Hi everyone,

Just in case you have forgotten how barbaric is Zelensky's Ukraine:


Israel, USA and Ukraine are the most savage countries right now. What do they have in common?


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So sad to hear of Gonzalo's death, although what would have been really surprising would have been to hear that he was not dead. I have read his writing and watched him since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict and he was extremely confrontational towards the Ukrainian authorities. A country in a state of war does not deal gently with that sort of outspoken commentary from within its walls and he would have known that. We can regret he did not flee sooner but he plainly had his reasons. I always have mixed feelings about such men. He was not unlike the hunger strikers in Belfast. It always seems to me there is something deeper at play, but not being able to look inside other people's minds I can only feel sad for their families.

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People that never done nothing at all?

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Alright, so here's what's going on. In a land far, far away, there's a giant prison that's full of people who shouldn't be there at all and the prison was built by a bunch of other people who have a history of being hated for no reason at all ...

Mr Fish - Dear Dove


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Hi everyone,

This Gonzalo Lira video from 3/12/22 goes a long way in explaining the Biden White House's complicity in his death:


The video also shows that Lira went further than Scott Ritter and Douglas Macgregor in dissecting the evilness of this Ukraine war.


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The American Government fought tooth and nail to release a black lesbian basketball player from a Russian prison whoo had been arrested for a common drug crime, but did absolutely nothing for an American citizen who was a political prisoner. I doubt the Chilean government did much either. Weird times indeed.

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Note also that said basketball player was also well known for her pre-game expressions of anti-US sentiment. So it's clear that the US government's support for her was not based on any kind of principle, but was mere pandering to their "progressive" base.

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Weird but oh so common. Let's not forget Assange is still dying in prison in the UK, Israel has a long and grotesque history of imprisoning and killing journalists, truth tellers are targeted frequently in the US imprisoned and if lucky exiled, politically motivated persecution is rife in the world. The free world can only be uttered as a bad joke.

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Ya. Russia got the best of that deal and getting Victor back was a great day ! The US Embassies and parts of the State Department are run by the biggest MIC Corporation in the World - they are into Death - not Diplomacy.

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Thank you, Linh. A fitting tribute to a brave truth-teller, Gonzalo Lira. 🙏🏿👍🏾

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A tragic day indeed.

"The reason people are silenced is not because they lie, but because they speak the truth.When people lie, their own words can be used against them, but when they tell the truth, there is no logical argument, only violence as an antidote."-Theodor Fontane(1819-1898)

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Nietzsche about censorship:

So far,only the truth has been forbidden.

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Amen Linh.As always you are on the mark.The Jews are behind the destruction of Mankind.Stay proud and healthy.God bless you friend.

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Thanks Linh - a very thoughtful tribute to Gonzalo Lira.

I first started working in Ukraine in 2008 and retired there in 2012. I'm still here, but my neighbors instinctually decided to vote to go back to Mother Russia. I saw it all go down but like most, it took a few years for all the dots to align themselves. I've been to the Independence Square before, and after the Maidan and when I was working , the main office of the Ukie/Russian contractor that I worked for was here. I was not a stranger to Kiev, but that long sleeper train from Crimea to Kiev had some funny episodes. Not complaining tho. lol

After 2015 I wasn't allowed back in Ukraine so I wondered why Gonzalo and the rest of the foreigners from the States etc. got to stay - maybe they never came to Crimea- therefore not a Criminal traitor to the JudeaNazis - or something like that. Lol When I first heard G, I thought - Na he can't be in Kharkiv and saying that - could he? But I figured he knew what he was doing and Ukraine is the land of Pay offs, but I - personally, growing up on the streets in Chicago , living in Nam in 70-71 and traveling thru other places, would have never hung around where he was. I even commented on his street smarts on the sites he was talking with - Brian in Thailand etc. - thinking someone would talk to him. Nothing - he kept talking and I was floored that he hung in there. Up onto the very end of his " great escape" he was still giving us a blow by blow account - like the song " Ride like the Wind - headed to the Border. But he didn't make it. RIP Amigo !

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What a difference a short move across the border to Belgorod would have made. These nazis responsible for Gonzalo's demise will be repaid with their own special place in hell when the Russians take Kharkov in the not too distant future.

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Totally Agree Charlie, what a shame !

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I think the fact he was saying what he did and was still 'sort of' free is what Scott Ritter was suspicious of. I was never sure what to make of it myself.

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Bravo Linh! Excellent eulogy for a fallen hero. Another hero in my opinion is

Pastor Chuck Baldwin located in Fila, Montana. His sermons are as incisive and

inspirational as Brother Nathaniel's (who is by the way back on rense.com).

Baldwin's sermons are both Biblical and political. Baldwin blasts the 70 million

American Zionist Christian fools. The ones at my former church were laughing

and clapping at news of the Gaza Genocide in October! Zionist Christian is an

oxymoron. They are not Christians! They are available for free on his website.

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Rest in Paradise and be renewed

Gonzo LIRA rest in Paradise and be renewed

You are timeless as My Heart holds You dearly

Gonzo Lira know You are greatly LOVED and live on in all Our hearts

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Always remember they hate you and want you dead. there is a lot of truth to the saying about the Good whites and Jews.

All those people who pontificate so much about compassion and inclusion celebrate the misfortune and deaths of their political opponents even though they might not know anything about the person or people.

Of course, like with everything else, Jews are the most rabid as they celebrate the genocide of Palestinian children and deaths of the American white working class. The Jew Bill Maher laughed about the opioid crisis and called the poor whites who died Pillbillies.

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Hello Linh, Thank you for this powerful reminder of where we are.

I too was saddened by Gonzalo Lira's murder. I had hoped, that as he made his way to the border, after his second release, that he would indeed make it through and to safety and to a life as a most rare individual--a truth teller--in an age where the truth is a crime.

I have often thought about the hubristic, and idiotic 'leadership' clique throughout the west--Biden, Blinken, Johnson, Truss, Sunak, Macron, Schulz, Merkle, Beirbock, Trudeau, etc. I then came to a rather powerful understanding, that we have in place precisely what is needed--the wrong people in power, across the west, at the absolute right time--in order to bring down a five centuries reign of the most horrific, psychopathic, and genocidal empire(s), perhaps, the world has ever known.

And they do not disappoint, as they lay waste to the wide world, their societies, their economic systems, themselves, etc. amidst ongoing, serial genocides--Yemen, Ukraine, Gaza--in a paroxysm of profound evil. They are, in fact, destroying themselves, while believing that they are somehow doing the complete opposite--saving themselves (US/West and Israel)--and this is both irony and abject insanity. Further, they are doing it in record time! Incredible. How does it feel to be ruled by the criminally insane and quite evil fools (see also vaccine as bioweapon)?

We witness, before our very eyes, perhaps, the fall of the last empire of serial genocides, of countless wars, of tens of millions murdered and it is all captured on smartphones across the world, an historical record that will be hard to ignore. In this way, it will serve as a dire warning for those to come--follow these fools and perish quickly and at your own hands--or live, love, value peace, truth, and prosperity will follow. A further point would be to abandon ideology, as it is death.

Perhaps every prior empire fell in this selfsame way. We, who live today, however, have the tragic duty to observe this empire's demise and to keep its record. For those aware enough to see, I imagine, this is but one of our charges--responsibilities--the other is vigilance and truth. Just saying.

Gonzalo Lira, Rest in Peace

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This sad news made me think of lyrics by Gil Scott Heron,1973.

And now it's winter

Winter in America

Yes and all of the healers have been killed

Or sent away, yeah

But the people know, the people know

It's winter

Winter in America

And ain't nobody fighting

'Cause nobody knows what to save

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Just more proof that the American government is a despicable monster...Adios Gonzalo, may your courage and honesty be long remembered...

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Another day of disgrace for the US. What we are witnessing is the spiritual destruction of a nation. It is so varied, comprehensive, and effective, how can it be otherwise? ALL politicians are in the bag for the downfall. ALL politicians are zionists. Same with the judiciary. And why Zionist? What’s in it for the US. That is a blatant tell for the spiritual nature of what’s going on.

If you look at the citizens, we’re like a post-war nation where we lost badly. All the healthy and fit are gone. Mostly only the unfit and poorly educated remain in the blue collar workforce. Even the middle-class soccer moms are tatted, vulgar in speech, and morbidly obese (no, the skin tight workout pants don’t hide that).

Thanks for your essays and reports, Linh. Hopefully your peaceful asian lands remain so. Hopefully they don’t catch a full dose of the Western disease.

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Well said, not just nations, the rot is throughout the entire global west. I miss my ignorance of the past, but living a lie is not an option. I live in spiritual cesspool and feel so unclean as a part of it.

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Those Asian lands are still recovering from a severe dose of that disease.

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I too was so saddened to read about his death at the hands of those butchers… I really missed his reports and was hoping he would return but this was just a wishful thinking… He had guts to live in that utterly corrupt country and tell the naked truth as it is, but he unfortunately had to pay for it with his life. I always thought that he likely lived in Russia and only pretended to be in Kharkiv, but I was wrong. I wonder why he and his family did not leave that hellhole ahead of time…

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Perhaps, his wife and children's homeland was where he choose to make his stand. He told the truth, to the best of his knowledge, towards what he thought was best for Ukraine. I hope, that will become a precious legacy for his children. That legacy, potentially was more important to him than living comfortably in exile. This coming from a coward living comfortably, in exile, in my own country.

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The normal average Ukrainian will one day realize what has been done to them for NATO's /USA benefit and they may come to revere Gonzalo Lira. It would be fitting if one day soon a plaque was unveiled in KeyEv honoring his bravery.

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