"The further you are from the Jewish American axis of evil, the better chance you have of regaining normality and sanity."


Definitely. Since a teenager I've witnessed the perfidious Jew gnawing away at Deathship America. Thanks to Jewish tricks, America now sits on the tangent line of the exponential decay curve - decaying at an increasing rate. It’s a shame that Blade Runner and other movies made those dystopias look so cool. American dystopia is just gonna look like Haiti.

God bless Thailand and all of SE Asia.

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But at least it will be a hi-tech Haiti. We're gonna need a lot of hardware to track all the cattle tags.

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I call it the Space Ghetto. What a scene.

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You would not believe the gibberish that spouted from my Jewjabbed and Jewhypnoed former friend. It is astonishing when you see the deep conditioning in action. Israpehell literally is unquestionable and more important than his homeland. Meanwhile, the Zionists wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire.

You have to hand it to them that they are master manipulators.

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Always love it when you are in a picture!

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I like your new look -vigilant, slimmed down, two-tone beard. You do look younger.

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Agree, the less baggage you have in the Matrix, the better off you are - especially the valuable baggage. Gout ? have had it for 30 years - 100mg tablet Diclofenac a day for a week should help. Seafood is hard on my Gout and inactivity. Gotta move it move it.

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