack a Lenin, or a Malcolm X if you prefer. I think the answer to that is decidedly no. All the major factions of white nationalism are centered around men with names and faces. There are public figures. Dozens, if not hundreds, of guys have been penalized for being publicly pro-white, to no discernible benefit to anyone but the enemy. If anything, I think the movement has a surplus of people trying to be "identifiable personalities for the masses to rally around." Plenty of leaders, plenty of commentators, plenty of publications, but no followers and no organization--and even those small organizations that exist are not quite sure of what action to take. I could write a lot about why the movement is ineffective, but I don't think anonymity is the issue.

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Hi Spencer,

As with any political agenda, someone must emerge who can clearly articulate not just the problems, but their solutions. This person can't dish out cheap shots or lapse into hysteria, obviously. Malcolm X fit this profile, and that's why I keep bringing him up as an example.

Without his KKK taint, David Duke would fit the bill.


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The "news" folks said last weeks cold snap was a once in a generation event. We've had similar events within the last five years so what gives? Sub zero temperatures with wind chills near negative forty last week. I bundled up and fought it for a half hour before getting scared and turning around. I'm crazy but not suicidal (yet, chuckling). When it made the low teens, it felt "warm" outside and I got out for a much better walk. Encountered a pretty black cat on a corner near an old apartment who I spoke to. I petted it and enjoyed watching it saunter down the middle of street, the highlight of my day.

It's fifty five degrees right now and I was wearing a t shirt yesterday. Just keep going. Take it as it comes.

Regardless of all of this orchestrated terror, wishing all a safe and manageably joyous new year!

Much thanks Linh!

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I'm curious Linh, do you make any distinction between Uncle Sam's thinking and "Jewish thinking"? The relatively tiny country of Israel has managed to assert an undeniable level of influence over American government and cultural institutions, despite Jewish people being around 2% of the population there. The "genocidal righteousness" of both countries has been on full display for decades now. Anyone who can read an IQ chart would be hard-pressed to label Jews stupid, yet despite a seemingly global reverence for American cultural products, many people in many countries characterize Americans as ignorant and boorish. Maybe Jewish people are just smarter and therefore more succesful in their quest to press for any possible advantage regardless of consequences?

As a Canadian, I've recently seen firsthand how the leaders (and majority of people) in a supposedly liberal country can descend to previously unthinkable depths basically overnight. In addition to Covid totalitarianism, my government has been enthusiastically supporting American imperialism (not to mention neo-Nazis in Ukraine) for years now. I'm all for your right to speak negatively about anything at all (though I've been puzzled by the "Jew-jab" thing), so my question is: do you think there's something that makes "Jewish thinking" more pernicious than any other strain of thought that righteously justifies immoral abuses of power and casual violence?

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Hi Ryan,

This article answers, at least partly, your question about Jewjab and Jewish thinking:



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Hi Ryan,

Below is a longer answer I gave to Isha Drew a while back:

The Jewish question is a huge topic I've addressed many times. Here are some of my articles about this:

"Blacks, Jews and You," https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2018/09/blacks-jews-and-you.html

"Kafka, Anti-Semite," https://linhdinhphotos.blogspot.com/2019/10/kafka-anti-semite.html

"Mass Child Sacrifice in Plain Sight," https://linhdinh.substack.com/p/mass-child-sacrifice-in-plain-sight

"Chris Hedges, Victoria Nuland and the Khazars," https://linhdinh.substack.com/p/chris-hedges-victoria-nuland-and?s=w

The bottom line is, I have zero animosity towards biological Jews, for that would be absurd. I'm only vehemently against Jewish thinking, and the crimes against humanity that result from this. That's why I'm highly critical of Nasser, for example. Though supposedly an enemy of Jews, Nasser's Jewish thinking wrecked Egypt.

Here's an exchange I had with Dan Duffy, my friend of nearly three decades;

Dan Duffy

Writes Viet Nam letters ·59 min ago

Linh, I have been startled to catch up with your thought. Thinking your views over has at last let me say something in general about the postcards project I have enjoyed all century. I will write that up over at mine. What to say here on yours about your view of the Jews. If you had jumped the other way, studying to keep mitzvot and learn Torah, I would have tried seriously to talk you out of it. That is our custom. So, you have in that sense done as we prefer. Beyond that, it is always good to hear these things out loud and see them in print. Plenty of people take offense at the Jews and never say so. Since you read scripture, you already know that Hashem and his, whatever, prophets also dislike us and our ways. So, again, you are with the program. Mazel tov. Okay enough fun. I am writing here now to address those security agencies who follow such as you: This man is my good friend. He has done as much as anyone, more than nearly anyone to reconcile the United States and Viet Nam, one mind at a time, with flinty words and no nonsense. Reviewing his work you too will see that no intelligence or propaganda operation could possibly be running him. He will do or say what he thinks, not as he is told. I remain hopeful that his conscience and strength of mind will lead him to express his understanding of the world order in different terms. But that is his fate, not ours. Please leave him alone to do his work as he sees fit.


Linh Dinh Just Now

Hi Dan,

In short, I have nothing against anyone born Jewish, but only Jewish thinking. It is a destructive ideology that harms Jews themselves. My understanding of this issue was triggered by Henry Herskovitz, above all, who was born Jewish, then Gilad Atzmon, among others.

Speaking to me in Michigan, Herskovitz pointed out the distinction between opposing Jewish thinking to being against Jews. Though Herskovitz is vehemently against organized Jewry and Israel, he's obviously not against his own family, whom he continues to love. Similarly, there are many "Jews" whom I respect and admire, and non Jews whom I'm contemptuous of because they embody or espouse Jewish thinking. That's the virus that must be contained, at least.

In an oddly overlooked story, “Jackals and Arabs,” Kafka deals with this issue. I've discussed it in an article, "Kafka, Anti-Semite":


Anyway, I'm glad you're speaking out about this. I'll always consider you a good friend, and I hope you'll think the same of me.


The commenter just before you on this thread, Matthew Rossman, was born Jewish. He's a friend who lives right here in Vung Tau. In two days, I'll be interviewed by Jacob Hofman, who might be Jewish. I couldn't care less.

The Jewish ideology is not just deeply racist, but genocidal, though often hidden under a cloak of "progressism." It's fueled by an indignant hatred of the other. If you don't submit to it, you're an enemy to be eliminated.

You should check out Laurent Guyenot's From Yahweh to Zion, Gilad Atzmon's The Wandering Who?, Schlomo Sand's The Invention of the Jewish People, Arthur Butz' Hoax of the Century and this video by E. Michael Jones, "A Goy's Guide to World History."


Anyway, I must cut this short since I have to catch a 6AM van tomorrow to Saigon. I'll write more about my ongoing visa ordeal later.


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Hi Linh, how pleased I was to see my name in the above comments. I appreciate your reviewing the Jewish thinking concept because either I've not encountered it before or I have and not remembered. I'll certainly take some time to read the links to your older articles provided. It accords with my experience growing up in a Jewish family, with parents who denigrated people who were not members of the tribe, calling them 'shkutz' which the internet informs me is a yiddish term for a non-Jewish male, corresponding to 'shiksa' the female term. Interestingly, the yiddish word is derived from the hebrew word 'sheketz' meaning 'abomination'. So this seems an example of Jewish thinking and 'othering'. I was taught to view non-Jews with external respect but internal disdain. I don't think that way. I never really had Jewish friends and now they are all gone from my life but one who is so brainwashed I can't really talk to him.

Hi Ryan fellow Canadian and news junkie. I echo completely your views on what Canada has become. After a difficult time for me in the late 1990's, I became an English language teacher in order to be able to leave Canada and have a career abroad. It is so strange for me that none of my family or friends seem much bothered by the Canadian version of medical tyranny, brainwashing, or lying media. I sometimes feel a twinge of regret that I'm not there to oppose it or support freedom. But I've come to realize that it isn't possible to wake up others. They have to come to the realization on their own. I send memes to that one brainwashed Jewish friend I still have in the hope that he'll get it one day.

Regarding the jewjab term, it makes perfect sense within the concept of Jewish thinking. For example, on the Grimerica podcast, which I recommend as some awake Canadian content, the hosts mentioned that we who have refused the injections are easily marked out as troublemakers. We are the 'others', the 'abominations' in the eyes of the normies. We will be the scapegoats to unite the normies in hatred and keep them in line with the great narrative. It is a jewjab not because Jews made it, but because it facilitates Jewish thinking in the masses.

There is another podcast I like to listen to: David Gornoski - A Neighbor's Choice. He takes a very Christian viewpoint, and one of his most important themes is that of the scapegoat as a target for the violence of the collective. He stresses the importance of individual freedom and responsibility and not blaming or scapegoating others in order to solve political problems. It's a new testament view and is opposite to Jewish thinking.

Unfortunately, Vietnam is very much a collective society and that does concern me about living here in the long term. Still, the Vietnam state is not as efficient as the Canadian one, so I'm hopeful I can retain my freedom.

@Linh - are you getting your new passport in Bangkok? Hope to see you back in Vung Tau soon.

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Hi Matthew,

I'm assuming you're back in Vung Tau. For an Asian city, it's so mellow and easy going, with lots of great food. I had it too good, man.

I need to get a new US passport and a 5-year visa exemption from Vietnam. These two processes will take at least seven more weeks.

With those done, I will retrace my way back to Vietnam, via a bus to Siem Reap, then Phnom Penh, before ending up in Saigon. I will probably spend a week to ten days each at the two Cambodian cities.

I'm exhausted, man, but I'm happy to be back in Bangkok. To me, it's a very relaxing city.

Regarding Jewish thinking, my view on this was greatly helped by those born Jewish, for they, naturally, have the best and longest access to its troubling aspects. What you just said above is a fine example of this.

OK, so I'll see you in late March or so,


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Thanks Linh. Yes I'm in Vũng Tàu. Staying put near the beach. Staying busy. No one in person to talk to about these topics, so I'll look forward to your return. Take it easy and good luck with the passport and visa process.

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You should've seen the backlash I received after I wrote that the Phoenix Suns upgraded from a Multi-Millionaire Jew (Sarver) to a Billionaire Jew (Mat Ishbia). Holy Shit !....If the deal had been arranged by a bunch of Catholics, I would've said the Suns pulled a Pope-A-Dope. Guess these Jewish people don't have a sense of humor.

There was a letter sent to Merrick Garland on Dec. 8th that was signed by journalists worldwide & human rights watch groups, imploring him to drop all charges against Julian Assange. Garland didn't have time for that but did have time to attend the State Dinner for Zelensky.

I was amazed at the footage of my old hometown, Buffalo, NY. I remember back in the "Blizzard of 66" we got 2 straight Mondays off school (to the dismay of my mother) because the snow drifts were so high. No reports of looters back in those days. We moved to PHX in '68.


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