
"Without an actual experience of her, America is pure fantasy, a fabulous rumor."

Yes--how many had to come here to find out that the streets are not "paved with gold"?

It is interesting how while those of us who are here can sense our descent in our gut, millions still subject themselves to untold hardships just to gain a furtive presence here, illegal or otherwise. They still see potential opportunity where we see only looming disaster.

Are they just behind the reality of it, or are they truly coming from a place that actually makes America look good by comparison? (Or maybe some of both....)

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

It is so for all of the West now. I feel frustration with how those refugees and immigrants rocking up on our shores have rosy eyed visions of the future which awaits them. Not too many years pass for most before the gleam is gone and they're starting to get what I meant when I said they're not going to find it as free, or fun as they thought. A couple of years ago nothing was free, you will pay for anything, including free money from government. Social security is a big draw card here, same as the UK. That aint' free. You give up freedom to get it. Why I have always refused anything from government even when it might have helped and I was "entitled"

These days not even we are free. There are people who will be content eking out a life on the government skirt. Not much between these and the ones who may support themselves financially but leave all the decisions to the government. This is the society which is stifling and offers nothing I want. It seems beside my kayaks, this society doesn't want anything from me either. We don't agree on much. In the end when I am gone, they won't notice. They already lost the rest of my industry not caring, and buying Chinese imports from big box stores. Not even convenience, just that they had the ads and flashing lights to attract their attention. They lost local manufacturing buying Chinese imports for their kids Christmas. A few years later they wonder why the only jobs their kids can get is working in big box stores selling Chinese imports.

Many do come from places that make the USA, and Australia look good. The problem I have with that, is that invariably our troops are going to be in those countries from which refugees and immigrants start streaming. They didn't usually get like they are, without our input. They send bombs, troops and terrorist proxies at Iraq, then wonder why Iraqis start streaming over their borders. Same with Syria, Afghanistan and the rest. The math is not hard. There's usually a run of immigrants prior to the starting 'gun'. They're the ones who can best afford to leave. Then the rush begins.

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Will there be a false flag in Ukraine just in time for the Super Bowl?

By the way, what a boring and depressing sport is American "football". They are stopping or rearranging positions most of the time. Even basketball and baseball are more fun to watch. And only useless nerds like Sailer enjoy sport statistics. I never watched a "Super Bowl".

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Standard operating Procedure calls for a "war" just in time for the Mid-Term elections.

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Russia is being stubborn about it though. They may have to start it themselves, openly. That's not exactly how they like to do these things. They only keep their people convinced they're a peaceful country, despite having never not been at war with someone, by pretending they never start them.

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Thanks to writers, mostly American, I have never felt any urge to visit the USA. Though I have absorbed much of the good stuff, thanks also to writers. For the same reason, I have never watched a single game of American football. Warned off it more than 40 years ago from a single essay in high-school. I know more about golf, which is virtually nothing. It's got a little white dimply ball, and different kinds of sticks you use to hit it around a big park. There's holes in the ground and I think you're meant to plonk the balls in them. Not sure if there's any order. American football? They wear padded bras and put padding all over themselves like sissies and other than that, two teams run at each other like bulls. There's a ball in there shaped like a football but I don't think it's got much to do with the action, just that it scores some points if someone can get it past the other end. I'm OK dying without improving my knowledge on either of those.

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Goodness gracious fabulous stuff.

Your command of the English language makes me want to weep in awe and gnash with resentment...but the best part is that your cultural remove from the Anglophone realm prevents you from succumbing to the jingoism that typically clouds writers-in-English. (Often, in subtle, unconscious ways that dull even the blade of scrutiny in would-be dissidents and rebels.)

Thanks, LD.

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Thanks for the interesting meaning of My Lai. I wonder how many Americans are aware of the massacre ?

A few months ago, I was talking with a friend of mine & the discussion turned to war. I mentioned the My Lai Massacre, but he said he never heard of it.

He's only 7 years younger than me.


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Hi Bill, you should ask someone under 30 what year was 9/11, or even what month was 9/11?

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"Hey man, is this a trick question? Are you a transphobic fascist or something?"

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Will do.

Was at the MJ dispensary last week & I heard the girl behind the counter mention to her friend that see had just graduated from Arizona State University.


A BS degree from ASU now gets you a $12-$15 an hr job selling dope.


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The Super Bowl is playing in the background as I type this.

Rams are down 20-16 late in the 4th qtr but have just marched into "enemy territory".

I think back to March 1968. I was in 8th grade in Buffalo, NY.

We used to organize football games on the front lawn of the University of Buffalo campus, which was right next to our neighborhood.

No equipment was needed, except a football. With 12-15 guys there was usually a few of those.

The best one we used, the others served as goalposts.

We had our own rules, no parents allowed.

Flash forward 30 years & my son (9 or 10 years old at the time) wants to play football but now it's all organized.

Fees, insurance forms, rule books and screaming parents.

All to "keep the children safe".

Fascinating to hear how people in other countries view the United States.

Rams just scored to go up 23-20 with a minute & a half left.

Gotta run, I'm an American.


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