Hi everyone,

Here's a photo of the crazy woman on Lê Lai:


You might think a person with so much rage can't last long, but it's actually her life force. My stepmother is no less angry. She'll probably live to be 120!


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I have not seen that opening ceremony and probably never will but it is beyond comprehension how it was allowed to proceed. After all, it could not have been planned and executed in secret. It is a demonstration that things are much, much worse than we could imagine in France. As you say, utter humiliation for a nation that has been the epicentre of taste and sophistication for many centuries. I am saddened to see what has become of it and wonder if the burning of Notre Dame was as unsuspicious as claimed. They seem linked somehow. You have expressed that very well in a paragraph.

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Hi Isha,

If you haven't, please go here for a very succinct summation of what happened:


Since the man behind Vigilant Citizen is Lebanese, he's careful to never say Jews, lest they accuse him of being just another Anti-Semitic Arab!

Beirut has again been bombed by Jews. This most magnificent Arab city is half wrecked. For years, Lebanese have heard Jewish planes flying overhead, violating their airspace. After my first few days there, I stopped looking up.


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P.S. It's weird and frustrating to hear nothing from Taxi at Plato's Gun. This morning, I actually checked the price of Beirut's Mayflower Hotel, where I stayed in 2020. From there, I can hire a car to Taxi's house not far from Sidon. My recent trip to peaceful Brisbane was filled with blunders so it would be foolish to attempt a hop to threatened Lebanon. I fall asleep often just sitting in a Vung Tau cafe.

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Thanks for filling me in, Lin. So far, I have only gone so far as to watch the progress of the wonderful Australian female swimmers, not a man among them thankfully. I heard on Redacted a few hours ago that the latest move will be to make air travel unaffordable to any but the very rich in the name of Greenery, so those of us prone to senior moments as well as many others will have such decisions taken out of our hands. One of the cities I always thought I would like to visit was Damascus but even if I could afford it there is nothing left to visit I understand. We have had a good run with the travelling though. Now is the time of falling asleep and dreaming in cafes I guess. Bon voyage! And yes, thanks for introducing us all to Vigilant Citizen.

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Hi Linh, thanks for introducing me to Vigilant Citizen's writing.

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It is interesting to hear the word-phrase "anti-Semite" so often misused and misunderstood. Jews are not the only Semites; Arabs are Semites too in that they speak a language classified as Semetic. And to what extent modern Jews had their roots in the Middle-East seems doubtful. Most Ashkenazim Jews seem to have genetic roots in Eastern Europe and or among the medieval Khazar empire of Western Asia. So the ancestry of modern Israelis seems to not be in the Levant or the Middle-East. It seems remarkable that a man supposedly as intelligent as Netanyahu would invoke the Old-Testament, a work of fiction and elaborate fairly tales, as a reliable historical source. Apparently the pretext he needs to convince his more religiously devout followers of his sacred, god given purpose.

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Hi everyone,

We don't need such incivility here, so I will ban Alex from making any more comments.


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I was wondering if he had anger management/ mental health issues? I was going to suggest a mental health therapist for him but I'll let sleeping dogs lie.

PS. Mr. Dinh, I appreciate the intelligence and civility of both yourself and most of your commentators.

I know I sometimes get carried away by verbosity in my comments so I thank you for your patience and indulgence. (Ironically I rarely speak in the "real world" if I can avoid doing so.)

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Tanktop commented: "Without enough customers, you can lose money for the day." I don't know how the taxis are set up in Vietnam, but when I was driving here in the US for a few months back in my younger years, I paid a lease fee for the car, and on top of that, had to pay for my own gas (pick up the cab full, return it full). This was back in the late '70s;; you paid $25 for 12 hours or $38 for 24 hours, and had to make enough to at least pay that fee (referred to as your "nut"). Many drivers were actually behind, and in the office every day there were always at least a couple of drivers trying to persuade the dispatcher to let them pay their nut at the end of the day, since they were too broke to pay it in advance. Cabs always seemed expensive to me as a passenger, but no driver without a "side hustle" was getting rich on it, I can tell you. Many nights you were lucky to make the equivalent of minimum wage after expenses.

BTW: "At the end, with Biden and Mayorkas welcoming them, is the most trumped up paradise ever!" No pun intended, I presume.......

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I'm leery of the Last Supper mockery assertion. None of the freaks are in the same postures or making the same gestures as the apostles in DaVinci's tableau. There's a table, yes, but no plates or food. Even Fatso La Butch is making a decidedly un-Luciferian finger heart. The Dionysius figure in blue is a travesty all right, but of the wine god, if you think about who came first, which religion offered the first communal partaking of divine flesh. (How'd the Devil pull that off?)

Re the Israeli group rape of a Palestinian prisoner - I still can't believe it was actual male rape. Are they a bunch of faggots? Extremely unlikely, their military culture is typically "hetero-normative". More likely the poor guy was being sodomized by some object.

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I believe he was sodomized with a fire extinguisher a form of torture. This was referenced and defended in an Israeli parliamentary committee.

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I agree with your observation of the "Last Supper mockery assertion". I noticed the same things you state when I first saw it.

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I had read the rape by those 9 was of a man, not a woman. I'm not exactly sure which would be worse, but then, I suppose we are talking about mere "human animals" being raped after all, so it likely hardly matters to the rioters (or the rapists).

Also, is anyone going to break it to Israel that all humans are, in fact, animals (including Israelis)? Trump evidently hasn't figured this out yet either...

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Hi Optera,

Thanks for the correction. I will now change "woman" to "man." It's evil either way, and it has happened thousands of times inside Jewish prisons.


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Hi Linh,

I read about this "incident" earlier this morning. The story is even uglier than that:


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Terrible. Thank you for posting the link. The truth is important.

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"Yesterday, I posted at my blog a Jewish Chronicle..."

Linh, pardon my naivety, what is your blog's URL?

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Hi Irritable Farmer,

Do scroll down for photos of this year's St. Irinarkh Cross Procession in Borisoglebsky, as sent by a reader:


It's always refreshing to see beautiful people in a sane country!


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Still cant find this Lln, or have missed some irony?

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If you do happen to find this article please let me know 🙏

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This is what I am looking for;

Yesterday, I posted at my blog a Jewish Chronicle article, “Who is DJ Barbara Butch,

No luck finding said article. Maybe I'm missing something?

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Thanks Linh

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Always brilliant. But exceptionally brilliant tonight. I'll have to read this several times to digest it all. You have the courage to look at the world -- and dissect and analyze it -- in a way that the cowardly and pusillanimous (like me) hide from. (And I'm not masochistic I'm just very honest. Or trying to be.)

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Hi Linh, you mentioned posting something on your blog....where can I find your blog?

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Hi Peggy,

Here it is:



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