What I long for, in my simple-mindedness, is people who go against the grain. Who do not get tattoos and loath hanging-out tits. Who do not want to be coooool and can actually blush.

I long for people who are plain and honest. But at the same time intelligent and wide awake. Thinking beyond the stories told to them. People who live in reality and believe their own eyes and ears. Who are wary of ideology spouting love and caring.

I long for people who can take the pain of experiencing what fallen creatures human beings are without thinking they are the exception.

I love people who became cynical and suspicious by so many lies but can still cry and are deeply moved by others’ pain. I love people who are not ashamed (any more) of their authentic nakedness. I love people who treasure truth above all else.

Postscript: I do not like the Irish Ian creature.

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Very nicely put!

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I thought that I should inform you that I am currently jailed in Substack gulag. 'Temporary disablement'. They are coming for EVERYONE. Satirists, polemicists, bloggers. Live every day as if it was your last. Unz probably had a part in this. You know he is an agent, don't you?

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Hi Thorsten,

If they went after you, I should expect the same treatment. Meanwhile, I'll keep writing without self-censorship.

With Covid, Unz exposed himself as a complete fraud. That's why I left.


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Did they give you a reason?

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They said it was 'high security risk', since I published 'Empire of the Jews' about space galactic Jews and the Fifth dimension. Europeans will flag and strike and report even the most obvious polemics to the authorities. Was just released from SS jail (SubStack) on probation, and will have to hide behind a paywall. If more strikes follow, just like with all social media platforms, I am out. And more strikes are about to follow, because the thought police is restless. BLAH!

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We really live in mad times.But we have been under Jew domination for longer than most knew.Every TV show and comic book and record had Jewish approval.That's true demonic power.I believe God sent the internet as a last chance for truth to get out to many.God will make a way if we don't give up.Thank you and Linh for doing more than your part.

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BTW, much appreciated you and Linh keep fighting the good fight!

Viel Glück.

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You know Thorsten I always wondered why a Jew like Unz would tell the truth about his people.I knew there had to be an angle.

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Well, all social media platforms are controlled by the same onkel, including TIK TOK. It's hard to fight "them" using "their" medium.

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Thank you, Linh. Your prose consistently gives me pause to reflect; and, at times tugs at my heartstrings. Your profile of Ian - I am still gobsmacked reading of Westerners who steadfastly cling to their delusions even after they have immersed themselves into the reality of the third world. And - as you point out with clarity - America is fast descending into tribal savagery. It breaks my heart, having grown up in America in the 60s and 70s. We understood then that society was not perfect; but, believed that the present was better than the past; and, fully expected that with everyone pitching in, that hopefully future would be even better. Like Ian, we were hypnotized by Madison Ave. style propaganda. - A fevered dream. God help us when the fever finally breaks.

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I've been lurking too long and bit the bullet as a subscriber. Glad I did, you're worth it, love your stuff. Stay fierce 🥷

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I saw the latest video on your blog this morning. To me, what was more telling than the antics of the woman being filmed was the audio of the person doing the filming. It sounded like his female companion suggested calling police at one point, and he objected that he didn’t want to do that because then “he would have to stop filming.” I see this over and over in these videos—people seem to view these things primarily as their opportunity to get "that killer video clip," and are otherwise completely detached from the scene going on in front of them that so obviously calls for intervention.

BTW, when you mentioned “Montenegrins”, I assume you were referring to Montagnards? I think Montenegrin is the language of the people of Montenegro, in the Balkans.

It’s disheartening that people like your Irish acquaintance can still embrace such a pre-digested narrative about the world despite his wider exposure to it.

Perhaps the die-off from the war in Ukraine is a motive in itself. My own speculation leans toward a wider purpose, which is the desire to depopulate the country. The creation of millions of refugees is doing that far better than the killing itself, and surveys show that a majority of them do not intend to return, even after the war is over, unless forced to.

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Hi JustPlainBill,

I do mean Montenegrins as in the natives of Montenegro, a mountainous country. I crossed into it with a friend when I was in Albania, but didn't stay there very long, unfortunately.


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Interesting to know--I did not know this about them!

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Hi JustPlainBill,

Montenegro was the only piece of the Balkans the Ottomans couldn't quite conquer. Montenegrins are rightly proud of this.


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P.S. By historical losers and winners, I mean those who claimed the most fertile land with easy access to trade routes, where they built large settlements, were winners, while those who had to live on difficult terrain were losers, relatively. Even though the Ottoman Turks couldn't gobble up Montenegro, they still had a great empire with all sorts of military, engineering and artistic achievements, etc. They were winners.

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Nice read. I felt I was there.

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Hi Linh. Several decades ago Revilo Oliver wrote that he had first become engaged in politics because, to paraphrase, he believed there was a difference between White Americans and the cattle that peer through the slats of their stalls as they are transported to the slaughterhouse. As it turns out there is for most of us no difference whatsoever. Whatever we were in centuries past, we are now incapable of even defending our CHILDREN. China, in an historically speaking blink-of-an-eye, will occupy the same position in the world that the US did in 1946, except China will not be systematically destroyed by Jews....I hope.

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Quite sad to hear that a fellow Donegal man is another of those gullible fools. He is the low minority here in the most Northerly county in Ireland, as we as a people have quite the habit of voting against whatever the government proposes. It the government wants a Yes vote, the people of Donegal will vote no.

I would also assume that 'Ian' cannot speak a word of Gaeilge which is widely spoken here where the peasants like myself live on the coast. I had three or four words in English when i walked the 500 yards with my mother to the school on my first day, two of those words were Fuck and Off.

I'm sure that 'Ian' would roundly condemn the freedom fighters of the Provisional Irish Republican Army and that he would be a strong supporter of those benevolent Brits who came and stole our land.

Donegal has he fair share of Scottish planters living here in places like St. Johnston, Creeslough, Raphoe and anywhere where the soil was good. We were sent further and further west. I live 200 meters from the seashore. 'Ian' is probably just another descendant from Scottish planters. . .. . . they never fitted in. Because we did not permit it.

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Most people are really very dumb, they do not have thoughts of their own, nor any knowledge or even curiosity to find out more, and they blindly trust the media to fulfill the void in their brains about how to believe. In a way, it makes sense. Thinking for yourself or even searching for alternate explanations is hard and makes the brain hurt.

Also, believing that your own government or elite wants to kill you is a bitter pill to swallow, and many prefer not even to think about it. I remember during the Covid psyop that I asked someone in Germany why she agreed with the lockdowns and vaccine mandates even if they seemed self-defeating or even insane, but she replied, "We must trust that they are doing the right thing! We must!" Questioning the government made her very afraid, because then, what safety was there?

That is why democracy is a stupid and even contradictory system. Supposedly these people who can't even think for themselves about their own life decisions are ready to decide about the nation's most ponderous questions.

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I appreciate your honesty. It's hard to find people who will even try to learn and share the best truth they can too, as imperfect as we all are. It's not always easy to avoid all this intentional disinformation, counter psyops, and then misinformation we have around us. But regardless of good and bad history all over the world, and only learning fairly recently en masse that we've been born into a false version of our US Constitutional principles since December of 1913, and with respect to what some people were/are still unfortunately born into concerning many stupid narratives that our rulers covertly promote and inflict on us in America, and almost everywhere else, and off the top of my head I'll have to represent the many people who even want to have any sense on this planet in these first 25 years or so of the internet and say these 4 things take the cake:

1. Man-made religions and the different variants of each - self explanatory.

2.) Electronic voting machines - self explanatory.

3.) People who won't stop saying the word "Nazi" - even after they learn who made it up, why, what it means, and who benefits each time it's said.

4.) People who go around saying that "Jews are God's chosen people" like some people I personally know, but can't tell you who is, or is not, a Jew. Most of these people worldwide can't pour piss out of a boot with the instructions on the bottom when it comes down to it and like Carl Sagan said:

"The dumbing down of America is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30-second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance." -Carl Sagan

Best regards,

Michael 🌻



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Nice framing on the Bangkok photo, Linh; every face is the perfect picture of boredom. Even the statue seems to manifest indifference and lethargy.

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You really summed it up in those last few paragraphs Linh.They have Jewed us right out of this world.Like I have said before they most assuredly have Satanic power behind them to fool people into killing their brothers for Jewish pleasure(and that covers centuries of wars and conflicts and scams etc)I've seen quite a few like the Irishman you met,they have some money and seem to think everything going on is peachy.They seem stupid but aren't,maybe mesmerized or maybe just not wise.Either way this world is gone.Linh you are a blessing.Please take care and may the good Lord watch over you.

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Blows my mind these stunted midwits can live in rural Laos and Saudi and still be mind-melted and quadruple-vaxed like the Goodest Goy back home in Slough. The perpetual HBO is a nice touch--I truly think a large portion of the population is completely lacking any internal narrative unless it's piped directly there via my old bosses. Sad stuff. Did we ever have inner lives? Or are we just realizing now that, collectively, there was never any 'there' there?

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How can I subscribe to your blog, Linh?

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Hi Peggy,

At the bottom of my blog, there's this link:

Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

It's probably best, though, to just bookmark it and check in regularly:


My blog has photos, mostly, but is also a sort of notebook, where I post or repost whatever I think adds to our understanding of what's going on.


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Thanks....I've been missing out!

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As to 'anonymous' - so offputting when someone boasts about their ignorance.

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