Jul 27Liked by Linh Dinh

Unfortunately, "all we want" isn't to be free of Jewish power. Since coming back, I have found that white Americans are terrified of being seen as anti Semitic. Even if they are against the slaughter of Palestinian kids, they aren't comfortable acknowledging Jews are the ones who are doing it. It is the Zionists! Well who are the Zionists? Better not say.

Bring up Jewish power and dominance of the Brandon administration as the main reason America supports the genocide and they completely shut down. The conversation is over. It would be better if they were just afraid of the Jewish Stasi but they are just conditioned to view "anti Semitism" as the worst of all crimes.

America has to be the strangest empire in history. It is largely ruled by a hostile minority who hates the majority. The more the whites love the Jews, the more the Jews hate them. Evangelicals worship Jews and there is no group Jews hate more. Maga Republicans will fight and die for our greatest ally Israel even though Jews openly hate them.

The Dissident Right talks a big game about the Jews but wants no part of the brown and black and crazy white women fighting against the Jewish slaughter of Palestinian kids. After all those kids aren't white even though the Jews would like to, and probably will, do the same to American whites.

Anyway, a long winded way of saying, the best term I can think of for America is a clusterfuck-nation.

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Mandy Cohen at CDC does these fake show productions where she is the center of attention. They have a sound studio, an audience, the whole shebang. This is only for internal consumption. The CDC really does resemble a Jim Jones style cult. Some commentator, either the Burning Platform or something, talked about the people managing these days are not about getting anything constructive done but about narrative. It fits her so well. She loves flying around the world on the goyim's dime to produce her monthly facebook fantasy agency updates. Meanwhile, the nation's health gets more and more physically and mentally sick.

This country can't collapse fast enough.

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Exposing the Jews and their dirty tricks is a rarity these days. Once again, thank you for naming the Jew.

This needs to be cast in fine granite to sit at the foot of the Statue of Liberty;

Sickest societies are those most poisoned by Jewish thinking.

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When in the third grade, as is imposed upon all third graders, my teacher asked me "Tommy, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I thought for a minute: "I want to be a professional ice hockey player, or a 'drugged starlet on a casting couch' or a platitude spewing chief executive."

My teacher, mildly taken aback said something like, "Why Tom, you can't be any of those horrible, ghastly things!"

Well, of course she was right. So I grew up to be nothing. Except maybe a Kafkaesque sort of large cockroach. Lying, limbs akimbo, among all the other cockroaches scurrying around this American Third-World dump.

Which leads me to the inevitable and unavoidable question: "Why do the aliens often appear as nine foot tall mantid (praying mantis) beings?" Hey!, jus' ax'en. When they come to abduct you (often accompanied by their short gray alien friends) they are forced to stoop in an undignified and uncomfortable manner to fit into your shabby apartment bedroom with a mere eight foot high ceiling. Rather undignified for a toweringly tall highly intelligent insect being! (And if you ever wondered how a nine foot tall insect evolved sentient intelligence, you are asking the wrong questions.)

As my mother frequently said (between deep drags on her chain smoked cigarettes) "Tom! You ax'en me too many questions!" (In all honesty, she didn't speak that poorly; but I often do when I'm with my "homeys" or my "bros". Ya kno' what I'm sayin'?! (or, "I be sayin' ") It's no wonder no reputable business would hire me. Who wants to associate with a hate filled white man with "Die Mother f*cker" tattooed on his forehead?!

Now, if you'll pardon me, I have to go do some "deep-cleansing" yoga.

(I was going to go to my neighborly neighbor and inquire, "Kind sir [or madam] have you any soporifics I might borrow? I will gladly repay you on Tuesday." But I feared I might get my head blown off through the door.)

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Sitting here with a big smile on my face seeing all of those pictures of you!

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Once they start networking in your country and they infiltrate your government with their corporations and lobbyist, - your country is History.

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I feel like people need to do a staring contest of silence with a Bruce Lee statue for some time... To save the sanity of this world.

In the post-apocalyptic future, when people regain their marbles, become super calm and self-reflective, when the word 'Jew' comes up, they will have this to say:

- I do not know what a Jew is. However, long ago I perfected my judo throwing-out-windows for people who screamed antisemitism at me, when I conversed over common sense.

- I only mention this because I have heard vaguely that the mystery word 'Jew' was supposed to have some connection to antisemitism, although I would like to hold off on assuming a 'Jew' was crazy, as associated with Flightless-Zion-Bird who worships antisemitism.

- Judo throwing was never meant for the wingless Zion Bird, but it was a great method to rid myself of it's presence.

- Maybe I will never know the meaning of the word, which cannot define itself. Many Mysteries to contemplate...

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What a marvel you are, Linh. I particularly loved the bottom picture. Just one little quibble. This "Biden" that is palling around with the genocide coalition, is not the Biden we grew up with. That guy is dead and gone (probably most literally). The way in which the United States has been overtaken by certain interests suggests to me that there is a lot to be said for the more esoteric theories that other civilizations (not of this earth) have utilized the Jews for some very evil things and for a very long time. The "trantaloids" come to mind as a puppeteer species (think insect people and probably "bloodsuckers" of some sort or other. Linda Moulton Howe has looked into these beings, suggesting that they are known to be here on earth as a very malign influence (and shape shifters to boot). Of note, Reagan was apparently briefed about these "people" by his CIA director when fairly new to the White House. Reagan surely knew plenty about the Jews from his Hollywood days. It suggests a possible relationship between his pulling out of Lebanon after the marine barracks was exploded (probably by you know who) rather than be inveigled into going to fight a war for those people that was not justified. People said, at the time, "how un-Reagan-like" - the guy was maybe a little bit smarter than Donald Trump, and he saved our ass by leaving Lebanon. Anyway Biden ain't Biden, and Trump is not Reagan.

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Hi Gina,

I'm lost when it comes to these theories about extraterrestrials. Perfectly coherent and articulate Timothy Alberino discuss these issues, and I only found out about him when he was interviewed by the very sane Clayton Morris. There is certainly a lot we can't see and don't know.


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I do not want to make enemies, but...the US and the State of Israel are inseparable. As long as the beasts-of burden US tax-payers fund the federal government, the government will fund Israel. The reason that this is true - above every other reason - is the Zionist Protestantism of Whites. There are few places in America where "the long-suffering children of Israel" (note well the word "children" - it indicates innocence) are extolled as consistently as in churches. A person may believe what they want; so be it. But the little old grandma and the earnest farmer and the friendly town doctor - all of whom are among the most decent people you could ever know - enthusiastically desire the continuation of the murderous Jewish state, and they give their tithes to prove it.

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I decided I needed to " improve my swag." If you know what I mean. So I did bicep reps. Twenty four/seven. Three sixty five. (I can spew platitudes endlessly. If you need some just contact me.)

Within months I had huge, Arnold Scharzenegger like bulging biceps. But my legs were scrawny; my feet were flat. I had a grotesque pot belly that can only be the result of horribly bad genes combined with bad eating habits. And womanly breasts.

Just what is it they're puttin' in the water? Anyway.

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